115 research outputs found

    Clinical Relevance and Characteristics of Aspergillus calidoustus and Other Aspergillus Species of Section Usti.

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    The Aspergilli of section Usti (group ustus) are represented by over 20 species, of which Aspergillus calidoustus is the most relevant human pathogen. Invasive aspergillosis (IA) caused by these fungi is rare but could represent an emerging issue among the expanding population of patients with long-term immunosuppression receiving antifungal prophylaxis. Clinicians should be aware of this unusual type of IA, which often exhibits distinct clinical features, such as an insidious and prolonged course and a high occurrence of extra-pulmonary manifestations, such as skin/soft tissue or brain lesions. Moreover, these Aspergillus spp. pose a therapeutic challenge because of their decreased susceptibility to azole drugs. In this review, we outline the microbiological and clinical characteristics of IA due to Aspergillus spp. of section Usti and discuss the therapeutic options

    Gravitational waveforms from a point particle orbiting a Schwarzschild black hole

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    We numerically solve the inhomogeneous Zerilli-Moncrief and Regge-Wheeler equations in the time domain. We obtain the gravitational waveforms produced by a point-particle of mass μ\mu traveling around a Schwarzschild black hole of mass M on arbitrary bound and unbound orbits. Fluxes of energy and angular momentum at infinity and the event horizon are also calculated. Results for circular orbits, selected cases of eccentric orbits, and parabolic orbits are presented. The numerical results from the time-domain code indicate that, for all three types of orbital motion, black hole absorption contributes less than 1% of the total flux, so long as the orbital radius r_p(t) satisfies r_p(t)> 5M at all times.Comment: revtex4, 24 pages, 23 figures, 3 tables, submitted to PR

    Transition from inspiral to plunge for eccentric equatorial Kerr orbits

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    Ori and Thorne have discussed the duration and observability (with LISA) of the transition from circular, equatorial inspiral to plunge for stellar-mass objects into supermassive (105108M10^{5}-10^{8}M_{\odot}) Kerr black holes. We extend their computation to eccentric Kerr equatorial orbits. Even with orbital parameters near-exactly determined, we find that there is no universal length for the transition; rather, the length of the transition depends sensitively -- essentially randomly -- on initial conditions. Still, Ori and Thorne's zero-eccentricity results are essentially an upper bound on the length of eccentric transitions involving similar bodies (e.g., aa fixed). Hence the implications for observations are no better: if the massive body is M=106MM=10^{6}M_{\odot}, the captured body has mass mm, and the process occurs at distance dd from LISA, then S/N(m/10M)(1Gpc/d)×O(1)S/N \lesssim (m/10 M_{\odot})(1\text{Gpc}/d)\times O(1), with the precise constant depending on the black hole spin. For low-mass bodies (m7Mm \lesssim 7 M_\odot) for which the event rate is at least vaguely understood, we expect little chance (probably [much] less than 10%, depending strongly on the astrophysical assumptions) of LISA detecting a transition event with S/N>5S/N>5 during its run; however, even a small infusion of higher-mass bodies or a slight improvement in LISA's noise curve could potentially produce S/N>5S/N>5 transition events during LISA's lifetime.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Improved approximate inspirals of test-bodies into Kerr black holes

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    We present an improved version of the approximate scheme for generating inspirals of test-bodies into a Kerr black hole recently developed by Glampedakis, Hughes and Kennefick. Their original "hybrid" scheme was based on combining exact relativistic expressions for the evolution of the orbital elements (the semi-latus rectum p and eccentricity e) with approximate, weak-field, formula for the energy and angular momentum fluxes, amended by the assumption of constant inclination angle, iota, during the inspiral. Despite the fact that the resulting inspirals were overall well-behaved, certain pathologies remained for orbits in the strong field regime and for orbits which are nearly circular and/or nearly polar. In this paper we eliminate these problems by incorporating an array of improvements in the approximate fluxes. Firstly, we add certain corrections which ensure the correct behaviour of the fluxes in the limit of vanishing eccentricity and/or 90 degrees inclination. Secondly, we use higher order post-Newtonian formulae, adapted for generic orbits. Thirdly, we drop the assumption of constant inclination. Instead, we first evolve the Carter constant by means of an approximate post-Newtonian expression and subsequently extract the evolution of iota. Finally, we improve the evolution of circular orbits by using fits to the angular momentum and inclination evolution determined by Teukolsky based calculations. As an application of the improved scheme we provide a sample of generic Kerr inspirals and for the specific case of nearly circular orbits we locate the critical radius where orbits begin to decircularise under radiation reaction. These easy-to-generate inspirals should become a useful tool for exploring LISA data analysis issues and may ultimately play a role in source detection.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, some typos corrected, short section on conservative corrections added, minor changes for consistency with published versio

    Parametric amplification of waves during gravitational collapse: a first investigation

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    We study the dynamical evolution of perturbations in the gravitational field of a collapsing fluid star. Specifically, we consider the initial value problem for a massless scalar field in a spacetime similar to the Oppenheimer-Snyder collapse model, and numerically evolve in time the relevant wave equation. Our main objective is to examine whether the phenomenon of parametric amplification, known to be responsible for the strong amplification of primordial perturbations in the expanding Universe, can efficiently operate during gravitational collapse. Although the time-varying gravitational field inside the star can, in principle, support such a process, we nevertheless find that the perturbing field escapes from the star too early for amplification to become significant. To put an upper limit in the efficiency of the amplification mechanism (for a scalar field) we furthermore consider the case of perturbations trapped inside the star for the entire duration of the collapse. In this extreme case, the field energy is typically amplified at the level ~ 1% when the star is about to cross its Schwarszchild radius. Significant amplification is observed at later stages when the star has even smaller radius. Therefore, the conclusion emerging from our simple model is that parametric amplification is unlikely to be of significance during gravitational collapse. Further work, based on more realistic collapse models, is required in order to fully assess the astrophysical importance of parametric amplification.Comment: 14 pages, revtex, 9 eps figure

    Detecting extreme mass ratio inspirals with LISA using time-frequency methods II: search characterization

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    The inspirals of stellar-mass compact objects into supermassive black holes constitute some of the most important sources for LISA. Detection of these sources using fully coherent matched filtering is computationally intractable, so alternative approaches are required. In a previous paper (Wen and Gair 2005, gr-qc/0502100), we outlined a detection method based on looking for excess power in a time-frequency spectrogram of the LISA data. The performance of the algorithm was assessed using a single `typical' trial waveform and approximations to the noise statistics. In this paper we present results of Monte Carlo simulations of the search noise statistics and examine its performance in detecting a wider range of trial waveforms. We show that typical extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs) can be detected at distances of up to 1--3 Gpc, depending on the source parameters. We also discuss some remaining issues with the technique and possible ways in which the algorithm can be improved.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, to appear in proceedings of GWDAW 9, Annecy, France, December 200

    Celestial mechanics in Kerr spacetime

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    The dynamical parameters conventionally used to specify the orbit of a test particle in Kerr spacetime are the energy EE, the axial component of the angular momentum, LzL_{z}, and Carter's constant QQ. These parameters are obtained by solving the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the dynamical problem of geodesic motion. Employing the action-angle variable formalism, on the other hand, yields a different set of constants of motion, namely, the fundamental frequencies ωr\omega_{r}, ωθ\omega_{\theta} and ωϕ\omega_{\phi} associated with the radial, polar and azimuthal components of orbital motion. These frequencies, naturally, determine the time scales of orbital motion and, furthermore, the instantaneous gravitational wave spectrum in the adiabatic approximation. In this article, it is shown that the fundamental frequencies are geometric invariants and explicit formulas in terms of quadratures are derived. The numerical evaluation of these formulas in the case of a rapidly rotating black hole illustrates the behaviour of the fundamental frequencies as orbital parameters such as the semi-latus rectum pp, the eccentricity ee or the inclination parameter θ\theta_{-} are varied. The limiting cases of circular, equatorial and Keplerian motion are investigated as well and it is shown that known results are recovered from the general formulas.Comment: 25 pages (LaTeX), 5 figures, submitted to Class. Quantum Gra

    Orbital evolution of a particle around a black hole: II. Comparison of contributions of spin-orbit coupling and the self force

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    We consider the evolution of the orbit of a spinning compact object in a quasi-circular, planar orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole in the extreme mass ratio limit. We compare the contributions to the orbital evolution of both spin-orbit coupling and the local self force. Making assumptions on the behavior of the forces, we suggest that the decay of the orbit is dominated by radiation reaction, and that the conservative effect is typically dominated by the spin force. We propose that a reasonable approximation for the gravitational waveform can be obtained by ignoring the local self force, for adjusted values of the parameters of the system. We argue that this approximation will only introduce small errors in the astronomical determination of these parameters.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Observations of microglitches in HartRAO radio pulsars

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    A detailed observation of microglitch phenomenon in relatively slow radio pulsars is presented. Our analyses for these small amplitude jumps in pulse rotation frequency (ν\nu) and/or spin down rate (ν˙\dot{\nu}) combine the traditional manual detection method (which hinges on careful visual inspections of the residuals of pulse phase residuals) and a new, and perhaps more objective, automated search technique (which exploits the power of the computer, rather than the eyes, for resolving discrete events in pulsar spin parameters). The results of the analyses of a sample of 26 radio pulsars reveal that: (i) only 20 pulsars exhibit significant fluctuations in their arrival times to be considered suitable for meaningful microglitch analyses; (ii) a phenomenal 299 microglitch events were identified in ν\nu and/or ν˙\dot{\nu}: 266 of these events were found to be simultaneously significant in ν\nu and ν˙\dot{\nu}, while 19 and 14 were noticeable only in ν\nu and ν˙\dot{\nu}, respectively; (iii) irrespective of sign, the microglitches have fractional sizes which cover about 3 orders of magnitude in ν\nu and ν˙\dot{\nu} (1011<Δν/ν<2.0×10810^{-11} < |\Delta{\nu}/\nu| < 2.0\times10^{-8} and 5.0×105<Δν˙/ν˙<2.0×1025.0\times10^{-5} < |\Delta{\dot{\nu}}/\dot{\nu}| < 2.0\times10^{-2}) with median values as 0.78×1090.78\times10^{-9} and 0.36×1030.36\times10^{-3}, respectively.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 2 Tables. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journa

    "Kludge" gravitational waveforms for a test-body orbiting a Kerr black hole

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    One of the most exciting potential sources of gravitational waves for low-frequency, space-based gravitational wave (GW) detectors such as the proposed Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is the inspiral of compact objects into massive black holes in the centers of galaxies. The detection of waves from such "extreme mass ratio inspiral" systems (EMRIs) and extraction of information from those waves require template waveforms. The systems' extreme mass ratio means that their waveforms can be determined accurately using black hole perturbation theory. Such calculations are computationally very expensive. There is a pressing need for families of approximate waveforms that may be generated cheaply and quickly but which still capture the main features of true waveforms. In this paper, we introduce a family of such "kludge" waveforms and describe ways to generate them. We assess performance of the introduced approximations by comparing "kludge" waveforms to accurate waveforms obtained by solving the Teukolsky equation in the adiabatic limit (neglecting GW backreaction). We find that the kludge waveforms do extremely well at approximating the true gravitational waveform, having overlaps with the Teukolsky waveforms of 95% or higher over most of the parameter space for which comparisons can currently be made. Indeed, we find these kludges to be of such high quality (despite their ease of calculation) that it is possible they may play some role in the final search of LISA data for EMRIs.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures, requires subeqnarray; v2 contains minor changes for consistency with published versio