598 research outputs found


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    Il paper si pone in modo critico rispetto all’attuale letteratura che esplora il tema del Building Information Modeling (BIM) per il Facility Management (FM), in particolare per il tema della manutenzione. Quali elementi dovrebbe davvero contenere il modello? Quale coerenza tra modello digitale e stato reale dell’edificio? Come implementare efficacemente i dati a consuntivo sulla manutenzione? Come usare il modello come “calendario digitale” per ispezioni e interventi manutentivi? Il caso studio analizzato riguarda una nuova costruzione e restituisce informazioni sulla rigidità/elasticità del modello all’uso “quotidiano”, anche per non esperti BIM che svolgano però il ruolo di “gestori” del bene. Infine, alcune considerazioni sulle necessità di formazione differenziata, ovvero non solo per tecnici-progettisti ma anche per tecnici-gestori

    How Energy Retrofit Maintenance Affects Residential Buildings Market Value?

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    By now, it is clear the built environment could play an important role in fighting climate change, since it accounts for around 39% of global energy-related carbon emissions. Generally speaking, Italian residential stock is over 50 years old and around 16% of that needs large interventions due to its poor maintenance condition. So, the maintenance in this context can play a pivotal role in acheiving both energy eciency and asset valorization. Introduced by a reference framework for the question in the title, this paper presents the case study: a portion of a working-class neighborhoods near the metropolitan city of Turin, marked by very recurrent typologies for the period (early seventies). The local real estate market is discussed to investigate the extraordinary maintenance impact on the property values: the paper considers the market value increase due to the energy class upgrade and the external look improvement. Individual owners putting money on this group of works get a very cost-eective investment and take advantage of Italian legislation supporting these kinds of interventions: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and in turn greater than the cost assumed for the renovation work

    Realtà Aumentata con GIS e BIM a servizio dei processi di scelta complessa / Augmented Reality with GIS and BIM at the service of complex choice processes

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    The paper illustrates, for complex choice processes, a methodological framework for satisfying a typically public need for a new work or a new service. Leaving traditional models of choice, based on a set of information of various kinds, often not always clear and/or available to the user, the research proposes the use of an advanced toolkit that allows to choose ‘consciously’, enjoying at the same time a series of contents that can form a digital model of the city.Starting from a short introduction on digitization theme of the construction sector, the paper explo-res the possibility of organizing information of various kinds within specifically designed digital models, for an effective and non-redundant management of available data. Specific insights follow on the tools that the model proposes to integrate (BIM, GIS, AR). The study concludes with the possible applica-tions in the field of public policies, particularly in cases of complex choice of intervention alternatives (location, functional, technological etc.

    in keeping with the spirit of the albertine statute constitutionalisation of the national unification

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    This chapter deals with the difficult process of constitutionalisation which characterised Italian Unification. Constitutionalisation is a long-term phenomenon which had the purpose of giving constitutional forms to the Nation. The promulgation of the Albertine Statute is more the start than the arrival of this phenomenon. The focus of this investigation is, therefore, to study the Constitution through its evolution paying particular attention to the process of legal integration within the structures of the Albertine Statute and to the amendment mechanisms of the constitutional text. The preamble of the Albertine Statute speaks of «perpetual and irrevocable fundamental law». The word «perpetual» meant the prohibition of revoking constitutional concession, while the word «irrevocable» was intended as a pact between the Sovereign and the Nation. Over the years, very few were the changes to the letter of the Albertine Statute. The interpretation and the practice represented the most important mechanisms of constitutional change (implicit constitutional changes). A primary role was acknowledged to non-written norms. In this perspective, it may well be said that the Italian Constitution consisted in something more than the written text and dwelt in the spirit and not in the letter of the Albertine Statute