122 research outputs found

    The Calder\'on-Zygmund theory for elliptic problems with measure data

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    We consider non-linear elliptic equations having a measure in the right hand side, of the type \divo a(x,Du)=\mu, and prove differentiability and integrability results for solutions. New estimates in Marcinkiewicz spaces are also given, and the impact of the measure datum density properties on the regularity of solutions is analyzed in order to build a suitable Calder\'on-Zygmund theory for the problem. All the regularity results presented in this paper are provided together with explicit local a priori estimates

    Optimal Lipschitz criteria and local estimates for non-uniformly elliptic problems

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    We report on new techniques and results in the regularity theory of general non-uniformly elliptic variational integrals. By means of a new potential theoretic approach we reproduce, in the non-uniformly elliptic setting, the optimal criteria for Lipschitz continuity known in the uniformly elliptic one and provide a unified approach between non-uniformly and uniformly elliptic problems

    Manifold constrained non-uniformly elliptic problems

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    We consider the problem of minimizing variational integrals defined on \cc{nonlinear} Sobolev spaces of competitors taking values into the sphere. The main novelty is that the underlying energy features a non-uniformly elliptic integrand exhibiting different polynomial growth conditions and no homogeneity. We develop a few intrinsic methods aimed at proving partial regularity of minima and providing techniques for treating larger classes of similar constrained non-uniformly elliptic variational problems. In order to give estimates for the singular sets we use a general family of Hausdorff type measures following the local geometry of the integrand. A suitable comparison is provided with respect to the naturally associated capacities.Comment: 50 page

    On the regularity of minima of non-autonomous functionals

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    We consider regularity issues for minima of non-autonomous functionals in the Calculus of Variations exhibiting non-uniform ellipticity features. We provide a few sharp regularity results for local minimizers that also cover the case of functionals with nearly linear growth. The analysis is carried out provided certain necessary approximation-in-energy conditions are satisfied. These are related to the occurrence of the so-called Lavrentiev phenomenon that that non-autonomous functionals might exhibit, and which is a natural obstruction to regularity. In the case of vector valued problems we concentrate on higher gradient integrability of minima. Instead, in the scalar case, we prove local Lipschitz estimates. We also present an approach via a variant of Moser's iteration technique that allows to reduce the analysis of several non-uniformly elliptic problems to that for uniformly elliptic ones.Comment: 32 page

    Borderline gradient continuity of minima

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    The gradient of any local minimiser of functionals of the type w↦∫Ωf(x,w,Dw) dx+∫Ωwμ dx, w \mapsto \int_\Omega f(x,w,Dw)\,dx+\int_\Omega w\mu\,dx, where ff has pp-growth, p>1p>1, and Ω⊂Rn\Omega \subset \mathbb R^n, is continuous provided the optimal Lorentz space condition μ∈L(n,1)\mu \in L(n,1) is satisfied and x→f(x,⋅)x\to f(x, \cdot) is suitably Dini-continuous.Comment: 30 page

    Regularity for general functionals with double phase

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    We prove sharp regularity results for a general class of functionals of the type w↦∫F(x,w,Dw) dx  , w \mapsto \int F(x, w, Dw) \, dx\;, featuring non-standard growth conditions and non-uniform ellipticity properties. The model case is given by the double phase integral w↦∫b(x,w)(∣Dw∣p+a(x)∣Dw∣q) dx  ,1<p<q ,a(x)≥0  , w \mapsto \int b(x,w)(|Dw|^p+a(x)|Dw|^q) \, dx\;,\quad 1 <p < q\,, \quad a(x)\geq 0\;, with 0<ν≤b(⋅)≤L0<\nu \leq b(\cdot)\leq L . This changes its ellipticity rate according to the geometry of the level set {a(x)=0}\{a(x)=0\} of the modulating coefficient a(⋅)a(\cdot). We also present new methods and proofs, that are suitable to build regularity theorems for larger classes of non-autonomous functionals. Finally, we disclose some new interpolation type effects that, as we conjecture, should draw a general phenomenon in the setting of non-uniformly elliptic problems. Such effects naturally connect with the Lavrentiev phenomenon

    Nonlocal equations with measure data

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    We develop an existence, regularity and potential theory for nonlinear integrodifferential equations involving measure data. The nonlocal elliptic operators considered are possibly degenerate and cover the case of the fractional pp-Laplacean operator with measurable coefficients. We introduce a natural function class where we solve the Dirichlet problem, and prove basic and optimal nonlinear Wolff potential estimates for solutions. These are the exact analogs of the results valid in the case of local quasilinear degenerate equations established by Boccardo & Gallou\"et \cite{BG1, BG2} and Kilpel\"ainen & Mal\'y \cite{KM1, KM2}. As a consequence, we establish a number of results which can be considered as basic building blocks for a nonlocal, nonlinear potential theory: fine properties of solutions, Calder\'on-Zygmund estimates, continuity and boundedness criteria are established via Wolff potentials. %In particular, optimal Lorentz spaces continuity criteria follow. A main tool is the introduction of a global excess functional that allows to prove a nonlocal analog of the classical theory due to Campanato \cite{camp}. Our results cover the case of linear nonlocal equations with measurable coefficients, and the one of the fractional Laplacean, and are new already in such cases

    Guide to nonlinear potential estimates

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    One of the basic achievements in nonlinear potential theory is that the typical linear pointwise estimates via fundamental solutions find a precise analog in the case of nonlinear equations. We give a comprehensive account of this fact and prove new unifying families of potential estimates. We also describe new fine properties of solutions to measure data problems
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