194 research outputs found

    La Movilidad de las Firmas y los Cambios en la Estructura de la Industria Manufacturera Argentina en el Período 1958-67

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    La valuación de los servicios públicos en las cuentas nacionales

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    Este estudio pretende explicar el método actual de evaluación de los servicios públicos, sus implicaciones y la mejora que puede representar el uso de una metodología de cálculo más consistente

    Desarrollo económico, ventajas comparativas y concentración de las exportaciones

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    La valuación de los servicios públicos en las cuentas nacionales

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    Estimación de Funciones de Costo de Generación de Electricidad

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    Aspectos económicos de las tarifas eléctricas. Aplicación al caso de la Empresa Províncíal de Energía de Córdoba

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    Las Ampliaciones de Capacidad en los Servicios Eléctricos

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    La Demanda de Electricidad en Argentina

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    Axons mediate the distribution of arylsulfatase A within the mouse hippocampus upon gene delivery.

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    Axonal transport of the lysosomal enzyme arylsulfatase A (ARSA) may be an additional mechanism of enzyme distribution after in vivo brain gene transfer in an animal model of metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD). Direct molecular demonstration of the movement of this lysosomal enzyme within axonal networks was missing. We generated lentiviral vectors carrying the ARSA cDNA tagged with hemagglutinin or the green fluorescent protein and examined the subcellular localization and anatomical distribution of the tagged enzymes within the MLD hippocampus after in vivo lentiviral gene transfer. The use of tagged ARSA allowed direct real-time observation and tracking of axon–dendritic transport of the enzyme after lentiviral gene therapy. Tagged ARSA was expressed in transduced pyramidal, granule, and hilar neurons within the lentiviral-injected side and was robustly contained in vesicles within ipsilateral axon–dendritic processes as well as in vesicles associated with contralateral axons and commissural axons of the ventral hippocampal commissure. Axonal transport of tagged ARSA led to the correction of hippocampal defects in long-term treated MLD mice, which was accompanied by enzyme uptake in nontransduced contralateral neurons, enzyme accumulation within the lysosomal compartment, and clearance of sulfatide storage deposits in this region of the MLD brain. These results contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms of distribution of lysosomal enzymes within the mammalian brain after direct gene therapy, demonstrating the use of neural processes for enzyme transport

    Peripheral neuropathy in the Twitcher mouse involves the activation of axonal caspase 3

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    Infantile Krabbe disease results in the accumulation of lipid-raft-associated galactosylsphingosine (psychosine), demyelination, neurodegeneration and premature death. Recently, axonopathy has been depicted as a contributing factor in the progression of neurodegeneration in the Twitcher mouse, a bona fide mouse model of Krabbe disease. Analysis of the temporal-expression profile of MBP (myelin basic protein) isoforms showed unexpected increases of the 14, 17 and 18.5 kDa isoforms in the sciatic nerve of 1-week-old Twitcher mice, suggesting an abnormal regulation of the myelination process during early postnatal life in this mutant. Our studies showed an elevated activation of the pro-apoptotic protease caspase 3 in sciatic nerves of 15- and 30-day-old Twitcher mice, in parallel with increasing demyelination. Interestingly, while active caspase 3 was clearly contained in peripheral axons at all ages, we found no evidence of caspase accumulation in the soma of corresponding mutant spinal cord motor neurons. Furthermore, active caspase 3 was found not only in unmyelinated axons, but also in myelinated axons of the mutant sciatic nerve. These results suggest that axonal caspase activation occurs before demyelination and following a dying-back pattern. Finally, we showed that psychosine was sufficient to activate caspase 3 in motor neuronal cells in vitro in the absence of myelinating glia. Taken together, these findings indicate that degenerating mechanisms actively and specifically mediate axonal dysfunction in Krabbe disease and support the idea that psychosine is a pathogenic sphingolipid sufficient to cause axonal defects independently of demyelination