62 research outputs found

    Uso indebido de drogas en estudiantes de 6to. año de medicina

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    Se hace un reporte acerca de una investigación realizada como trabajo de terminación de la residencia de una de las autoras que consistió en un estudio observacional de corte transversal, empleando la técnica del muestreo probabilístico; mediante la aplicación de una encuesta dirigida a 108 estudiantes de sexto año de la Carrera de Medicina de cinco de las Facultades de Ciencias Medicas de Ciudad de La Habana, durante el examen estatal del curso 1999-2000, con el objetivo de indagar acerca del consumo de sustancias psicotropas. El estudio reveló que las sustancias más consumidas fueron las drogas lícitas; dentro de ellas el alcohol, los psicofármacos y el cigarro. El consumo de drogas ilícitas representó 1% del total, porcentaje suficiente para que se adopten medidas encaminadas a la prevención en este importante sector para la Salud Pública, por lo que se hacen recomendaciones al respecto.Palabras clave: Consumo de sustancias psicotrópicas/ consumo de drogas lícitas e ilícitas. </p

    Aktivnost feruloil esteraze proizvedene fermentacijom na čvrstoj podlozi od otpada nastalog pri proizvodnji kave

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    Hydroxycinnamic acids (HAs) have a potential application in the food and pharmaceutical industry because they are rich in phenolics. Feruloyl esterases release phenolic compounds from plant cell walls. Coffee pulp is rich in HAs linked to polysaccharides. A solvent extraction of free HAs was performed with aqueous methanol (80 %). A response surface methodology was applied to optimise the extraction of these compounds from coffee pulp, and the best results were obtained at 56 °C for 34 min. Alkaline and acid hydrolyses were performed to evaluate the content of linked HAs. Treated (extracted) coffee pulp was used to produce feruloyl esterases in solid-state fermentation by Aspergillus tamarii V12307, previously selected by a hydrolysis plate assay. Different dilutions of a culture medium were added to the coffee pulp, and the diluted medium with half the nutrients allowed for higher CO2 production. A specific growth rate (μCO2 ) of 0.25 h^–1 and a lag phase (tlag) of 14.3 h were observed under the selected conditions. Finally, enzymatic activities were 14.0 and 10.8 nkat per g of dried matter when methyl and ethyl ferulate were used as substrates, respectively. Productivities (9.3 and 7.2 nkat per g of dried matter per day, respectively) were higher when compared to other studies carried out in solid-state fermentation. Utilisation of coffee pulp for enzyme production improves the added value of this abundant by-product of the coffee industry.Hidroksicinamične se kiseline mogu upotrijebiti u prehrambenoj i farmaceutskoj industriji, jer su bogate fenolima, koje enzim feruloil esteraza oslobađa iz staničnih stijenki biljaka. Otpad koji nastaje pri proizvodnji kave bogat je hidroksicinamičnim kiselinama vezanim za polisaharide. Ekstrakcija tih spojeva vodenom otopinom metanola (80 %) optimirana je pomoću metode odzivnih površina, a najbolji su rezultati postignuti pri 56 °C tijekom 34 minute. Alkalnom je i kiselom hidrolizom procijenjen udio vezanih hidroksicinamičnih kiselina. Pomoću odabranoga soja Aspergillus tamarii V12307 proizvedena je feruloil esteraza fermentacijom na čvrstoj podlozi od otpada nastalog pri proizvodnji kave. Otpadu su dodana različita razrjeđenja podloge za uzgoj, pri čemu je proizvedeno više CO2 primjenom podloge koja sadržava 50 % hranjiva. Pritom je specifična brzina rasta (μCO2) bila 0,25 h-1, a lag je faza (tlag) iznosila 14,3 h. Uporabom metil ferulata kao supstrata postignuta je aktivnost enzima od 14 nkat/g suhe tvari i produktivnost od 9,3 nkat/g suhe tvari po danu, dok je pomoću etil ferulata dobivena aktivnost enzima od 10,8 nkat/g suhe tvari i produktivnost od 7,2 nkat/g suhe tvari po danu. Produktivnost je procesa bila veća nego u prijašnjim istraživanjima. Primjenom otpada nastalog pri proizvodnji kave u proizvodnji enzima povećala se dodana vrijednost tog nusproizvoda

    Experiencia de la adaptación de prácticas experimentales de física en la transición de modalidad presencial a modalidad a distancia durante la pandemia COVID-19

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    This paper exposes the achievements obtained, as well as the difficulties of adapting the experimental classes of the Physics for Engineering subject during the transition from face-to-face academic activities to distance academic activities, during the COVID-19 pandemic. A survey was prepared with the aim of learning about the difficulties presented by Industrial Automation and Control Engineering (IACI) students at the Polytechnic University of the Gulf of Mexico (UPGM) at the beginning of the pandemic. The results of the survey served to make an adaptation of the experimental activities that allowed sharing, beyond the virtual; the content of the subject and contribute to the educational community with a proposal for the design and implementation of significant teaching-learning strategies for possible scenarios that may arise in the future; through the development of experiments characterized by: the use of homemade and recycling materials and compliance with the objectives of the units of the course plan.El presente trabajo expone los logros obtenidos, así como las dificultades de la adaptación de las clases experimentales de la asignatura de Física para Ingeniería durante la transición de actividades académicas presenciales a actividades académicas a distancia, durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Se elaboró una encuesta con el objetivo de conocer las dificultades que presentaban los estudiantes de Ingeniería en Automatización y Control Industrial (IACI) de la Universidad politécnica del Golfo de México (UPGM) al inicio de la pandemia. Los resultados de la encuesta sirvieron para hacer una adecuación de las actividades experimentales que permitiera llevar, más allá de lo virtual; los conocimientos de la asignatura y contribuir a la comunidad educativa con una propuesta de diseño e implementación de estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje significativos para posibles escenarios que puedan surgir en un futuro; por medio del desarrollo de experimentos caracterizados por: el uso material casero y de reciclaje y el cumplimiento con los objetivos de las unidades del plan de la asignatura

    Bebida fermentada a base de desechos de fruta de temporada

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    En el estado de Puebla en México en la temporada de chiles en nogada se incrementa la merma de frutas por lo cual se implementa la preparación de una bebida fermentada a base de cáscara de manzana, pera y durazno, para el aprovechamiento integro de la fruta de temporada de los meses Julio-Septiembre, ésta se elaboró con cáscara de fruta que se sometió a una fermentación alcohólica por 7 días para el aprovechamiento de azúcares de la fruta, se elaboraron tres muestras con formulaciones distintas, en las que se evaluaron los parámetros aroma, sabor y color, con los cuales se obtuvo que a la cantidad de cáscara que se añada a la muestra afecta directamente en el producto terminado, siendo los parámetros más notorio el color y el aroma, también se observó que la bebida es altamente competente en el mercado a comparación de bebidas locales

    Implementación del taller “Universitarios Rumbo al 2030 con ????ego Serious Play” a estudiantes de la carrera de Ingeniería en Automatización y Control Industrial de la UPGM

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    The objective of this work is to show the importance and perception of the students of the Industrial Automation and Control Engineering Educational Program of the UPGM, about the realization of workshops as a complement to the subjects completed during their career in order to develop skills necessary for the transition to the labor market. A survey of 7 multiple-choice questions was carried out in Google Forms, in order to know the opinion of the students about the workshop they took, if they feel that it will serve them for their professional life and if they would like to continue taking workshops that complement their professional development. &nbsp;In the analysis of the results of the survey applied to the students who participated in the workshop “University Students Heading to 2030 with Lego Serious Play”, it can be observed that the students find in the workshops a complement for the development of skills that are required to enter the job market. &nbsp;Most of the students agreed that the more important learning is related to the life and career plan, which was the objective of the course, however several students mentioned other competencies achieved. &nbsp;The results show that the students feel motivated with this type of workshops and what they liked most was the ease of expressing their ideas and thoughts. Therefore, they would like to have the opportunity to participate in other workshops in which they can continue acquiring and reinforcing their skills.El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar la importancia y percepción de los estudiantes del Programa Educativo de Ingeniería en Automatización y Control Industrial (IACI), de la Universidad Politécnica del Golfo de México (UPGM), sobre la realización de talleres como complemento a las materias cursadas durante su carrera con la finalidad de desarrollar competencias necesarias para la transición al mercado laboral. Se realizó una encuesta de 7 preguntas de opción múltiple, en Google Forms, con la finalidad de conocer la opinión de los alumnos sobre el taller que tomaron, si sienten que les servirá para su vida profesional y si les gustaría seguir tomando talleres que complementen su desarrollo profesional. &nbsp;&nbsp;En el análisis de los resultados de la encuesta aplicada a los estudiantes que participaron en el taller “Universitarios Rumbo al 2030 con Lego Serious Play”, se puede observar que los estudiantes encuentran en los talleres un complemento para el desarrollo de las competencias que se requieren para ingresar al mercado laboral. La mayoría coincidió en que el aprendizaje más significativo está relacionado con el plan de vida y carrera, que era el objetivo del curso, sin embargo varios estudiantes mencionaron otras competencias logradas. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes se sienten motivados con este tipo de talleres y lo que más les gustó fue la facilidad de expresar sus ideas y pensamientos. Por lo cual les gustaría tener la oportunidad de participar en otros talleres en los que puedan seguir adquiriendo y reforzando sus competencias

    Abdominal circumference and risk of cardiovascular disease in Doctor's Office 22 . “Aleida Fernández Chardiet” Polyclinic. 2016

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    ABSTRACTIntroduction: Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that abdominal obesity is the most important risk factor and the one that best explains the occurrence of a first acute myocardial infarction in Latin American countries. Objective:  To determine the risk of cardiovascular disease by measuring the abdominal circumference in Doctor's Office 22 of "Aleida  Fernández Chardiet” Teaching Polyclinic, La Lisa municipality, Havana, Cuba, in 2016.Material and Methods: An observational descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in people older than 17 years old. The universe of study was composed of 538 persons. Distributions of frequencies, percentage calculations, and the Chi-square test were used. Results: With regard to the value of abdominal circumference, 42,9% of people presented a high risk of cardiovascular disease, which predominated in the male sex (48,0%). Only 16,5% of diabetic patients presented a low risk. The 50,6% of patients with arterial hypertension, and the 45,4% of smokers presented a high risk.  Conclusions: Regarding the evaluation of the abdominal circumference, a high risk of cardiovascular disease was observed in the majority of population studied, especially in the male sex, diabetics, hypertensive patients, and smokers.  A statistically significant relationship was observed in patients with risk of cardiovascular disease due to abdominal obesity and age, sex, Diabetes Mellitus, and arterial hypertension.Keywords: Epidemiology, risk factors, abdominal circumference, cardiovascular disease, primary health care.</p

    Partial reconstruction of the pinna due to blunt traumatic injury

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    Introduction: The pinna, due to its anatomical situation is susceptible to a series of traumatic or pathological injuries, making its reconstruction a real challenge for the surgeon in charge of maintaining symmetry with the contralateral pinna as its complex structure. Objective: To present a patient who underwent partial reconstruction of the pinna due to blunt traumatic injury. Case Report: Patient attended in emergency with loss of the helical border, after a fight, suffered blunt trauma with avulsive injury of the pinna. Reconstruction was performed with a versatile and simple technique, which requires compliance with all the requirements of asepsis, adequate suturing and anatomical repair, to expect good postoperative results, including from the aesthetic point of view. Conclusions: Early care, aseptic and antisepsis conditions, with a surgical technique according to Weerda's classification, are important to achieve adequate aesthetic results, without complications

    School coexistence through research as a pedagogical strategy

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    La educación en Colombia busca que las instituciones educativas formen personas críticas, analíticas, innovadoras, con capacidades de trabajo autónomo y cooperativo, donde propicien espacios de socialización y participación libres de violencia y discriminación, el propósito del estudio fue fortalecer la convivencia escolar mediante la investigación como estrategia pedagógica (IEP). El estudio fue de tipo cualitativo utilizando el modelo de investigación acción, la población participante estuvo conformada por ochenta y nueve (89) estudiantes de la IED San José de Kennedy. Como técnicas de recolección de datos se utilizaron la bitácora y observación directa. Se evidencio que los estudiantes presentan conductas disruptivas como: desafío a la autoridad, conflictos interpersonales, bullying, discriminación, consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, embarazo precoz, irrespeto a docentes y cuerpo administrativo, deteriorando así el tejido social y convivencia escolar. Para fortalecer la convivencia escolar, se recomienda el trabajo consensuado y democrático de normas que garanticen dicha convivencia.Education in Colombia seeks that educational institutions form critical, analytical, innovative people, with autonomous and cooperative work capabilities, where spaces for socialization and participation free of violence and discrimination are promoted, the purpose of the study was to strengthen school coexistence through research as a pedagogical strategy (IEP). The study was of qualitative type using the action research model, the participating population was made up of eighty-nine (89) IED San José de Kennedy students. Datalogging and direct observation were used as data collection techniques. It was evidenced that the students present disruptive behaviors such as: defiance of authority, interpersonal conflicts, bullying, discrimination, consumption of psychoactive substances, early pregnancy, disrespect to teachers and administrative body, thus deteriorating the social fabric and school coexistence. In order to strengthen school coexistence, the consensus and democratic work of norms that guarantee such coexistence is recommended