265 research outputs found

    Predicting customer wallet without survey data.

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    Each consumer requires a certain quantity of services or products, and a single company usually provides only a part of this. In the banking sector, the total quantity of business a customer does is called the Size-of-Wallet of this customer and it is generally unobservable. From a company perspective, the percentage of this business done with the company is called the Share-of-Wallet of this customer and is usually unobservable as well. This paper focuses on the prediction of these values and on the derived concept of Potential-of-Wallet, which is the difference between the Size-of-Wallet and the actual business the customer does with the focal company. In the existing literature, the models predicting the customer's wallet need survey data to estimate the model parameters. The main contribution of this paper is to propose an approach to predict the customer's wallet without using survey data. In the empirical application, we show that a company can generate substantial gains by targeting customers having a large Potential-of-Wallet.Customer relationship management; Prediction; Retail banking; Share-of-Wallet;

    Predicting customer wallet without survey data.

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    A single company provides only a part of the total volume of products or services required by a customer. From the company perspective, this total business volume conducted by a customer, the customer's Size-of-Wallet, is generally unobservable. The percentage of this business done with the company, the customer's Share-of-Wallet, is unobservable as well. This paper focuses on the prediction of these values and on the derived concept of Potential-of-Wallet, which is the di®erence between the Size-of-Wallet and the actual business volume the customer does with the focal company. In the existing literature, the models predicting the customer wallet need survey data to estimate the model parameters. We propose an approach to predicting customer wallet without using survey data. In the empirical application, we show that a company can generate substantial gains by targeting customers with a large Potential-of-Wallet.Customer relationship management; Prediction; Retail banking; Share-of-wallet;

    A modified Pareto/NBD approach for predicting customer lifetime value.

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    Valuing customers is a central issue for any commercial activity. The customer lifetime value (CLV) is the discounted value of the future profits that this customer yields to the company. In order to compute the CLV, one needs to predict the future number of transactions a customer will make and the profit of these transactions. With the Pareto/NBD model, the future number of transactions of a customer can be predicted, and the CLV is then computed as a discounted product between this number and the expected profit per transaction. Usually, the number of transactions and the future profits per transaction are estimated separately. This study proposes an alternative. We show that the dependence between the number of transactions and their profitability can be used to increase the accuracy of the prediction of the CLV. This is illustrated with a new empirical case from the retail banking sector.Customer lifetime value; Value; Yield; Companies; Order; Model; Product; Expected;

    A modified Pareto/NBD approach for predicting customer lifetime value.

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    Systems; Applications; Customer lifetime value; Value;

    Modeling Within- and Across-Customer Association in Lifetime Value with Copulas

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    Recent advances in linking Recency-Frequency-Monetary value (RFM) data to Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) in non-contractual settings rely on the assumption of independence between the transaction and spend processes. We propose to model jointly the inter- and intra-customer dependency between both processes using copulas, hereby accounting for the double correlation within and across customers. Applied to a unique data set of securities' transactions, we nd that modeling both associations enhances the accuracy of CLV predictions, thus improving customer valuation and selection tasks.Association;Copula;Customer Lifetime Value;Across and Within Customers

    Modeling churn using customer lifetime value.

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    The definition and modeling of customer loyalty have been central issues in customer relationship management since many years. Recent papers propose solutions to detect customers that are becoming less loyal, also called churners. The churner status is then defined as a function of the volume of commercial transactions. In the context of a Belgian retail financial service company, our first contribution is to redefine the notion of customer loyalty by considering it from a customer-centric viewpoint instead of a productcentric one. We hereby use the customer lifetime value (CLV) defined as the discounted value of future marginal earnings, based on the customer's activity. Hence, a churner is defined as someone whose CLV, thus the related marginal profit, is decreasing. As a second contribution, the loss incurred by the CLV decrease is used to appraise the cost to misclassify a customer by introducing a new loss function. In the empirical study, we compare the accuracy of various classification techniques commonly used in the domain of churn prediction, including two cost-sensitive classifiers. Our final conclusion is that since profit is what really matters in a commercial environment, standard statistical accuracy measures for prediction need to be revised and a more profit oriented focus may be desirable.Data mining; Decision support systems; Marketing; Churn prediction;

    Modeling customer loyalty using customer lifetime value.

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    The definition and modeling of customer loyalty have been central issues in customer relationship management since many years. Recent papers propose solutions to detect customers that are becoming less loyal, also called churners. The churner status is then defined as a function of the volume of commercial transactions. In the context of a Belgian retail financial service company, our first contribution will be to redefine the notion of customer's loyalty by considering it from a customer-centric point-of-view instead of a product-centric point-of-view. We will hereby use the customer lifetime value (CLV) defined as the discounted value of future marginal earnings, based on the customer's activity. Hence, a churner will be defined as someone whose CLV, thus the related marginal profit, is decreasing. As a second contribution, the loss incurred by the CLV decrease will be used to appraise the cost to misclassify a customer by introducing a new loss function. In the empirical study, we will compare the accuracy of various classification techniques commonly used in the domain of churn prediction, including two cost-sensitive classirfiers. Our final conclusion is that since profit is what really matters in a commercial environment, standard statistical accuracy measures or prediction need to be revised and a more profit oriented focus may be desirable.Churn prediction; Classification; Customer lifetime value; Prediction models;

    Effect of Cycling and Swimming on Cardio-Respiratory Endurance among Long Distance Runners

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    The purpose of the study was to find out whether there would be any significant improvement on cardiorespiratory endurance as a result of cycling and swimming training among long distance runners. To achieve the purpose of the study, 45 long distance runners from different colleges and SDAT trainees were selected at random within Chennai. The selected subjects were in the age group of 18 to 22 years. The subjects were randomly divided in to three groups of 15 subjects in each group. Group one acted as experimental group I and group two acted as experimental group -II and group three acted as control group. Group three underwent routine without any special treatment and group I underwent cycling exercises and group II underwent swimming exercises for six weeks. Pre test scores were collected on selected criterion variable cardiorespiratory endurance through Coopers’ 12 minutes run/walk test. After six weeks of experimental treatments to the experimental groups, post test score on cardiorespiratory endurance was obtained. The differences between the initial and final score were the effect of respective experimental treatments. To test the statistical significance, the scores were subjected to ANCOVA and Scheffes’ post hoc test. The results of the study proved that cycling and swimming exercises significantly improved cardiorespiratory endurance of the long distance runners

    Placement effects of nitrogen fertilizer for no-till corn

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    Placement of fertilizer nitrogen (N) is a critical issue during the production of corn in no-till systems, but the effects of placement vary with many site-specific factors. On-farm trials offer a new method for evaluating the effectiveness of alternative placements. The objective of this study was to explore the potential of using yield monitors in on-farm trials to compare the effectiveness of dribbled and injected N fertilizer solutions for production of corn in no-till systems. Strip-plot trials were conducted in 16-ha to 24-ha fields to compare dribbled and injected urea-ammonium-nitrate (UAN) solutions applied after crops had emerged in 2002 and 2003. The fertilizer was applied at three rates and two times to help evaluate the effects of placement, and end of season cornstalk nitrate concentrations were measured to help interpret yield response data. The solutions were applied at 56, 112, and 168 kg N ha−1 in six-row strips that were harvested as single swaths with a yield monitoring combine. Placement had statistically significant effects on yields at only one of the six site years studied. No placement effects were observed on cornstalk nitrate concentrations at any of the site years. The effect at this site was probably caused by an unusual lack of rainfall that delayed movement of the dribbled N into the soil. Based on means over the six site years, the benefits of injecting fertilizer were small in comparison to the added time and equipment costs associated with an injected treatment. On-farm trials using treated strips and yield monitors offer an effective way for corn producers within a region to evaluate alternative methods of applying fertilizer under conditions relevant to them


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor yang terjadi dalam sebuah perkawinan di bawah umur dan bentuk upaya hukum dalam menghentikan adanya perkawinan di bawah umur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah jenis penelitian yang disebut sebagai penelitian hukum normatif, dan kesimpulan yang di dapat: 1. Faktor yang menyebabkan perkawinan di bawah umur yaitu hamil di luar nikah, faktor ekonomi dan faktor kemauan anak; 2. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi perkawinan di bawah umur adalah pengadilan menegakkan hukum dengan tidak langsung memberikan izin menikah dibawah umur jika tidak ada dispensasi dai pengadilan dan hakim di pengadilan tidak memberikan dispensasi jika alasan dari orang tersebut tidak ada unsur mendesak. Kata Kunci : Tinjauan Hukum, Faktor Perkawinan Dibawah Umur, Upaya Hukum&nbsp