13 research outputs found


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    BACKGROUND: The association between patients with surgically treatable thyroid disease and patients affected by PHPT is not just accidental. MATERIALS: We report 591 patients who underwent total thyroidectomy in our center. Data, collected during the preoperative period according to our protocol for candidates to total thyroidectomy, included: type of thyroid disease, sex, age, type of surgical procedure, preoperative PTH and plasmatic calcium level. Calcium plasmatic level has been monitored at 24 hours after surgery on day 6 and monthly for 6 months. RESULTS: On 591 cases, PTH above the normal range were present in 19.1% (113 patients), all asymptomatic for PHPT 30 were males (26.6%) and 83 females (73.4%), with a mean age of 62.97 +/- 12.51 years and 57.38 +/- 15.09 years ( p = 0.19). The mean preoperative PTH and calcium plasmatic level were 104.4 +/- 21.96 pg/ml and 119.7 +/- 37.93 pg/ml (p = 0.39) and 9.21 +/- 0.59 mg/dL e 9.37 +/- 0.87 mg/dl (p = 0.45) respectively. Intraoperative exploration proved a pathological parathyroid gland in 12 on 113 cases. In 9 of the 12 patients with parathyroid adenoma, hypocalcaemia developed. It resolved in 7 days for 4 patients and within 30 days for the others. No hypocalcaemia has been recorded at a 6 months follow up for the 97 considered (4 were lost at follow up). CONCLUSION: Preoperative PTH measurement for all patients undergoing total thyroidectomy may offer a concrete tool to screen and identify the above-described category of patients, with no additional cost for further radiological investigations, because this class of patients will be submitted to bilateral cervical exploration associated with a total thyroidectomy

    Wczesna kinetyka st臋偶enia sercowego bia艂ka wi膮偶膮cego kwasy t艂uszczowe u chorych poddanych echokardiografii obci膮偶eniowej z dipirydamolem oraz zale偶no艣ci ze st臋偶eniem troponin oznaczonych metod膮 wysokoczu艂膮

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    Background: The assessment of cardiospecific troponins is the main stay for diagnosing myocardial injury, although their diagnostic sensitivity remains suboptimal at patient admission to the emergency department (ED), thus paving the way for translational research to identify early and complementary biomarkers which may help improve the diagnostic sensitivity of high-sensitivity troponin immunoassays at patient presentation to the ED.Aim: To investigate whether heart-type fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP) provides distinctive and/or adjunctive information over high-sensitivity troponin I (HS-TnI) in ED patients undergoing dipyridamole stress testing.Methods: Thirty consecutive ED patients with chest pain but no myocardial ischaemia were challenged with dipyridamole-atropine and followed by echocardiography. Blood samples for assessing H-FABP and HS-TnI were collected before the dipyridamole challenge, immediately after, and 6 h afterwards.Results: The concentration of HS-TnI in the whole cohort of patients did not vary significantly throughout the study period, whereas H-FABP significantly increased after the test (4.2 ng/mL, p = 0.003), but not 6 h afterwards (3.8 ng/mL, p = 0.372) compared to baseline (4.0 ng/mL). The kinetics was similar in patients with positive or negative results of stress testing. The frequency of biomarker increase after the test was greater for H-FABP than for HS-TnI immediately after the pharmacological challenge (77% vs. 53%), but was lower 6 h afterwards (30% vs. 63%). The number of patients with values exceeding the diagnostic threshold of both biomarkers remained constant throughout the study period.Conclusions: These results suggest that dipyridamole stress echocardiography does not trigger substantial myocardial injury. We have also shown that release of H-FABP from stressed myocardium occurs without progression towards irreversible necrosis, and is more precious than that of TnI.Wst臋p: Podstawow膮 metod膮 w diagnostyce uszkodzenia mi臋艣nia sercowego jest oznaczenie swoistych troponin sercowych, jednak czu艂o艣膰 tego badania nie jest wystarczaj膮ca w przypadku pacjent贸w zg艂aszaj膮cych si臋 na oddzia艂 ratunkowy. Dlatego te偶 poszukuje si臋 wczesnych biomarker贸w zapewniaj膮cych dodatkowe informacje, kt贸re umo偶liwi艂yby zwi臋kszenie czu艂o艣ci diagnostycznej w stosunku do oznaczenia troponin metod膮 wysokoczu艂膮 u pacjent贸w zg艂aszaj膮cych si臋 na oddzia艂 ratunkowy.Cel: Celem pracy by艂o zbadanie, czy sercowe bia艂ko wi膮偶膮ce kwasy t艂uszczowe (H-FABP) dostarcza odmiennych i/lub dodatkowych informacji w stosunku do oznaczenia st臋偶enia troponiny I metod膮 wysokoczu艂膮 (HS-TnI) u chorych, u kt贸rych przeprowadzono pr贸b臋 dipirydamolow膮 na oddziale ratunkowym.Metody: U 30 kolejnych pacjent贸w, kt贸rzy zg艂osili si臋 na oddzia艂 ratunkowy z b贸lem w klatce piersiowej, jednak bez cech niedokrwienia mi臋艣nia sercowego, przeprowadzono echokardiograficzn膮 pr贸b臋 obci膮偶enia dipirydamolem鈥揳tropin膮. Pr贸bki krwi w celu oznaczenia H-FABP i HS-TnI pobrano przed przeprowadzeniem pr贸by dipirydamolowej, bezpo艣rednio po niejoraz po 6 godzinach.Wyniki: St臋偶enia HS-TnI w ca艂ej grupie chorych nie r贸偶ni艂y si臋 znamiennie w okresie badania, natomiast H-FABP zwi臋kszy艂o si臋 istotnie w stosunku do warto艣ci wyj艣ciowych (4,0 ng/ml) bezpo艣rednio po pr贸bie dipirydamolowej (4,2 ng/ml; p = 0,003), ale nie 6 godzin p贸藕niej (3,8 ng/ml; p = 0,372). Parametry kinetyczne by艂y podobne u pacjent贸w z dodatnim i ujemnym wynikiem pr贸by wysi艂kowej. Bezpo艣rednio po pr贸bie obci膮偶eniowej cz臋艣ciej obserwowano zwi臋kszenie st臋偶enia H-FABP ni偶 HS-Tn-1 (77% vs. 53%), natomiast po 6 godzinach te proporcje si臋 odwr贸ci艂y (30% vs. 63%). Liczba chorych, u kt贸rych warto艣ci obu marker贸w przekracza艂y pr贸g diagnostyczny, pozostawa艂a niezmienna przez ca艂y okres badania.Wnioski: Wyniki sugeruj膮, 偶e echokardiograficzna pr贸ba obci膮偶eniowa z dipirydamolem nie powoduje istotnego uszkodzenia mi臋艣nia sercowego. Ponadto wykazano, 偶e uwalnianie H-FABP z mi臋艣nia sercowego w warunkach obci膮偶enia nie wi膮偶e si臋 z progresj膮 do nieodwracalnej martwicy i 偶e ma wi臋ksz膮 warto艣膰 diagnostyczn膮 ni偶 oznaczenie TnI

    Dipyridamole Stress Echocardiography Does Not Trigger Release of Highly-Sensitive Troponin I and T

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    Summary Background: The patients with episodes of chest pain and no electrocardiographic or biomarker abnormalities are currently monitored and subjected to non-invasive testing. Stress echocardiography is one of the most often used provocative tests, being the most cost- and risk-effective imaging technique. Some concerns about this technique have been raised regarding potential drug-induced myocardial injury. Our study hence aimed to establish whether or not dipyridamole stress echocardiography elicits release of troponin I (TnI) and T (TnT), as reliable bio-markers of myocardiocyte injury. Methods: Thirty-two patients, after exclusion of ongoing acute coronary syndrome (ACS) during evaluation in the emergency department (ED), were studied with echocar-diography both at the baseline and after pharmacological stress with dipyridamole. Results: All subjects had biomarkers assessment immediately before the stress-test (T1), 1 h from conclusion of the test (T2), and 6 h afterwards (T3). Cardio specific troponins were assessed with one contemporary-sensitive (TnI) and two highly-sensitive (HS) methods (HS-TnI and HS-TnT). The concentration of TnI, HS-TnI and HS-TnT did not differ throughout the three time points. At no time point the concentration of either HS-TnI or HS-TnT was significantly different among patients with negative or positive stress test. Conclusions: The data shows that dipyridamole stress testing does not trigger release of troponin in patients with and without inducible reversible ischemia

    In the kingdom of "tortelli" (ravioli-like pasta) plant poisoning is still a threat. A case report of near-fatal poisoning from Digitalis Purpurea accidentally confused with Borago Officinalis

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    A 58 years healthy old woman was admitted to the Emergency Department (ED) with cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation (VF). Appropriate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), multiple DC shocks and oro-tracheal intubation (OTI) were effective to induce recovery of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). After ROSC was achieved, the electrocardiogram (ECG) showed an idio-ventricular rhythm with atrioventricular dissociation. A transcutaneous pacing was hence applied and the patient was administered with isoproterenol. Simultaneously, her husband was evaluated in the ED for gastrointestinal symptoms occurred after assumption of home-made "tortelli" (ravioli-like pasta) stuffed with cheese and leaves of a plant which they supposed to be borage two days before admission. Borage, during the non-flowering seasons, can be easily confused with foxglove (Digitalis spp.), and this was the main clue to suspect poisoning. Both patients were given DigiFab庐, a sheep antibody fragment with high affinity for digoxin. The woman was then admitted in intensive care unit (ICU), where a rapid clinical聽 improvement occurred, thus allowing discharge in a few days. The husband was instead discharged from the ED after clinical observation and ECG monitoring. In both cases, a significant plasma concentration of digoxin could be measured

    Comparison of high sensitivity and contemporary troponin I immunoassays for the early detection of acute myocardial infarction in the emergency department.

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    Our study suggests that the diagnostic performance of the novel prototype HS-AccuTnI and HS-TnT is broadly comparable with that of AccuTnI in patients presenting at the emergency department with suspected AMI