6 research outputs found

    Study of UF-retentate concentration degree in low- and lactose-free products’ development

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    The article provides a comparative evaluation of some organoleptic characteristics of low- and lactose-free milk samples produced on the basis of ultrafiltration concentrates of skim milk with different mass fraction of solids. Using the ranking method, it was found that the sample produced on the basis of UV concentrate with a mass fraction of solids of 27 % followed by enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose has the best indices of taste and sweetness. The results obtained were necessary for the development of the recipe and technology for the production of low- and lactose-free milk

    New data on Callovian (Middle Jurassic) belemnites and palynomorphs from the Northern Caucasus, southwest Russia

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    Palaeontological data on the Caucasus are highly important for large-scale stratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical assessment of the northern Tethyan margin, but this information is often scarce and not available in English. Field studies in the Northern Caucasus have now permitted to amass some new data. Two belemnite species are described from the stratotype section of the Kamennomostskaja Formation (Callovian, Middle Jurassic) near the town of Kamennomostskij in Adygeja (Northern Caucasus). These are Belemnopsis subhastata (von Zieten, 1831) and Rhopaloteuthis ominosa Gustomesov, 1968. The latter is a rare species, and the present find allows new insights into its taxonomy. A palynological analysis of the belemnite-bearing sample was carried out, and a diverse assemblage of dinocysts, acritarchs and prasinophytes, plus pollen and spores recognised. The most abundant palynomorphs are Micrhystridium and Classopollis. Data on belemnites coupled with those on palynomorphs indicate the early Callovian age of the sample level. This interpretation differs slightly from previous conclusions based on ammonites and dinocysts. If this age is correct, the degree of condensation of Callovian deposits in the section studied was lesser than previously assumed

    New data on Callovian (Middle Jurassic) belemnites and palynomorphs from the Northern Caucasus, southwest Russia

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    Palaeontological data on the Caucasus are highly important for large-scale stratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical assessment of the northern Tethyan margin, but this information is often scarce and not available in English. Field studies in the Northern Caucasus have now permitted to amass some new data. Two belemnite species are described from the stratotype section of the Kamennomostskaja Formation (Callovian, Middle Jurassic) near the town of Kamennomostskij in Adygeja (Northern Caucasus). These are Belemnopsis subhastata (von Zieten, 1831) and Rhopaloteuthis ominosa Gustomesov, 1968. The latter is a rare species, and the present find allows new insights into its taxonomy. A palyno-logical analysis of the belemnite-bearing sample was carried out, and a diverse assemblage of dinocysts, acritarchs and prasinophytes, plus pollen and spores recognised. The most abundant palynomorphs are Micrhystridium and Classopollis. Data on belemnites coupled with those on palynomorphs indicate the early Callovian age of the sample level. This interpretation differs slightly from previous conclusions based on ammonites and dinocysts. If this age is correct, the degree of condensation of Callovian deposits in the section studied was lesser than previously assumed

    Migraine pharmacology and brain ischemia

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    Introduction: The aim of this review article was to analyze in details the mechanism of drugs’ effects in the treatment and prevention of a migraine attack, as well as to discuss the hypotheses of migraine pathogenesis. Migraine attack treatment agents: The main agents for migraine attack treatment have an anti-nociceptive activity. Agents for migraine preventive treatment: β-blocker propranolol also has anti-serotonin and analgesic activities, and most drugs used for the prophylactic treatment of migraine have a vasodilating activity. Vascular hypothesis of migraine pathogenesis: Despite numerous studies that have expanded our understanding of migraine pathogenesis, the importance of the vascular component in the pathogenesis of this disease has not questioned yet. Neurogenic hypotheses of cortical spreading depression: It is necessary to take into account the points of this hypothesis in the context of the pathophysiology of migraine. Neurochemical serotonin hypotheses of migraine pathogenesis: Serotonin plays an important role in the pathogenesis of migraine. Trigemino-vascular hypotheses of migraine pathogenesis: The trigemino-vascular hypothesis claims to solve the problem of migraine pain. Migraine and ischemic brain damage: Migraine is a risk factor for ischemic stroke and cognitive disorders. Search for the new anti-ischemic anti-migraine preparations: A methodology for the search for new anti-ischemic anti-serotonin drugs for the treatment of migraine is proposed. Conclusion: Belonging of a drug to one or another pharmacological group does not always correspond to its therapeutic effect on the pathogenetic processes of migraine. Migraine with its variety of forms cannot fit only one of the proposed hypotheses on the pathogenesis of this disease. Graphical abstract

    Neuroprotective and cerebrovascular effects of endogenous N-Arachidonoyl-GABA and its putative Cox-2 metabolite – GABA conjugate with Prostaglandin E2

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    Introduction: The aim of the study was to compare the neuroprotective and cerebrovascular effects of bioactive, endogenous lipid – N-arachidonoyl-GABA (AA-GABA) and GABA conjugate with prostaglandin E2 (PGE2-GABA) by evaluation of a morphological state of rat brain tissue and lipofuscin levels under the condition of permanent focal brain ischemia, as well as cerebral circulation under the condition of global transient ischemia. Materials and methods: The study has been implemented using the models of the left middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) and global transient ischemia of the brain. A morphological examination of the brain tissue, a registration of local blood flow by laser flowmeter, and quantitative measurement of lipofuscin by fluorescence spectroscopy were used. Results and discussion: AA-GABA and the putative COX-2 metabolite PGE2-GABA showed significant neuroprotective and cerebrovascular effects in rat models of global and focal cerebral ischemia. In the MCAO model, AA-GABA and PGE2-GABA at a dose of 2 mg/kg/day administered i.p. for 6 or 12 days led to: 1) significant restoration of neurons and glial cells with intracellular regeneration of cytoplasmic and nuclear structures, 2) decrease in brain tissue edema; 3) attenuated thrombosis and stasis, and 4) absence of large necrotic foci in rat brain tissue. AA-GABA and PGE2-GABA at the same dose prevented excessive accumulation of lipofuscin in both brain hemispheres in rats with MCAO. All the studied compounds increase cerebral blood circulation in rats subjected to global transient ischemia. However, the cerebrovascular effect of PGE2-GABA was superior to the activity of AA-GABA and all other tested compounds. AA-GABA and PGE2-GABA, unlike PGE2 and nimodipine, increase the cerebral blood flow in rats with global transient brain ischemia and have no influence on the intact animals. Apparently, the GABAergic vascular system of the brain is involved in the mechanisms of the neuroprotective action of AA-GABA and PGE2-GABA. Conclusion: For the first time, we demonstrated the ability of AA-GABA and its putative metabolite COX-2 PGE2-GABA to improve cerebral circulation, attenuate structural damage and lipofuscin accumulation during cerebral ischemia. The natural origin of AA-GABA, which possesses neuroprotective and cerebrovascular activity, as well as anti-aggregatory activity, allows considering AA-GABA as one of the endogenous protective factors in ischemic brain lesions. Graphical abstract

    Changes in calf productivity and resistance as a result of using the lactulose-based feed additive

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    Objective: the aim of the research is to make a comprehensive assessment of the prebiotic feed additive effect on calves. The experiment was carried out in work conditions on 10 black-and-white Holstein-cross calves at the age of 2 to 32 days. To conduct the experiment, an experimental group and a test group have been formed. Each group has included five milk-fed calves at the age of 2 days and older. All the calves have been given colostrum in their first 2–4 hours after birth and then they have been fed three times a day, at regular intervals. The following methods are used: clinical, microbiological, immunological and statistical. The article describes the prebiotic lactulose-based additive effect on the intestinal microbiocenosis development in one-month old calves and presents an assessment of humoral and cellular components of natural resistance in calves. The research results show a positive effect of the lactulose-based additive on the symbiotic microflora of the gastrointestinal tract that improves the natural resistance of the body and the physiological status of animals, reduces the disease duration and contributes to an increase in weight gain. After feeding the calves with the lactulose-containing preparation during their first month of life, the weight gain of each calf in the experimental group has been 21.8 kg, or + 51 % of the initial weight and in the test group 19.0 kg, or + 41 % of the initial weight. Feeding the additive has an impact on the two components of natural resistance: serum bactericidal activity in the experimental group calves has been higher by 17.8 % and the phagocytosis activity has been higher by 30.5%, compared to the test group calves. Feeding calves with the lactulose-containing additive helps reduce the illness duration, stimulates the increase in live weight and affects the natural resistance level of newborn animals positively