495 research outputs found

    Telecommunications. He received a BSc in Aerospace

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    2010, he was a Principal Engineer (Algorithms) at SigNav Pty Ltd where he worked for 15 years on GPS embedded firmware and algorithm development. He also worked at Auspace Ltd for 3 years as a Software Systems Engineer

    Neuropsychological characterization of aggressive behavior in children and adolescents with cd/odd and effects of single doses of medications: The protocol of the matrics_wp6-1 study

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    Aggressive behaviors and disruptive/conduct disorders are some of the commonest reasons for referral to youth mental health services; nevertheless, the efficacy of therapeutic interventions in real-world clinical practice remains unclear. In order to define more appropriate targets for innovative pharmacological therapies for disruptive/conduct disorders, the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) funded the MATRICS project (Multidisciplinary Approaches to Translational Research in Conduct Syndromes) to identify neural, genetic, and molecular factors underpinning the pathogenesis of aggression/antisocial behavior in preclinical models and clinical samples. Within the program, a multicentre case-control study, followed by a single-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over, randomized acute single-dose medication challenge, was conducted at two Italian sites. Aggressive children and adolescents with conduct disorder (CD) or oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) were compared to the same age (10–17 y) typically developing controls (TDC) on a neuropsychological tasks battery that included both “cold” (e.g., inhibitory control, decision making) and “hot” executive functions (e.g., moral judgment, emotion processing, risk assessment). Selected autonomic measures (heart rate variability, skin conductance, salivary cortisol) were recorded before/during/after neuropsychological testing sessions. The acute response to different drugs (methylphenidate/atomoxetine, risperidone/aripiprazole, or placebo) was also examined in the ODD/CD cohort in order to identify potential neuropsychological/physiological mechanisms underlying aggression. The paper describes the protocol of the clinical MATRICS WP6-1 study, its rationale, the specific outcome measures, and their implications for a precision medicine approach

    LMTK2 binds to kinesin light chains to mediate anterograde axonal transport of cdk5/p35 and LMTK2 levels are reduced in Alzheimer's disease brains

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    Cyclin dependent kinase-5 (cdk5)/p35 is a neuronal kinase that regulates key axonal and synaptic functions but the mechanisms by which it is transported to these locations are unknown. Lemur tyrosine kinase-2 (LMTK2) is a binding partner for p35 and here we show that LMTK2 also interacts with kinesin-1 light chains (KLC1/2). Binding to KLC1/2 involves a C-terminal tryptophan/aspartate (WD) motif in LMTK2 and the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domains in KLC1/2, and this interaction facilitates axonal transport of LMTK2. Thus, siRNA loss of KLC1 or mutation of the WD motif disrupts axonal transport of LMTK2. We also show that LMTK2 facilitates the formation of a complex containing KLC1 and p35 and that siRNA loss of LMTK2 disrupts axonal transport of both p35 and cdk5. Finally, we show that LMTK2 levels are reduced in Alzheimer’s disease brains. Damage to axonal transport and altered cdk5/p35 are pathogenic features of Alzheimer’s disease. Thus, LMTK2 binds to KLC1 to direct axonal transport of p35 and its loss may contribute to Alzheimer’s disease

    Eccentric, nonspinning, inspiral, Gaussian-process merger approximant for the detection and characterization of eccentric binary black hole mergers

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    We present ENIGMA\texttt{ENIGMA}, a time domain, inspiral-merger-ringdown waveform model that describes non-spinning binary black holes systems that evolve on moderately eccentric orbits. The inspiral evolution is described using a consistent combination of post-Newtonian theory, self-force and black hole perturbation theory. Assuming eccentric binaries that circularize prior to coalescence, we smoothly match the eccentric inspiral with a stand-alone, quasi-circular merger, which is constructed using machine learning algorithms that are trained with quasi-circular numerical relativity waveforms. We show that ENIGMA\texttt{ENIGMA} reproduces with excellent accuracy the dynamics of quasi-circular compact binaries. We validate ENIGMA\texttt{ENIGMA} using a set of Einstein Toolkit\texttt{Einstein Toolkit} eccentric numerical relativity waveforms, which describe eccentric binary black hole mergers with mass-ratios between 1q5.51 \leq q \leq 5.5, and eccentricities e00.2e_0 \lesssim 0.2 ten orbits before merger. We use this model to explore in detail the physics that can be extracted with moderately eccentric, non-spinning binary black hole mergers. We use ENIGMA\texttt{ENIGMA} to show that GW150914, GW151226, GW170104, GW170814 and GW170608 can be effectively recovered with spinning, quasi-circular templates if the eccentricity of these events at a gravitational wave frequency of 10Hz satisfies e0{0.175,0.125,0.175,0.175,0.125}e_0\leq \{0.175,\, 0.125,\,0.175,\,0.175,\, 0.125\}, respectively. We show that if these systems have eccentricities e00.1e_0\sim 0.1 at a gravitational wave frequency of 10Hz, they can be misclassified as quasi-circular binaries due to parameter space degeneracies between eccentricity and spin corrections. Using our catalog of eccentric numerical relativity simulations, we discuss the importance of including higher-order waveform multipoles in gravitational wave searches of eccentric binary black hole mergers.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, 1 Appendix. v2: we use numerical relativity simulations to quantify the importance of including higher-order waveform multipoles for the detection of eccentric binary black hole mergers, references added. Accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Rapid Diagnostic Algorithms as a Screening Tool for Tuberculosis: An Assessor Blinded Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: A major obstacle to effectively treat and control tuberculosis is the absence of an accurate, rapid, and low-cost diagnostic tool. A new approach for the screening of patients for tuberculosis is the use of rapid diagnostic classification algorithms. Methods: We tested a previously published diagnostic algorithm based on four biomarkers as a screening tool for tuberculosis in a Central European patient population using an assessor-blinded cross-sectional study design. In addition, we developed an improved diagnostic classification algorithm based on a study population at a tertiary hospital in Vienna, Austria, by supervised computational statistics. Results: The diagnostic accuracy of the previously published diagnostic algorithm for our patient population consisting of 206 patients was 54% (CI: 47%–61%). An improved model was constructed using inflammation parameters and clinical information. A diagnostic accuracy of 86% (CI: 80%–90%) was demonstrated by 10-fold cross validation. An alternative model relying solely on clinical parameters exhibited a diagnostic accuracy of 85% (CI: 79%–89%). Conclusion: Here we show that a rapid diagnostic algorithm based on clinical parameters is only slightly improved by inclusion of inflammation markers in our cohort. Our results also emphasize the need for validation of new diagnostic algorithms in different settings and patient populations

    The correlation of RNase A enzymatic activity with the changes in the distance between Nepsilon2-His12 and N delta1-His119 upon addition of stabilizing and destabilizing salts.

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    The effect of stabilizing and destabilizing salts on the catalytic behavior of ribonuclease A (RNase A) was investigated at pH 7.5 and 25 degrees C, using spectrophotometric, viscometric and molecular dynamic methods. The changes in the distance between N(epsilon2) of His(12) and N(delta1) of His(119) at the catalytic center of RNase A upon the addition of sodium sulfate, sodium hydrogen sulfate and sodium thiocyanate were evaluated by molecular dynamic methods. The compactness and expansion in terms of Stokes radius of RNase A upon the addition of sulfate ions as kosmotropic salts, and thiocyanate ion as a chaotropic salt, were estimated by viscometric measurements. Enzyme activity was measured using cytidine 2', 3'-cyclic monophosphate as a substrate. The results from the measurements of distances between N(epsilon2) of His(12) and N(delta1) of His(119) and Stokes radius suggest (i) that the presence of sulfate ions decreases the distance between the catalytic His residues and increases the globular compactness, and (ii) that there is an expansion of the enzyme surface as well as elongation of the catalytic center in the presence of thiocyanate ion. These findings are in agreement with activity measurements

    Application of programmable bio-nano-chip system for the quantitative detection of drugs of abuse in oral fluids

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    Objective: There is currently a gap in on-site drug of abuse monitoring. Current detection methods involve invasive sampling of blood and urine specimens, or collection of oral fluid, followed by qualitative screening tests using immunochromatographic cartridges. While remote laboratories then may provide confirmation and quantitative assessment of a presumptive positive, this instrumentation is expensive and decoupled from the initial sampling making the current drug-screening program inefficient and costly. The authors applied a noninvasive oral fluid sampling approach integrated with the in-development chip-based Programmable bio-nano-chip (p-BNC) platform for the detection of drugs of abuse. Method: The p-BNC assay methodology was applied for the detection of tetrahydrocannabinol, morphine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, cocaine, methadone and benzodiazepines, initially using spiked buffered samples and, ultimately, using oral fluid specimen collected from consented volunteers. Results: Rapid (∼10 min), sensitive detection (∼ng/mL) and quantitation of 12 drugs of abuse was demonstrated on the p-BNC platform. Furthermore, the system provided visibility to time-course of select drug and metabolite profiles in oral fluids; for the drug cocaine, three regions of slope were observed that, when combined with concentration measurements from this and prior impairment studies, information about cocaine-induced impairment may be revealed. Conclusions: This chip-based p-BNC detection modality has significant potential to be used in the future by law enforcement officers for roadside drug testing and to serve a variety of other settings, including outpatient and inpatient drug rehabilitation centers, emergency rooms, prisons, schools, and in the workplace

    'Education, education, education' : legal, moral and clinical

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    This article brings together Professor Donald Nicolson's intellectual interest in professional legal ethics and his long-standing involvement with law clinics both as an advisor at the University of Cape Town and Director of the University of Bristol Law Clinic and the University of Strathclyde Law Clinic. In this article he looks at how legal education may help start this process of character development, arguing that the best means is through student involvement in voluntary law clinics. And here he builds upon his recent article which argues for voluntary, community service oriented law clinics over those which emphasise the education of students