228 research outputs found

    8Li+alpha decay of 12B and its possible astrophysical implications

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    The 12B excitation energy spectrum has been obtained from coincidence measurements of the 9Be+7Li -> 2alpha+8Li reaction at E{0}=52 MeV. The decay of the states at excitations between 10 and 16 Mev into alpha$+8Li has been observed for the first time. Observed alpha-decay indicates possible cluster structure of the 12B excited states. The influence of these states on the cross section of the astrophysically important 8Li(alpha,n)11B and 9Be+t reactions is discussed and the results are compared with existing results.Comment: accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Schematic Method of Estimation and Increase of Radiation Hardness of the Onboard Radio-electronic Equipment for Space Applications

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    Experimental and theoretical justification of a schematic method of estimation and increase of radiation hardness of the onboard radio-electronic equipment for space applications on the example of the standard circuit of the voltage follower combining the most widespread schematic decisions: differential stage, current mirror and emitter follower

    Факторы успеха ICO. Эмпирические данные 2016–2019 годов

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    Since 2013, Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) have allowed companies to attract financing with the help of cryptocurrencies. Statistics of ICO shows that the ICO market is increasing and demand for funds continues to grow with claims of over $ 15 billion raised in the first half of 2018. The increasing volumes of investment in ICO projects as an alternative method to venture capital or IPO are caused by, for example, the possibility of reselling the received tokens at a higher price after the launch of the project or obtaining the company’s services at lower prices. While the importance of the topic is growing, there is the absence of fundamental works emphasizing the determinants of an ICO’s success. The scientific novelty of the forthcoming research consists in the formation of the model evaluation of ICO success. Using econometric analysis based on data for 1392 projects, we show that the volatility of the main cryptocurrencies has a significant impact on the success of ICO. The constraints of the platform for Smart Contacts (ERC-20) and dependence on the Ethereum volatility overcome all other factors. Our data contributes to existing literature and shows the insignificance e of the sector of the project, almost all location region and fl of infl e of quality of the team. This result may be explained by the uncertainty of the investor about the project (weak signals), absence of the regulation and legal framework. This result is beneficial for owners of companies since it is an argument for decreasing costs for marketing.С 2013 г. первичное предложение монет (ICO) позволяет компаниям привлекать финансирование с помощью криптовалют. Статистика ICO показывает, что спрос на них продолжает расти. В первой половине 2018 г. на финансирование этих проектов было заявлено более 15 млрд долл. США. Растущие объемы инвестиций в ICO проекты как альтернатива классическим способам привлечения средств с помощью венчурных фондов или IPO в основном объясняются потенциальной прибылью с будущей перепродажи полученных токенов или получением услуг компании по более низкой стоимости. Важность данной темы однозначна, однако существует мало фундаментальной литературы, фокусирующейся на причинах успеха ICO проектов. Научная новизна данной работы заключается в формировании модели оценки успеха ICO. Используя эконометрический анализ на основе данных для 1392 проектов, мы показываем, что волатильность основных криптовалют оказывает значительное влияние на успех ICO. Ограничения платформы, связанные со Smart Contacts (ERC-20), и зависимость от волатильности Ethereum превосходят остальные факторы. Наши данные дополняют имеющуюся литературу и показывают незначительность сектора проекта, локации и качества команды. Этот результат может быть объяснен неопределенностью инвестора в отношении проекта (слабые сигналы), отсутствием регулирования и правовой базы. Данный результат может быть полезен для владельцев компаний, поскольку является аргументом в пользу снижения затрат в сфере маркетинга

    Methods and Results of Radiation Tests of a Digital-to-Analog Converter LTC1257

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    The methods and results of radiation tests of a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) LTC1257 is observed in this article

    The Technique for I–V Characteristic Measurements of MOSFETs from Output Stage of MOS ICs

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    Experimental technique for measurements of I–V characteristics of MOSFETs from output stage of MOS ICs is developed and demonstrated using Schmitt trigger array 1594TL2T

    The Methodology and Results of Radiation Tests of ADS 8320 Analog-to-Digital Converter

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    This article describes a technique ADC ADS8320 radiation tests, as well as circuitry measuring the transfer characteristic of the ADC and the results of tests conducted. It has been found that said ADCs did not show any parametric or functional failure when the absorbed doses to 50 krad (Si) at an intensity of irradiation of 8.5 F/sec passive electric mode

    The Application of Schematic Compensation Technique for Increasing of Radioelectronic Devices Reliability

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    The schematic method development of radiation degradation compensation of operating amplifiers’ input currents and offset voltages on basis of radiation-sensitive parameter degradation research of integral microcircuits and discrete transistors is presented and experimentally verified

    Static Solitons of the Sine-Gordon Equation and Equilibrium Vortex Structure in Josephson Junctions

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    The problem of vortex structure in a single Josephson junction in an external magnetic field, in the absence of transport currents, is reconsidered from a new mathematical point of view. In particular, we derive a complete set of exact analytical solutions representing all the stationary points (minima and saddle-points) of the relevant Gibbs free-energy functional. The type of these solutions is determined by explicit evaluation of the second variation of the Gibbs free-energy functional. The stable (physical) solutions minimizing the Gibbs free-energy functional form an infinite set and are labelled by a topological number Nv=0,1,2,... Mathematically, they can be interpreted as nontrivial ''vacuum'' (Nv=0) and static topological solitons (Nv=1,2,...) of the sine-Gordon equation for the phase difference in a finite spatial interval: solutions of this kind were not considered in previous literature. Physically, they represent the Meissner state (Nv=0) and Josephson vortices (Nv=1,2,...). Major properties of the new physical solutions are thoroughly discussed. An exact, closed-form analytical expression for the Gibbs free energy is derived and analyzed numerically. Unstable (saddle-point) solutions are also classified and discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 4 Postscript figure


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    The Prikolyma terrain is a part of the Yana-Kolyma orogenic belt located in the North Eastern Asia. It is generally composed of the Proterozoic deposits, including sandstones, metapellites, quartz-feldspar and carbonate rocks, meta- and hyperbasites. The Prikolyma terrain represents a fragment of passive margin of the North-Asian craton that was detached in the Middle Paleozoic due to progressing rifting. Subsequent geological development of the terrain was determined by accretion events at its boundary with margin of the North-Asian craton and the Omolon microcraton. Its longterm geodynamic evolution is reflected in the character and sequence of formation of the Prikolyma terrain deformation structures. In the central part of the Prikolyma terrain, i.e. in the basin of the Malaya Stolbovaya river, two reference areas of tectonics were studied, which contain packs of thrust sheets complicated by subsequent highangle faults.The fault pattern is complex, and its major elements are gently dipping zones of plastic deformation, which mark the boundaries of petrographically heterogenous plates. The thrust packs  are more than 200 m thick; their root zones are represented by series of highangle reverse faults. Another important element of the fault pattern is highangle zones of brittle deformation, which kinematic characteristics are ambiguous. A vertical component of displacement is predominant for the faults of the north-western strike; a strike-slip component is characteristic of latitudinal and meridional faults. The fault pattern developed in several stages under the impact of fields of tectonic stress, which vectors were variable. The folds, comprising a uniform structural paragenesis with thrusts, are of great importance for the structure under study. The largest folds exhibit the asymmetric structure with the N-E dipping axial planes. Axes of smaller folds are oriented to N-W and N–NW.Four stages of deformation are distinguished in the history of geological development of the Prikolyma terrain. The earliest stage was characterized by the N-E compression resulting in formation of the N-W-oriented thrusts and folds and zones of greenschiest dynamo-metamorphism. During the second stage, the axis of compression gained the E–NE orientation, and the axis of extension was oriented to the N–NW, which influenced the formation of the submeridional reverse faults and thrusts. During the third stage, the axis of compression was N-W oriented, and the axis of extension gained the N-E orientation. Thereat, the sublatitudinal and submeridional structures were activated as strike-slip faults, the N-W structures as normal faults, and the N-E structures as reverse faults. The above resulted in the formation of structures of volume extension, which are favorable for localization of magmatic bodies and ore streaky-veined structures. At the final stage, compression in the meridional direction lead to the formation of thrusts and reverse faults along the sublatitudinal displacements, normal faults along the submeridional displacements, and strike-slips along the N-E and NW displacements.The first deformation stage was contemporaneous with the long-term period of compression in the Riphean and Early Paleozoic, when the dynamo-metamorphic complex of the Prikolyma terrain was developed. In the second stage, the Prikolyma terrain was detached from the margin of the North-Asian craton. In the Early Cretaceous, the third stage took place, when rearrangements of the field of tectonic stresses and transition to conditions of general extension caused emplacement of granitoids and quartz veining. The N-W orientation of the compression vector suggests that the third stage was related to the regional tangential compression due to the asymmetrical collision of the Prikolyma terrain and the Omolon microcraton. In the final stage, rotation of the vector of compression, associated with development of numerous N-W and N-E-oriented fractures, reflected the occurrence of the epiorogenic rifting. The above-described stages of formation of the deformation structure of the Prikolyma terrain are evidently correlated with the main tectono-magmatic stages of development of the NE margin of the North-Asian craton, which took place in the Late Paleozoic and the Mesozoic