177 research outputs found

    Antibacterial Effects of the Essential Oils of CommonlyConsumed Medicinal Herbs Using an In Vitro Model.

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    The chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils from 10 commonly consumed herbs: Citrus aurantium, C. limon, Lavandula angustifolia, Matricaria chamomilla, Mentha piperita, M. spicata, Ocimum basilicum, Origanum vulgare, Thymus vulgaris and Salvia officinalis have been determined. The antibacterial activity of these oils and their main components; i.e. camphor, carvacrol, 1,8-cineole, linalool, linalyl acetate, limonene, menthol, a-pinene, b-pinene, and thymol were assayed against the human pathogenic bacteria Bacillus subtilis, Enterobacter cloacae, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Micrococcus flavus, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enteritidis, S. epidermidis, S. typhimurium, and Staphylococcus aureus. The highest and broadest activity was shown by O. vulgare oil. Carvacrol had the highest antibacterial activity among the tested components

    Unravelling Anti-Melanogenic Potency of Edible Mushrooms Laetiporus sulphureus and Agaricus silvaticus In Vivo Using the Zebrafish Model

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    Severe drawbacks associated with the topical use of depigmenting agents in treatments of skin hyperigmentations impose a great demand for novel, effective, and safe melanogenesis inhibitors. Edible and medicinal mushrooms, known for numerous health-promoting properties, represent a rich reservoir of anti-melanogenic compounds, with the potential to be applied in preventing excessive skin pigmentation. Herein, using zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a preclinical animal model, we have demonstrated that ethanol extract of Laetiporus sulphureus (LSE) and Agaricus silvaticus (ASE) are not toxic at high doses up to 400-500 mu g/mL while effectively inhibit melanogenesis in a dose-dependent manner. At depigmenting doses, the explored extracts showed no adverse effects on zebrafish embryos melanocytes. Even more, they did not provoke inflammation or neutropenia when applied at the highest dose ensuring almost complete the cells depigmentation. Since LSE and ASE have demonstrated significantly higher the therapeutic potential than kojic acid and hydroquinone, two well-known depigmenting agents, overall results of this study strongly suggest that the explored mushrooms extracts could be used as efficient and safe topical agents in treatments of skin hyperpigmentation disorders

    Koncentracija metala u vodi i sedimentu reke Dunav

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    Voda je osnov opstanka živog sveta koji je u njoj i nastao. Dve trećine zemljine površine je pod vodom. Bez obzira na značaj vode na opstanak živog sveta ljudska vrsta prema vodi nema odgovarajući odnos. O tome govore podaci o zagađenju okeana, mora, vodotokova (reke, potoci) i jezera. Antropogeno zagađenje vode, dakle, poreklom od čoveka, javlja se kao posledica direktnog ili indirektnog ispuštanja zagađivača u vodu, bez adekvatnog postupka sa štetnim i opasnim jedinjenjima. Najčešći zagađivači vode posledica su otpadnih voda i voda koje dolaze sa površina zemlje (naročito obradivih površina). Zagađenost vode je blisko povezana za povećanim potrebama stanovništva za vodenim resursima. Povećane potrebe rastu sa porastom stanovništva, razvoja privrede i tehnologije. Veća potrošnja vode znači i veću količinu otpadnih voda. Dospevanjem u reke otpadne vode menjaju fizička (boja, miris, ukus, providnost), hemijska (sastav) i biološka svojstva (živi svet reka). Naša zemlja nema odgovarajuće propise za procenu kvaliteta sedimenta pa se, zbog toga, koriste standardi kvaliteta prema kanadskom zakonodavstvu, preporuke ICPDR-a (International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River ), a pojedini parametri se procenjuju korišćenjem holandske metodologije. Prema kanadskom zakonodavstvu definisane su dve vrednosti: niža vrednost ISQGs (Interim Sediment Quality Guideline) predstavlja privremene preporuke koje su dobijene teorijskim putem i iznad kojih je moguć uticaj na akvatične organizme, dok je druga, viša, vrednost PEL (Probable Effect Level), vrednost iznad koje je uticaj na akvatične organizme verovatan. Poređenjem sa kanadskim preporukama, sadržaj žive je prekoračen na skoro svim ispitanim lokalitetima, prema ISQG vrednosti. Viša PEL vrednost ukazuje na verovatno prisutne negativne toksične efekte na akvatične organizme i sedimente u dva ispitivana profila u Dunavu (profil A i profil B). Pojava žive u sedimentu je posledica ispuštanja industrijskih otpadnih voda (naročito iz pogona za proizvodnju hlora), upotrebe živinih pesticida za zaštitu semena, upotrebe živinih jedinjenja u upaljačima eksplozivnih sredstava (posledice ratnog konflikta 1999.godine) i upotreba žive u mernim uređajima (u toku razaranja industrijskih postrojenja za vreme konflikta 1999. godine uništen je deo ove merne opreme). Arsen je poznat po negativnim ekotoksičnim efektima, a negov sadržaj u sedimentu reke Dunav nije bio iznad ICPDR vrednosti. Sadržaj drugih teških metala, cinka, bakra, kadmijuma i olova (profil B) je bio u ispod vrednosti propisane ICPDR. Kako se sam proces zagađivanja vode teško može sprečiti, zaštita voda, prvenstveno, je usmerena na smanjenje uticaja, a u najboljem slučaju, potpuno uklanjanjanje uticaja teških metala. To se postiže kroz opšte ekološke (radne akcije, ekološki aktivizam) kao i specifične mere (obrazovanje, sredstva javnog informisanja). Najvažnije je utvrđivanje kvaliteta vode i mogućnosti vodotoka da primi otpadne vode, registovanje svih mogućih zagađivača (njihova lokacije i stepen zagađivanja), obavljanje stalnih kontrola otpadnih voda u blizini vodotokova, prečišćavanje otpadnih voda i izmeštanje industrije na mesta na kojima će zagađivanje biti minimalno

    Primary Active Seed Substances from Medicinal Plants as a Possible Supplement to Livestock Nutrition

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    Some of the active substances from the seeds of medicinal plants have a beneficial effect on human and animal health. The representatives of this group of plants, in addition to the secondary (biologically) active substances significant for their therapeutic properties and the flavours in the content of their seeds, have a high percentage of primary active substances (carbohydrates, oils, proteins and the like). These components are essential for plant growth and reproduction, but they are also very important as constituent substances. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of storage duration (from one to five years) on oil and protein content of the seeds of various medicinal plants. The seeds of 9 cultivated plant species namely: white mustard (Sinapis alba L.), flax (Linum usitatissimum L.), fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum L.), evening primrose (Oenothera biennis L.), marigold (Calendula officinalis L.), milk thistle (Silybum marianum Gaertn.), black cumin (Nigella sativa L.), borage (Borago officinalis L.) and castor oil plant (Ricinus communis L.) were analyzed. Laboratory studies have been performed in three replications in the course of 2014 according to accredited methods. On average, the highest oil content was obtained from castor seed (50.44%), whereas the lowest average oil content was recorded in fenugreek seed (5.35%). The greatest statistically significant variation of the oil content was observed in the seeds of white mustard. In spite of that, the highest number of medicinal plants had a statistically considerable reduction in oil contents between seeds of different ages. The highest protein content was recorded in the seeds of white mustard (31.96%), which was by about 2.3 times higher than the lowest protein content in seeds of evening primrose (13.80%). The largest statistically significant variation in protein content was observed with the seeds of white mustard, marigold and flax. The high content of oil and protein, with their beneficial effects, can positively affect the proper functioning of the immune system of bred animals, and can also work as an antioxidant, as a blood purifier, it destroys intestinal parasites, stops diarrhea, and cures foot-and-mouth disease, and the like

    Ekološke posledice upotrebe biljaka za dobijanje energije

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    Global food and fossil energy consumption are on trajectories to double by 2050. Fossil fuel use has pushed atmospheric carbon dioxide higher than at any time during the past half-million years. While fossil fuels still account for more than 95 percent of the global transportation fuel market, biofuel production is growing roughly 15 percent per year, a rate over ten times that of oil. Under mounting pressure to improve domestic energy security and combat global climate change, countries are now turning to ethanol and biodiesel to meet rising transportation fuel demands. In 2005, the U.S. pledged to nearly double ethanol production by 2012, and the European Community recently announced that biofuels will meet 10 percent of their transportation fuel needs by 2020. Biofuels, if used properly, can help us balance our need for food, energy and a habitable and sustainable environment. To help this happen, though, we need a national biofuels policy that favors our best options. We must determine the carbon impacts of each method of making these fuels, then mandate fuel blending that achieves a prescribed greenhouse gas reduction. We have to have the knowledge and technology to start solving these problems.Globalna potrošnja hrane i energije je na putu da se udvostruči do 2050. godine. Korišćenje fosilnih goriva povećava količinu ugljen-dioksida u atmosferi sada, više nego tokom poslednjih pola miliona godina. Iako fosilna goriva čine 95% globalnog tržišta u sektoru transporta, proizvodnja biogoriva rapidno raste po stopi od 15% godišnje, što je stopa porasta deset puta veća od stope porasta proizvodnje nafte. Pod velikim pritiskom da poboljšaju energetsku sigurnost i borbu protiv klimatskih promena, mnoge zemlje prelaze na etanol i biodizel, kako bi izašle u susret sve većim zahtevima tržišta. U 2005, SAD objavljuju da će duplirati proizvodnju etanola do 2012, a Evropska komisija je skoro objavila da će biogoriva zadovoljiti 10% potrošnje goriva u sektoru transporta do 2020. Biogoriva, ako se koriste kako treba, mogu pomoći u uspostavljanju ravnoteže između naših potreba za hranom, energijom i očuvanja i zaštite životne sredine. Da bi pomogli da se to desi, potrebno je imati nacionalnu politiku za biogoriva, koja će favorizovati najbolje rešenje. Trebalo bi da se odredi uticaj proizvodnje svake vrste goriva na koncentraciju atmosferskog ugljenika, pa odrediti koja mešavina goriva daje propisano smanjenje emisije gasova staklene bašte. Da bi se to postiglo, moramo imati znanje i tehnologije, koje će rešiti ove probleme

    Ispitivanje korelacije faze razvoja pšenice sorte Pobeda i udaljenosti od industrijske zone na dinamiku usvajanja teških metala u pojedinim delovima biljke

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    In selected parts of the wheat plant variety Pobeda in various stages of growth examined the content of heavy metals. Samples were taken from the fields and regions are at different distances from the oil refinery in Pančevo. Determination of heavy metals was carried out by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the flame acetylene/air, Research on the effects of varieties, stage of wheat development and distance from the industrial zone on the dynamics of the adoption of heavy metals in some parts of the wheat plant (root and stem) was carried out on experimental fields of the Institute ”Tamiš” in the fields of Old Tamiš and Vojlovica. The results showed significant differences between the distance from the refinery to the content of heay metals in different parts of the wheat plant.Na odabranim delovima biljke pšenice sorte Pobeda u različitim fenofazama ispitivan je sadržaj teških metala. Uzorci su uzimani sa polja i regiona koji su na različitoj udaljenosti od Rafinerije nafte u Pančevu. Ispitivanje teških metala je obavljeno primenom atomske apsorpcione spektrofotometrije. Istraživanja korelacije faze razvoja pšenice i udaljenosti od industrijske zone na dinamiku usvajanja teških metala u pojedinim delovima biljke (koren i stablo) obavljeno je na uzorku pšenice sorte Pobeda sa Oglednog polja Instituta „Tamiš”, polja Starog Tamiša i Vojlovice. Dobijeni rezultati prikazali su značajnost razlike između udaljenosti od Rafinerije u odnosu na sadržaj teških metala u različitim delovima biljke pšenice

    Sesquiterpene Lactones of Amphoricarpos autariatus ssp autariatus from Montenegro - Antifungal Leaf - Surface Constituents

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    The composition of leaf cuticular neutral lipids of Amphoricarpos autariatus ssp. autariatus collected at canyon of river Tara (North Montenegro) was investigated by GC/MS (nonpolar fraction), LC-ESI TOF MS and H-1 NMR spectroscopy (more polar fraction). The nonpolar fraction (ca. 15% of the whole surface extract) contained C-27 (-) (33) n-alkanes, those with odd-number of carbons predominating. The LC-ESI MS and H-1 NMR of the more polar fraction revealed 13 sesquiterpene lactones, constituting ca. 97.5% of the lactone mixture, identified as the known guaianolides, so-called amphoricarpolides, found previously in the aerial parts of the genus. The lactone fraction exhibited considerable in vitro effect against eight fungi, i.e. Aspergillus ochraceus, A. niger, A. versicolor, Penicillium funiculosum, P. ochrochloron, Trichoderma viride, Fusarium verticillioides and Fulvia fulvum

    Comparative evaluation of antimutagenic and antimitotic effects of Morchella esculenta extracts and protocatechuic acid

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    Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers. methanolic extracts, obtained from fruiting bodies growing wild in Serbia and Portugal, were screened for their antimutagenic properties and compared to protocatechuic acid, previously identified in both species. Salmonella typhimurium TA100 reversion assay was used for the antimutagenic properties. Methanolic extracts expressed important antimutagenic potency towards S. typhimurium, which was documented by index of antimutagenicity (I). A sample from Serbia expressed slightly higher antimutagenic properties with an inhibition rate of 58.7%. A sample from Portugal gave an inhibition rate of 51.7%. Protocatechuic acid had an inhibition rate I of his(+) revertants of 72.4%. Cell viability in the presence of extracts was also documented. M. esculenta samples from Serbia and Portugal possessed novel biological potential for the studied species, as well as its phenolic compound - protocatechuic acid, identified in both samples. Genotoxic effect, regarding mitotic index and chromosomal aberration score, was also assessed by using the Allium cepa L. assay. Protocatechuic acid showed the most significant decrease in mitotic index, as well as decrease in chromosomal aberration score

    Equatorial Layered Deposits in Arabia Terra, Mars: Facies and process variability

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    We investigated the equatorial layered deposits (ELDs) of Arabia Terra, Mars, in Firsoff crater and on the adjacent plateau. We produced a detailed geological map that included a survey of the relative stratigraphic relations and crater count dating. We reconstructed the geometry of the layered deposits and inferred some compositional constraints. ELDs drape and onlap the plateau materials of late Noachian age, while they are unconformably covered by early and middle Amazonian units. ELDs show the presence of polyhydrated sulfates. The bulge morphology of the Firsoff crater ELDs appears to be largely depositional. The ELDs on the plateau display a sheet-drape geometry. ELDs show different characteristics between the crater and the plateau occurrences. In the crater they consist of mounds made of breccia sometimes displaying an apical pit laterally grading into a light-toned layered unit disrupted in a meter-scale polygonal pattern. These units are commonly associated with fissure ridges suggestive of subsurface sources. We interpret the ELDs inside the craters as spring deposits, originated by fl uid upwelling through the pathways likely provided by the fractures related to the crater formations, and debouching at the surface through the fi ssure ridges and the mounds, leading to evaporite precipitation. On the plateau, ELDs consist of rare mounds, fl atlying deposits, and cross-bedded dune fields. We interpret these mounds as possible smaller spring deposits, the fl at-lying deposits as playa deposits, and the cross-bedded dune fi elds as aeolian deposits. Groundwater fluctuations appear to be the major factor controlling ELD deposition