227 research outputs found


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    In this paper, we propose an identification method of the land cover from remote sensing data with combining neuro-fuzzy and expert system. This combining then is called by Neuro-Fuzzy Expert System Model (NFES-Model). A Neural network (NN) is a part from neuro-fuzzy has the ability to recognize complex patterns, and classifies them into many desired classes. However, the neural network might produce misclassification. By adding fuzzy expert system into NN using geographic knowledge based, then misclassification can be decreased, with the result that improvement of classification result, compared with a neural network approximation

    On the Robustness of Democratic Electoral Processes to Computational Propaganda

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    There is growing evidence of systematic attempts to influence democratic elections by controlled and digitally organized dissemination of fake news. This raises the question of the intrinsic robustness of democratic electoral processes against external influences. Particularly interesting is to identify the social characteristics of a voter population that renders it more resilient against opinion manipulation. Equally important is to determine which of the existing democratic electoral systems is more robust to external influences. Here we construct a mathematical electoral model to address these two questions. We find that electorates are more resilient against opinion manipulations (i) if they are less polarized and (ii) when voters interact more with each other, regardless of their opinion differences, and that (iii) electoral systems based on proportional representation are generally the most robust. Our model qualitatively captures the volatility of the US House of Representatives elections. We take this as a solid validation of our approach.Comment: Main text: 26 pages, 6 figures. Supplementary information: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Darts game optimizer:A new optimization technique based on darts game

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    Shell game optimization:A novel game-based algorithm

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    A new two-stage algorithm for solving optimization problems

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    Optimization seeks to find inputs for an objective function that result in a maximum or minimum. Optimization methods are divided into exact and approximate (algorithms). Several optimization algorithms imitate natural phenomena, laws of physics, and behavior of living organisms. Optimization based on algorithms is the challenge that underlies machine learning, from logistic regression to training neural networks for artificial intelligence. In this paper, a new algorithm called two-stage optimization (TSO) is proposed. The TSO algorithm updates population members in two steps at each iteration. For this purpose, a group of good population members is selected and then two members of this group are randomly used to update the position of each of them. This update is based on the first selected good member at the first stage, and on the second selected good member at the second stage. We describe the stages of the TSO algorithm and model them mathematically. Performance of the TSO algorithm is evaluated for twenty-three standard objective functions. In order to compare the optimization results of the TSO algorithm, eight other competing algorithms are considered, including genetic, gravitational search, grey wolf, marine predators, particle swarm, teaching-learning-based, tunicate swarm, and whale approaches. The numerical results show that the new algorithm is superior and more competitive in solving optimization problems when compared with other algorithms

    Experimental Study on Vibration-Assisted Magnetic Abrasive Finishing for Internal Surface of Aluminum Tubes

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    In this research, a new apparatus is designed and set to polish the internal surface of aluminum tube in the presence of axial vibration (AV) for the poles. Several parameters influence the quality of polished surface during magnetic abrasive finishing. The effect of such parameters has been the subject of researches to achieve the best finished surface with desired characteristics. This paper has a statistical approach to investigate the effects of four parameters, i.e., mesh size of the abrasives, the weight of the abrasive powders, the number of cycles and especially vibration frequency of the poles on surface roughness and material removal weight in finishing process. Design of experiments (DOE) methods and analysis of variance are applied to determine the significant factors. Microscopic view of the working surface is also presented for better understanding the parameters effect on the finished surface

    Model Website Galeri Maket Lanmark Dunia 3 Dimensi Menggunakan Collada View

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    AbstrakWebsite galeri landmark dunia dapat disajikan secara menyeluruh dengan menerapkan penyajian objek 3 dimensi. Pemikiran ini didasari ulasan penelitian teknologi tampilan 3 dimensi pada website dengan menerapkan teknologi Collada sebagai teknologi penampil objek 3 dimensi yang diharapkan dapat memenuhi kepuasan dan ketertarikan pengunjung dalam pemantauan objek website galeri landmark dunia. Metode yang telah digunakan meliputi analisis kebutuhan fungsional, proses bisnis sistem yang diajukan, perancangan-perancangan seperti; Data Flow Diagram (DFD) level 0, Data Flow Diagram (DFD) level 1, Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), skema database serta perancangan antarmuka website dan pengujian blackbox pada tiap fungsi tombol dan proses penampil 3 dimensi. Collada memproses file obj dengan ukuran beragam. Proses penampilan 3 dimensi landmark dunia berjalan dengan baik, kecuali pada file obj berukuran lebih dari 2 mega byte mengalami stuck saat proses pembacaan file.AbstractThe world landmark gallery website can be presented thoroughly by applying the presentation of 3-dimensional objects. This thinking is based on research reviews of 3 dimensional display technology on the website by applying Collada technology as a 3 dimensional object viewer technology that is expected to meet the satisfaction and interest of visitors in monitoring the object of the world landmark gallery website. The methods used include functional requirements analysis, proposed business process systems, designs such as; Data Flow Diagram (DFD) level 0, Data Flow Diagram (DFD) level 1, Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), database schema and website interface design and blackbox testing on each key function and 3-dimensional viewer process. Collada processes the obj file with various sizes. The process of 3-dimensional world landmark appearance goes well, except on the obj file sized more than 2 mega byte will experience stuck during the process of reading the file

    Probing the Inner Jet of the Quasar PKS 1510-089 with Multi-waveband Monitoring during Strong Gamma-ray Activity

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    We present results from monitoring the multi-waveband flux, linear polarization, and parsec-scale structure of the quasar PKS 1510-089, concentrating on eight major gamma-ray flares that occurred during the interval 2009.0-2009.5. The gamma-ray peaks were essentially simultaneous with maxima at optical wavelengths, although the flux ratio of the two wavebands varied by an order of magnitude. The optical polarization vector rotated by 720 degrees during a 5-day period encompassing six of these flares. This culminated in a very bright, roughly 1 day, optical and gamma-ray flare as a bright knot of emission passed through the highest-intensity, stationary feature (the "core") seen in 43 GHz Very Long Baseline Array images. The knot continued to propagate down the jet at an apparent speed of 22c and emit strongly at gamma-ray energies as a months-long X-ray/radio outburst intensified. We interpret these events as the result of the knot following a spiral path through a mainly toroidal magnetic field pattern in the acceleration and collimation zone of the jet, after which it passes through a standing shock in the 43 GHz core and then continues downstream. In this picture, the rapid gamma-ray flares result from scattering of infrared seed photons from a relatively slow sheath of the jet as well as from optical synchrotron radiation in the faster spine. The 2006-2009.7 radio and X-ray flux variations are correlated at very high significance; we conclude that the X-rays are mainly from inverse Compton scattering of infrared seed photons by 20-40 MeV electrons.Comment: 10 pages of text + 5 figures, to be published in Astrophysical Journal Letters in 201

    Development of Methods to Predict the Effects of Test Media in Ground-Based Propulsion Testing

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    This report discusses work that began in mid-2004 sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Test & Evaluation/Science & Technology (T&E/S&T) Program. The work was undertaken to improve the state of the art of CFD capabilities for predicting the effects of the test media on the flameholding characteristics in scramjet engines. The program had several components including the development of advanced algorithms and models for simulating engine flowpaths as well as a fundamental experimental and diagnostic development effort to support the formulation and validation of the mathematical models. This report provides details of the completed work, involving the development of phenomenological models for Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes codes, large-eddy simulation techniques and reduced-kinetics models. Experiments that provided data for the modeling efforts are also described, along with with the associated nonintrusive diagnostics used to collect the data