231 research outputs found

    Matrix Theory Application in the Bootstrapping Method for the Term Structure of Interest Rates

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    This article focuses on the term structure of interest rates analysis in the form of a yield curve. The yield curve is a basic instrument for understanding the relationship between the price of money and the maturity of a financial instrument. It has the same relevance for all economic subjects in the form of a basic value determination. The term structure analysis can be used in different economic categories like financial management, portfolio management, actuary science, company valuation, management of firm value, financial risk management, etc. Such as basic method applied in the yield curve construction is the bootstrapping method. Unfortunately, there is great computing severity related to this method. Fortunately, however, the application of matrix theory helps us to solve this issue very well

    Psychological Analysis of the Significance of the Motivational Factors of Professional Civil Servants

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    У статті обґрунтовано залежність ефективності професійної діяльності державних службовців від розуміння їх актуальних потреб та мотивів; представлено результати емпіричного дослідження щодо виявлення мотиваційних факторів, які здійснюють домінувальний вплив на ефективність діяльності державних службовців, сформовано їх рейтинг значущості. In the article dependence of efficiency of professional activity of civil servants is grounded on understanding of their actual necessities and reasons; the results of empiric research are presented in relation to the exposure of motivational factors that carry out dominant influence on efficiency of activity of civil servants, their rating of meaningfulness is formed

    Influence of Information Scanning on Dengue-Related Health Beliefs and Adherence to Prevention Practices in At-Risk Areas of Davao City, Philippines

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    Individuals learn about health from different health sources. Some of these information are encountered through their routine exposure to the media and their social referents, a process called information scanning. A number of studies that trace the impact of scanned information on health behavior support this assumption. But the role of information scanning on adherence to dengue prevention has not been fully explored among individuals in at-risk communities in the Philippines. Thus, a survey was conducted with participants (N = 404) from dengue vulnerable areas in Davao City to assess the influence of scanned information on knowledge and adherence to dengue prevention and thus shed light into the mechanisms of health persuasion. Categorical regression found information scanning (β = .292, p < .005), knowledge on dengue risk and prevention (β = .142, p < .05), participation in community clean-ups (β = .265, p < .001), and subjective norm (β = ‒.123, p < .05) to have significantly contributed to participants’ predicted adherence to dengue prevention practices. Likewise, age, education, income, and number of children are also significantly correlated to adherence, although the strength of correlation was low. The result points out the importance of ensuring the depth and breadth of scanned information and the need for messages that reinforce knowledge and beliefs which facilitate prevention behavior

    Motivation of Officials’ in the System of Governmental Work

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    У статті проаналізовано проблему взаємозв’язку ефективності системи державного управління та професійної мотивації працівників державної служби. Аналіз проблеми здійснено за допомогою діагностики мотиваційної сфери особистості держслужбовців, результатом якої стало визначення мотиваційного профілю досліджуваних осіб. Окреслено шляхи розвитку професійної мотивації працівників у системі державної служби. The problem of interconnection of effective governmental system and professional motivation of officials is described in this article. The analysis is carried out my means of motivational diagnosis of official’s. As the result of this analysis the motivational profile of official’s was outlined. The ways of development of professional motivation is described

    Psychological Features of Significance and Satisfaction of Civil Service Employees’ Professional Motives with Different Seniority and Experience in the Executive Bodies

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    Cтаттю присвячено проблемі професійної мотивації державних службовців місцевих органів виконавчої влади. Проаналізовано професійні мотиви із позицій їх особистісної значущості для працівника й доступності (задоволеності) в професійній діяльності. На основі теоретичного узагальнення різних типів співвідношення цих характеристик мотивів виділено зони потенційного мотиваційного дискомфорту та напруги, які можуть провокувати розвиток внутрішнього конфлікту або внутрішнього вакууму в працівників державної служби і проявлятися на поведінковому рівні в різних формах пасивного або активного опору. За допомогою методики «Мотиваційний профіль» Ш. Річі та П. Мартіна виявлено ієрархію основних професійних мотивів держслужбовців органів виконавчої влади, проаналізовано їх за типами співвідношень між бажаним і реальним станом мотивів: «значущі–задоволені», «значущі–незадоволені», «незначущі–задоволені», «незначущі–незадоволені». За допомогою методів мате-матичної статистики виявлено і проаналізовано відмінності між важливістю та задоволеністю всіх професійних мотивів у працівників із різним стажем професійної діяльності. Показано, що найбільш реалізованими є мотиви, що стосуються специфіки діяльності державного службовця і характеризують процесуально-виконавчу мотивацію (зміст роботи, дотримання адміністративних вимог і посадових інструкцій). Визначено групу мотивів, які зберігають високий рівень особистісної значущості та залишаються незадоволеними в процесі професійної діяльності: заробітна плата, умови праці, визнання, са-мовдосконалення, творчість. Обґрунтовано, що різне співвідношення особистісної значущості й задоволеності професійних мотивів визначає їх ієрархію, силу та стійкість на різних етапах професійної діяльності й здійснює детер-мінуючий вплив на її ефективність. The article deals with professional motivation of civil servants of local authorities. The authors have analyzed profes-sional motives in terms of their personal importance for an employee and their acces-sibility (satisfaction) in his professional activity. The theoretical analysis of these motive features’ correlation has defined the areas of potential motive motivational discomfort and stress, which can trigger the development of internal conflict or emptiness in public service employees and be manifested in their behavior in various forms of passive or active resistance, rejection of senior managers’ demands and instructions, etc. The results of the analysis of the indicators of the Sh. Ritchie-P. Martin test show the availability of the public service employee personality motivational hierarchy and his professional motives diversity based on four types of relationships between the desired and current state of motives: «significant–realized», «significant–unrealized», «insignificant–realized», and «insignificant–unrealized». Statistic methods uncovered showed deviations between the importance and satisfaction of all professional motives (except «structured work» motive) for the workers with different seniority. It is argued that among the most realizable are motives related to the specifics of the civil servants’ activity and characterize procedural and executive motivation (job content, compliance with the administrative requirements and job descriptions). Finally, a group of key motives viewed as personally significant, albeit unrealized in the career, have been found, such as: salary, working conditions, recognition, self-improvement, creativity. It is proved that personal importance and satisfaction of professional motives determine their hierarchy, strength and stability at the various stages of professional activity, thereby providing a deterministic impact on its efficiency

    Dynamics of multi-frequency oscillator ensembles with resonant coupling

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    We study dynamics of populations of resonantly coupled oscillators having different frequencies. Starting from the coupled van der Pol equations we derive the Kuramoto-type phase model for the situation, where the natural frequencies of two interacting subpopulations are in relation 2:1. Depending on the parameter of coupling, ensembles can demonstrate fully synchronous clusters, partial synchrony (only one subpopulation synchronizes), or asynchrony in both subpopulations. Theoretical description of the dynamics based on the Watanabe-Strogatz approach is developed.Comment: 12 page

    Yellow Mistletoe and White-berried Mistletoe on the Area of the Forest Administrations Našice and Osijek

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    Istraživanje je provedeno na području kojim gospodare Hrvatske šume d.o.o. Zagreb, Uprava šuma podružnica (UŠP) Našice (6 šumarija: Ćeralije, Donji Miholjac, Đurđenovac, Koška, Slatina i Voćin) i UŠP Osijek (5 šumarija: Batina, Darda, Đakovo, Levanjska Varoš i Tikveš), za dvije vrste imele: žutu imelu (Loranthus europaeus Jacq.) i bjelogoričnu bijelu imelu (V. album L. ssp. album). Domaćini na kojima su imele istražene bili su: Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., Q. robur L., Q. cerris L., Populus alba L., P. tremula L., P. nigra L., P. ×canadensis Moench, Salix alba L., Fagus sylvatica L., Carpinus betulus L., Prunus avium L., Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl, F. pennsylvanica Marshall, Juglans nigra L. i Robinia pseudoacacia L. U izabranim odsjecima starijima od 30 godina dijagonalnim pregledom evidentiran je broj zaraženih i nezaraženih stabala, te broj grmova imele na zaraženim stablima. Prikazana je prostorna raspodjela intenziteta zaraze kitnjaka i lužnjaka žutom imelom za osam gospodarskih jedinica. Na području UŠP Našice zaraza lužnjaka žutom imelom značajno je manja (1,7 % od 27.592 pregledanih stabala) nego na području UŠP Osijek (10,1 % od 6.164 pregledana stabla). Za kitnjak je obrnuto, odnosno na području UŠP Osijek zaraza je značajno manja (7 % od 27.518 pregledanih stabala) nego na području UŠP Našice (17,8 % od 11.220 pregledanih stabala). Na zaraženim stablima lužnjaka i kitnjaka prosječno su bila 2 grma imele. Žuta imela dolazi i na ceru, a zabilježena je na 3,7 % od 5.644 pregledana stabla. Na običnoj bukvi i običnom grabu imela je prisutna na području UŠP Osijek, Šumarije Levanjska Varoš. Na istraživanom području bijela imela nije zabilježena na poljskom jasenu, ali je prisutna na 22,4 % pregledanih stabala pensilvanskog jasena, koji je invazivna vrsta u prirodnim šumama poljskog jasena. Bijela imela prisutna je na svim autohtonim vrstama topola (bijeloj, crnoj i trepetljici), kao i na kanadskoj topoli, a u pojedinim gospodarskim jedinicama zaraza je bila različita (1,5-25 % pregledanih stabala). U tri gospodarske jedinice, u kojima je imela istražena na bijeloj vrbi, bilo je zaraženo od 2,5 do 17,3 % pregledanih stabala. Na području Šumarije Levanjska Varoš imela je zabilježena na divljoj trešnji. Od stranih vrsta, značajna je zaraza bijelom imelom kultura crnog oraha (29 % od 361 pregledanog stabla), a dolazi i na 12,6 % od 318 pregledanih stabala običnog bagrema.The research was carried out in the area managed by Hrvatske šume d.o.o. (Croatian Forests Ltd.), Zagreb, Forest Administration (FA) Našice (6 Forest Offices: Ćeralije, Donji Miholjac, Đurđenovac, Koška, Slatina and Voćin) and FA Osijek (5 Forest Offices: Batina, Darda, Đakovo, Levanjska Varoš and Tikveš), for two mistletoe species: yellow mistletoe (Loranthus europaeus Jacq.) and white-berried mistletoe (V. album L. ssp. album). The hosts on which these two species were investigated were: Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., Q. robur L., Q. cerris L., Populus alba L., P. tremula L., P. nigra L., P. ×canadensis Moench, Salix alba L., Fagus sylvatica L., Carpinus betulus L., Prunus avium L., Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl, F. pennsylvanica Marshall, Juglans nigra L. and Robinia pseudoacacia L. In the selected subcompartments older than 30 years, through a diagonal survey the number of infected and non-infected trees, as well as the number of mistletoe plants on infected trees was registered. The spatial distribution of the intensity of infection of the sessile and pedunculate oaks with yellow mistletoe in eight management units is shown. In the area of the FA Našice the contagion of the pedunculate oak with yellow mistletoe is considerably lower (1.7 % of 27,592 examined trees) than in the area of the FA Osijek (10.1 % of 6,164 examined trees). For the sessile oak the situation is opposite, i.e. in the area of the FA Osijek the contagion is considerably lower (7 % of 27,518 examined trees) than in the area of the FA Našice (17.8 % of 11.220 examined trees). On the contaminated sessile and pedunculate oak trees there were 2 mistletoe bushes on the average. Yellow mistletoe also occurs on the Turkey oak, and was observed on 3.7 % of 5.644 examined trees. On the common beech and European hornbeam mistletoe is present in the area of the FA Osijek, Forest Office Levanjska Varoš. In the investigated area white-berried mistletoe was not found on the narrow-leaved ash, but was present on 22.4 % of the examined green ash trees, which is an invasive species in natural narrow-leaved ash forests. White mistletoe is present on all autochthonous poplar tree species (white and European black poplar and European aspen), as well as on the Canadian poplar, and in the individual management units the contagion was varying (1.5–25 % of examined trees). In three management units, in which mistletoe was examined on the white willow, 2.5 to 17.3 % of examined trees was contaminated. In the area of the FA Levanjska Varoš mistletoe was found on the wild cherry. Of the foreign species there is considerable contagion of the black walnut trees with mistletoe (29 % of 361 examined trees), and it occurs on 12.6 % of 318 examined trees of the black locust