625 research outputs found

    Imperfect Homoclinic Bifurcations

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    Experimental observations of an almost symmetric electronic circuit show complicated sequences of bifurcations. These results are discussed in the light of a theory of imperfect global bifurcations. It is shown that much of the dynamics observed in the circuit can be understood by reference to imperfect homoclinic bifurcations without constructing an explicit mathematical model of the system.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, submitted to PR

    Three-dimensional coherent X-ray diffraction imaging of a ceramic nanofoam: determination of structural deformation mechanisms

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    Ultra-low density polymers, metals, and ceramic nanofoams are valued for their high strength-to-weight ratio, high surface area and insulating properties ascribed to their structural geometry. We obtain the labrynthine internal structure of a tantalum oxide nanofoam by X-ray diffractive imaging. Finite element analysis from the structure reveals mechanical properties consistent with bulk samples and with a diffusion limited cluster aggregation model, while excess mass on the nodes discounts the dangling fragments hypothesis of percolation theory.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 30 reference

    On a thermodynamically consistent modification of the Becker-Doering equations

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    Recently, Dreyer and Duderstadt have proposed a modification of the Becker--Doering cluster equations which now have a nonconvex Lyapunov function. We start with existence and uniqueness results for the modified equations. Next we derive an explicit criterion for the existence of equilibrium states and solve the minimization problem for the Lyapunov function. Finally, we discuss the long time behavior in the case that equilibrium solutions do exist

    In good company: risk, security and choice in young people's drug decisions

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    This article draws on original empirical research with young people to question the degree to which 'individualisation of risk', as developed in the work of Beck and Giddens, adequately explains the risks young people bear and take. It draws on alternative understandings and critiques of 'risk' not to refute the notion of the reflexive individual upon which 'individualisation of risk' is based but to re-read that reflexivity in a more hermeneutic way. It explores specific risk-laden moments – young people's drug use decisions – in their natural social and cultural context of the friendship group. Studying these decisions in context, it suggests, reveals the meaning of 'risk' to be not given, but constructed through group discussion, disagreement and consensus and decisions taken to be rooted in emotional relations of trust, mutual accountability and common security. The article concludes that 'the individualisation of risk' fails to take adequate account of the significance of intersubjectivity in risk-decisions. It argues also that addressing the theoretical overemphasis on the individual bearer of risk requires not only further empirical testing of the theory but appropriate methodological reflection

    Key worker services for disabled children: what characteristics of services lead to better outcomes for children and families?

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    Background: Research has shown that families of disabled children who have a key worker benefit from this service and recent policy initiatives emphasize the importance of such services. However, research is lacking on which characteristics of key worker schemes for disabled children are related to better outcomes for families. Methods: A postal questionnaire was completed by 189 parents with disabled children who were receiving a service in seven key worker schemes in England and Wales. Path analysis was used to investigate associations between characteristics of the services and outcomes for families (satisfaction with the service, impact of key worker on quality of life, parent unmet need, child unmet need). Results: The four path models showed that key workers carrying out more aspects of the key worker role, appropriate amounts of contact with key workers, regular training, supervision and peer support for key workers, and having a dedicated service manager and a clear job description for key workers were associated with better outcomes for families. Characteristics of services had only a small impact on child unmet need, suggesting that other aspects of services were affecting child unmet need. Conclusions: Implications for policy and practice are discussed, including the need for regular training, supervision and peer support for key workers and negotiated time and resources for them to carry out the role. These influence the extent to which key workers carry out all aspects of the key worker's role and their amount of contact with families, which in turn impact on outcomes

    Rigorous Theory of Optical Trapping by an Optical Vortex Beam

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    We propose a rigorous theory for the optical trapping by optical vortices, which is emerging as an important tool to trap mesoscopic particles. The common perception is that the trapping is solely due to the gradient force, and may be characterized by three real force constants. However, we show that the optical vortex trap can exhibit complex force constants, implying that the trapping must be stabilized by ambient damping. At different damping levels, particle shows remarkably different dynamics, such as stable trapping, periodic and aperiodic orbital motions

    Dilaton Domain Walls and Dynamical Systems

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    Domain wall solutions of dd-dimensional gravity coupled to a dilaton field σ\sigma with an exponential potential Λe−λσ\Lambda e^{-\lambda\sigma} are shown to be governed by an autonomous dynamical system, with a transcritical bifurcation as a function of the parameter λ\lambda when Λ<0\Lambda<0. All phase-plane trajectories are found exactly for λ=0\lambda=0, including separatrices corresponding to walls that interpolate between adSdadS_d and adS_{d-1} \times\bR, and the exact solution is found for d=3d=3. Janus-type solutions are interpreted as marginal bound states of these ``separatrix walls''. All flat domain wall solutions, which are given exactly for any λ\lambda, are shown to be supersymmetric for some superpotential WW, determined by the solution.Comment: 30 pp, 11 figs, significant revision of original. Minor additional corrections in version to appear in journa

    Potential For Power: A Symposium On The Prospects For Power From Currently Unconventional Energy Sources

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    The wave energy arriving on the west coast of the United Kingdom represents a very substantial energy resource, amounting on average to more than twice the present installed capacity of the CEGB. Recent, comprehensive, studies by the CEGB (1) (2) and the National Engineering Laboratory (3) suggest that although there is no obvious technical reason for being unable ultimately to harness much of this energy, and many methods have been proposed, there are still considerable uncertainties over the choice of wave power system and its economics. Wave power does show sufficient promise however to have been made the subject of serious studies supported by the CEGB and the Department of Energy (4). In this Paper the potential of wave power and some of the more promising methods of harnessing it are discussed, together with an appreciation of some of the many technical and engineering problems which still need to be examined, and a discussion of the impact of wave power on the environment. By considering the results of recent research and their impact on wave power economics it is argued that wave power could be exploited to conserve fossil fuels but is unlikely to be competitive with nuclear power
