63 research outputs found

    Beziehungen zwischen verschiedenen Parametern des Energiestoffwechsels und der Eutergesundheit beim Milchrind unter BerĂĽcksichtigung des Melksystems

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Wechselwirkungen zwischen der Eutergesundheit und dem Energiestoffwechsel des Milchrinds im peripartalen Zeitraum unter Berücksichtigung des Melksystems untersucht. Um die Eutergesundheit zu charakterisieren, wurden u. a. Differentialzellbilder der Milch mit der von RANKL (2004) beschriebenen indirekten Methode der Immunfluoreszenzfärbung erstellt. Als Parameter zur Beurteilung der Eutergesundheit wurden die klinische Untersuchung des Euters, die Sekretuntersuchung (grobsinnlich, Schalm-Mastitis-Test und bakteriologische Untersuchung), der somatische Zellgehalt, pH-Wert und das Differentialzellbild der Milch gewählt. Die Beurteilung der Stoffwechselsituation erfolgte anhand der Tagesmilchmenge, der Milchinhaltsstoffe Fett, Eiweiß, Harnstoff und Laktose, des Fett-Eiweiß-Quotienten (FEQ) der Milch sowie der Blutparameter Bilirubin, Alkalische Phosphatase (AP), Aspartat-Amino-Transferase (AST), Creatinkinase (CK), γ-Glutamyl-Transferase (GGT), Glutamat-Dehydrogenase (GLDH), Freie Fettsäuren (FFS), β-Hydroxybutyrat (BHB) und Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I). Desweiteren wurde die Körperkondition mittels Body Condition Score (BCS) und sonographischer Messung der Rückenfettdicke (RFD) und Muskeldicke (MD) bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse führten zu dem Schluss, dass Veränderungen von Parametern des Energiestoffwechsels während des peripartalen Zeitraums mit der Eutergesundheit beim Milchrind und der Zusammensetzung des Differentialzellbilds in Beziehung stehen. Konzentrationsänderungen von v.a. Bilirubin, aber auch von AP, AST, GLDH und BHB gingen mit einer Veränderung der einzelnen Komponenten im Differentialzellbild einher. Dabei korrelierte ein Anstieg der Bilirubinkonzentration mit Veränderungen von drei der vier Zellkomponenten: Makrophagen- und Epithelzellen-Anteil im Differentialzellbild stiegen an, der Lymphozyten-Anteil nahm ab

    VLTI status update: a decade of operations and beyond

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    We present the latest update of the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope interferometer (VLTI). The operations of VLTI have greatly improved in the past years: reduction of the execution time; better offering of telescopes configurations; improvements on AMBER limiting magnitudes; study of polarization effects and control for single mode fibres; fringe tracking real time data, etc. We present some of these improvements and also quantify the operational improvements using a performance metric. We take the opportunity of the first decade of operations to reflect on the VLTI community which is analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Finally, we present briefly the preparatory work for the arrival of the second generation instruments GRAVITY and MATISSE.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9146-1

    ERIS: revitalising an adaptive optics instrument for the VLT

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    ERIS is an instrument that will both extend and enhance the fundamental diffraction limited imaging and spectroscopy capability for the VLT. It will replace two instruments that are now being maintained beyond their operational lifetimes, combine their functionality on a single focus, provide a new wavefront sensing module that makes use of the facility Adaptive Optics System, and considerably improve their performance. The instrument will be competitive with respect to JWST in several regimes, and has outstanding potential for studies of the Galactic Center, exoplanets, and high redshift galaxies. ERIS had its final design review in 2017, and is expected to be on sky in 2020. This contribution describes the instrument concept, outlines its expected performance, and highlights where it will most excel.Comment: 12 pages, Proc SPIE 10702 "Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII

    Growing up -the completion of the VLTI

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    Abstract. The completed VLTI with eight Delay Lines and eight ATs forms the basis for the second generation instrumentation. We describe the events up to first fringes with the test instrument VINCI using the siderostats, and the planning for the immediate future. Multi beam combination for 'smoother images' will be briefly discussed as well as artificial guide stars for fringe tracking. New technological developments like fiber optics amplifiers and integrated optics in combination with STJ open the door for a new type of interferometric arrays. Baselines as long as a a few kilometres come into reach. Examples of these second generation interferometers will be given

    APIC: Absolute Position Interfero Coronagraph for direct exoplanet detection: first laboratory results

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    International audienceFor the detection and direct imaging of exoplanets, when the intensity ratio between a star and its orbiting planet can largely exceed 106, coronagraphic methods are mandatory. In 1996, a concept of achromatic interferocoronagraph (AIC) was presented by J. Gay and Y. Rabbia for the detection of very faint stellar companions, such as exoplanets. In an earlier paper, we presented a modified version of the AIC permitting to determine the relative position of these faint companions with respect to the parent star, a problem unsolved in the original design of the AIC. Our modification lied in the use of cylindrical lens doublets as field rotator. By placing two of them in one arm of the interferometric set-up of AIC, we destroyed the axis of symmetry induced by the AIC's original design. Our theoretical study, along with the numerical computations, presented then, and the preliminary test bench results aiming at validating the cylindrical lens doublet field rotation capability, presented in this paper, show that the axis of symmetry is destroyed when one of the cylindrical doublets is rotated around the optic axis
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