546 research outputs found

    Interactividad e influencia educativa en la enseñanza/aprendizaje de un procesador de textos: una aproximación teórica y empírica

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    La investigacion presentada en este articulo tiene como objetivo el analisis de algunos mecanismos de influencia educativa que se manifiestan en la interaccion profesor-alumnos. Se propone que entre estos mecanismos ocupan un lugar prioritario dos procesos: la cesión y el traspaso progresivos de la responsabilidad y el control en el aprendizaje, y la construcción progresiva de sistemas de significados compartidos. La nocion de interactividad, que remite a las formas de organización de la actividad con- junta en torno al contenido o tareu que estan llevando a cabo 10s partici- puntes, se utiliza como marco para el analisis de estos mecanismos. Dos secuencias completas de enseñanza y aprendizaje de un programa informatico de tratamiento de textos con alumnos universitarios ofrecen loss datos que forman la base empírica del trabajo

    A note on the reduction of the slicing problem to centrally symmetric convex bodies

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    In this paper, we obtain the best possible value of the absolute constant C such that for every isotropic convex body the following inequality (which was proved by Klartag and reduces the hyperplane conjecture to centrally symmetric convex bodies) is satisfied: LK ≤ CLKn+2 (gK). Here LK denotes the isotropic constant of K, gK its covariogram function, which is log-concave, and, for any log-concave function g, Kn+2 (g) is a convex body associated to the log-concave function g, which belongs to a uniparametric family introduced by Ball. In order to obtain this inequality, sharp inclusion results between the convex bodies in this family are obtained whenever g satisfies a better type of concavity than the log-concavity, as gK is, indeed 1/ n -conca

    Effectiveness of a telephone prevention programme on the recurrence of suicidal behaviour. One-year follow-up

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    People who have attempted suicide are considered a risk population for repeating the behaviour. Therapeutic interventions, such as telephone follow-up programmes (TFPs), are promising but more evidence for its efficacy is needed. In this multicentre, open, ex-post-facto, pre/post, one year prospective study, a previous cohort discharged from the emergency department for a suicide attempt (SA) and given routine treatment (n=207) was compared with a similar group who received the same intervention plus a structured TFP of six calls (n=203). At one year of follow-up, the efficacy of the TFP at preventing SA was assessed. A total of 53.2% (n=108) of the patients finished the TFP. A total of 20.3% (n=42) of the routine treatment group and 23.6% (n=48) of the TFP group reattempted at least once in the follow-up period (χ2=0.7;df=1;p=.412). However, in both groups, different subsamples of patients who presented extreme risk of SA at follow-up (0-57%) were identified. In the TFP group, the recurrence of suicidal behaviour was lower in patients admitted after the index attempt and in those who had more severe psychopathological symptoms, but not in the other profiles. Thus, this study has identified a specific profile of patients who could benefit from a brief-contact intervention.This study was supported in part, by a grant (Resolución 3036/2014) from the Departamento de Salud del Gobierno de Navarra and by the Award “Federico Soto a la investigación sobre el suicidio 2019” from Fundación Colegio de Médicos de Navarra

    Scripting computer-supported collaboration by university students

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    The present work studies the virtual collaborative elaboration of written documents in three groups of university students, and the influence of the assistance provided by the teacher on this elaboration. For the analysis a model of phases of collaborative construction of knowledge, adapted to the features of the studied tasks, is used. The results show that, although the students follow the instructions proposed by the teacher, they usually do not manage to reach the more advanced phases of collaborative construction of the model.The present work studies the virtual collaborative elaboration of written documents in three groups of university students, and the influence of the assistance provided by the teacher on this elaboration. For the analysis a model of phases of collaborative construction of knowledge, adapted to the features of the studied tasks, is used. The results show that, although the students follow the instructions proposed by the teacher, they usually do not manage to reach the more advanced phases of collaborative construction of the model

    Influencia de los factores geográficos en las inundaciones de los valles cantábricos navarros

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    Los valles cantábricos navarros han padecido numerosas inundaciones, que han generado cuantiosos daños. Este artículo, que tiene como objetivo el estudio de los factores geográficos que las originan, contempla cinco apartados: el clima y las precipitaciones; el relieve, en el que inciden la pendiente, orientación, y naturaleza del terreno; la vegetación; el comportamiento hidrológico de los ríos; y los obstáculos creados por el hombre que alteran las condiciones naturale

    Scripting computer-supported collaboration by university students.

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    The present work studies the virtual collaborative elaboration of written documents in three groups of university students, and the influence of the assistance provided by the teacher on this elaboration. For the analysis a model of phases of collaborative construction of knowledge, adapted to the features of the studied tasks, is used. The results show that, although the students follow the instructions proposed by the teacher, they usually do not manage to reach the more advanced phases of collaborative construction of the model

    Estrategias discursivas para la construcción colaborativa del conocimiento en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es tratar de identificar algunas estrategias discursivas que puedan asociarse de manera específica a y al mismo tiempo, configurar las diversas fases de construcción colaborativa del conocimiento desarrolladas por grupos de estudiantes universitarios que resuelven tareas de elaboración conjunta de productos escritos en un entorno de aprendizaje mediado por ordenador. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio de casos en situación natural, en dos situaciones o contextos instruccionales distintos, correspondientes a sendas asignaturas del ámbito de la Psicología de la Educación. En cada situación, se han seguido tres pequeños grupos de estudiantes, y se han analizado las tareas correspondientes a dos secuencias didácticas completas y consecutivas. Como resultado, se ha podido identificar un amplio conjunto de estrategias discursivas típicas de cada una de las fases de construcción colaborativa del conocimiento consideradas. Estas estrategias remiten a formas de uso del lenguaje mediante las cuales los miembros del grupo consiguen, en cada caso, alcanzar el nivel de intersubjetividad y el grado de construcción de conocimiento compartido propio de la fase