3 research outputs found

    Delineation of the river Slunjčica catchment area : master's thesis

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    Površinske i podzemne razvodnice u krškim područjima rijetko se poklapaju s topografskim razvodnicama što je slučaj u nekrškim područjima. Glavne razlike leže u složenom i specifičnom pukotinskom sustavu te samim uvjetima i pravcima procesa okršavanja. Razvodnice u krškim područjima određene su prostorno, litološkim i strukturno-tektonskim odnosima, te vremenski, hidrološkim stanjem i akumuliranom vodom u krškom sustavu. Zbog toga se pri određivanju razvodnica u krškim područjima koriste različite metode i istraživački pristupi. U ovome se radu, korištenjem različitih metoda, odredilo slivno područje rijeke Slunjčice.Surface and underground catchment area boundaries in karstland rarely coincide with topografic boundaries which is case in non-karst area. The main difference between those two are complicated and specific system of fractures, so does conditions and direction of karstification. Catchment area boundaries in karstland are determined in space, with litology and its structural-tectonic relation, and in time, with hydrological state and accumulated water in karst system. Because of that, to delineate karst catchment area it is necessary to use several methods and research approaches. In this thesis, with the use of several methods, catchment area of Slunjčica river was delineated

    Uloga nagiba padina, gustoće vrtača i analize vodne bilance u izdvajanju kompleksnog slivnog područja rijeke Slunjčice (Hrvatska)

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    Due to the high vulnerability of the karst aquifer to the surface contaminants, a precisely defined catchment area has the highest priority. In this study, the influence of slope inclination, the doline density analysis, and the water budget analysis in the delineation process of a complex karst catchment area is discussed. To define hydrogeological role of lithological units, cross sections of slope inclination and doline density were combined with hydrogeological cross sections, while the degree of karstification was used to describe the permeability of rock units. The verification of karst catchment delineation area was performed with water budget analysis. The methodology used for the determination of hydrogeological behavior and delineation of a complex karst catchment area (Slunjčica River basin, Croatia) is shown with the flow diagram. It has been found that the highest doline density appears in the range from 0 to 1° of the slope inclinations, and that it decreases with a higher slope degree. Although the results of this study confirm that even with the relatively small number of input data it is possible to define the karst catchment area, it must be emphasized that the doline density analysis presents an indispensable tool in the research related to the definition of karst catchment areas.Radi vrlo visoke prirodne ranjivosti krških vodonosnika, izrazito je važno precizno određivanje slivne površine. U okviru ovog istraživanja razmatran je utjecaj nagiba terena, gustoće vrtača i vodne bilance u procesu razdvajanja složenih krških slivnih područja. Za definiranje hidrogeološke uloge pojedinih litoloških jedinica korištena je kombinacija hidrogeoloških profila s podacima o gustoći vrtača i nagibu terena, dok je za opis propusnosti pojedinih stijenskih jedinica korišten stupanj okšenosti. Za verifikaciju i provjeru izdvojenih slivnih područja korištena je vodna bilanca. Metodologija korištena za utvrđivanje hidrogeološke uloge pojedinog područja i određivanje slivnog područja (rijeka Slunjčica, Hrvatska) prikazana je dijagramom toka. Utvrđeno je da se najveće vrijednosti gustoće vrtača pojavljuju u dijelovima terena s nagibom padina od 0 to 1°, te se smanjuju s povećanjem nagiba padina. Iako rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da je čak i s malim brojem ulaznih podataka moguće odrediti slivno područje u kršu, potrebno je dodatno naglasiti da analiza gustoće vrtača predstavlja nezamjenjiv alat prilikom istraživanja vezanih za određivanje slivnih područja u kršu

    Delineation of the river Slunjčica catchment area : master's thesis

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    Površinske i podzemne razvodnice u krškim područjima rijetko se poklapaju s topografskim razvodnicama što je slučaj u nekrškim područjima. Glavne razlike leže u složenom i specifičnom pukotinskom sustavu te samim uvjetima i pravcima procesa okršavanja. Razvodnice u krškim područjima određene su prostorno, litološkim i strukturno-tektonskim odnosima, te vremenski, hidrološkim stanjem i akumuliranom vodom u krškom sustavu. Zbog toga se pri određivanju razvodnica u krškim područjima koriste različite metode i istraživački pristupi. U ovome se radu, korištenjem različitih metoda, odredilo slivno područje rijeke Slunjčice.Surface and underground catchment area boundaries in karstland rarely coincide with topografic boundaries which is case in non-karst area. The main difference between those two are complicated and specific system of fractures, so does conditions and direction of karstification. Catchment area boundaries in karstland are determined in space, with litology and its structural-tectonic relation, and in time, with hydrological state and accumulated water in karst system. Because of that, to delineate karst catchment area it is necessary to use several methods and research approaches. In this thesis, with the use of several methods, catchment area of Slunjčica river was delineated