190 research outputs found

    The illusory baroque space in the architectural perspectives of Girolamo Curti and Angelo Michele Colonna at the Town Hall of Bologna

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    [EN] The research describes the projective principles of illusory space of the Bolognese School through the representation of the architectural perspectives of GirolamoCurti (1575- 1632) and Angelo Michele Colonna (1604-1687) at the town hall of Bologna. In 1627 Cardinal Bernardino Spada was commissioned by Pope Urban VIII to drive the Bolognese delegation; he started the renovation of his apartments through the illusory artifice of perspective. In addition to the sala Urbana and the sala del Dentone, Colonna, a pupil of Curti, will become the protagonist of a long artistic season; he was also active in Spain where at the initiative of Diego Velázquez, he worked at the Court of Philip IV. Returned from Madrid he left his last masterpiece painting on the ceiling of the Council Hall. The operative methodologies “di sotto in sù,” perspective, here presented, are based on the rigorous representation of the illusory space.[ES] La investigación describe los principios proyectivos del espacio ilusorio de la escuela boloñesa a través del dibujo de las perspectivas arquitectónicas de Girolamo Curti (1575-1632) y Angelo Michele Colonna (1604-1687) en el Ayuntamiento de Bolonia. En 1627 Bernardino Spada, fue designado por el Papa Urbano VIII para conducir la delegación boloñesa y comenzó la renovación de los apartamentos a través del artificio ilusorio de la perspectiva. Además de la sala Urbana y la sala Dentone, Colonna, un joven ayudante de Curti, también se convertirá en el protagonista de una larga estancia artística; siendo también activo en España, donde por iniciativa de Diego Velázquez, trabajó en la corte de Felipe IV. A su regreso de Madrid dejó su última obra de pintura en la sala del Consejo.Los métodos de la perspectiva “di sotto in sù” hicieron una representación rigurosa del espacio ilusorio, cuyos caracteres están presentes en esta investigación.Este estudio forma parte de la investigación trianual PRIN “Perspectivas de arquitectura: preservación digital, difusión y estudio”, 2010-2011, financiada por el MIUR - Ministerio de Educación, Investigación y Universidad y coordinado por Riccardo Migliari, de la Universidad La Sapienza de Roma.El autor agradece el Prof. Joaquín Angel Martínez Moya para la revisión del texto.Amoruso, G. (2018). El espacio ilusorio barroco en las perspectivas arquitectónicas de Girolamo Curti y Angelo Michele Colonna en el Palacio de la Ciudad de Bolonia. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 23(33):78-89. doi:10.4995/ega.2018.10389SWORD78892333Amoruso, G., (2016). The Relief-Perspectives of Bitonti and Borromini: Design and Representation of the Illusory Space in Handbook of Research on Visual Computing and Emerging Geometrical Design Tools. Giuseppe Amoruso (ed.), p. 420-455. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-0029-2.ch018Amoruso, G., (2016). Figuring Out the Interiors through the Geometric Tools of Representation: The Illusory Cast of Design in Design Innovations for Contemporary Interiors and Civic Art, Luciano Crespi (ed.), p. 289-310. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.Armenini, G. B. (1587). De veri precetti della pittura. Ravenna.Camerota, F., (2006). La prospettiva del Rinascimento. Arte architettura scienza. Milano: Electa.Malvasia, C. C., (1678). Felsina pittrice. Vite de' pittori bolognesi. Bologna.Neppi, L., (1975). Palazzo Spada. Roma: Editalia.Palomino, A. (1715-1724). El museo pictorico, y escala òptica, libro octavo, capitulo IV, En que se trata de la perspectiva de los techos. Three volumes. Madrid.Pigozzi, M., (2007). La percezione e la rappresentazione dello spazio a Bologna e in Romagna nel Rinascimento fra teoria e prassi. Bologna: Clueb.Poudra, N., (1864). Histoire de la perspective ancienne et moderne. Paris: J. Corréard.Troili, G., (1683). Paradossi per pratticare la prospettiva senza saperla, fiori, per facilitare l'intelligenza, frutti per non operare alla cieca. Bologna

    Handbook of Research on Visual Computing and Emerging Geometrical Design Tools

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    Visual computing and descriptive geometry are multidisciplinary fields addressing the handling of images, 3D models, and other computer graphics. These ideas are experiencing a revival due to emergent technologies and applications available to developers. Based in traditional forms of design and architecture, these fields are currently experiencing a bounty of new research based on old principles. The Handbook of Research on Visual Computing and Emerging Geometrical Design Tools seeks to add to this knowledge base by considering these technologies from a designer’s perspective rather than reiterating the principles of computer science. It combines aspects of geometry and representation with emerging tools for CAD, generation, and visualization while addressing the digital heritage of such fields. This book is an invaluable resource for developers, students of both graphic and computer-generated design, researchers, and designers. This book is the result of a scientific challenge, the creation of a wide international network of experts with different background and expertise, from academic institutions and from the world of practice, that are pursuing the innovation in the fields of visual computing, descriptive geometry and digital design media. The books collects peer-reviewed chapters dedicated to the emerging design tools and their new frontiers of knowledge where geometry is the starting point of generative design processes and a keyword for the understanding of our World heritage. Riccardo Migliari in 2005 wrote a paper entitled Has Perspective a future? (Has Man a future?) addressing the “analogies between questions on the future of Man in the face of the disasters of the indiscriminate use of science and technology (during the era of the Cold War, but still of interest today) and some considerations on the future of the perspective (and the descriptive geometry) in the automatons era”. With the outstanding contribute of Migliari, disciplines related to descriptive geometry are living a great revival thanks to new horizons opened by digital media and visual computing potential. These studies support the architectural and industrial design practice bridging the conceptual development through Cad tools with the final fabrication needs, allowing the visualization, the construction and the invention of complex forms (Migliari, 2009). Visual computing is a multidisciplinary environment for scholars, practitioners, makers and users engaging the traditional challenges of design. Its broad field of influence makes studies about the subject attracting and continuously related to the evolution of workflows. For this reason the book includes chapters that cover several topics like geometry, descriptive geometry, digital design media, digital heritage, perspective-based design tools, generative tools, stereotomic design, technology and digital fabrication. applications related to the Second Industrial Revolution introduced by digital design media; as in the words of William J. Mitchell and Malcolm McCullough, a designer’s view point is taken throughout: devices and techniques are introduced as a means of pursuing serious design intentions rather than as illustrations of the principles of computer science and technology (Mitchell & McCullough, 1995). The aim to combine knowledge about geometry, representation and descriptive geometry with emerging tools for cad, generation and visualization of shapes and spaces and new technologies applications is giving the opportunity to develop also a source about digital heritage and its multidisciplinary fields of applications. The book addresses a multidisciplinary target and research challenges, as requested from market and industrial/institutional bodies, encompassing the specialist audience, academics and scholars, and the end-users, students, practitioners and company employees. The effort is to encounter the strong interest about publications that starting from the solid roots of fundamentals and demonstrate how emerging processes and digital tools are innovating the fields of design and educational practices

    Un BIM per l’identità dei paesaggi urbani storici. Applicazioni integrate di rilievo per il patrimonio architettonico della Certosa di Bologna

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    La ricerca propone un avanzamento metodologico delle tecniche di modellazione 3D in relazione ad un processo integrato di rilievo. La proposta di BIM sviluppa modelli di rappresentazione e fruizione dei luoghi e dei loro significati materiali ed immateriali per la valorizzazione del patrimonio diffuso. Presso il complesso monumentale della Certosa di Bologna, originaria sede del convento certosino edificato a partire dal 1334 e soppresso nel 1796 da Napoleone, è in corso di sviluppo una applicazione BIM per i beni architettonici e artistici. Le metodologie di rilevamento integrato sono dedicate alla modellazione delle componenti architettoniche a partire da data sets provenienti da sensori attivi. Il progetto ha l’obiettivo, da un lato, di far conoscere un patrimonio storico- artistico pressoché sconosciuto, attraverso visualizzazioni multimediali, e dall’altro di impostare uno strumento informativo per il restauro, la manutenzione e la valorizzazione.The research proposes a methodological advancement of 3D modeling techniques in relation to an integrated process of architectural survey and representation. The BIM proposal develops representation models and augmented fruition of the site and their tangible and intangible meanings for the valorization of diffuse heritage. At the monumental complex of the Certosa di Bologna, the original headquarters of the Carthusian monastery built in 1334 and suppressed in 1796 by Napoleon, the study is developing a BIM application for the architectural and artistic heritage. The integrated survey methodologies are dedicated to the modeling of architectural components from active sensors data sets. The project aims, on the one hand, to introduce an almost unknown historical and artistic heritage, through multimedia visualization, and on the other, to set up an information tool for the restoration, maintenance and valorization

    Chapter L’ipermodello BIM per gli allestimenti museali: programmazione visuale delle librerie parametriche

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Ixekizumab may improve renal function in psoriasis

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    Background: Psoriasis is a chronic dermatological condition characterized by lesions on extensor surfaces, hands, feet, and genital areas. Chronic renal failure is often associated with metabolic syndrome and inflammatory conditions, such as psoriasis. Case report: In this paper, we report a patient with stage-three chronic renal failure that improved his renal condition after treatment with ixekizumab, an anti-IL17A drug used in the treatment of various cutaneous and rheumatological conditions. Conclusions: IL17A blockage may help to treat various autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, such as psoriasis, that may lead to renal impairment. Further investigation is necessary in order to prove the effectiveness of this drug in renal conditions


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    According to the national development plans, the Jordanian tourism sector needs to be updated in order to meet international qualitative standards. To achieve this goal, one of the expected actions to be undertaken is the definition and the implementation of innovative professional profiles that should be integrated within the whole supply chain, and the updating of the related study plans. In order to address this demand, the research aimed to produce a skills gap analysis of the Jordanian tourism, hospitality, and heritage education system, which should highlight sets of innovative and underdeveloped skills for the tackled sectors, and the relative academic paths. The research also aimed to understand the actual offering of the Jordanian education system and to compare it with the requirements of the labor market. Although different plans have been developed, their implementation is still not fully exploited to achieve the desired transformation of the reference sector. By exploiting mixed research techniques, both quantitative and qualitative, it has been possible to understand the actual offeri ng of the Jordanian education system and to compare it with the requirements of the labor market: these activities represent the needed basis to produce the demanded skills gap analysis, which is also part of this contribution

    Renal phosphate handling in Gitelman syndrome—the results of a case-control study

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    Background: Patients with Gitelman syndrome, a hereditary salt-wasting tubulopathy, have loss-of-function mutations in the SLC12A3 gene coding for the thiazide-sensitive sodium chloride co-transporter in the distal convoluted tubule. Since the bulk of filtered phosphate is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule, renal phosphate wasting is considered exceptional in Gitelman syndrome. Methods: We investigated the renal handling of inorganic phosphate in 12 unselected Italian patients affected with Gitelman syndrome (5 females and 7 males, aged 6.0-18 years, median age 12years) and in 12 healthy subjects matched for gender and age (controls). The diagnosis of Gitelman syndrome among the patients had been made clinically and confirmed by molecular biology studies. Results: The biochemical hallmarks of Gitelman syndrome, namely hypochloremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, increased urinary excretion of sodium, chloride, potassium and magnesium and reduced urinary excretion of calcium, were present in the 12 patients. In addition, both the plasma inorganic phosphate concentration (median and interquartile range: 1.28 [1.12-1.36] vs. 1.61 [1.51-1.66)] mmol/L) and the maximal tubular reabsorption of inorganic phosphate (1.08 [0.99-1.22] vs. 1.41 [1.38-1.47] mmol/L) were significantly lower (P < 0.001) in Gitelman patients than in control subjects. Circulating levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, intact parathyroid hormone and osteocalcin were similar in patients and controls. Conclusions: The results of our case-control study disclose a hitherto unrecognized tendency towards renal phosphate wasting with mild to moderate hypophosphatemia in Gitelman syndrom

    The risk of venipuncture in newborn with severe hemophilia: Case report of a large elbow hemorrhage and literature review of compartment syndrome

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    Hemophilias are hemorrhagic congenital rare diseases. The gold standard of therapy in hemophilics is the intravenously replacement therapy. We can infuse intravenously plasma derived factors (FVIII for Hemophilia A and FIX for Hemophilia B) or recombinant products (i.e. clotting factor synthetically produced). Venipuncture is not a safe procedure in subjects with hemorrhagic diseases. It is considered an invasive technique with potential massive bleeding and it requires standardized procedures to prevent complications. Local pressure after the procedure (with eventually ice rest) must be always done. In case of bleeding a rapid replacement therapy must be conducted. A severe complication in hemophilia is compartment syndrome. We report a case of massive bleeding in a hemophilic newborn after venipuncture and a literature review of compartment syndrome in hemophiliacs. The aim of this paper is to help physicians in the clinical management to prevent the evolution of a massive bleeding in compartment syndrome