50 research outputs found

    Anisotropic complex refractive indices of atomically thin materials: determination of the optical constants of few-layer black phosphorus

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    In this work we briefly review the studies of the optical constants of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides and few layer black phosphorus, with particular emphasis to the complex dielectric function and refractive index. Specifically, we give an estimate of the complex index of refraction of phosphorene and few-layer black phosphorus. We extracted the complex index of refraction of this material from differential reflectance data reported in literature by employing a constrained Kramers-Kronig analysis. Finally, we studied the linear optical response of multilayer systems embedding phosphorene by using the transfer matrix method.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Design of 1D photonic crystals for colorimetric and ratiometric refractive index sensing

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    Abstract Photonic crystals can be employed effectively as simple and low-cost colorimetric sensors for monitoring variation in the environmental refractive index. In most cases, the photonic colorimetric approach relies on the use of porous and permeable materials to highlight refractive index (RI) modulation, although a fine control over the size distribution and free volume can be complex to achieve. Here, we propose nonporous low-layer count distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) as simple optical devices for colorimetric refractive index sensing. In our feasibility study, we simulated the reflectance of DBRs consisting of two to five SiO2/TiO2 bilayers upon variation of the external refractive index. We found that the 2-bilayers sample exhibits the highest sensitivity to RI variations, and identified the ratio between the first and third order reflectance intensity as simple yet efficient ratiometric parameter to discern analytes with different refractive indices. This approach can provide a promising perspective for the development of cheap and portable devices for environmental detection of a wide range of substances

    Electrochromism in Electrolyte-Free and Solution Processed Bragg Stacks

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    Achieving an active manipulation of colours has huge implications in optoelectronics, as colours engineering can be exploited in a number of applications, ranging from display to lightning. In the last decade, the synergy of the highly pure colours of 1D photonic crystals, also known as Bragg stacks, with electro-tunable materials have been proposed as an interesting route to attain such a technologically relevant effect. However, recent works rely on the use of liquid electrolytes, which can pose issues in terms of chemical and environmental stability. Here, we report on the proof-of-concept of an electrolyte free and solution-processed electrochromic Bragg stack. We integrate an electro-responsive plasmonic metal oxide, namely indium tin oxide, in a 1D photonic crystal structure made of alternating layers of ITO and TiO2 nanoparticles. In such a device we observed 15 nm blue-shift upon application of an external bias (5 V), an effect that we attribute to the increase of ITO charge density arising from the capacitive charging at the metal oxide/dielectric interface and from the current flowing throughout the porous structure. Our data suggest that electrochromism can be attained in all-solid state systems by combining a judicious selection of the constituent materials with device architecture optimisation

    The physics of plasma membrane photostimulation

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    Cell membrane perturbation is a common way to stimulate cells by using external actuators. Recently, nanotechnology has added a number of new strategies for doing this, enlarging the scope and the range of mechanisms involved. Here, we describe a number of possible perturbation actions that are driven by light, and we try to capture the underlying phenomena. The discussion is based on the simple equivalent circuit model for the cell membrane

    Ultrafast photochromism and bacteriochromism in one dimensional hybrid plasmonic photonic structures

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    Hybrid plasmonic photonic structures combine the plasmonic response with the photonic band gap, holding promise for utilization as optical switches and sensors. Here, we demonstrate the active modulation of the optical response in such structures with two different external stimuli, e.g. laser pulses and bacteria. First, we report the fabrication of a miniaturized (5 x 5 mm) indium tin oxide (ITO) grating employing femtosecond laser micromachining, and we show the possibility to modulate the photonic band gap in the visible via ultrafast photoexcitation in the infrared part of the spectrum. Note that the demonstrated time response in the picosecond range of the spectral modulation have an industrial relevance. Moreover, we manufacture one-dimensional photonic crystals consisting of a solution-processed dielectric Bragg stack exposing a top-layer of bio-active silver. We assign the bacterial responsivity of the system to polarization charges at the Ag/bacterium interface, giving rise to an overall blue shift of the photonic band gap.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    The Impact of Bacteria Exposure on the Plasmonic Response of Silver Nanostructured Surfaces

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    Silver, especially in the form of nanostructures, is widely employed as an antimicrobial agent in a large range of commercial products. The origin of the biocidal mechanism has been elucidated in the last decades, and most likely originates from silver cation release due to oxidative dissolution followed by cellular uptake of silver ions, a process that causes a severe disruption of bacterial metabolism and eventually leads to eradication. Despite the large number of works dealing with the effects of nanosilver shape/size on the antibacterial mechanism and on the (bio)physical chemistry pathways that drive bacterial eradication, little effort has been devoted to the investigation of the silver NPs plasmon response upon interaction with bacteria. Here we present a detailed investigation of the bacteria-induced changes of the plasmon spectral and dynamical features after exposure to one of the most studied bacterial models, Escherichia Coli. Ultrafast pump-probe measurements indicate that the dramatic changes on particle size/shape and crystallinity, which stem from a bacteria-induced oxidative dissolution process, translate into a clear modification of the plasmon spectral and dynamical features. This study may open innovative new avenues in the field of biophysics of bio-responsive materials, with the aim of providing new and reliable biophysical signatures of the interaction of these materials with complex biological environments

    Effects of exercise training on airway responsiveness and airway cells in healthy subjects

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    J Appl Physiol. 2010 Aug;109(2):288-94. Epub 2010 Jun 10. Effects of exercise training on airway responsiveness and airway cells in healthy subjects. Scichilone N, Morici G, Zangla D, Chimenti L, Dav\uec E, Reitano S, Patern\uf2 A, Santagata R, Togias A, Bellia V, Bonsignore MR. SourceDept. of Internal Medicine, Div. of Pulmonology (DIBIMIS Univ. of Palermo, "Villa Sofia-Cervello" Hospital, Via Trabucco 180, 90146 Palermo, Italy. [email protected] Abstract Airway responsiveness to methacholine (Mch) in the absence of deep inspirations (DIs) is lower in athletes compared with sedentary individuals. In this prospective study, we tested the hypothesis that a training exercise program reduces the bronchoconstrictive effect of Mch. Ten healthy sedentary subjects (M/F: 3/7; mean + or - SD age: 22 + or - 3 yr) entered a 10-wk indoor rowing exercise program on rowing ergometer and underwent Mch bronchoprovocation in the absence of DIs at baseline, at weeks 5 and 10, as well as 4-6 wk after the training program was completed. Exercise-induced changes on airway cells and markers of airway inflammation were also assessed by sputum induction and venous blood samples. Mean power output during the 1,000 m test was 169 + or - 49 W/stroke at baseline, 174 + or - 49 W/stroke at 5 wk, and 200 + or - 60 W/stroke at 10 wk of training (P < 0.05). The median Mch dose used at baseline was 50 mg/ml (range 25-75 mg/ml) and remained constant per study design. At the pretraining evaluation, the percent reduction in the primary outcome, the inspiratory vital capacity (IVC) after inhalation of Mch in the absence of DIs was 31 +/- 13%; at week 5, the Mch-induced reduction in IVC was 22 + or - 19%, P = 0.01, and it further decreased to 15 + or - 11% at week 10 (P = 0.0008). The percent fall in IVC 4-6 wk after the end of training was 15 + or - 11% (P = 0.87 vs. end of training). Changes in airway cells were not associated with changes in airway responsiveness. Our data show that a course of exercise training can attenuate airway responsiveness against Mch inhaled in the absence of DIs in healthy subjects and suggest that a sedentary lifestyle may favor development of airways hyperresponsiveness. Comment in J Appl Physiol. 2010 Aug;109(2):267-8. PMID:20538849[PubMed - in process