21 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the frequency of ADIPOQ c.45 T>G and ADIPOQ c.276 G>T polymorphisms in adiponectin coding gene in girls with anorexia nervosa

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    Introduction: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a serious chronic psychosomatic disorder, the essence of which are attempts by the sufferer to obtain a slim silhouette by deliberate weight loss (restrictive diet, strenuous physical exercise, provoking vomiting). The aetiology of this disorder is multifactorial. Genetic factors that influence the predisposition to AN have been sought. A broad meta-analysis points to a strong genetic correlation between AN and insulin resistance. Adiponectin (ADIPO) increases insulin sensitivity. In our pilot study we demonstrated that the TT genotype in locus ADIPOQ c.276 G>T of the ADIPO gene and a higher concentration of ADIPO in blood serum occurred significantly more frequently in 68 girls suffering from AN than in 38 healthy girls. The objective of this study was to evaluate the frequency of the occurrence of ADIPOQ c.45 T>G and ADIPOQ c.276 G>T in the ADIPO gene in a larger cohort of girls with AN and healthy girls, as well as an analysis of correlations between variants of the aforementioned polymorphisms and the levels of ADIPO in blood serum. Material and methods: The study covered 472 girls (age: 11–19 years): 308 with the restrictive form of AN (AN) and 164 healthy girls (C). The level of ADIPO in blood serum was determined by means of the ELISA method on a Bio-Vendor, LLC (Asheville, North Carolina, USA). The DNA isolation was carried out by means of Genomic Mini AX BLOOD (SPIN). The PCR reaction was carried out in a ThermoCycle T100 thermocycler. 80–150 ng of the studied DNA and relevant F and R starters were added to the reaction mixture. The reaction products were subjected to digestion by restriction enzymes and separated on agarose gels (RFLP). Results: The distribution of genotypes in the polymorphic site ADP c.45 of the ADIPO gene and ADP c.276 was similar in both groups. In both groups the T allele was most frequent in locus ADIPOQ c.45 and the G allele in locus ADIPOQ c.276. In all the study subjects collectively (AN and C) a statistically significant negative correlation between the levels of ADIPO in blood serum on one hand and body weight (r = –0.46; p < 0.0001) and BMI (r = –0.67; p < 0.0001) on the other was demonstrated. Exclusively in the AN group a significant correlation between the level of ADIPO in blood and the distribution of TG, TT, and GG alleles in loci ADIPOQ c.45 and ADIPOQ c.276 was demonstrated (p = 0.0052 and p < 0.0001, respectively). Conclusions: The genotype in loci ADIPOQ c.45 and ADIPOQ c.276 of the ADIPO gene seems to have no effect on the predisposition to AN. Girls suffering from AN with the TT genotype in loci ADIPOQ c.45 and ADIPOQ c. 276 may demonstrate higher insulin sensitivity because they have significantly higher levels of ADIPO than girls suffering from AN with other genotypes. This may be suggestive of their better adaptation to the state of malnutrition, and it has a potential effect on treatment results

    Evaluation of the frequency of RETN c.62G>A and RETN c.-180C>G polymorphisms in the resistin coding gene in girls with anorexia nervosa

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    Introduction: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a serious psychosomatic syndrome, classified as an eating disorder. AN patients strive to lose weight below the normal limits defined for a specific age and height, achieving their goal even at the expense of extreme emaciation. AN has a multifactorial aetiology. Genetic factors are believed to be significant in the predisposition to the development of AN. In girls suffering from AN significantly lower levels of resistin (RES) in blood serum are observed as compared to healthy girls. These differences may lead to a thesis that functional genetic polymorphisms in RES coding genes can be responsible for this phenomenon. In our pilot study we demonstrated significant differences in the distribution of genotypes in the locus RETN c.-180C>G of the RES gene in 67 girls with AN and 38 healthy girls. It seems reasonable to compare the frequency of polymorphisms of RETN c.62G>A and RETN c.-180C>G in the RES gene in girls with AN and in healthy subjects in a bigger cohort and to analyse correlations between individual variants of the polymorphisms referred to above and the RES levels in blood plasma. Material and methods: The study covered 308 girls with the restrictive form of AN (AN) and 164 healthy girls (C) (aged 11–19 years). The RES levels in blood serum were determined by means of the ELISA method on a Bio-Vendor machine from LLC (Asheville, North Carolina, USA). The DNA isolation was carried out by means of Genomic Mini AX BLOOD (SPIN). The PCR reaction was carried out on a ThermoCycle T100 thermocycler. 80–150 ng of the studied DNA and relevant F and R starters were added to the reaction mixture. The reaction products were subjected to digestion by restriction enzymes and separated on agarose gels (RFLP). Results: The average RES level in blood serum in the AN group was significantly lower (p < 0.0001) than in the C group. The distribution of genotypes in the locus RETN c.62 of the RES gene was similar in both groups. A significant difference was demonstrated in the distribution of genotypes in the polymorphic site RETN c.-180 of the RES gene between AN and C (p = 0.0145) and in the distribution of the C and G alleles in the locus RETN c.-180 (p < 0.0001). The C allele occurred significantly more frequently than the G allele in the C group as compared to the AN group. In all the study subjects jointly (AN and C) a significant positive correlation between the blood RES levels on one hand and the body mass (r = 0.42; p < 0.0001) and BMI (r = 0.61; p< 0.0001) on the other was observed. There was no correlation between the concentration of RES in blood serum and the distribution of genotypes in the loci of the resistin gene referred to above. Conclusions: The CG genotype in the locus RETN c.-180 C>G of the RES gene may constitute one of the factors predisposing to the development of AN in girls. The genotype in the loci RETN c.62 G>A and RETN c.-180 C>G of the resistin gene has no influence on the levels of this hormone in blood in AN patients

    Pancreatic islet transplantation in a simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplant recipient — a case report

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    Beta cell replacement allows for adequate blood glucose control, reduced progression or even reversal of microvascular complications, and improves the quality of life. Simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation is the best therapeutic option for patients with type 1 diabetes and end-stage renal disease resulting from diabetic nephropathy. However, when pancreas transplantation is contraindicated or unavailable, pancreatic islet transplantation is an alternative minimally invasive procedure. We report a patient after earlier simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplantation with a failed pancreas graft, and no option for pancreas retransplantation. In this patient pancreatic islet transplantation was performed. The latter resulted in an improved blood glucose control, restoration of hypoglycaemia awareness, and improved quality of life with stable good function of the kidney allograft.Beta cell replacement allows for adequate blood glucosecontrol, reduced progression or even reversal ofmicrovascular complications, and improves the qualityof life. Simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantationis the best therapeutic option for patients withtype 1 diabetes and end-stage renal disease resultingfrom diabetic nephropathy. However, when pancreastransplantation is contraindicated or unavailable, pancreaticislet transplantation is an alternative minimallyinvasive procedure. We report a patient after earliersimultaneous kidney and pancreas transplantationwith a failed pancreas graft, and no option for pancreasretransplantation. In this patient pancreatic islettransplantation was performed. The latter resultedin an improved blood glucose control, restoration ofhypoglycaemia awareness, and improved quality oflife with stable good function of the kidney allograft

    The strategic management process in the enterprise.

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    Celem badania była analiza procesu zarządzania strategicznego w Grupie Sfinks Polska S.A. Aby zrealizować powyższy cel wykorzystano studia literaturowe oraz przeprowadzono badania empiryczne. W spółce Sfinks Polska S.A. przeprowadzono analizę makrootoczenia a także analizę otoczenia konkurencyjnego, gdzie główną uwagę zwrócono na współczesne trendy w gastronomii, a także na głównych konkurentów spółki Sfinks Polska S.A. We współczesnych warunkach, gdzie przedsiębiorstwo funkcjonuje w warunkach złożonego a także zmiennego otoczenia uważa się iż skuteczne zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem umożliwia zarządzanie strategiczne. W badaniach sprawdzono czy proces zarządzania strategicznego jest innowacyjnym narzędziem zarządzania oraz czy może stanowić siłę napędzającą rozwój przedsiębiorstwa a także czy pozwala na utrzymanie trwałej przewagi konkurencyjnej na rynku.The aim of the research was an analysis of the strategic management process at Grupa Sfinks Polska S.A. To achieve the above goal, I used both written sources as well as research based on my own observations. I analysed the macro-environment of Sfinks Polska S.A. as well as their rival companies on the market. I paid special attention to the modern trends in gastronomy. In today’s conditions, where companies operate in a complex and changeable environment it is believed that effective company management makes strategic management possible. In this research I checked if strategic management process is an innovative tool of management and if it can be a catalyst for company’s development. It was also my goal to verify whether this process enables the company to hold a lasting dominating position on the market

    Prospects of Switzerland’s bilateral relations with the European Union.

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    Praca licencjacka opisuje zagadnienie bilateralnej relacji Szwajcarii z Unią Europejską. Szczególny nacisk położony został na analizę znaczenia roli porozumień bilateralnych dla współpracy między podmiotami. Praca zawiera wprowadzenie, trzy rozdziały oraz zakończenie. W pracy wykorzystane zostały rozmaite metody. Zagadnienie bilateralnej współpracy jest tematem wielu, licznych opracowań. Perspektywy przyszłych dwustronnych stosunków Szwajcarii z Unią Europejską są ciekawym zagadnieniem. Zainteresowanie tematyką relacji bilateralnych Szwajcarii z UE rozpoczęło się w drugiej połowie XX wieku. Wyjątkowy aspekt relacji dwustronnych, które łączą Unię Europejską ze Szwajcarią wymaga analizy.This bachelor’s thesis investigates and describes the concept of Switzerland’s bilateral relations with the European Union. The study investigates the role of bilateral agreements in Switzerland – EU cooperation. The thesis contains an introduction, three chapters and conclusion. Many methods were used in this study. Bilateral relations is a known topic for several other thesis. Possible prospects of Swizterland’s future partnership with the European Union is an interesting issue. The issue started in the second half of the 20th century. Switzerland is a unique country and unusual aspect of bilateral agreements needs to be analyzed

    The use of a smartphone in photogrametry to determine the vertical sections of the forest operating route

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    Opisano obrazowanie przekrojów pionowych nawierzchni gruntowej na leśnym szlaku operacyjnym, Na podstawie opracowania fotogrametrycznego zdjęć pozyskanych kamerą smartfona otrzymano Numeryczny Model Pokrycia Terenu (NMPT) o pikselu 34 mm. Model ten był źródłem informacji o ukształtowaniu nawierzchni w wybranych kierunkach. Zobrazowano przekroje dla trasy (niweleta szlaku), w koleinie, na krawędzi jezdni, w dwóch przekrojach poprzecznych i w dwóch przekrojach wyznaczonych w dowolnym kierunku. Osiągnięto wystarczającą dokładność kształtu, która może być podstawą podejmowania decyzji o konieczności remontu szlaku. Wykazano przydatność użytej technologii, w dużej części dostępnej dla wszystkich użytkowników. Opracowanie efektów pomiarów terenowych wymaga posiadania specjalistycznego oprogramowania.The paper describes the imaging of vertical sections of the ground surface on a forest operational trail. Based on the photogrammetric processing of photos obtained with a smartphone camera, the Digital Surface Model (DSM) with a pixel of 34 mm was obtained. This model was a source of information about the shape of the pavement in selected directions. Illustrated cross-sections for the route (route proper grade) in a rut on the edge of the carriageway in two cross-sections and the two sections set in any direction. Sufficient accuracy of the shape has been achieved, which may be the basis for ma-king decisions about the necessity to repair the trail. The usefulness of the technology used has been demonstrated, which is largely also available to all users. Development of the effects of field measurements requires specialized software

    The Relationship between Selected Demographic Factors and Speech Organ Dysfunction in Sporadic ALS Patients

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    Background and objectives: Speech disorders are observed in 30% of newly diagnosed sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients. Characterized by a dynamic course, dysfunction of articulation has not so far been well understood. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of demographic factors (sex, age, duration of the disease) and concomitant diseases (degenerative spine disease, depression, hypertension, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and allergy) on the functioning of speech organs in ALS patients. Materials and Methods: The study group consisted of 65 patients with sporadic ALS. Patients were examined for articulatory functions by means of the Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment (FDA). Results: 68% of the study sample had spinal disorders. Logistic regression analysis showed that a decline in the functioning of lips, soft palate, length of phonation, and voice loudness was more common among men. Patients diagnosed with degenerative spine disease more often suffered from respiratory disorders, while younger patients (<60 years of age) significantly more often had the impairment of the sentence and spontaneous speech functions. Conclusions: The male gender in patients with ALS is associated with an increased risk of deterioration of the phonation length function. Patients under 60 years of age are associated with more often pronouncing sentences disorders and spontaneous speech disorders

    Humoral Influence of Repeated Lineage-Negative Stem/Progenitor Cell Administration on Articulatory Functions in ALS Patients

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) remains a fatal, neurodegenerative disease frequently leading to dysarthria and impaired swallowing. Better understanding of ALS pathophysiology is prompting the use of humoral cell therapies. Hence, a repeated cellular therapy was applied to ALS patients as an attempt to prevent speech deterioration. Autologous bone marrow-derived lineage-negative (Lin−) cells were intrathecally administered three times at six-week intervals to 42 sporadic ALS patients. Patients were examined for articulatory functions using subjective (VHI) and objective (FDA) scales. Selected trophic, proinflammatory factors and expression profiles of miRNA were measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma by multiplex Luminex and q-PCR in different timepoints. Of the 42 patients who received the Lin− cells, 6 showed improvement in articulatory functions, 27 remained stable, and 9 deteriorated after 18 weeks of therapy according to FDA scale. Clinical improvement was particularly evident by the 7th day of each cell application and concerned better cough and swallow reflex, soft palate, laryngeal time, pitch, and volume. These results correlated with significant changes in the concentration of various trophic and proinflammatory factors and miRNA expression profiles. A multiple application of Lin− cells proved to be safe and feasible. The repeated procedure can potentate a humoral effect and prevent speech deterioration. A short-lasting trophic effect of each Lin− cells administration was observed on local and systemic level. However, further in-depth studies are necessary to sustain the beneficial effect