21 research outputs found

    Interactions végétation-climat au cours des derniers 425.000 ans en Europe occidentale. Le message du pollen des archives marines

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    Le pollen des sĂ©quences marines de la marge ouest europĂ©enne s’est avĂ©rĂ© un outil particuliĂšrement performant pour reconstituer avec prĂ©cision l’impact des changements climatiques Ă  l’échelle orbitale et celle millĂ©naire, Ă©vĂ©nements d’Heinrich et oscillations de Dangaard-Oeschger (D-O), sur la biosphĂšre continentale au cours des derniers 140.000 ans. La corrĂ©lation directe entre pollen, indicateurs climatiques marins et de glace issus de ces sĂ©quences permet de dĂ©montrer le synchronisme entre changements de tempĂ©ratures des eaux de surface des latitudes moyennes de l’Atlantique Nord oriental et rĂ©ponse de la vĂ©gĂ©tation de la PĂ©ninsule IbĂ©rique. Il existe donc pour des pĂ©riodes de forçage courtes un Ă©quilibre dynamique entre vĂ©gĂ©tation et climat. Ce travail montre Ă©galement que l’impact des oscillations de D-O en Europe a Ă©tĂ© spatialement variable. Les environnements du sud-ouest de la PĂ©ninsule IbĂ©rique,  alternant entre paysages semi-dĂ©sertiques (stades de D-O) et forĂȘts ouvertes mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes (interstades de D-O), ont Ă©tĂ© particuliĂšrement affectĂ©s par cette variabilitĂ© tandis que plus au nord la rĂ©ponse de la forĂȘt tempĂ©rĂ©e Ă  Ă©tĂ© estompĂ©e. En effet, au moment des rĂ©chauffements de D-O la forĂȘt de pin se dĂ©veloppe dans cette rĂ©gion. Par ailleurs, un dĂ©phasage entre les variations du volume de glace dans l’hĂ©misphĂšre nord et les changements du couvert forestier  dans le sud-ouest de l’Europe a Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence au cours du sous-stade isotopique marin 5e (MIS 5e). C’est ainsi que le volume minimal de glace est atteint Ă  128 ka, 2.000 ans avant l’expansion majeure de la forĂȘt tempĂ©rĂ©e qui marque le dĂ©but de l’EĂ©mien Ă  126 ka ; le dĂ©veloppement substantiel de calottes polaires se produit Ă  115 ka tandis que la forĂȘt perdure en IbĂ©rie jusqu’à 110 ka. La succession forestiĂšre dĂ©tectĂ©e au cours du dernier interglaciaire Ă  diffĂ©rentes latitudes montre que l’EĂ©mien de la PĂ©ninsule IbĂ©rique a durĂ© 16.000 ans,  soit 5000 ans de plus que l’EĂ©mien des rĂ©gions septentrionales au-dessus de 50°N (11.000 ans). Cette Ă©tude suggĂšre Ă©galement un premier dĂ©placement vers le sud de la ligne de la forĂȘt borĂ©ale entre 122 ka et 120 ka qui impliqueraient une expansion de la toundra. Ce dĂ©placement de ceintures de vĂ©gĂ©tation prĂ©cĂšde la croissance substantielle des calottes polaires. Ces donnĂ©es sont compatibles avec les simulations transitoires qui considĂšrent le remplacement de la taĂŻga par la toundra, doublant l’albĂ©do, comme un mĂ©canisme majeur pour l’entrĂ©e en glaciation. Ce mĂ©canisme semble avoir jouĂ© aussi un rĂŽle majeur pour initier l’accumulation de glace pendant la premiĂšre partie du stade isotopique 11 (MIS 11.3), un long interglaciaire datĂ© Ă  425 ka et qui a durĂ© ~30.000 ans, caractĂ©risĂ© par des variations d’insolation estivales plus faibles que celles du stade isotopique marin 5 (MIS 5) et semblables Ă  celles de l’interglaciaire actuel. Enfin, une variabilitĂ© climatique millĂ©naire au cours des derniers 3.000 ans a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e dans le nord ouest de la PĂ©ninsule IbĂ©rique par le calcul des flux polliniques dans une sĂ©quence estuarienne de la Ria de Vigo (Galice). Pollen from marine archives off western Iberia has been proved to be a particularly useful tool for precise reconstruction of the impact of climatic changes at orbital and millennial time scales, Heinrich events and Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) oscillations, on the continental biosphere over the last 140,000 years. The direct correlation between pollen, marine climatic and ice volume proxies from these sequences allows us to demonstrate the synchronicity between sea surface temperature changes in the mid-latitudes of the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean and the vegetation response of Iberia. There is, therefore, a dynamic equilibrium between vegetation and climate for short periods of forcing. This work also shows that the impact of the D-O oscillations in Europe was spatially variable. South-western Iberian ecosystems, alternating between semi-desert landscapes (D-O stadials) and open Mediterranean forest (D-O interstadials) were particularly affected by this millennial-scale climatic variability while in northernmost regions the response of the temperate forest was almost muted. Hence, pine forest developed following the D-O warming oscillations. In addition, a time-lag between ice volume variations in the northern hemisphere and forest cover changes in south-western Europe has been recorded during marine isotopic stage 5e (MIS 5e). The ice volume minimum is reached at 128 ka, 2,000 years earlier than the main forest expansion defining the onset of the Eemian at 126 ka; the substantial growth of the ice caps occurred at 115 ka while the forest survived in Iberia up to 110 ka. The forest succession detected at different latitudes during the last interglacial shows that the Iberian Eemian lasted 16,000 years and, therefore, 5,000 years more than the Eemian in northernmost regions above 50°N (11,000 years). This study also suggests a first southward displacement of the Boreal tree-line between 122 ka and 120 ka which would imply tundra expansion. This displacement of the vegetation belts precedes the substantial development of the ice caps. These data are compatible with transient simulations which consider the replacement of taiga by tundra, increasing albedo by a factor of two, as a major mechanism for glacial inception. This mechanism also seems to play a major role in the initiation of ice accumulation during the first part of marine isotopic stage 11 (MIS 11.3), a 30,000 year-long interglacial beginning at ~425 ka, characterised by weaker variations in summer insolation than those of MIS 5 and close to those of the present interglacial. Finally, a millennial-scale climatic variability over the last 3,000 years has been identified in north western Iberia by the pollen influx variations detected in an estuarine sequence from Ria de Vigo (Galicia)

    The effect of seasoning with herbs on the nutritional, safety and sensory properties of reduced-sodium fermented Cobrançosa cv. table olives

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    This study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of seasoning Cobrancosa table olives in a brine with aromatic ingredients, in order to mask the bitter taste given by KCl when added to reduced-sodium fermentation brines. Olives were fermented in two different salt combinations: Brine A, containing 8% NaCl and, Brine B, a reduced-sodium brine, containing 4% NaCl + 4% KCl. After the fermentation the olives were immersed in seasoning brines with NaCl (2%) and the aromatic herbs (thyme, oregano and calamintha), garlic and lemon. At the end of the fermentation and two weeks after seasoning, the physicochemical, nutritional, organoleptic, and microbiological parameters, were determined. The olives fermented in the reduced-sodium brines had half the sodium concentration, higher potassium and calcium content, a lower caloric level, but were considered, by a sensorial panel, more bitter than olives fermented in NaCl brine. Seasoned table olives, previously fermented in Brine A and Brine B, had no significant differences in the amounts of protein (1.23% or 1.11%), carbohydrates (1.0% or 0.66%), fat (20.0% or 20.5%) and dietary fiber (3.4% or 3.6%). Regarding mineral contents, the sodium-reduced fermented olives, presented one third of sodium, seven times more potassium and three times more calcium than the traditional olives fermented in 8% NaCl. Additionally, according to the panelists' evaluation, seasoning the olives fermented in 4% NaCl + 4% KCl, resulted in a decrease in bitterness and an improvement in the overall evaluation and flavor. Escherichia coli and Salmonella were not found in the olives produced.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Changes in ba phases in BaO/Al2O3 upon thermal aging and H2O treatment

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    The effects of thermal aging and H2O treatment on the physicochemical properties of BaO/Al2O3 (the NOx storage component in the lean NOx trap systems) were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), BET, TEM/EDX and NO2 TPD. Thermal aging at 1000 degrees C for 10 h converted dispersed BaO/BaCO3 on Al2O3 into low surface area crystalline BaAl2O4. TEM/EDX and XRD analysis showed that H2O treatment at room temperature facilitated a dissolution/reprecipitation process, resulting in the formation of a highly crystalline BaCO3 phase segregated from the Al2O3 support. Crystalline BaCO3 was formed from conversion of both BaAl2O4 and a dispersed BaO/BaCO3 phase, initially present on the Al2O3 support material after calcinations at 1000 and 500 degrees C, respectively. Such a phase change proceeded rapidly for dispersed BaO/BaCO3/Al2O3 samples calcined at relatively low temperatures with large BaCO3 crystallites observed in XRD within 10 min after contacting the sample with water. Significantly, we also find that the change in barium phase occurs even at room temperature in an ambient atmosphere by contact of the sample with moisture in the air, although the rate is relatively slow. These phenomena imply that special care to prevent the water contact must be taken during catalyst synthesis/storage, and during realistic operation of Pt/BaO/Al2O3 NOx trap catalysts since both processes involve potential exposure of the material to CO2 and liquid and/or vapor H2O. Based on the results, a model that describes the behavior of Ba-containing species upon thermal aging and H2O treatment is proposedclose303