260 research outputs found

    Boundary Conditions for Three-Body Scattering in Configuration Space

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    The asymptotic behavior of three-body scattering wave functions in configuration space is studied by considering a model equation that has the same asymptotic form as the Faddeev equations. Boundary conditions for the wave function are derived, and their validity is verified by numerical calculations. It is shown that these boundary conditions for the partial differential equation can be used to obtain accurate numerical solutions for the wave function.Comment: 25 pages, revtex, 9 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. C, epsfig.sty require

    Nuclear forces from chiral Lagrangians using the method of unitary transformation II: The two-nucleon system

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    We employ the chiral nucleon-nucleon potential derived in ref.[1] to study bound and scattering states in the two-nucleon system. At next-to-leading order, this potential is the sum of renormalized one-pion and two-pion exchange and contact interactions. At next-to-next-to-leading order, we have additional chiral two-pion exchange with low-energy constants determined from pion-nucleon scattering. Alternatively, we consider the \Delta(1232) as an explicit degree of freedom in the effective field theory. The nine parameters related to the contact interactions can be determined by a fit to the np S- and P-waves and the mixing parameter \epsilon_1 for laboratory energies below 100 MeV. The predicted phase shifts and mixing parameters for higher energies and higher angular momenta are mostly well described for energies below 300 MeV. The S-waves are described as precisely as in modern phenomenological potentials. We find a good description of the deuteron properties.Comment: 41 pp, LaTeX2e file, 16 figures (uses epsf

    Different Methods for the Two-Nucleon T-Matrix in the Operator Form

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    We compare three methods to calculate the nucleon-nucleon t-matrix based on the three-dimensional formulation of J. Golak et al., Phys. Rev. C 81, 034006, (2010). In the first place we solve a system of complex linear inhomogeneous equations directly for the t-matrix. Our second method is based on iterations and a variant of the Lanczos algorithm. In the third case we obtain the t-matrix in two steps, solving a system of real linear equations for the k-matrix expansion coefficients and then solving an on-shell equation, which connects the scalar coefficients of the k- and t-matrices. A very good agreement among the three methods is demonstrated for selected nucleon-nucleon scattering observables using a chiral next-to-next-to-leading-order neutron-proton potential. We also apply our three-dimensional framework to the demanding problem of proton-proton scattering, using a corresponding version of the nucleon-nucleon potential and supplementing it with the (screened) Coulomb force, taken also in the three-dimensional form. We show converged results for two different screening functions and find a very good agreement with other methods dealing with proton-proton scattering.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures (54 eps files

    Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering in a Three Dimensional Approach

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    The nucleon-nucleon (NN) t-matrix is calculated directly as function of two vector momenta for different realistic NN potentials. To facilitate this a formalism is developed for solving the two-nucleon Lippmann-Schwinger equation in momentum space without employing a partial wave decomposition. The total spin is treated in a helicity representation. Two different realistic NN interactions, one defined in momentum space and one in coordinate space, are presented in a form suited for this formulation. The angular and momentum dependence of the full amplitude is studied and displayed. A partial wave decomposition of the full amplitude it carried out to compare the presented results with the well known phase shifts provided by those interactions.Comment: 26 pages plus 10 jpg figure

    The six-nucleon Yakubovsky equations for 6He

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    The six-nucleon problem for the bound state is formulated in the Yakubovsky scheme. Hints for a numerical implementation are provided.Comment: 25 pages, 0 figure

    Collisions of protons with light nuclei shed new light on nucleon structure

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    The high rates of multi-parton interactions at the LHC can provide a unique opportunity to study the multi-parton structure of the hadron. To this purpose high energy collisions of protons with nuclei are particularly suitable. The rates of multi-parton interactions depend in fact both on the partonic multiplicities and on the distributions of partons in transverse space, which produce different effects on the cross section in pA collisions, as a function of the atomic mass number A. Differently with respect to the case of multi-parton interactions in pp collisions, the possibility of changing the atomic mass number provides thus an additional handle to distinguish the diverse contributions. Some relevant features of double parton interactions in pD collisions have been discussed in a previous paper. In the present paper we show how the effects of double and triple correlation terms of the multi-parton structure can be disentangled, by comparing the rates of multiple parton interactions in collisions of protons with D, Tritium and 3He.Comment: 50 pages, 13 figure

    Operation of Faddeev-Kernel in Configuration Space

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    We present a practical method to solve Faddeev three-body equations at energies above three-body breakup threshold as integral equations in coordinate space. This is an extension of previously used method for bound states and scattering states below three-body breakup threshold energy. We show that breakup components in three-body reactions produce long-range effects on Faddeev integral kernels in coordinate space, and propose numerical procedures to treat these effects. Using these techniques, we solve Faddeev equations for neutron-deuteron scattering to compare with benchmark solutions.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Few-Body System
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