38 research outputs found

    The Involvement of Institute for Information Technologies in Text Processing

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    The activities of the Institute of Information Technologies in the area of automatic text processing are outlined. Major problems related to different steps of processing are pointed out together with the shortcomings of the existing solutions

    Handwriting in Forensic Investigations

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    The process of automatic handwriting investigation in forensic science is described. The general scheme of a computer-based handwriting analysis system is used to point out at the basic problems of image enhancement and segmentation, feature extraction and decision-making. Factors that may compromise the accuracy of expert’s conclusion are underlined and directions for future investigations are marked

    Biocidal Effects of the Electrochemically Activated Water

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    This article outlines the results on the antimicrobial action of electrochemically activated water solutions (anolyte/catholyte), produced in the anode and cathode chamber of the electrolitic cell. Under laboratory conditions the cell culture and suspensions of classical swine fever (CSF) virus were treated with the anolyte. After inoculating them with cell cultures, the viral presence (the presence of viral antigen) was measured using the immunoperoxidase technique. It was found that anolyte did not affect the growth of the cell culture PK-15; viral growth during the infection of a cell monolayer with a cell culture virus was affected in the greatest degree by the anolyte in 1:1 dilution and less in other dilutions; whereas the viral growth at the infection of a cell suspension with cell culture virus was affected by the anolyte in dilution 1:1 in the greatest degree, and less by other dilutions; viral growth at the infection with a virus in suspension of the cell monolayer was affected by the anolyte in all dilutions. Unexpectedly, the stronger biocidal effect of the catholyte was observed when a strain of E. coli DH5 was treated by the anolyte and catholyte, respectively. In order to provide additional data about the antiviral activity of the electrochemically activated water and the distribution of H2O molecules according to the energies of hydrogen bonds, the non-equilibrium energy spectrum (NES) and differential non-equilibrium energy spectrum (DNES) of the anolyte and catholyte were measured.   Keywords: anolyte, catholyte, E. coli DH5, CSF virus, NES, DNE

    Studying the Virucidal and Biocidal Effects of Electrochemically Activited Anolyte and Catholyte Types of Water on Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSF) and Bactrerium E. coli DH5

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    This article outlines the results on the antimicrobial action of electrochemically activated water solutions (anolyte/catholyte). The two types of water solutions are produced in the anode and cathode chamber of the electrolitic cell, respectively. Under laboratory conditions a strain of E. coli DH5, as well as the cell culture and organ suspensions of сlassical swine fever virus (CSF) were treated with the anolyte and the catholyte. By inoculating them with cell cultures the viral presence (the presence of viral antigen) was measured using the immunoperoxidase technique. It was found that anolyte did not affect the growth of the cell culture PK-15; the viral growth in the infection of a cell monolayer with a cell culture CSF virus was affected in the greatest degree by the anolyte in 1:1 dilution and less by other dilutions; whereas the viral growth at the infection of a cell suspension with the cell culture of the CSF virus was affected by the anolyte in dilution 1:1 in the greatest degree, and less by other dilutions; whereas the viral growth at the infection with the CSF in suspension of the cell monolayer was affected by the anolyte in all applied dilutions. Unexpectedly, the stronger biocidal effect of the catholyte was observed when a strain of E. coli DH5 was treated by anolyte and catholyte, respectively. In order to provide additional data about the antiviral activity of the catholyte and the anolyte, and the distribution of H2O molecules according to the energies of hydrogen bonds, the non-equilibrium energy spectrum (NES) and diferential non-equilibrium energy spectrum (DNES) of anolyte and catholyte were measured. Keywords: anolyte, catholyte, cell culture, CSF virus, disinfection, NES, DNES

    Results of Blood Serum from Cancer Treated Hamsters with Infrared Thermal Field and Electromagnetic Fields

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    A project of the influence of Christos Drossinakis on model biophysical, biochemical and biological systems has been conducted. His influence is with infrared thermal field and electromagnetic fields (e.m. fields). In this study an experiment on hamsters with malignant tumors was performed. The hamsters are prepared by Reneta Toshkova. Spectral analysis methods are Non-equilibrium spectrum (NES) and Differential non-equilibrium spectrum (DNES) for 1% solutions of blood serum from hamsters with cancer and healthy hamsters were investigated. Drossinakis had an effect on hamsters with cancer. Results are obtained with the DNES method according control serum samples of hamsters with cancer and healthy hamsters. The spectrum was obtained in the range    (-0.0937 eV; 13.23 μm; 755 cm-1) - (-0.1387 eV; 8.95; μm; 1117 cm-1). The average energy (∆EH...O) of hydrogen Н…O-bonds among individual molecules H2O after treatment of Drossinakis measured by NES- and DNES-methods. The result ∆E=-0.0071±0.0011 eV is according control serum samples of hamsters with cancer and is ∆E=-0.0035±0.0011 eV for healthy hamsters. These results suggest the restructuring of ∆EH...O values among H2O molecules with a statistically reliable increase of local extremums in DNES-spectra. Local extremum was obtained at (-0.1212) eV, which is an indicator of anti-inflammatory effect. Also, a local extremum was obtained at   (-0.1387) eV, which is an indicator of inhibition of development of tumor cells at the molecular level. The effects of Drossinakis influence– anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, development  inhibition of cancer cells are shown. This article deals with the review of the basic biophysical-biochemical and biological processes underlying the influence of Drossinakis. The authors are studying their physical-chemical properties and biophysical and biological effects on the organism of hamsters. Another research by Toshkova have shown that the cancer hamsters influenced by Drossinakis have increased their life span. Keywords: effect of Drossinakis, serum of hamsters, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, NES, DNES. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/58-1

    Preparation of Electrochemically Activated Water Solutions (Catholyte/Anolyte) and Studying Their Physical-Chemical Properties

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    The electrochemical treatment of water by the electric current is a promising modern approach in the water disinfection technique, resulting in obtaining the electrochemically activated water solutions (catholyte/anolyte) carrying new physical-chemical properties stipulated by changing of the electrochemical characteristics of water as ORP, Eh, pH. The electrochemically activated water solutions – the catholyte and anolyte can be used in medicine for treatment of various bacterial and viral diseases and in disinfection of water. The process of electrochemical water treatment includes several electrochemical processes associated with the transfer in a constant electric field the electrons, ions and other charged particles (electrolysis, electrophoresis, electroflotation, electrocoagulation), the main of which is the electrolysis of water. This article deals with the review of basic physical-chemical processes underlying the electrolysis of water and preparation of electrochemically activated water solutions (catholyte/anolyte) and studying their physical-chemical properties. The virucidal action of the anolyte and catolyte was studied on cell culture and suspensions of classical swine fever (CSF) virus. Keywords: electrochemical treatment of water, anolyte, catholyte, electrolysis, classical swine fever (CSF) virus

    Preparation of Electrochemically Activated Water Solutions (Catholyte/Anolyte) and Studying Their Physical-Chemical Properties

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    The electrochemical treatment of water by the electric current is a promising modern approach in the water disinfection technique, resulting in obtaining the electrochemically activated water solutions (catholyte/anolyte) carrying new physical-chemical properties stipulated by changing of the electrochemical characteristics of water as ORP, Eh, pH. The electrochemically activated water solutions – the catholyte and anolyte can be used in medicine for treatment of various bacterial and viral diseases and in disinfection of water. The process of electrochemical water treatment includes several electrochemical processes associated with the transfer in a constant electric field the electrons, ions and other charged particles (electrolysis, electrophoresis, electroflotation, electrocoagulation), the main of which is the electrolysis of water. This article deals with the review of basic physical-chemical processes underlying the electrolysis of water and preparation of electrochemically activated water solutions (catholyte/anolyte) and studying their physical-chemical properties. The virucidal action of the anolyte and catolyte was studied on cell culture and suspensions of classical swine fever (CSF) virus. Key words: electrochemical treatment of water, anolyte, catholyte, electrolysis, classical swine fever (CSF) virus

    Preparation of Electrochemically Activated Water Solutions (Catholyte/Anolyte) and Studying Their Physical-Chemical Properties

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    The electrochemical treatment of water by the electric current is a promising modern approach in the water disinfection technique, resulting in obtaining the electrochemically activated water solutions (catholyte/anolyte) carrying new physical-chemical properties stipulated by changing of the electrochemical characteristics of water as ORP, Eh, pH. The electrochemically activated water solutions – the catholyte and anolyte can be used in medicine for treatment of various bacterial and viral diseases and in disinfection of water. The process of electrochemical water treatment includes several electrochemical processes associated with the transfer in a constant electric field the electrons, ions and other charged particles (electrolysis, electrophoresis, electroflotation, electrocoagulation), the main of which is the electrolysis of water. This article deals with the review of basic physical-chemical processes underlying the electrolysis of water and preparation of electrochemically activated water solutions (catholyte/anolyte) and studying their physical-chemical properties. The virucidal action of the anolyte and catolyte was studied on cell culture and suspensions of classical swine fever (CSF) virus. Key words: electrochemical treatment of water, anolyte, catholyte, electrolysis, classical swine fever (CSF) virus

    Beneficial Effects of Drossinakis Bio-influence (With Infrared Thermal and Electromagnetic Fields) on the Development of Experimental Graffi Myeloid Tumors in Hamsters. Hematological Studies

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    The aim of the present experiments was to study the effect of bioinfluence - Infrared thermal field (ITF) and electromagnetic fields (e.m. fields) on the progression of experimental tumor – Graffi myeloid tumor in hamsters Spectral analysis methods called Non-equilibrium spectrum (NES) and Differential non-equilibrium spectrum (DNES) for 1% solutions of blood serum from hamsters with cancer and healthy hamsters were investigated. Drossinakis has a beneficial effect on the Graffi tumor-bearing hamsters. Results are obtained with the DNES method - compared to the control serum samples of hamsters with cancer and healthy hamsters. The spectrum was obtained in the range (-0.0937 eV; 13.23 μm; 755 cm-1) - (-0.1387 eV; 8.95; μm; 1117 cm-1). The average energy (∆EH...O) of hydrogen Н…O-bonds among individual molecules H2O after treatment of Drossinakis was measured by NES- and DNES-methods. The result ∆E=-0.0071±0.0011 eV is according control serum samples of hamsters with cancer and ∆E=-0.0035±0.0011 eV is for healthy ones. These results suggest the restructuring of ∆EH...O values among H2O molecules with a statistically reliable increase of local extremums in DNES-spectra. Local extremum was obtained at (-0.1212) eV, which is an indicator of anti-inflammatory effect. Another local extremum was obtained at   (-0.1387) eV, which is an indicator of the tumor-development inhibition at the cellular- and the molecular level. The beneficial effects of Drossinakis are characterized as the anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, anti-stroke,etc. This article deals with the review of the basic biophysical-, biochemical- and biological processes - bio-influenced of Drossinakis. In this sense, the experimental research of  Toshkova and co-authors has shown increased life span of the tumor-bearing hamsters, bio-influenced by Drossinakis. There are new analyses from  hematological studies from Zvetkova. Keywords: Christos Drossinakis - bioinfluence, Infrared thermal field (ITF), Electromagnetic fields,  Experimental myeloid tumor of Graffi,  hematological studies - erythrocytes DOI: 10.7176/JMPB/54-02 Publication date: April 30th 201

    Electrochemically Activited Water. Biophysical and Biological Effects of Anolyte and Catholyte as Types of Water

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    Results of antimicrobial action of electrochemically activated water (anolyte/catholyte) are provided. The two types of water are produced in the anode and cathode chamber of an electrolitic cell, respectively. Under laboratory conditions cell culture and organ suspensions of Classical swine fever virus were treated with anolyte. By inoculating them with cell cultures quality viral presence (presence of viral antigen) was reported using the immunoperoxidase technique. It was found that: anolyte did not affect the growth of the cell culture PK-15; viral growth in the infection of a cell monolayer with a cell culture virus was affected in the greatest degree by anolyte in 1:1 dilution and less by the other dilutions; viral growth in the infection of a cell suspension with cell culture virus was affected by anolyte in dilution 1:1 in the greatest degree, and less by the other dilutions; viral growth in the infection with a virus in organ suspension of a cell monolayer was affected by the anolyte in all dilutions applied. Unexpectedly, stronger biocidal effect of the catholyte was obsrved when E. coli DH5a strain was treated by anolyte and catholyte, respectively. In order to provide additional information about the antiviral activity of the electrochemically activated water, and about the distribution of water molecules according to the energies of the hydrogen bonds, the non-equilibrium energy spectrum (NES) and diferential non-equilibrium energy spectrum (DNES) of anolyte and catholyte is evaluated.   Keywords: anolyte, cell culture, CSF virus, disinfection, hydrogen bond, water, structure, clusters, NES, DNE