17 research outputs found

    Analysing and Visualizing Tweets for U.S. President Popularity

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    In our society we are continually invested by a stream of information (opinions, preferences, comments, etc.). This shows how Twitter users react to news or events that they attend or take part in real time and with interest. In this context it becomes essential to have the appropriate tools in order to be able to analyze and extract data and information hidden in their large number of tweets. Social networks are a source of information with no rivals in terms of amount and variety of information that can be extracted from them. We propose an approach to analyze, with the help of automated tools, comments and opinions taken from social media in a real time environment. We developed a software system in R based on the Bayesian approach for text categorization. We aim of identifying sentiments expressed by the tweets posted on the Twitter social platform. The analysis of sentiment spread on social networks allows to identify the free thoughts, expressed authentically. In particular, we analyze the sentiments related to U.S President popularity by also visualizing tweets on a map. This allows to make an additional analysis of the real time reactions of people by associating the reaction of the single person who posted the tweet to his real time position in Unites States. In particular, we provide a visualization based on the geographical analysis of the sentiments of the users who posted the tweets

    Analysing and Visualizing Tweets for U.S. President Popularity

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    In our society we are continually invested by a stream of information (opinions, preferences, comments, etc.). This shows how Twitter users react to news or events that they attend or take part in real time and with interest. In this context it becomes essential to have the appropriate tools in order to be able to analyze and extract data and information hidden in their large number of tweets. Social networks are a source of information with no rivals in terms of amount and variety of information that can be extracted from them. We propose an approach to analyze, with the help of automated tools, comments and opinions taken from social media in a real time environment. We developed a software system in R based on the Bayesian approach for text categorization. We aim of identifying sentiments expressed by the tweets posted on the Twitter social platform. The analysis of sentiment spread on social networks allows to identify the free thoughts, expressed authentically. In particular, we analyze the sentiments related to U.S President popularity by also visualizing tweets on a map. This allows to make an additional analysis of the real time reactions of people by associating the reaction of the single person who posted the tweet to his real time position in Unites States. In particular, we provide a visualization based on the geographical analysis of the sentiments of the users who posted the tweets

    Chromosome instability in lymphocytes of Friesian cows naturally exposed to dioxins being raised close to a metallurgic factory area in southern Italy

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    Dioxins (PCDDs, PCDFs and DL-PCBs) are a large family of congeners that are considered highly toxic and are reported to be teratogenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic, immunotoxic and hepatotoxic, also affecting the nervous and reproductive systems. Farm animals are particularly exposed to these chemicals when they are fed with grass produced close to polluted areas such as those located in vicinity of metallurgic factories. Cytogenetic tests can be very useful to check genetic damage occurring to domestic animal cells exposed to these chemicals. Fifty-two randomly selected Italian Friesian cows (Bos taurus, 2n = 60) from two farms located in the vicinity of and (as a control) far from the a metallurgic industrial area underwent cytogenetic investigations to ascertain possible differences in their chromosome fragility. One farm was under legal sequestration due to the presence in the milk mass of higher mean values of dioxins (24.78 Â± 3.19 pg g−1 of fat as sum of PCDD + PCDF + DL-PCBs as WHO-TEQ (World Health Organization-Toxic Equivalent Quantity), with DL-PCBs being the main chemical component) than those permitted (5.5 pg g−1 of fat as WHO-TEQ). Cytogenetic analyses, performed by using both the chromosome abnormality (CA) test (chromosome and chromatid breaks) and sister chromatid exchange (SCE) test, revealed a significantly (p < 0.01) higher chromosome fragility in cells of exposed cows (26 cows) compared to those of the control (23 cows)

    The acetyltransferase p300 is recruited in trans to multiple enhancer sites by lncSmad7

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    The histone acetyltransferase p300 (also known as KAT3B) is a general transcriptional coactivator that introduces the H3K27ac mark on enhancers triggering their activation and gene transcription. Genome-wide screenings demonstrated that a large fraction of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) plays a role in cellular processes and organ development although the underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely unclear (1,2). We found 122 lncRNAs that interacts directly with p300. In depth analysis of one of these, lncSmad7, is required to maintain ESC self-renewal and it interacts to the C-terminal domain of p300. lncSmad7 also contains predicted RNA-DNA Hoogsteen forming base pairing. Combined Chromatin Isolation by RNA precipitation followed by sequencing (ChIRP-seq) together with CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis of the target sites demonstrate that lncSmad7 binds and recruits p300 to enhancers in trans, to trigger enhancer acetylation and transcriptional activation of its target genes. Thus, these results unveil a new mechanism by which p300 is recruited to the genome

    Metabolic control of DNA methylation in naive pluripotent cells.

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    Naive epiblast and embryonic stem cells (ESCs) give rise to all cells of adults. Such developmental plasticity is associated with genome hypomethylation. Here, we show that LIF-Stat3 signaling induces genomic hypomethylation via metabolic reconfiguration. Stat3-/- ESCs show decreased α-ketoglutarate production from glutamine, leading to increased Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b expression and DNA methylation. Notably, genome methylation is dynamically controlled through modulation of α-ketoglutarate availability or Stat3 activation in mitochondria. Alpha-ketoglutarate links metabolism to the epigenome by reducing the expression of Otx2 and its targets Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b. Genetic inactivation of Otx2 or Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b results in genomic hypomethylation even in the absence of active LIF-Stat3. Stat3-/- ESCs show increased methylation at imprinting control regions and altered expression of cognate transcripts. Single-cell analyses of Stat3-/- embryos confirmed the dysregulated expression of Otx2, Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b as well as imprinted genes. Several cancers display Stat3 overactivation and abnormal DNA methylation; therefore, the molecular module that we describe might be exploited under pathological conditions

    Tensile strength of flax fabrics to be used as reinforcement in cement-based composites: experimental tests under different environmental exposures

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    The use of Textile-Reinforced-Matrix (TRM) systems is gaining consensus as a possible technical solution for strengthening masonry structures. In this context, the use of natural fabrics (among which those made of flax) instead of synthetic ones can have a positive impact on several sustainability-related aspects, such as renewability, recyclability, biodegradability, low price. However, both mechanical properties and durability performance of natural fibres and fabrics needs to be further investigated with the aim to make it possible their use in composites for construction. Furthermore, this paper reports the results of a fundamental study on a bidirectional flax fabric eventually intended as the reinforcement in cement-based composite systems. Specifically, it aims at determining the tensile strength of flax of fibres, threads and the fabrics, and investigating how they are influenced by various environmental exposures and aging processes. The results in the experimental tests reported herein show that fibres and fabrics suffered no significant reduction in tensile strength due to the considered environmental exposure. Despite the common belief that natural fibres may be affected by durability issues, the results demonstrate that the flax fabric under investigation can be utilised as a reinforcement in TRM systems, which is the main novelty and original contribution of this paper

    Freemartinism in river buffalo: clinical and cytogenetic observations

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    Abstract: During the last five years forty phenotypic female river buffalos with reproductive problems and two phenotypic male co-twins of females, raised in the provinces of Caserta and Salerno (southern Italy) underwent cytogenetic investigation. Of the 42 animals studied, 10 freemartins (8 females and 2 males) were found with variable percentages of male and female blood cells, the majority however showing similar percentages of both. Of the eight females, six showed normal body conformation, vagina and clitoris, while two showed some male traits (tight pelvis). The two males were apparently normal with only a reduced size of one testicle in one animal. Clinical observations performed in the internal reproductive organs of the female carriers by both rectal palpation (5 females) and direct observation after mating (3 females) revealed serious damages varying from complete lack of internal sex adducts (closed vagina) to hypoplasia of Mullerian ducts and absence (or atrophy) of ovaries. All freemartin females were sterile. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed description of freemartinism in river buffalo by combining clinical and cytogenetic analyses

    Rassegna storica salernitana. N.s. A.18, n.1(2001)

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    La Società Salernitana di Storia Patria aderisce al progetto EleA e autorizza la pubblicazione del fascicoloN.s. A.18, n.1(2001): Amodio, M., La tomba di Enrico Sanseverino a Teggiano, P. 7 ; Noto, M. A., L'applicazione dei decreti tridentini nella Benevento pontificia: potere, istituzioni, giurisdizione vescovile, P. 29 ; Mancini, T., Il tardo manierismo, una dimenticata pagina della storia della pittura salernitana, P. 63 ; Cirillo, G., Tra funzioni ed identità urbana: il patriziato amalfitano nell'età moderna, P. 75 ; Capuano, P., Libertà e liberismo nel dibattito politico della Napoli di fine Settecento, P. 129 ; Palmisciano, G., Gli studenti universitari nell'Ottocento borbonico: fonti e indirizzi di ricerca, P. 143 ; Fulgione, G., Il servizio postale nel regno delle due Sicilie nell'Ottocento, P. 163 ; D'Urso, D., Prosopografia di alcuni protagonisti del brigantaggio postunitario salernitano, P. 179 ; Noto, M.A., I banchi pubblici napoletani nella cultura e nella società del loro tempo (1540-1650), Napoli, Convegno Internazionale 4-5 dicembre 2000, P. 267 ; Viscido, L., Un appunto sull'etimologia del toponimo "Calabritto", P. 209 ; D'Ovidio, S., La raffigurazione della Croce, P. 213 ; Incarnato, G., A proposito di una "mina" … vagante , P. 219 ; Cacciatore, G., Nuove ipotesi storiografiche sul brigantaggio, P. 225 ; Ferraro, S., Nel centenario della nascita di Paola Zancani Montuoro, P. 231 ; Pinto, C., Il "Campo dei prigionieri Certosa di Padula" nella prima guerra, P. 233 ; Gallo, I., Matteo Rossi, primo sindaco eletto di Salerno postfascista, P. 245 ; Galante, M., Tre nuove carte del IX secolo conservate nell'archivio cavense, P. 251 ; Rassegne, P. 267 ; Recensioni e schede bibliografiche, P. 275-344.Sul recto del frontespizio: fasc. 35 della Nuova Serie (Annata LXI dalla fondazione