13 research outputs found

    Workplace violence: a qualitative study drawing on the perspectives of UK nursing students

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    Background: Workplace violence (WV) remains problematic and highly prevalent in healthcare with student nurses being especially vulnerable. Aim: To investigate the impact of WV from the perspectives of nursing students Methods: A qualitative design was employed. 444 nursing students in the UK participated in the study. Findings: The qualitative data was analysed, coded and three main themes have emerged; (1) violence culture in nursing, (2) tolerating violence and (3) the impact of the violence. Discussion: The undesirable truth is each year nearly more than half of the students face WV in environments where such behaviour becomes culturally embedded and passed between generations of nurses. This process of normalization requires intervention that will break this cycle to enable more appropriate workplace behaviours to flourish. Conclusion: The impact of WV can be extremely destructive for the individual, the profession and ultimately patient care with large numbers choosing to leave at a time when there is a national shortage of qualified staff. Key Words: Nursing, nursing students, violence, workplace, workplace violenc

    Demons and crystals

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    At Nordnes in Bergen there are a stone foundation supporting a plateau with buildings and an old fort. In the stone foundation, almost like a cave, there are a public urinal. As rain pours down, the mortar holding together the stones in the structures slowly dissolves into a flow of water. When the water flow passes the room of the urinal it gets exposed to heat from the air and sun which causes the water to evaporate and the minerals from the mortar to precipitate out in to stalactites. If left unattended this would eventually lay down the fort and the buildings in a ruin, and the empty space of the urinal would be filled by a mineral structure.Bildene er av eksamensverket "Metallfeber

    Palaeoproterozoic Tectonomagmatic Evolution and Crustal Architecture of the SW Margin of Fennoscandia

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    FeltomrĂ„det omfatter de fire Ăžyene GrytĂžya, BjarkĂžya, SandsĂžya og KrĂžttĂžya i Troms, Norge, lokalisert pĂ„ den tidligere sĂžrvestlige marginen av det Fennoskandiske skjold i sen-paleoproterozoisk tid. Litologiene som finnes der bestĂ„r av grafitt- og sulfid-fĂžrende suprakrustaler (kvartsitt, amfibolitt, skifer, meta-arkose, kalk-silikater) intrudert av paleoproterozoiske meta-gabbroer, granodioritter og granitter med kaledonske skyvedekker skĂžvet over disse bergartene fra vest. Den eldste litologien funnet i omrĂ„det bestĂ„r av suprakrustale gneisser funnet pĂ„ BjarkĂžya og som opptrer i xenolitter pĂ„ SandsĂžya, som viser likhetstrekk med suprakrustalene funnet i det tektoniske vinduet i Rombak (RTW). Fra feltobservasjoner finner man at disse suprakrustalene er intrudert av yngre granittiske bergarter. Suprakrustalene fra RTW ble deformert under den svekofenniske orogenesen (D1+D2) i en tektonisk setting dominert av kompresjon, fĂžr de ble intrudert av omfangsrike granittiske bergarter. Omfattende U-Pb geokronologisk analytisk arbeid ved LA-ICP-MS og SHRIMP har blitt utfĂžrt og viser at suprakrustalene pĂ„ BjarkĂžya (1869±42 Ma) har liknende aldre som suprakrustalene i Kiruna, Sverige (1.88 Ga). De intrusive bergartene i RTW (1.80-1.79 Ga) viser liknende aldre som de intrusive bergarter i feltomrĂ„det (1811±52 Ma til 1770±16). Bulkkjemien til de vulkanske og intrusive bergartene i RTW og de intrusive bergartene fra feltomrĂ„det viser variasjon i hovedelementene innenfor samme litologi. Sporelementene for de vulkanske bergartene i RTW og de intrusive bergartene fra RTW og feltomrĂ„det viser en generell subduksjonssonesignatur i kondrittisk- og primitiv mantel-normaliserte diagrammer (hĂžy konsentrasjon av LILE, lav konsentrasjon av HFSE og negative Nb and Ta anomalier). Isotopdata fra bĂ„de zirkon og bulksammensetning, indikerer primĂŠrt en skorpesmeltekilde for bĂ„de intrusivene i RTW (ƐNd=-3.4 to -6.9) og de intrusive bergartene i feltomrĂ„det (ƐNd=-7.2 to -8.7, ƐHf=-3.0 to -13). Intrusivbergartene fra feltomrĂ„det viser en mindre grad av miksing og/eller assimilering med en utarmet mantelsmelte enn intrusivbergartene i RTW. De vulkanske bergartene fra RTW viser en mer juvenil sammensetning (ƐNd=-2.8 to -6.4) og er tolket til Ă„ ha en subduksjonsrelatert opprinnelse og reflekterer etablering av en kontinentalbue som kort tid senere ble intrudert av skorpederiverte granittiske bergarter. I lys av de nye geokronologiske, geokjemiske og isotopdataene fra feltomrĂ„det kan det gjĂžres en sammenligning med liknende bergarter funnet i RTW, West-Troms Basement Complex, Lofoten-VesterĂ„len og Central Nordland Basement Window som indikerer at 1.8 Ga bergartene fra feltomrĂ„det var del av en geografisk utbredt, men tidsbegrenset magmatisk hendelse. Forskjellene i SiO2, MgO og FeO og isotopdata mellom de vulkanske bergartene og de intrusive bergartene i RTW og feltomrĂ„det, samt fravĂŠr av D1 og D2 strukturer i de intrusive bergartene antyder en endring i det tektoniske miljĂžet for de intrusive bergartene. Denne avhandlingen foreslĂ„r delaminering som en forklaring pĂ„ den tidsbegrensede, omfangsrike magmatismen som fant sted mellom 1790-1800 Ma. En kompresjon med pĂ„fĂžlgende skorpefortykning fĂžrte sannsynligvis til dannelse av kald, tung eklogitt-bergarter ved nedre skorpe/litosfĂŠre som delaminerte og sank. Denne prosessen fĂžrte til at astenosfĂŠren steg opp mot og smeltet nedre del av skorpen. Isotopdata stĂžtter idĂ©en om en arkeisk-paleoproterozoisk grense sĂžr for feltomrĂ„det men gir ingen eksakt posisjon for hvor den er plassert. OmrĂ„der rike pĂ„ mineraliseringer i Sverige er funnet i 1.88 Ga meta-suprakrustaler. Feltdata og geokronologi viser at selv om slike bergarter strekker seg vestover i Norge, sĂ„ er disse intrudert av 1.8 Ga granitter. Gravitasjonskart viser at mineraliseringene er funnet i hĂžy-gravitasjonsregionene i Sverige, og disse fortsetter ikke videre inn i Norge. Dette er antatt Ă„ vĂŠre fordi Norge har hatt stor utbredelse av 1.8 Ga granitter som har fjernet de fleste av potensielle mineraliserte bergarter. Potensialet for Ă„ finne Ăžkonomisk drivverdige mineraliseringer i suprakrustaler i Norge anses derfor som liten

    User involvement in the implementation of welfare technology in home care services: The experience of health professionals—A qualitative study

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    Aims and objectives: The aim of this study is to learn more about factors that promote or inhibit user involvement among health professionals when implementing welfare technology in home care services. Background: It is a health policy goal to increase the use of welfare technology in order to address some of the challenges that healthcare services are facing. Health professionals' involvement is important for the successful implementation of welfare technology in home care services. Design: The study has an explorative and descriptive longitudinal design based on a qualitative approach. Five focus group interviews were conducted with 16 nurses and assistant nurses from three different municipalities over a period of 2 years. The data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. The COREQ checklist was used. Results: The analysis led to five main themes: competence a critical component, information and information lines, new ways of working, choice of welfare technology and change in patient services. From health professionals' perspective, there appeared to be a lack of preparedness for the change in the implementation of welfare technology entailed for home care services. The respondents experienced limited facilitation and opportunities for user involvement. Conclusion: Health professionals want to be more involved but emphasised that competence, information and collaborative arenas are necessary factors if involvement in the process is to be increased. Competence affected some of the respondents' attitudes and willingness to use the technology. The respondents also experienced that the managements' focus on facilitation and interest in user involvement in addition to infrastructures that functioned in various ways had an impact on user involvement. Relevance to clinical practice: The knowledge gained from this study about factors that promote or inhibit user involvement among health professionals could contribute to better preparedness for further implementation of welfare technology in the field of home care

    User involvement in the implementation of welfare technology in home care services: The experience of health professionals—A qualitative study

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    Aims and objectives: The aim of this study is to learn more about factors that promote or inhibit user involvement among health professionals when implementing welfare technology in home care services. Background: It is a health policy goal to increase the use of welfare technology in order to address some of the challenges that healthcare services are facing. Health professionals' involvement is important for the successful implementation of welfare technology in home care services. Design: The study has an explorative and descriptive longitudinal design based on a qualitative approach. Five focus group interviews were conducted with 16 nurses and assistant nurses from three different municipalities over a period of 2 years. The data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. The COREQ checklist was used. Results: The analysis led to five main themes: competence a critical component, information and information lines, new ways of working, choice of welfare technology and change in patient services. From health professionals' perspective, there appeared to be a lack of preparedness for the change in the implementation of welfare technology entailed for home care services. The respondents experienced limited facilitation and opportunities for user involvement. Conclusion: Health professionals want to be more involved but emphasised that competence, information and collaborative arenas are necessary factors if involvement in the process is to be increased. Competence affected some of the respondents' attitudes and willingness to use the technology. The respondents also experienced that the managements' focus on facilitation and interest in user involvement in addition to infrastructures that functioned in various ways had an impact on user involvement. Relevance to clinical practice: The knowledge gained from this study about factors that promote or inhibit user involvement among health professionals could contribute to better preparedness for further implementation of welfare technology in the field of home care

    Family caregivers’ involvement in caring for frail older family members using welfare technology: a qualitative study of home care in transition

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    Background: Demographic, economic and organisational changes challenge home care services. Increased use of welfare technology and involvement of family members as co-producers of care are political initiatives to meet these challenges. However, these initiatives also involve ethical aspects. Method: The aim of this qualitative study was to explore family caregivers’ experience of involvement and possible ethical aspects of caring for frail older family members receiving home care services supported by welfare technology. This study used a qualitative explorative and descriptive design within a phenomenological-hermeneutical approach. Sixteen interviews with eighteen family caregivers were conducted. The participants were sons, daughters, siblings and spouses of frail older people receiving home care services with the support of welfare technology. Data were analysed using refexive thematic analysis. The COREQ checklist was used. Results: The analysis led to fve main themes. First, the family caregivers’ experienced caring as meaningful but increasingly demanding concerning the changes in home care services. Second, they experienced a change in relationships, roles, tasks, and responsibilities related to more family involvement and the use of welfare technology. This also challenged their sense of autonomy. However, welfare technology helped them deal with responsibilities, especially safety. The family caregivers requested early involvement, dialogue for care decisions, more cooperation and support from health professionals. Third, the participants experienced that health professionals decided the conditions for co-production without discussion. Their need for information and knowledge about welfare technology were not met. Fourth, the family caregivers felt that the health professionals did not adequately recognise their unique knowledge of the care receiver and did not use this knowledge for customising the welfare technology to the care receiver and their families. Fifth, the family caregivers expressed concern about service and welfare technology inequality in home care services. Conclusions: Co-production in the involvement of family caregivers in care is still not an integral part of home care service. Welfare technology was appreciated, but the family caregivers called for early involvement to ensure successful and safe implementation and use. More attention needs to be given to ethical concerns about the change in relations, transfer of tasks and responsibility, and risk of inequality