338 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of spatial identities through sport: An example of fans of football clubs FC Barcelona and RCD Espanyol

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    Rad se bavi jednim od bitnih predmeta interesa druÅ”tvene geografije ā€“ prostornim identitetom. Istražuje se način na koji se prostorni identitet rekonstruira preko sporta kao medija. Sport je vrlo važan u Å panjolskoj ā€“ ima veliku druÅ”tvenu ulogu, sentimentalno značenje i čini identitetsku odrednicu mnogih ljudi. Pitanje izgradnje i reprodukcije identiteta istražuje se na primjeru navijača nogometnih klubova FC Barcelona i RCD Espanyol; oba kluba su iz Katalonije, preciznije ā€“ iz Barcelone. Rad se bavi političko-ideoloÅ”kom simbolikom klubova te oblicima očitovanja takve simbolike u druÅ”tvu i prostoru. Istražuju se i opisuju aspekti interakcije klubova i navijača.The thesis deals with one of the most important concerns of social geography - spatial identity. It explores the way spatial identity reconstructs over sport as a media. Sport is very important in Spain - it has great social impact, sentimental meaning and it makes identity entry of many people. The issue of construction and reproduction of identity is being explored on the example of fans of football clubs FC Barcelona and RCD Espanyol; both which are from Catalonia, more precisely - Barcelona. The thesis deals with political and ideological symbolism of the clubs and the way that symbolism is manifested in the society and space. It also explores and describes the aspects of the interaction between clubs and the fans

    Contribution to the knowledge of flora of Slovene Istra

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    Objektivna analiza polja vlage

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    Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje podobnosti triju varijanata metode polinoma drugog stupnja pri njihovoj primjeni na objektivnu analizu vlage zraka. Ove su varijante testirane na podacima deficita rosiÅ”ta za dvije sinoptičke situacije. Objektivne analize su računate na četiri standardne izobarne plohe i uspoređene s odgovarajućim subjektivnim analizama, a za verifikaciju su koriÅ”teni i vertikalni presjeci. Rezultati pokazuju da se pri računanju objektivnih analiza polja vlage može primjeniti samo jedna od razmatranih varijanti. Neki njeni nedostaci koji postoje u području velikih diskontinuiteta i u blizini granica područja integracije mogu se ublažiti ili eliminirati

    Atmospheric static stability in respect to static energy changes

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    This theoretical study deals with the static part of the total energy and tends to explore the functional relationship between its changes and atmospheric static stability. It is shown that a dimensionless energy number may be defined in terms of isentropic analysis to be the function of static stability with recognizable physical meaning. Its mathematical properties indicate that this particular dependence may be described by a bilinear fractional function taking a form of an equilateral hyperbola with asymptotes parallel to the coordinate axes. Its unstable branch corresponds to the higher rate of change of static energy and lies in the first quadrant, while in the third one its lower rate is related to the stable branch. Asymptotic solution of considered theoretical problem implies that the transition from stable to unstable branch may appear only by an infinite jump and holds an intriguing resemblance with either the quantum transition between two energy shells by the absorption or emission of energy or the transition from stable to unstable regime of the general atmospheric circulation

    Atmospheric static stability in respect to static energy changes

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    This theoretical study deals with the static part of the total energy and tends to explore the functional relationship between its changes and atmospheric static stability. It is shown that a dimensionless energy number may be defined in terms of isentropic analysis to be the function of static stability with recognizable physical meaning. Its mathematical properties indicate that this particular dependence may be described by a bilinear fractional function taking a form of an equilateral hyperbola with asymptotes parallel to the coordinate axes. Its unstable branch corresponds to the higher rate of change of static energy and lies in the first quadrant, while in the third one its lower rate is related to the stable branch. Asymptotic solution of considered theoretical problem implies that the transition from stable to unstable branch may appear only by an infinite jump and holds an intriguing resemblance with either the quantum transition between two energy shells by the absorption or emission of energy or the transition from stable to unstable regime of the general atmospheric circulation

    Lotus ornithopodioides L.

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    MorfoloÅ”ka i reproduktivna fenologija alohtone crvene alge Caulacanthus okamurae Yamada (Gigartinales, Caulacanthaceae) na području slovenske obale (TrŔćanski zaljev, sjeverni Jadran)

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    This study reports the occurrence of the non-native red alga Caulacanthus okamurae, previously unknown on the Slovenian coast (Gulf of Trieste, northern Adriatic Sea). The distribution of the species, its abundance, morphological characteristics and reproductive phenology are described. The study is based on seasonal sampling conducted during one year, from winter to autumn 2021, on two different substrates (limestone and sandstone) of the midlittoral zone, and showed a moderate variation in the biomass of C. okamurae populations between the winter-spring and summer-autumn periods. The native algal assemblages of the two substrates impacted by C. okamurae were characterized by generally limited species diversity and consisted mainly of small-sized species with simple morphology. During the study, in addition to non-fertile thalli of C. okamurae, tetrasporophytic thalli with tetrasporocysts and female gametophytes with cystocarps were found.Ovo istraživanje prikazuje nalaz alohtone crvene alge Caulacanthus okamurae, dosad nepoznate na području slovenske obale (TrŔćanski zaljev, sjeverni Jadran). U radu se opisuje rasprostranjenost vrste, njezina brojnost, morfoloÅ”ke karakteristike te reproduktivna fenologija. Istraživanje se temelji na sezonskom uzrokovanju provedenom tijekom jedne godine, od zime do jeseni 2021., na dvije različite podloge (vapnenac i pjeŔčenjak) mediolitoralne zone, a istim je utvrđena umjerena promjenjivost u biomasi naselja C. okamurae između zimsko-proljetnog i ljetno-jesenskog razdoblja. Zajednice zavičajnih algi dvaju supstrata pod utjecajem C. okamurae općenito su okarakterizirane ograničenom raznolikoŔću vrsta, uglavnom onih malih dimenzija s jednostavnom morfologijom. Tijekom istraživanja, osim sterilnih talusa C. okamurae, pronađeni su tetrasporofitni talusi s tetrasporocistama i ženski gametofiti s cistokarpima

    Akebia quinata (Houtt.) Dcne., new species for slovenian flora, and contribution to the knowledge of the neophytic flora of Primorska region

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    The article discusses Akebia quinata, a new alien species for the Slovenian flora. The authors provide a description of the species and its locality, and discuss its invasive potential, as in 2008, the species was recognized by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization as emerging invader in Europe. The authors also discuss the occurrence of several other neophytes in the Primorska region (Slovenia): Amaranthus deflexus, Artemisia annua, Aster squamatus, Bidens pilosa, Bidens subalternans, Broussonetia papyrifera, Pistia stratiotes and Senecio inaequidens

    Novosti iz adventivne flore Slovenske Istre

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    V članku je predstavljenih nekaj novih nahajaliŔč adventivnih vrst v Slovenski Istri. Najverjetneje prehodno pojavljanje na južni meji areala imajo vrste Dasypyrum villosum, Hedysarum coronarium in Piptatherum miliaceum s po enim novoodkritim nahajaliŔčem, medtem ko so najverjetneje z vrtov uŔle Iris foetidissima, Periploca graeca in Soleirolia soleirolii, prvi dve s po enim in slednja z več novimi nahajaliŔči. Hedysarum coronarium in Periploca graeca sta bili prvič zabeleženi v flori SlovenijeArticle briefly discusses the occurrence of 6 adventitious species in the flora of Slovenian part of Istria. Dasypyrum villosum, Hedysarum coronarium and Piptatherum miliaceum are most probably recorded as casuals on the northern border of their native distribution range, each in one new locality. On the other hand, Iris foetidissima, Periploca graeca and Soleirolia soleirolii escaped from cultivation and established in one to more localities. Hedysarum coronarium and Periploca graeca were recorded for the first time in the flora of Sloveni
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