573 research outputs found

    Effect of cessation of late-night landing noise on sleep electrophysiology in the home

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    Simultaneous measurements of noise exposure and sleep electrophysiology were made in homes before and after cessation of nighttime aircraft landing noise. Six people were tested, all of whom had been exposed to intense aircraft noise for at least two years. Noise measurements indicated a large reduction in the hourly noise level during nighttime hours, but no charge during the daytime hours. Sleep measures indicated no dramatic changes in sleep patterns either immediately after a marked change in nocturnal noise exposure or approximately a month thereafter. No strong relationship was observed between noise level and sleep disturbances over the range from 60 to 90 db(A)

    FAST: A multi-processed environment for visualization of computational fluid

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    Three dimensional, unsteady, multizoned fluid dynamics simulations over full scale aircraft is typical of problems being computed at NASA-Ames on CRAY2 and CRAY-YMP supercomputers. With multiple processor workstations available in the 10 to 30 Mflop range, it is felt that these new developments in scientific computing warrant a new approach to the design and implementation of analysis tools. These large, more complex problems create a need for new visualization techniques not possible with the existing software or systems available as of this time. These visualization techniques will change as the supercomputing environment, and hence the scientific methods used, evolve ever further. Visualization of computational aerodynamics require flexible, extensible, and adaptable software tools for performing analysis tasks. FAST (Flow Analysis Software Toolkit), an implementation of a software system for fluid mechanics analysis that is based on this approach is discussed

    New Development in NASA's Rodent Research Hardware for Conducting Long Duration Biomedical and Basic Research in Space

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    Animal models, particularly rodents, are the foundation of pre-clinical research to understand human diseases and evaluate new therapeutics, and play a key role in advancing biomedical discoveries both on Earth and in space. The National Research Councils Decadal survey emphasized the importance of expanding NASAs life sciences research to perform long duration, rodent experiments on the International Space Station (ISS). To accomplish this objective, flight hardware, operations, and science capabilities were developed at NASA Ames Research Center (ARC) to enhance science return for both commercial (CASIS) and government-sponsored rodent research. The Rodent Research program at NASA ARC has pioneered a new research capability on the International Space Station and has progressed toward translating research to the ISS utilizing commercial rockets, collaborating with academia and science industry, while training crewmembers to assist in performing research on orbit. Throughout phases of these missions, our practices, hardware and operations have evolved from tested to developed standards, and we are able to modify and customize our procedure and operations for mission specific requirements. The Rodent Research Habitat is capable of providing a living environment for animals on ISS according to standard animal welfare requirements. Using the cameras in the Habitat, the Rodent Research team has the ability to perform daily health checks on animals, and further analyze the collected videos for behavioral studies. A recent development of the Rodent Research hardware is inclusion of enrichment, to provide the animals the ability to rest and huddle. The Enrichment Hut is designed carefully for adult mice (up to 35 week old) within animal welfare, engineering, and operations constraints. The Hut is made out of the same stainless steel mesh as the cage interior, it has an ingress and an egress to allow animals move freely, and a hinge door to allow crewmembers remove the animals easily. The Rodent Research team has also developed Live Animal Return (LAR) capability, which will be implemented during Rodent Research-5 mission for the first time. The animals will be transported from the Habitat to a Transporter, which will return on the Dragon capsule and splashes down in the Pacific Ocean. Once SpaceX retrieves the Dragon, all powered payloads will be transferred to a SeaVan and transferred to the Long Beach pier. The NASA team then receives the transporter and delivers to a PI-designated laboratory within 120 mile radius of Long Beach. This is a significant improvement allowing researchers to examine animals within 72 hrs. of reentry or to conduct recovery experiments. Together, the hardware improvements and experience that the Rodent Research team has gained working with principal investigators and ISS crew to conduct complex experiments on orbit are expanding capabilities for long duration rodent research on the ISS to achieve both basic science and biomedical objectives

    Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio: A Prognostic Indicator for Astronaut Health

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    Short-term and long-term spaceflight missions can cause immune system dysfunction in astronauts. Recent studies indicate elevated white blood cells (WBC) and polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) in astronaut blood, along with unchanged or reduced lymphocyte counts, and reduced T cell function, during short-(days) and long-(months) term spaceflight. A high PMN to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) can acts as a strong predictor of poor prognosis in cancer, and as a biomarker for subclinical inflammation in humans and chronic stress in mouse models, however, the NLR has not yet been identified as a predictor of astronaut health during spaceflight. For this, complete blood cell count data collected from astronauts and rodents that have flown for short- and long-term missions on board the International Space Station (ISS) was repurposed to determine the NLR pre-, in-, and post-flight. The results displayed that the NLR progressively increased during spaceflight in both human and mice, while a spike in the NLR was observed at post-flight landing, suggesting stress-induced factors may be involved. In addition, the ground-based chronic microgravity analog, hindlimb unloading in mice, indicated an increased NLR, along with induced myeloperoxidase expression, as measured by quantitative (q)PCR. The mechanism for increased NLR was further assessed in vitro using the NASA-developed rotating wall vessel (RWV) cell culture suspension system with human WBCs. The results indicated that simulated microgravity led to increased mature PMN counts, NLR profiles, and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Collectively, these studies show that an increased NLR is observed in spaceflight missions, and in chronic microgravity-analog simulation in mice, and that this effect may be potentiated by the oxidative stress response in blood cells under microgravity conditions. Furthermore, these results suggest that a disrupted NLR profile in spaceflight may further disrupt immune homeostasis, potentially causing chronic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Thus, we propose that the health status of astronauts during short- and long-term space missions can be monitored by their NLR profile, in addition to utilizing this measurement as a tool for interventions and countermeasure development to restore homeostatic immunity

    Dried Plum Diet Prevents Bone Loss Caused by Ionizating Radiation: Reduces Pro-Resorption Cytokine Expression, and Protects Marrow-Derived Osteoprogenitors

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    Future long duration missions outside the protection of the Earth's magnetosphere, or unshielded exposures to solar particle events, achieves total doses capable of causing cancellous bone loss. Cancellous bone loss caused by ionizing radiation occurs quite rapidly in rodents: Initially, radiation increases the number and activity of bone-resorbing osteoclasts, followed by decrease in bone forming osteoblast cells. Here we report that Dried Plum (DP) diet completely prevented cancellous bone loss caused by ionizing radiation (Figure 1). DP attenuated marrow expression of genes related to bone resorption (Figure 2), and protected the bone marrow-derived pre-osteoblasts ex vivo from total body irradiation (Figure 3). DP is known to inhibit resorption in models of aging and ovariectomy-induced osteopenia; this is the first report that dietary DP is radioprotective

    Effects of Simulated Spaceflight on Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress in Bone Remodelling

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    Microgravity and ionizing radiation may contribute to cellular stress; resulting in increased generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), DNA damage, cell cycle arrest, and cell death. We hypothesized that suppression of excess ROS in osteoblasts and osteoclasts will improve bone microarchitecture. To test our hypothesis, we used irradiated transgenic mCAT mice overexpressing human anti-oxidant catalase gene targeted to the mitochondria (main site for ROS production). mCAT mice expressed the transgene and displayed elevated catalase activity in bone and ex vivo osteoblast and osteoclast cultures. Treated bone from wildtype mice showed elevated levels of oxidative damage whereas mCAT mice did not. Also, increased catalase activity correlated with decreased MDA levels and that increased oxidative damage correlated with decreased % bone volume. Ex-vivo osteoblast colony growth positively correlated with osteoblast catalase activity. mCAT mice displayed reduced % bone volume. Treatment caused significant bone loss in wildtype mice. Treatment also caused slight deficits in microarchitecture of mCAT mice. In conclusion, ROS signaling in both osteoblast and osteoclast lineage cells contribute to skeletal development and remodeling and quenching oxidative damage could play a role in bone loss prevention

    Dose- and Ion-Dependent Effects in the Oxidative Stress Response to Space-Like Radiation Exposure in the Skeletal System

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    Exposure to space radiation may pose a risk to skeletal health during subsequent aging. Irradiation acutely stimulates bone remodeling in mice, although the long-term influence of space radiation on bone-forming potential (osteoblastogenesis) and possible adaptive mechanisms are not well understood. We hypothesized exposure to ionizing radiation impairs osteoblastogenesis in an ion-type specific manner, with low doses capable of modulating expression of redox-related genes. 16-week old, male, C57BL6/J mice were exposed to low linear-energy-transfer (LET) protons (150 mega electron volts per nucleon) or high-LET (sup 56) Fe ions (600 mega electron volts per nucleon) using either low (5 or 10 centigrays) or high (50 or 200 centigrays) doses at NASAs Space Radiation Lab at Brookhaven National Lab (NSRL/BNL). Tissues were harvested 5 weeks or 1 year after irradiation and bones were analyzed by microcomputed tomography for cancellous microarchitecture and cortical geometry. Marrow-derived, adherent cells were grown under osteoblastogenic culture conditions. Cell lysates were analyzed for select groups by RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction) during the proliferative phase or the mineralizing phase, and differentiation was analyzed by imaging mineralized nodules (percentage surface area). Representative genes were selected for expression analyses, including cell proliferation (PCNA, Cdk2, p21, p53), differentiation (Runx2, Alpl, Bglap), oxidative metabolism (Catalase, GPX, MnSOD, CuZnSOD, iNos, Foxo1), DNA-damage repair (Gadd45), or apoptosis (Caspase 3). As expected, a high dose (200 centigrays), but not low doses, of either (sup 56) Fe or protons caused a loss of cancellous bone volume per total volume. Marrow cells produced mineralized nodules ex vivo regardless of radiation type or dose; (sup 56) Fe (200 centigrays) inhibited median nodule area by more than 90 percent at 5 weeks and 1 year post-irradiation, compared to controls. At 5 weeks post exposure, irradiation with protons or (sup 56) Fe caused few changes in gene expression levels during osteoblastogenesis, although a high dose of (sup 56) Fe (200 centigrays) increased levels of Catalase and Gadd45. In addition, supplementing cell culture media with SOD protected marrow-derived osteoprogenitors from the damaging effects of exposure to low-LET ((sup 137) Cs gamma) if irradiated in vitro, but had limited protective effects on high-LET (sup 56) Fe-exposed cells. In sum, exposure of mice to either protons or (sup 56) Fe at a relatively high dose (200 cGy) caused persistent bone loss, whereas only high-LET (sup 56) Fe increased expression of redox-related genes and inhibited osteoblastogenesis, albeit to a limited extent. We conclude that high-LET irradiation impaired osteoblastogenesis and regulated steady-state gene expression of select redox-related genes during osteoblastogenesis, which may contribute to persistent bone loss

    Novel Radiomitigator for Radiation-Induced Bone Loss

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    Radiation-induced bone loss can occur with radiotherapy patients, accidental radiation exposure and during long-term spaceflight. Bone loss due to radiation is due to an early increase in oxidative stress, inflammation and bone resorption, resulting in an imbalance in bone remodeling. Furthermore, exposure to high-Linear Energy Transfer (LET) radiation will impair the bone forming progenitors and reduce bone formation. Radiation can be classified as high-LET or low-LET based on the amount of energy released. Dried Plum (DP) diet prevents bone loss in mice exposed to total body irradiation with both low-LET and high-LET radiation. DP prevents the early radiation-induced bone resorption, but furthermore, we show that DP protects the bone forming osteoblast progenitors from high-LET radiation. These results provide insight that DP re-balances the bone remodeling by preventing resorption and protecting the bone formation capacity. This data is important considering that most of the current osteoporosis treatments only block the bone resorption but do not protect bone formation. In addition, DP seems to act on both the oxidative stress and inflammation pathways. Finally, we have preliminary data showing the potential of DP to be radio-protective at a systemic effect and could possible protect other tissues at risk of total body-irradiation such as skin, brain and heart

    Prevention of Spaceflight-Induced Bone Loss: A Promising Dietary Countermeasure

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    Space radiation is one of the challenges for long-term spaceflight, especially for missions beyond low Earth Orbit. We have shown that a diet composed of 25% dried plum (DP) prevents radiation-induced bone loss. The DP diet fully protected the cancellous bone microarchitecture of mice exposed to ionizing radiation (gamma, proton, and HZE). In particular relevant to space radiation, we showed that the DP diet prevents bone loss due to 1Gy of sequential exposure of proton (1H, low linear energy transfer -LET-), and 1Gy of iron (56Fe, high-LET). In addition, total body exposure to 1Gy of HZE radiation (56Fe) impaired the osteoprogenitors in mice fed the control diet, as indicated by decreased osteoblast mineralization. In contrast, marrow stem cells from mice fed the DP did not exhibit these deficits. Based on these promising results supporting DP as a countermeasure to prevent space radiation induced-tissue damage, we conducted additional studies to combine radiation and simulated microgravity. We exposed skeletally mature male mice to simulated microgravity (using hindlimb unloading, HU) or total body irradiation (TBI, 2Gy 137Cs) or in combination (HU+TBI). We observed bone loss in the mice fed the control diet (CD) exposed to simulated spaceflight, as measured by cancellous bone microarchitecture parameters such as percent bone volume (BV/TV). In contrast, mice fed the DP diet did not exhibit similar bone loss with either treatments (HU or TBI) or combined (HU+TBI) as seen in most parameters. This was observed in both long bones (tibia) and axial bones (vertebrae). Furthermore, preliminary data shows that pre-feeding with the DP diet attenuates the HU-induced decrement in bone-forming osteoblasts colony counts and mineralization capacity of the osteoprogenitor cells. We also performed DP feeding at lower doses (5%, 10%) and found that these doses are less effective in preventing the radiation-induced bone loss. All our studies with the DP diet as a countermeasure were done with a period of pre-feeding ranging from 14 to 21 days before irradiation, and in order to test the capacity of the DP diet as a countermeasure provided after exposure to radiation, we exposed mice to 2Gy gamma radiation and then provided the DP diet 24 hours post-IR. Preliminary data indicates that DP mitigated the radiation-induced deficits in certain cancellous bone structural parameters. Finally, we showed that mice fed with the control diet (CD) increased oxidative damage in the serum after radiation exposure, whereas mice fed the DP diet do did not show such an increase. In summary, the DP diet is a promising countermeasure for spaceflight-induced tissue damage

    Dried Plum as a Candidate Radiomitigant

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    This presentation will focus on data obtained from that authors' studies that test the efficacy of dried plum as a countermeasure against radiation-induced bone loss
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