448 research outputs found

    datos.bne.es: A library linked dataset

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    We describe the datos.bne.es library dataset. The dataset makes available the authority and bibliography catalogue from the Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE, National Library of Spain) as Linked Data. The catalogue contains around 7 million authority and bibliographic records. The records in MARC 21 format were transformed to RDF and modelled using IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) ontologies and other well-established vocabularies such as RDA (Resource Description and Access) or the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set. A tool named MARiMbA automatized the RDF generation process and the data linkage to DBpedia and other library linked data resources such as VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) or GND (Gemeinsame Normdatei, the authority dataset from the German National Library)

    Caracterización de genes implicados en la biosíntesis de estreptolidigina

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    La estreptolidigina es un antibiótico perteneciente a la familia de los ácidos tetrámicos (Schobert y Schlenk, 2008) producido por Streptomyces lydicus. Estudios biosintéticos usando precursores marcados han demostrado la incorporación de propionato, acetato, metionina y ácido glutámico (probablemente en forma de metil-aspártico) en la formación de la estructura principal del antibiótico (Chen y Harrison, 2004; Chen et al., 2006). Estos estudios apuntan a un sistema híbrido policétido sintasa-sintetasa de péptidos no ribosomales para la biosíntesis de estreptolidigina, lo cual se ha confirmado con el reciente aislamiento y caracterización del agrupamiento génico responsable de la biosíntesis del antibiótico (Ola- no et al., 2009). Dentro de la ruta se han identificado genes encargados de la regulación y secreción del antibiótico y otros genes que codifican proteínas involucradas en el aporte y modificación final del precursor aminoacídico. En esta comunicación se presentan los experimentos de inactivación y expresión de los genes slgZ y slgM, para demostrar o comprobar su participación en la biosíntesis del antibiótico estreptolidigina

    Quasi-local variables and inhomogeneous cosmological sources with spherical symmetry

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    We examine a large class of inhomogeneous spherically symmetric spacetimes that generalize the Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi dust solutions to nonzero pressure ("LTB spacetimes"). Local covariant LTB objects can be expressed as perturbations of covariant quasi-local (QL) scalars that satisfy evolution equations of equivalent Friedman-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) scalars. Thus, the dynamics of these spacetimes can be rigorously described as non-linear, gauge invariant and covariant perturbations on a formal FLRW background given by the QL scalars. Since LTB spacetimes are compatible with a wide variety of "equations of state" and theoretical assumptions, they provide an ideal framework for numerical models of cosmological sources under idealized but fully non-linear conditions. As an illustrative example, we briefly examine the formation of a black hole in an expanding Chaplygin gas universe.Comment: 8 pages, 2 pdf figures. Provides a concise summary of some of the results of arXiv:0801.3324v4 [gr-qc]. Submitted to the AIP Conference Proceedings of the III International Meeting on Gravitation and Cosmology, Morelia, Mexico, May 26-30, 200

    Percepción de esfuerzo, diversión y aprendizaje en alumnos de educación secundaria en las clases de Educación Física durante una Unidad Didáctica de CrossFit

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    This research aims to know the enjoyment, learning and intensity level perception in Physical Education lessons during a CrossFit Educational Component and the relationship among gender and educational level. In order to that, a total of 104 secondary students whose ages vary from 12 to 16 years old have filled in two questionnaires about enjoyment, learning and effort perception. The results have shown high levels of enjoyment, effort and learning perception in the students thought CrossFit practice. Thus, boys perceive higher enjoyment and intensity than girls, and it has found that students in upper secondary perceive physical education lessons as more intense and less fun.Esta investigación pretende conocer la percepción de diversión, aprendizaje y nivel de intensidad de las clases de Educación Física durante una Unidad Didáctica de CrossFit y su relación con el género y el nivel educativo. Para ello, un total de 104 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria de entre 12 y 16 años completaron dos cuestionarios de percepción de diversión, aprendizaje y esfuerzo. Los resultados obtenidos han mostrado unos valores altos de percepción de diversión, esfuerzo y aprendizaje en los estudiantes a través de la práctica de CrossFit. Por otro lado, los chicos perciben una mayor diversión e intensidad que las chicas, y se ha encontrando que los alumnos de segundo ciclo de secundaria perciben las clases de Educación Física como más intensas y menos divertidas

    Herbicidal Potential of the Natural Compounds Carvacrol, Thymol, Eugenol, p-Cymene, Citral and Pelargonic Acid in Field Conditions: Indications for Better Performance

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    In recent years, interest in natural products with herbicidal activity as new tools for integrated weed management has increased. The European Union is demanding a reduction in the number of herbicides used, forbidding use of the most toxic ones, despite the problem of weed resistance increasing. Pelargonic acid (PA) is the only natural herbicide available in Spain. In this work, two field assays were performed with the natural compounds carvacrol (CAR), citral (CIT), eugenol (EUG), thymol (THY), p-cymene (P-CYM), (PA), and the combination of PA with CIT-all except P-CYM formulated by Seipasa-to test their herbicidal efficacy in real conditions. They were compared with commercial PA, glyphosate (GLY) and oxyfluorfen (OXY). In both experiments, GLY achieved the best weed control. Considering the natural herbicides, PA formulated by Seipasa and PA plus CIT were the most effective. From both experiments, some conclusions can be extracted for better herbicidal performance of natural products: (1) use products on sensitive weed species, (2) treat weeds at earlier phenological stages, (3) find the active doses in field conditions, (4) cover weeds well when treating, (5) ensure adequate formulation of products, and (6) develop a strategy for correct application

    Chiral extrapolation of the sigma and rho mesons from dispersion relations and Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    We review our recent study of the pion mass dependence of the rho and sigma resonances, generated from one-loop SU(2) Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) with the Inverse Amplitude Method (IAM). In order to properly account for the Adler zero region, we also review the recently obtained modified version of the IAM; which is based on analyticity, elastic unitarity and ChPT at low energies, thus yielding the correct pion mass dependence of the resonance pole positions up to next-to-leading order in ChPT. As main results we find that the rho-pi-pi coupling constant is almost pion mass independent and that the rho mass shows a smooth pion mass dependence while that of the sigma shows a strong non-analyticity. These findings are important for studies of the meson spectrum on the lattice.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the "Scalar Mesons and Related Topics" workshop. Lisbon, February 11-16, 200