647 research outputs found

    Competing mechanisms of stress-assisted diffusivity and stretch-activated currents in cardiac electromechanics

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    We numerically investigate the role of mechanical stress in modifying the conductivity properties of the cardiac tissue and its impact in computational models for cardiac electromechanics. We follow a theoretical framework recently proposed in [Cherubini, Filippi, Gizzi, Ruiz-Baier, JTB 2017], in the context of general reaction-diffusion-mechanics systems using multiphysics continuum mechanics and finite elasticity. In the present study, the adapted models are compared against preliminary experimental data of pig right ventricle fluorescence optical mapping. These data contribute to the characterization of the observed inhomogeneity and anisotropy properties that result from mechanical deformation. Our novel approach simultaneously incorporates two mechanisms for mechano-electric feedback (MEF): stretch-activated currents (SAC) and stress-assisted diffusion (SAD); and we also identify their influence into the nonlinear spatiotemporal dynamics. It is found that i) only specific combinations of the two MEF effects allow proper conduction velocity measurement; ii) expected heterogeneities and anisotropies are obtained via the novel stress-assisted diffusion mechanisms; iii) spiral wave meandering and drifting is highly mediated by the applied mechanical loading. We provide an analysis of the intrinsic structure of the nonlinear coupling using computational tests, conducted using a finite element method. In particular, we compare static and dynamic deformation regimes in the onset of cardiac arrhythmias and address other potential biomedical applications

    Reliability of spring recession curve analysis as a function of the temporal resolution of the monitoring dataset

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    Mountain springs represent one of the largest and most precious sources of potable water in Italy, necessary to meet the water needs of the population. Optimizing the present and future management strategies of mountain groundwater resources has become increasingly necessary. The accuracy and frequency of the flow rate (Q) measurements determine and restrict the processes that can be studied using spring hydrograph and recession curve analysis. Therefore, to properly define mountain aquifers’ hydrogeological properties, it turns out important to highlight the variation of the error in the estimation of the hydrogeological parameters as the time interval of sampling varies. In this paper, recession curve analysis was performed on two different mountain springs (Spring 1 and Spring 2) of north-western Italy, firstly considering available 4-h resolution measuring data and subsequently by resampling data to simulate longer sampling intervals of 1, 3, 7, 15, and 30 days. The resulting distribution of errors introduced by longer acquisition intervals underlined how the percentage error increases with increasing acquisition interval. For obtaining an adequate estimation of mountain aquifer hydrodynamic parameters, in place of continuous hourly data, 1-day and 3-day sampling intervals with associated errors respectively lower than 5% and 10% were found to be valid

    Finite element and finite volume-element simulation of pseudo-ECGs and cardiac alternans

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    In this paper, we are interested in the spatio-temporal dynamics of the transmembrane potential in paced isotropic and anisotropic cardiac tissues. In particular, we observe a specific precursor of cardiac arrhythmias that is the presence of alternans in the action potential duration. The underlying mathematical model consists of a reaction–diffusion system describing the propagation of the electric potential and the nonlinear interaction with ionic gating variables. Either conforming piecewise continuous finite elements or a finite volume-element scheme are employed for the spatial discretization of all fields, whereas operator splitting strategies of first and second order are used for the time integration. We also describe an efficient mechanism to compute pseudo-ECG signals, and we analyze restitution curves and alternans patterns for physiological and pathological cardiac rhythms

    Key aspects for effective mathematical modelling of fractional-diffusion in cardiac electrophysiology: A quantitative study

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    Microscopic structural features of cardiac tissue play a fundamental role in determining complex spatio-temporal excitation dynamics at the macroscopic level. Recent efforts have been devoted to the development of mathematical models accounting for non-local spatio-temporal coupling able to capture these complex dynamics without the need of resolving tissue heterogeneities down to the micro-scale. In this work, we analyse in detail several important aspects affecting the overall predictive power of these modelling tools and provide some guidelines for an effective use of space-fractional models of cardiac electrophysiology in practical applications. Through an extensive computational study in simplified computational domains, we highlight the robustness of models belonging to different categories, i.e., physiological and phenomenological descriptions, against the introduction of non-locality, and lay down the foundations for future research and model validation against experimental data. A modern genetic algorithm framework is used to investigate proper parameterisations of the considered models, and the crucial role played by the boundary assumptions in the considered settings is discussed. Several numerical results are provided to support our claims.Italian National Group of Mathematical Physics (GNFM-INdAM); NSF grant No. 1762553; NIH grant No. 1R01HL143450-0

    Groundwater heat pump systems diffusion and groundwater resources protection

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    Geothermal Energy, being a clean and sustainable source of energy, is gaining importance worldwide due to various reasons. Geothermal power can be generated throughout the year on twenty four hour basis as it's not much dependent on ambient temperature and weather conditions. Recently there is an increased interest in exploitation of low enthalpy geothermal resources for other applications such as geothermal space heating and cooling for domestic, industrial and commercial applications.GroundWater Heat Pump systems (GWHPs) extract water from one or more wells, pass it through a heat exchanger or a heat pump, which either extracts heat from, or rejects heat, and discharge water back into the aquifer or nearby surface water.This reinjection disturbs the natural aquifer temperature, producing a local temperature anomalies (cold or heat plume) known as the thermal affected zone (TAZ).Moreover, it is important to know if the TAZ can interfere with downgradient pre-existing plants or subsurface infrastructure or with the plant itself (thermal feedback). It is then important to know, even before constructing a GWHP system, the future TAZ extent around the planned injection point.Due to these risks, the increasing number of GWHP systems enforces the need for new criteria to develop subsurface energy policies that allow planning their spatial distribution. To obtain these sustainability criteria, the results of different dedicated studies are here proposed, in order to optimize the design and operation of GWHP systems

    Nonlinear diffusion & thermo-electric coupling in a two-variable model of cardiac action potential

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    This work reports the results of the theoretical investigation of nonlinear dynamics and spiral wave breakup in a generalized two-variable model of cardiac action potential accounting for thermo-electric coupling and diffusion nonlinearities. As customary in excitable media, the common Q10 and Moore factors are used to describe thermo-electric feedback in a 10-degrees range. Motivated by the porous nature of the cardiac tissue, in this study we also propose a nonlinear Fickian flux formulated by Taylor expanding the voltage dependent diffusion coefficient up to quadratic terms. A fine tuning of the diffusive parameters is performed a priori to match the conduction velocity of the equivalent cable model. The resulting combined effects are then studied by numerically simulating different stimulation protocols on a one-dimensional cable. Model features are compared in terms of action potential morphology, restitution curves, frequency spectra and spatio-temporal phase differences. Two-dimensional long-run simulations are finally performed to characterize spiral breakup during sustained fibrillation at different thermal states. Temperature and nonlinear diffusion effects are found to impact the repolarization phase of the action potential wave with non-monotone patterns and to increase the propensity of arrhythmogenesis

    Geoneutrinos from the rock overburden at SNO+

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    SNOLAB is one of the deepest underground laboratory in the world with an overburden of 2092 m. The SNO+ detector is designed to achieve several fundamental physics goals as a low-background experiment, particularly measuring the Earth's geoneutrino flux. Here we evaluate the effect of the 2 km overburden on the predicted crustal geoneutrino signal at SNO+. A refined 3D model of the 50 χ 50 km upper crust surrounding the detector and a full calculation of survival probability are used to model the U and Th geoneutrino signal. Comparing this signal with that obtained by placing SNO+ at sea level, we highlight a 1.4+1.8-0.9 TNU signal difference, corresponding to the ∼5% of the total crustal contribution. Finally, the impact of the additional crust extending from sea level up to ∼300 m was estimated

    A study of laser plasmas as X-ray sources in the 1-10 keV spectral region

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    An experimental investigation on X-ray emission from laser-produced plasmas is presented and the properties of such an emission of interest for application purposes are examined. Plasmas were generated by focusing 1 μm, 3 ns Nd laser pulses onto Al and Cu targets at an intensity of 1013 W/cm2. The temporal evolution of the emission and its spectral features were investigated by using an X-ray streak-camera and an X-ray photodiode. In the case of Cu targets, the analysis of the emission showed two spectral components. The main component was centered at ≈ 1.2 keV and a minor component, whose intensity was measured to be 10-3 of the previous component, was observed at ≈7 keV. The X-ray conversion efficiency, in the investigated spectral region, was measured to be 1% for Cu targets and 0.3% for Al targets