2,093 research outputs found

    Patient and Sample Identification. out of the Maze?

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    Background: Patient and sample misidentification may cause significant harm or discomfort to the patients, especially when incorrect data is used for performing specific healthcare activities. It is hence obvious that efficient and quality care can only start from accurate patient identification. There are many opportunities for misidentification in healthcare and laboratory medicine, including homonymy, incorrect patient registration, reliance on wrong patient data, mistakes in order entry, collection of biological specimens from wrong patients, inappropriate sample labeling and inaccurate entry or erroneous transmission of test results through the laboratory information system. Many ongoing efforts are made to prevent this important healthcare problem, entailing streamlined strategies for identifying patients throughout the healthcare industry by means of traditional and innovative identifiers, as well as using technologic tools that may enhance both the quality and efficiency of blood tubes labeling. The aim of this article is to provide an overview about the liability of identification errors in healthcare, thus providing a pragmatic approach for diverging the so-called patient identification crisis

    Hyponatremia and Bone Fractures: An Intriguing and Often Overlooked Association

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    Hyponatremia and Bone Fractures: An Intriguing and Often Overlooked Associatio

    Current Cancer Epidemiology

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    In this brief report, we offer a concise overview on current cancer epidemiology garnered from the official databases of World Health Organization and American Cancer Society and provide recent information on frequency, mortality, and survival expectancy of the 15 leading types of cancers worldwide. Overall, cancer poses the highest clinical, social, and economic burden in terms of cause-specific Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) among all human diseases. The overall 0\u201374 years risk of developing cancer is 20.2% (22.4% in men and 18.2% in women, respectively). A total number of 18 million new cases have been diagnosed in 2018, the most frequent of which are lung (2.09 million cases), breast (2.09 million cases), and prostate (1.28 million cases) cancers. Beside sex-specific malignancies, the ratio of frequency between men and women is >1 for all cancers, except thyroid (i.e., 0.30). As concerns mortality, cancer is the second worldwide cause of death (8.97 million deaths) after ischemic heart disease, but will likely become the first in 2060 (~18.63 million deaths). Lung, liver, and stomach are the three most deadly cancers in the general population, while lung and breast cancers are the leading causes of cancer related-mortality in men and women, respectively. Prostate and thyroid cancers have the best prognosis, with 5-year survival ~100%, while esophagus, liver, and especially pancreas cancers have the worst prognosis, typically <20% at 5 years. We hope that this report will provide fertile ground for addressing health-care interventions aimed at preventing, diagnosing, and managing cancer around the world

    La liaison fructueuse: Laboratory and emergency medicine

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    La liaison fructueuse: Laboratory and emergency medicin

    The risks of defensive (emergency) medicine. The laboratory perspective

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    Diagnostic testing is a crucial aspect of the clinical decision making, especially in emergency settings where timely and accurate diagnoses are essential for appropriate patient management. Reliable statistics attest that the vast majority of clinical decisions for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of both acute and chronic diseases are influenced by results of laboratory analyses. As specifically concerns the emergency department, many unnecessary laboratory tests are also ordered in this healthcare setting, with unfavorable consequences on laboratory and healthcare organization. As far as the laboratory environment is concerned, defensive (emergency medicine) may be associated with incremental costs, derangement of laboratory organization, enhanced complexity of data management process, diagnostic delay attributable to performance of unnecessary testing, and litigation. Educative or even regulatory interventions are hence urgently needed to addresses problems of the current liability system, in order to decrease the detrimental effects of defensive (emergency) medicine in the laboratory

    "Ultra-sensitive" cardiac troponins: Requirements for effective implementation in clinical practice

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    The measurement of cardiac troponins, either cardiac troponin I or T, has become the culprit of clinical decision making in patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS), especially in those with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). The leading analytical mainstays of cardiac troponin immunoassays include the limit of blank (LoB), limit of detection (LoD), functional sensitivity, the 99th percentile of a healthy reference population, along with the percentage of "ostensibly healthy" subjects displaying measurable values < 99th percentile. The latest generation of cardiac troponin immunoassays, conventionally defined as "high-sensitive" (HS), is characterized by a LoD over 100-fold lower compared to the first commercialized techniques and a percentage of measurable values consistently > 50% in the general healthy population. The very recent commercialization of methods with further improved analytical sensitivity (i.e., "ultra-sensitive" assays), which allow to measure cardiac troponin values in the vast majority of healthy subjects, is now challenging the diagnostic paradigm based on early rule-out of subjects with cardiac troponin values comprised between the 99th percentile and LoD. New diagnostic strategies, entailing assay-specific cut-offs, must hence be developed and validated in large multicenter studies. The aim of this article is to provide an update on commercially available HS and "ultra"-sensitive techniques for measuring cardiac troponins, along with possible implications of increasingly enhanced analytical sensitivity on diagnostic algorithms for evaluating patients with suspected ACS

    Cardiac troponins and physical exercise. It’s time to make a point

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    The timely diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome (ACS), in particular myocardial infarction (MI), is still one of the most challenging issues in medicine. The introduction into routine laboratory practice of assays for measuring the cardiospecific troponins has dramatically revolutionized the diagnostic ap-proach and the recent development of methods with improved analytical sensibility (i.e., highly sensitivity [HS] assays), has further contributed to improve the negative predictive value of troponin testing but, contextually, has substantially lowered the clinical specificity of these markers. In particu-lar, clinical studies have demonstrated the existence of an exercise-related increase of HS-troponins, with measurable values detectable in up to 94% of athletes undergoing endurance sports. This mea-surable amount of troponin in blood would mirror an increased membrane permeability and early tro-ponin release rather than reflecting a clinically threatening myocardial injury. As such, the measurable amount of cardiac troponins as assessed with the novel HS assays requires major clinical focus (i.e., serial measurement of cardiac biomarkers, detailed clinical history-taking, integration with ECG and imaging findings) to prevent misdiagnosis of ACS and/or MI in otherwise healthy persons
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