219 research outputs found
A simple flow-injection method for the determination of blood glucose using a Technicon immobilized enzyme coil
The applicability of a single-channel flow-injection system with
immobilized enzyme coil (Technicon) and UV detection to the
determination of glucose is described. The method was used for a
pure glucose solution and for serum. The detection limit was 0.10
mM, the rate of determination was 20-40 per hour and the
precision was satisfactory. The system is very simple and practical
when many analysis are to be determined periodically
In situ method to estimate local effect of nasal preparations
The potential local toxicity to the respiratory mucosa of drugs, excipients and formulations should be tested in an appropriate animal model. Today: many models are available for such studies, giving different information. Since the mucociliary clearance is one of the most important defence mechanism of the human body against inhaled dust, allergens and microorganisms this mechanism may not be alTected or destroyed. Environmental conditions, such as humidity, temperature,airborne toxins, as well as chemicals and many pharmaceutical excipients affects this mechanism. This review gives a short insight into this field, focusing mainly on the frog palate model, Where the effect of drugs on the mueoeiliary transport rate may be studied
Lyfjahvörf ondansetrons í fóstrum
Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkin
Local chemical irritation on mucosal surface, measured colorimetrieally on the frog palate model
The effect of chemicals. toxins. allergens etc. on biological tissues are usually evaluated in microscopes as well as objective by giving different scores for different signs. When visual evaluation is used, the investigations may see each colour oreach sign in a different manner. Experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the possibility of measuring the irritation and mucus secretion caused by irritation by the mean of digitalizing the colour density in the palatal mucosa] membraneof the frog. using a eolorimcter. Increased redness 0n the mucosal surface was seen as increased colour density, giving high values. whereas increased mueus secretion resulted in decrease in colour density. giving lower values than seen for normalmucosa
Simple and non-invasive diagnostics of a broad complex tachycardia in a device patient.
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This article is open access
Notkun morfínskyldra lyfja í fæðingu og áhrif þeirra á nýburann
Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkin
Attitude of the Icelandic population towards performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on strangers in the pre-hospital setting
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: Initiation of bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is directly linked to the outcome of cardiac arrest in the community. Recent reports have indicated a reluctance among witnesses to perform CPR on strangers especially mouth to mouth ventilation. The status of this in Iceland is unknown. The objective of this study was to assess the attitude of Icelanders towards bystander CPR. Material and methods: A telephone survey was conducted on 1200 randomly selected Icelanders, aged 16-75 years, with regard to their attitude towards pre-hospital CPR on strangers. A total of 804 (70.1%) chose to participate. Results: A large number had received some kind of training in CPR (73%), wheras only 6% had actually participated in CPR. In accordance, 50% thought they would be able to perform chest compressions adequately and 55% mouth to mouth ventilation. A total of 491 (65%) would likely volunteer to perform chest compressions on a stranger, while 178 (24%) would not and 84 (11%) were undecided. Similarly, 473 (64%) would likely volunteer to perform mouth to mouth ventilation on a stranger. One hundred seventy seven (24%) would not and 93 (12%) were unsure. An overwhelming majority, 620 (81%) said it would not make any difference regarding their participation in CPR if the procedure was simplified and included only chest compressions but not mouth to mouth ventilation. Conclusions: Icelanders have a very positive attitude towards bystander CPR, over two thirds have had some kind of CPR instruction and a large majority has no aversion towards performing mouth to mouth ventilation on strangers. These results are in contrast to similar data from the United States.Inngangur: Skyndidauði er í meirihluta tilfella vegna sleglahraðtakts (ventricular tachycardia) eða sleglaflökts (ventricular fibrillation). Grunnendurlífgun með öndunaraðstoð og hjartahnoði ásamt raflostsmeðferð geta verið lífsbjörg undir slíkum kringumstæðum. Undanfarin ár hefur gætt tregðu meðal almennings erlendis við að taka þátt í endurlífgun hjá ókunnugum utan sjúkrahúss. Á það sérstaklega við munn við munn öndunaraðstoðina og er mikilvægasta ástæðan ótti við smitsjúkdóma. Viðhorf Íslendinga til endurlífgunar hjá ókunnugum utan sjúkrahúss er ekki þekkt. Tilgangur: Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að kanna viðhorf almennings á Íslandi til endurlífgunar utan sjúkrahúss með áherslu á viðhorf til munn við munn öndunaraðstoðar. Jafnframt vildum við kanna hvort það myndi breyta einhverju um þátttöku almennings í endurlífgun á ókunnugum ef slíkt fæli eingöngu í sér hjartahnoð en ekki munn við munn öndun. Efniviður og aðferðir: Gerð var símakönnun þar sem átta spurningar voru lagðar fyrir slembiúrtak einstaklinga í þjóðskrá á aldrinum 16-75 ára. Upphaflegt úrtak var 1200 manns, 804 svöruðu og svarshlutfall var því 70,1%. Niðurstöður: Stór hluti aðspurðra hafði hlotið tilsögn í framkvæmd hjartahnoðs (69%) og munn við munn öndunar (73%). Hins vegar höfðu fáir (6%) tekið þátt í tilraun til endurlífgunar. Af þeim sem tóku afstöðu treystu 394 (50%) sér til að framkvæma hjartahnoð hjá ókunnugum úti á götu og 491 (65%) myndi líklega gefa sig fram til að framkvæma hjartahnoð. Hvað varðar munn við munn öndunaraðstoð, treystu 417 (55%) sér vel til að framkvæma slíkt og 473 (63%) myndu líklega gefa sig fram til að framkvæma munn við munn öndun. Mest kom á óvart að það skipti ekki máli fyrir þátttöku 81% aðspurðra í endurlífgun hvort framkvæmdin fæli eingöngu í sér hjartahnoð eða bæði hnoð og munn við munn öndun. Ályktun: Íslendingar virðast almennt mjög jákvæðir gagnvart því að taka þátt í endurlífgun hjá ókunnugum utan sjúkrahúss. Margir hafa hlotið tilsögn í grunnendurlífgun og það skiptir ekki máli fyrir þátttöku þeirra hvort ferlið sé einfaldað á þann hátt að það feli eingöngu í sér hjartahnoð en ekki munn við munn öndunaraðstoð
Two Intranasal Administration Techniques Give Two Different Pharmacokinetic Results
Minor changes in the administration technique used for intranasal instillation of clonazepam, have been found to influence the results significantly. A simple study was performed, where rabbits received 0.5 mg clonazepam intranasally. One group received the drug while fixed in a sitting position, where the other group was fixed in a supine position. The results show that both techniques where able to provide a rapid absorption with a tmax around 3-4 min. The Cmax and AUC, however, were very different. The Cmax was found to be 40 ng/ml and 86 ng/ml, respectively, and the AUC was found to be 891 and 2249 (ng/ml/min), respectively, for the sitting and the supine position. The relative bioavailability for sitting/supine was found to be 38%. These results show that the administration technique is very important and should not be underestimated.
Intranasal immunization with pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccines protects mice against invasive pneumococcal infections.
To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldHost defenses against Streptococcus pneumoniae depend largely on opsonophagocytosis mediated by antibodies and complement. Since pneumococcus is a respiratory pathogen, mucosal immune responses may play a significant role in the defense against pneumococcal infections. Thus, mucosal vaccination may be an alternative approach to current immunization strategies, but effective adjuvants are required. Protein antigens induce significant mucosal immunoglobulin A (IgA) and systemic IgG responses when administered intranasally (i. n.) with the glyceride-polysorbate based adjuvant RhinoVax (RV) both in experimental animals and humans. The immunogenicity and efficacy of pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccines (PNC) of serotypes 1 and 3 was studied in mice after i.n. immunization with RV. Antibodies were measured in serum (IgM, IgG, and IgA) and saliva (IgA) and compared to antibody titers induced by parenteral immunization. The PNCs induced significant systemic IgG and IgA antibodies after i.n. immunization only when given with RV and, for serotype 1, serum IgG titers were comparable to titers induced by subcutaneous immunization. In addition, i.n. immunization with PNC-1 in RV elicited detectable mucosal IgA. These results demonstrate that RV is a potent mucosal adjuvant for polysaccharides conjugated to proteins. A majority of the PNC-1-immunized mice were protected against both bacteremia and pneumonia after i.n. challenge with a lethal dose of serotype 1 pneumococci, and protection correlated significantly with the serum IgG titers. Similarly, the survival of mice immunized i.n. with PNC-3 in RV was significantly prolonged. These results indicate that mucosal vaccination with PNC and adjuvants may be an alternative strategy for prevention against pneumococcal infections
Aspirin causes endothelium-dependent vasodilation of resistance arteries from non-gravid and gravid rats
Abstract Objective The objective of this study was to understand the effect of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) on resistance arteries from mesentery and uterus. During pregnancy, the uterine vasculature undergoes consistent growth to provide sufficient uteroplacental blood flow, a process whose failure is associated with pregnancy complications characterized by high uterine vascular resistance. Methods Uterine arcuate (UA) and mesenteric arteries (MA; diameter Results Aspirin dilated both UA and MA in a dose dependent manner. Pregnancy increased aspirin vasodilation in MA and UA from mid-gravid rats, an effect that was reduced in vessels from late gravid animals at concentrations >10−7 M. Further, uterine vasodilation was significantly reduced when the endothelium was removed (p Conclusion This is the first study to show a direct vasodilatory effect of aspirin on rat uterine artery that is mediated by a combination of cellular – primarily endothelial - mechanisms. Our results in UA suggest that the use of aspirin may be effective in enhancing uteroplacental blood flow, while its vasodilation effect on MA may lower peripheral resistance
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