8,167 research outputs found

    Z-Spec: A MM-Wave Spectrometer For Measuring Redshifts Of Submillimeter Galaxies

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    We are building a background-limited, broadband millimeter-wave spectrometer (Z-Spec) for observations of CO rotational transitions from high-redshift dusty galaxies. The large instantaneous bandwidth (195 to 310 GHz) will enable redshifts of dust obscured galaxies to be unambiguously measured. Z-Spec uses a waveguide-coupled grating architecture in which the light propagation is confined within a parallel-plate waveguide. The grating is extremely compact compared to a classical free-space system. An array of silicon nitride bolometers cooled to 100 mK will provide background-limited performance. Z-Spec serves as a technology demonstration for a future space-borne far-infrared grating spectrometer

    Observation of Cosmic Acceleration and Determining the Fate of the Universe

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    Current observations of Type Ia supernovae provide evidence for cosmic acceleration out to a redshift of z \lsim 1, leading to the possibility that the universe is entering an inflationary epoch. However, inflation can take place only if vacuum-energy (or other sufficiently slowly redshifting source of energy density) dominates the energy density of a region of physical radius 1/H. We argue that for the best-fit values of ΩΛ\Omega_\Lambda and Ωm\Omega_m inferred from the supernovae data, one must confirm cosmic acceleration out to at least z≃1.8z \simeq 1.8 to infer that the universe is inflating.Comment: 4 pages;important changes in conclusion; published in Phys. Rev. Let

    HerMES: A Statistical Measurement of the Redshift Distribution of Herschel-SPIRE Sources Using the Cross-correlation Technique

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    The wide-area imaging surveys with the Herschel Space Observatory at submillimeter (sub-mm) wavelengths have now resulted in catalogs of the order of one-hundred-thousand dusty, starburst galaxies. These galaxies capture an important phase of galaxy formation and evolution, but, unfortunately, the redshift distribution of these galaxies, N(z), is still mostly uncertain due to limitations associated with counterpart identification at optical wavelengths and spectroscopic follow-up. We make a statistical estimate of N(z) using a clustering analysis of sub-mm galaxies detected at each of 250, 350 and 500 μm from the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey centered on the Boötes field. We cross-correlate Herschel galaxies against galaxy samples at optical and near-IR wavelengths from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the NOAO Deep Wide Field Survey, and the Spitzer Deep Wide Field Survey. We create optical and near-IR galaxy samples based on their photometric or spectroscopic redshift distributions and test the accuracy of those redshift distributions with similar galaxy samples defined with catalogs from the Cosmological Evolution Survey (COSMOS), which has superior spectroscopic coverage. We model the clustering auto- and cross-correlations of Herschel and optical/IR galaxy samples to estimate N(z) and clustering bias factors. The S_(350) > 20 mJy galaxies have a bias factor varying with redshift as b(z) = 1.0^(+1.0)_(–0.5)(1 + z)^1.2^(+0.3)_(–0.7). This bias and the redshift dependence is broadly in agreement with galaxies that occupy dark matter halos of mass in the range of 1012 to 10^(13) M_☉. We find that galaxy selections in all three Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE) bands share a similar average redshift, with = 1.8 ± 0.2 for 250 μm selected samples, and = 1.9 ± 0.2 for both 350 and 500 μm samples, while their distributions behave differently. For 250 μm selected galaxies we find the a larger number of sources with z ≤ 1 when compared with the subsequent two SPIRE bands, with 350 and 500 μm selected SPIRE samples having peaks in N(z) at progressively higher redshifts. We compare our clustering-based N(z) results to sub-mm galaxy model predictions in the literature, and with an estimate of N(z) using a stacking analysis of COSMOS 24 μm detections

    Mid-J CO Emission in Nearby Seyfert Galaxies

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    We study for the first time the complete sub-millimeter spectra (450 GHz to 1550 GHz) of a sample of nearby active galaxies observed with the SPIRE Fourier Transform Spectrometer (SPIRE/FTS) onboard Herschel. The CO ladder (from Jup = 4 to 12) is the most prominent spectral feature in this range. These CO lines probe warm molecular gas that can be heated by ultraviolet photons, shocks, or X-rays originated in the active galactic nucleus or in young star-forming regions. In these proceedings we investigate the physical origin of the CO emission using the averaged CO spectral line energy distribution (SLED) of six Seyfert galaxies. We use a radiative transfer model assuming an isothermal homogeneous medium to estimate the molecular gas conditions. We also compare this CO SLED with the predictions of photon and X-ray dominated region (PDR and XDR) models.Comment: Proceedings of the Torus Workshop 2012 held at the University of Texas at San Antonio, 5-7 December 2012. C. Packham, R. Mason, and A. Alonso-Herrero (eds.); 6 pages, 3 figure

    In the Shadow of the Accretion Disk: Higher Resolution Imaging of the Central Parsec in NGC 4261

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    The physical conditions in the inner parsec of accretion disks believed to orbit the central black holes in active galactic nuclei can be probed by imaging the absorption (by ionized gas in the disk) of background emission from a radio counterjet. We report high angular resolution VLBI observations of the nearby (about 40 Mpc) radio galaxy NGC 4261 that confirm free-free absorption of radio emission from a counterjet by a geometrically thin, nearly edge-on disk at 1.6, 4.8, and 8.4 GHz. The angular width and depth of the absorption appears to increase with decreasing frequency, as expected. We derive an average electron density of ~10E4 per cc at a disk radius of about 0.2 pc, assuming that the inner disk inclination and opening angles are the same as at larger radii. Pressure balance between the thermal gas and the magnetic field in the disk implies an average field strength of 0.1 milligauss at a radius of 0.2 pc. These are the closest-in free-free absorption measurements to date of the conditions in an extragalactic accretion disk orbiting a black hole with a well-determined mass. If a standard advection-dominated accretion flow exists in the disk center, then the transition between thin and thick disk regions must occur at a radius less than 0.2 pc (4000 Schwarzschild radii).Comment: 20 pages including 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Constraining the initial temperature and shear viscosity in a hybrid hydrodynamic model of sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV Au+Au collisions using pion spectra, elliptic flow, and femtoscopic radii

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    A new framework for evaluating hydrodynamic models of relativistic heavy ion collisions has been developed. This framework, a Comprehesive Heavy Ion Model Evaluation and Reporting Algorithm (CHIMERA) has been implemented by augmenting UVH 2+1D viscous hydrodynamic model with eccentricity fluctuations, pre-equilibrium flow, and the Ultra-relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamic (UrQMD) hadronic cascade. A range of initial temperatures and shear viscosity to entropy ratios were evaluated for four initial profiles, NpartN_{part} and NcollN_{coll} scaling with and without pre-equilibrium flow. The model results were compared to pion spectra, elliptic flow, and femtoscopic radii from 200 GeV Au+Au collisions for the 0--20% centrality range.Two sets of initial density profiles, NpartN_{part} scaling with pre-equilibrium flow and NcollN_{coll} scaling without were shown to provide a consistent description of all three measurements.Comment: 21 pages, 32 figures, version 3 includes additional text for clarification, division of figures into more manageable units, and placement of chi-squared values in tables for ease of viewin

    Comparing Star Formation on Large Scales in the c2d Legacy Clouds: Bolocam 1.1 mm Dust Continuum Surveys of Serpens, Perseus, and Ophiuchus

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    We have undertaken an unprecedentedly large 1.1 millimeter continuum survey of three nearby star forming clouds using Bolocam at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. We mapped the largest areas in each cloud at millimeter or submillimeter wavelengths to date: 7.5 sq. deg in Perseus (Paper I), 10.8 sq. deg in Ophiuchus (Paper II), and 1.5 sq. deg in Serpens with a resolution of 31", detecting 122, 44, and 35 cores, respectively. Here we report on results of the Serpens survey and compare the three clouds. Average measured angular core sizes and their dependence on resolution suggest that many of the observed sources are consistent with power-law density profiles. Tests of the effects of cloud distance reveal that linear resolution strongly affects measured source sizes and densities, but not the shape of the mass distribution. Core mass distribution slopes in Perseus and Ophiuchus (alpha=2.1+/-0.1 and alpha=2.1+/-0.3) are consistent with recent measurements of the stellar IMF, whereas the Serpens distribution is flatter (alpha=1.6+/-0.2). We also compare the relative mass distribution shapes to predictions from turbulent fragmentation simulations. Dense cores constitute less than 10% of the total cloud mass in all three clouds, consistent with other measurements of low star-formation efficiencies. Furthermore, most cores are found at high column densities; more than 75% of 1.1 mm cores are associated with Av>8 mag in Perseus, 15 mag in Serpens, and 20-23 mag in Ophiuchus.Comment: 32 pages, including 18 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Distances to Populous Clusters in the LMC via the K-Band Luminosity of the Red Clump

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    We present results from a study of the distances and distribution of a sample of intermediate-age clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Using deep near-infrared photometry obtained with ISPI on the CTIO 4m, we have measured the apparent K-band magnitude of the core helium burning red clump stars in 17 LMC clusters. We combine cluster ages and metallicities with the work of Grocholski & Sarajedini to predict each cluster's absolute K-band red clump magnitude, and thereby calculate absolute cluster distances. An analysis of these data shows that the cluster distribution is in good agreement with the thick, inclined disk geometry of the LMC, as defined by its field stars. We also find that the old globular clusters follow the same distribution, suggesting that the LMC's disk formed at about the same time as the globular clusters, ~ 13 Gyr ago. Finally, we have used our cluster distances in conjunction with the disk geometry to calculate the distance to the LMC center, for which we find (m-M)o = 18.40 +/- 0.04_{ran} +/- 0.08_{sys}, or Do = 47.9 +/- 0.9 +/- 1.8 kpc.Comment: 31 pages including 5 figures and 7 tables. Accepted for publication in the August 2007 issue of A
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