440 research outputs found

    On the number of lambda terms with prescribed size of their De Bruijn representation

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    John Tromp introduced the so-called 'binary lambda calculus' as a way to encode lambda terms in terms of binary words. Later, Grygiel and Lescanne conjectured that the number of binary lambda terms with mm free indices and of size nn (encoded as binary words of length nn) is o(n3/2τn)o(n^{-3/2} \tau^{-n}) for τ1.963448\tau \approx 1.963448\ldots. We generalize the proposed notion of size and show that for several classes of lambda terms, including binary lambda terms with mm free indices, the number of terms of size nn is Θ(n3/2ρn)\Theta(n^{-3/2} \rho^{-n}) with some class dependent constant ρ\rho, which in particular disproves the above mentioned conjecture. A way to obtain lower and upper bounds for the constant near the leading term is presented and numerical results for a few previously introduced classes of lambda terms are given

    System Supporting Location of Service Works in Agriculture on Example of Vehicle Recycling Network

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    AbstractThe paper presents a decision support system for the selection of locations of dismantling stations in a vehicle recycling network. The system uses genetic algorithms effectively. Locations were optimized according to the following criterion: minimization of costs connected with transport, storage and dismantling of end-of-life vehicles as well as costs connected with transport of parts and materials. The proposed system is universal and may be used in agriculture to determine locations of a different kind of facilities organized in a network, on any given area

    Characteristics of the conjugative transfer system of the IncM plasmid pCTX-M3 and identification of its putative regulators

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    Plasmid conjugative transfer systems comprise type IV secretion systems (T4SS) coupled to DNA processing and replication. The T4SSs are divided into two phylogenetic subfamilies, namely, IVA and IVB or based on the phylogeny of the VirB4 ATPase into eight groups. The conjugation system of the IncM group plasmid pCTX-M3, from Citrobacter freundii, is classified in the IVB subfamily and in the MPFI group, as are the conjugation systems of IncI1 group plasmids. Although the majority of the conjugative genes of the IncM and IncI1 plasmids display conserved synteny, there are several differences. Here, we present a deletion analysis of 27 genes in the conjugative transfer regions of pCTX-M3. Notably, the deletion of either of two genes dispensable for conjugative transfer, namely, orf35 and orf36, resulted in an increased plasmid mobilization efficiency. Transcriptional analysis of the orf35 and orf36 deletion mutants suggested an involvement of these genes in regulating the expression of conjugative transfer genes. We also revised the host range of the pCTX-M3 replicon by finding that this replicon is unable to support replication in Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Ralstonia eutropha and Pseudomonas putida although its conjugation system is capable of introducing plasmids bearing oriTpCTX-M3 into these bacteria, which are representatives of Alpha-, Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria, respectively. Thus, the conjugative transfer system of pCTX-M3 has a much broader host range than does its replicon. Importance Horizontal gene transfer is responsible for rapid changes in bacterial genomes, and the conjugative transfer of plasmids has a great impact on the plasticity of bacteria. Here, we present a deletion analysis of the conjugative transfer system genes of the pCTX-M3 plasmid of the IncM group, which is responsible for the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes in Enterobacteriaceae. We found that deletion of the orf35 or orf36 genes, which are dispensable for conjugative transfer, increased the plasmid mobilization efficiency. RT-qPCR analysis suggested the involvement of orf35 and orf36 in regulating the expression of transfer genes. We also revised the host range of pCTX-M3 by showing that its conjugative transfer system has a much broader host range than does its replicon

    The Effects of Host Plant Genotype and Environmental Conditions on Fungal Community Composition and Phosphorus Solubilization in Willow Short Rotation Coppice

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    Phosphorus (P) is an essential plant nutrient. Low availability of P in soil is mainly caused by high content of Fe2O3 in the clay fraction that binds to P making it unavailable. Beneficial microbes, such as P solubilizing microorganisms can increase the available P in soil and improve plant growth and productivity. In this study, we evaluated the effects of environmental conditions (climate, soil parameters), plant genotype, and level of plant association (rhizosphere or endophytic root organism) on the abundance and diversity of phosphorus solubilizing microorganisms in a Salix production system. We hypothesized that a lower number of endophytic fungi may possess the ability to solubilize P compared to the number of rhizosphere fungi with the same ability. We also expect that the plant genotype and the experimental site with its environmental conditions will influence fungal diversity. Two Salix genotypes grown in pure and mixed cultures were investigated for their fungal microbiome community and diversity in the rhizosphere and endosphere during two growing seasons. We found that the rhizosphere fungal community was more diverse. A general dominance of Ascomycota (Dothideomycetes) and Basidiomycota (Tremellomycetes) was observed. The classes Agaricomycetes and Pezizomycetes were more frequent in the endosphere, while Tremellomycetes and Mortierellomycetes were more abundant in the rhizosphere. Plot-specific soil properties (pH, total organic carbon, and nitrogen) significantly influenced the fungal community structure. Among the culturable fungal diversities, 10 strains of phosphate solubilizing fungi (PSFs) from roots and 12 strains from rhizosphere soil were identified using selective media supplemented with di-calcium and tri-calcium phosphates. The fungal density and the number of PSF were much higher in the rhizosphere than in the endosphere. Penicillium was the dominant genus of PSF isolated from both sites; other less frequent genera of PSFs were Alternaria, Cladosporium, and Clonostachys. Overall the main factors controlling the fungal communities (endophytic vs. rhizosphere fungi) were the soil properties and level of plant association, while no significant influence of growing season was observed. Differences between Salix genotypes were observed for culturable fungal diversity, while in metagenomic data analysis, only the class Dothideomycetes showed a significant effect from the plant genotype

    Refleksje na temat regionalizmu i regionalistów

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    In the autumn of 2009 a project called "Me – Regionalist" came into being in the Department of Polish and European Ethnology in the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of Lodz University. It was brought to life by the need to define a regionalist in his own words. Almost a hundred traditional letters and over five hundred e-mails were sent with proposals to participate in the project and requests to spread the infor-mation about it among potentially interested people. They were addressed both to individual activists and various regional associations: scientific, cultural, artistic and historical ones as well as local museums, libraries, newspapers etc. The information was passed from one person or association to another and printed in some magazines. Various texts came in response because the appeal reached people defining regionalism in different ways. Among the authors there are people of different ages, experiences and interests. Most of their texts cannot be described as scien-tific. They have various forms, from essays to memoirs. To stress this diversity the collection was called "reflections, opinions, commentaries". All of them possess documentary value since they show various roots of the regionalist atti-tude. To some extent all of them contain autobiographical elements and may constitute the source of further analyses on the identity and ethos of a regionalist. While presenting their views and activities the authors described things which are dear to them. Their values centre around the culture of a region, the idea of social and educational work, family traditions and authorities such as the church. They often refer to books and even regional literature as a kind of value which constitutes an important source of inspiration. It can be clearly seen in many texts how important it is for a regionalist to be accepted by various local groups and associations. The work that we present to the readers seems to fill in the gap existing in the broad spectrum of works on regionalism. We felt there was a need to fill in this gap

    Forum przypadków klinicznych

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    Chciałbym, aby dział „Forum przypadków klinicznych” w prezentowanym przeze mnie kształcie poruszał najczęstsze wątpliwości w podejmowaniu decyzji podczas zabiegów endowaskularnych. Kliniczne przypadki zostaną podzielone na działy tematyczne, które będą rozpatrywały ten sam problem w odmiennych aspektach oraz w świetle różnych decyzji operatora. Każdy przypadek zostanie dokładnie omówiony. Będę starał się, aby poruszane tematy budziły emocje i nie były jednoznaczne. Mam nadzieję, że dzięki temu wywołają one dyskusje.In the section of the clinical cases, I would like to focus on the most common doubts in the decision during endovascular procedures. Clinical cases will be divided into thematic sections, which will move the same problem in different ways and in the light of various decisions of the operator. Each case will be thoroughly discussed. I will try to choose topics and cases to arouse excitement and to trigger you to discussions

    Bomba w turbanie

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