2,377 research outputs found

    Atomic spin sensitive dissipation on magnetic surfaces

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    We identify the mechanism of energy dissipation relevant to spin-sensitive nanomechanics including the recently introduced magnetic exchange force microscopy, where oscillating magnetic tips approach surface atomic spins. The tip-surface exchange couples spin and atom coordinates, leading to a spin-phonon problem with Caldeira-Leggett type dissipation. In the overdamped regime, that can lead to a hysteretic flip of the local spin with a large spin-dependent dissipation, even down to the very low experimental tip oscillation frequencies, describing recent observations for Fe tips on NiO. A phase transition to an underdamped regime with dramatic drop of magnetic tip dissipation should in principle be possible by tuning tip-surface distance.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Theory of Quantum Annealing of an Ising Spin Glass

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    Probing the lowest energy configuration of a complex system by quantum annealing was recently found to be more effective than its classical, thermal counterpart. Comparing classical and quantum Monte Carlo annealing protocols on the random two-dimensional Ising model we confirm the superiority of quantum annealing relative to classical annealing. We also propose a theory of quantum annealing, based on a cascade of Landau-Zener tunneling events. For both classical and quantum annealing, the residual energy after annealing is inversely proportional to a power of the logarithm of the annealing time, but the quantum case has a larger power which makes it fasterComment: RevTex, 8 pages, 3 figure

    Dissipation assisted Thouless pumping in the Rice-Mele model

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    We investigate the effect of dissipation from a thermal environment on topological pumping in the periodically-driven Rice-Mele model. We report that dissipation can improve the robustness of pumping quantisation in a regime of finite driving frequencies. Specifically, in this regime, a low-temperature dissipative dynamics can lead to a pumped charge that is much closer to the Thouless quantised value, compared to a coherent evolution. We understand this effect in the Floquet framework: dissipation increases the population of a Floquet band which shows a topological winding, where pumping is essentially quantised. This finding is a step towards understanding a potentially very useful resource to exploit in experiments, where dissipation effects are unavoidable. We consider small couplings with the environment and we use a Bloch-Redfield quantum master equation approach for our numerics: Comparing these results with an exact MPS numerical treatment we find that the quantum master equation works very well also at low temperature, a quite remarkable fact.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Effective thermal dynamics following a quantum quench in a spin chain

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    We study the nonequilibrium dynamics of the Quantum Ising Model following an abrupt quench of the transverse field. We focus on the on-site autocorrelation function of the order parameter, and extract the phase coherence time Ď„QĎ•\tau^{\phi}_Q from its asymptotic behavior. We show that the initial state determines Ď„QĎ•\tau^{\phi}_Q only through an effective temperature set by its energy and the final Hamiltonian. Moreover, we observe that the dependence of Ď„QĎ•\tau^{\phi}_Q on the effective temperature fairly agrees with that obtained in thermal equilibrium as a function of the equilibrium temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Published versio

    AFM Dissipation Topography of Soliton Superstructures in Adsorbed Overlayers

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    In the atomic force microscope, the nanoscale force topography of even complex surface superstructures is extracted by the changing vibration frequency of a scanning tip. An alternative dissipation topography with similar or even better contrast has been demonstrated recently by mapping the (x,y)-dependent tip damping but the detailed damping mechanism is still unknown. Here we identify two different tip dissipation mechanisms: local mechanical softness and hysteresis. Motivated by recent data, we describe both of them in a onedimensional model of Moire' superstructures of incommensurate overlayers. Local softness at "soliton" defects yields a dissipation contrast that can be much larger than the corresponding density or corrugation contrast. At realistically low vibration frequencies, however, a much stronger and more effective dissipation is caused by the tip-induced nonlinear jumping of the soliton, naturally developing bistability and hysteresis. Signatures of this mechanism are proposed for experimental identification.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Phys Rev B 81, 045417 (2010

    Solitons and exact velocity quantization of incommensurate sliders

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    We analyze in some detail the recently discovered velocity quantization phenomena in the classical motion of an idealized one-dimensional solid lubricant, consisting of a harmonic chain interposed between two periodic sliders. The ratio w = v_cm/v_ext of the chain center-of-mass velocity to the externally imposed relative velocity of the sliders is pinned to exact ``plateau'' values for wide ranges of parameters, such as sliders corrugation amplitudes, external velocity, chain stiffness and dissipation, and is strictly determined by the commensurability ratios alone. The phenomenon is caused by one slider rigidly dragging the density solitons (kinks/antikinks) that the chain forms with the other slider. Possible consequences of these results for some real systems are discussed.Comment: 12 pages 6 figures. Small fixup after Referee's comments. In print in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Matrix Product State representation for Slater Determinants and Configuration Interaction States

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    Slater determinants are product states of filled quantum fermionic orbitals. When they are expressed in a configuration space basis chosen a priori, their entanglement is bound and controlled. This suggests that an exact representation of Slater determinants as finitely-correlated states is possible. In this paper we analyze this issue and provide an exact Matrix Product representation for Slater determinant states. We also argue possible meaningful extensions that embed more complex configuration interaction states into the description.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. Published in IJMPB, focus issue on "Classical vs. Quantum Correlations in Composite Systems
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