93 research outputs found

    Public and Private Railway Companies in 19th and early 20th Century Italy

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    Aetiologic diagnosis of hearing loss in children identified through newborn hearing screening testing

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    With the implementation of universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS) programmes and early diagnosis and treatment of hearing problems, the need has clearly emerged to implement and carry out a systematic and coordinated protocol for the aetiological diagnosis of permanent hearing impairment (PHI). Within the framework of the Italian Ministry of Health project CCM 2013 “Preventing Communication Disorders: a Regional Program for early Identification, Intervention and Care of Hearing Impaired Children”, it has been decided to consider the problems relative to aetiological diagnosis of child PHI within UNHS programmes. The specific objective was to apply a shared diagnostic protocol that can identify the cause in at least 70% of cases of PHI. For this part of the project, four main recommendations were identified that can be useful for an efficient aetiological diagnosis in children affected by PHI and that can offer valid suggestions to optimise resources and produce positive changes for third-level audiologic centres

    Atomic structural details of a protein grafted onto gold nanoparticles

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    Abstract The development of a methodology for the structural characterization at atomic detail of proteins conjugated to nanoparticles would be a breakthrough in nanotechnology. Solution and solid-state NMR spectroscopies are currently used to investigate molecules and peptides grafted onto nanoparticles, but the strategies used so far fall short in the application to proteins, which represent a thrilling development in theranostics. We here demonstrate the feasibility of highly-resolved multidimensional heteronuclear spectra of a large protein assembly conjugated to PEGylated gold nanoparticles. The spectra have been obtained by direct proton detection under fast MAS and allow for both a fast fingerprinting for the assessment of the preservation of the native fold and for resonance assignment. We thus demonstrate that the structural characterization and the application of the structure-based methodologies to proteins bound to gold nanoparticles is feasible and potentially extensible to other hybrid protein-nanomaterials

    Early care in children with permanent hearing impairment

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    The implementation of regional protocols for newborn hearing screening and early audiologic diagnosis represent the first step of the entire diagnostic, rehabilitative and prosthetic programme for children with permanent hearing impairment. The maximum benefit of early diagnosis can indeed be obtained only by prompt rehabilitation aimed at fostering the child’s communicative, linguistic and cognitive development. Within the framework of the CMM 2013 project of the Ministry of Health entitled “Preventing Communication Disorders: a Regional Program for Early Identification, Intervention and Care of Hearing Impaired Children”, the problems concerning the promotion of the global development of children with PHI throughan early rehabilitation project based on shared knowledge and scientific evidence. In this project, our specific aim was to define the features and modes of access to a precise and specialised rehabilitation project for the small hearing-impaired child within three months from audiologic diagnosis. Three main recommendations relative to assessment and rehabilitation aspects of early care emerged from the study


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    Accurate earthquake locations are crucial for investigating seismogenic processes, as well as for applications like verifying compliance to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). Earthquake location accuracy is related to the degree of knowledge about the 3-D structure of seismic wave velocity in the Earth. It is well known that modeling errors of calculated travel times may have the effect of shifting the computed epicenters far from the real locations by a distance even larger than the size of the statistical error ellipses, regardless of the accuracy in picking seismic phase arrivals. We have developed a method of seismic location to minimize this systematic shifts affecting hypocentral locations. These method is based on the fact that such shifts are quite similar for events for which the hypocenters are close to each other with respect to their distance from the recording stations. So this method is based on a set of Ground Truth events recorded by a dense local seismic network in seismically active regions. The applications concern seismic sequences recorded in Italy and Iran. We show that mislocations of the order of 10-20 km affecting the epicenters, as well as larger mislocations in hypocentral depths, calculated from a global seismic network can be effectively removed by applying source-specific station corrections applied to the standard IASPEI91 travel times. This method is valid only for the area where calibration events are located but it is valid for any subset of the station network used for the calibration

    Characterisation of early medieval frescoes by ÎĽ-PIXE, SEM and Raman spectroscopy

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    Abstract We have studied the VIII–IX century frescoes of the Longobard temple of Cividale del Friuli in Italy with noninvasive sampling and, for the first time in such a context, with high chemical and spatial sensitivity techniques (PIXE, SEM and Raman). Results demonstrate richness of manufacturing details and integrate in a substantial way the historic and artistic framework of this early medieval monument
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