76 research outputs found

    Neural encoding of the vertical plane in freely-moving rats

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    Grid cells produce a periodic hexagonal array of firing fields when the rat navigates on a horizontal 2D surface, and such regularity supports the hypothesis that they encode distances covered by the animal. This computation is thought to form the neural basis for path integration, and the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC), where grid cells are mostly found, is now believed to play a major role for the establishment of a cognitive map in the brain. However, while grid cells on the horizontal plane are invariant across different environments (they provide fixed spatial metrics), it is currently not known whether those distances vary in 3D space. Previous findings suggested that grid cells may be substantially incapable to perform path integration in the vertical plane and this thesis aimed to test a number of hypothesis to explain such an impairment. These results show that grid cells are not affected by experience with 3D locomotion; they are modulated by the orientation of the locomotion plane and on a climbing wall they display heavily distorted firing patterns with expanded but fewer fields. Based on these findings, the hypothesis that the inconsistency between horizontal and vertical maps may be due to the miscomputation of instantaneous speed was suggested. Preliminary results support the view that the speed signal carried by speed cells (single-unit level) and LFP theta oscillation (large ensembles) was substantially reduced suggesting an underestimation of speed during climbing. Put together these results support the hypothesis that the speed signal plays a crucial role for the generation of a regular grid. In the vertical dimension the speed signal is reduced and such impairment drives grid cells to expand and become more irregular. Overall these results demonstrate that the neural representation of space is therefore not symmetrical across dimensions but is instead anisotropic

    Altered neural odometry in the vertical dimension

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    Entorhinal grid cells integrate sensory and self-motion inputs to provide a spatial metric of a characteristic scale. One function of this metric may be to help localize the firing fields of hippocampal place cells during formation and use of the hippocampal spatial representation (“cognitive map”). Of theoretical importance is the question of how this metric, and the resulting map, is configured in 3D space. We find here that when the body plane is vertical as rats climb a wall, grid cells produce stable, almost-circular grid-cell firing fields. This contrasts with previous findings when the body was aligned horizontally during vertical exploration, suggesting a role for the body plane in orienting the plane of the grid cell map. However, in the present experiment, the fields on the wall were fewer and larger, suggesting an altered or absent odometric (distance-measuring) process. Several physiological indices of running speed in the entorhinal cortex showed reduced gain, which may explain the enlarged grid pattern. Hippocampal place fields were found to be sparser but unchanged in size/shape. Together, these observations suggest that the orientation and scale of the grid cell map, at least on a surface, are determined by an interaction between egocentric information (the body plane) and allocentric information (the gravity axis). This may be mediated by the different sensory or locomotor information available on a vertical surface and means that the resulting map has different properties on a vertical plane than a horizontal plane (i.e., is anisotropic)

    Grid cells on steeply sloping terrain: evidence for planar rather than volumetric encoding

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    Neural encoding of navigable space involves a network of structures centred on the hippocampus, whose neurons –place cells – encode current location. Input to the place cells includes afferents from the entorhinal cortex, which contains grid cells. These are neurons expressing spatially localised activity patches, or firing fields, that are evenly spaced across the floor in a hexagonal close-packed array called a grid. It is thought that grid cell grids function to enable the calculation of distances. The question arises as to whether this odometry process operates in three dimensions, and so we queried whether grids permeate three-dimensional space – that is, form a lattice – or whether they simply follow the environment surface. If grids form a three-dimensional lattice then a tilted floor should transect several layers of this lattice, resulting in interruption of the hexagonal pattern. We model this prediction with simulated grid lattices and show that on a 40-degree slope the firing of a grid cell should cover proportionally less of the surface, with smaller field size and fewer fields and reduced hexagonal symmetry. However, recording of grid cells as animals foraged on a 40-degree-tilted surface found that firing of grid cells was almost indistinguishable, in pattern or rate, from that on the horizontal surface, with if anything increased coverage and field number, and preserved field size. It thus appears unlikely that the sloping surface transected a lattice. However, grid cells on the slope displayed slightly degraded firing patterns, with reduced coherence and slightly reduced symmetry. These findings collectively suggest that the grid cell component of the metric representation of space is not fixed in absolute three-dimensional space but is influenced both by the surface the animal is on and by the relationship of this surface to the horizontal, supporting the hypothesis that the neural map of space is multi-planar rather than fully volumetric

    Human Cortical Excitability Increases with Time Awake

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    Prolonged wakefulness is associated not only with obvious changes in the way we feel and perform but also with well-known clinical effects, such as increased susceptibility to seizures, to hallucinations, and relief of depressive symptoms. These clinical effects suggest that prolonged wakefulness may be associated with significant changes in the state of cortical circuits. While recent animal experiments have reported a progressive increase of cortical excitability with time awake, no conclusive evidence could be gathered in humans. In this study, we combine transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and electroencephalography (EEG) to monitor cortical excitability in healthy individuals as a function of time awake. We observed that the excitability of the human frontal cortex, measured as the immediate (0-20 ms) EEG reaction to TMS, progressively increases with time awake, from morning to evening and after one night of total sleep deprivation, and that it decreases after recovery sleep. By continuously monitoring vigilance, we also found that this modulation in cortical responsiveness is tonic and not attributable to transient fluctuations of the level of arousal. The present results provide noninvasive electrophysiological evidence that wakefulness is associated with a steady increase in the excitability of human cortical circuits that is rebalanced during slee

    Neural encoding of large-scale three-dimensional space-properties and constraints

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    How the brain represents represent large-scale, navigable space has been the topic of intensive investigation for several decades, resulting in the discovery that neurons in a complex network of cortical and subcortical brain regions co-operatively encode distance, direction, place, movement etc. using a variety of different sensory inputs. However, such studies have mainly been conducted in simple laboratory settings in which animals explore small, two-dimensional (i.e., flat) arenas. The real world, by contrast, is complex and three dimensional with hills, valleys, tunnels, branches, and—for species that can swim or fly—large volumetric spaces. Adding an additional dimension to space adds coding challenges, a primary reason for which is that several basic geometric properties are different in three dimensions. This article will explore the consequences of these challenges for the establishment of a functional three-dimensional metric map of space, one of which is that the brains of some species might have evolved to reduce the dimensionality of the representational space and thus sidestep some of these problems

    Entorhinal Neurons Exhibit Cue Locking in Rodent VR

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    The regular firing pattern exhibited by medial entorhinal (mEC) grid cells of locomoting rodents is hypothesized to provide spatial metric information relevant for navigation. The development of virtual reality (VR) for head-fixed mice confers a number of experimental advantages and has become increasingly popular as a method for investigating spatially-selective cells. Recent experiments using 1D VR linear tracks have shown that some mEC cells have multiple fields in virtual space, analogous to grid cells on real linear tracks. We recorded from the mEC as mice traversed virtual tracks featuring regularly spaced repetitive cues and identified a population of cells with multiple firing fields, resembling the regular firing of grid cells. However, further analyses indicated that many of these were not, in fact, grid cells because: (1) when recorded in the open field they did not display discrete firing fields with six-fold symmetry; and (2) in different VR environments their firing fields were found to match the spatial frequency of repetitive environmental cues. In contrast, cells identified as grid cells based on their open field firing patterns did not exhibit cue locking. In light of these results we highlight the importance of controlling the periodicity of the visual cues in VR and the necessity of identifying grid cells from real open field environments in order to correctly characterize spatially modulated neurons in VR experiments

    Entorhinal neurons exhibit cue locking in rodent VR

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    The regular firing pattern exhibited by medial entorhinal (mEC) grid cells of locomoting rodents is hypothesized to provide spatial metric information relevant for navigation. The development of virtual reality (VR) for head-fixed mice confers a number of experimental advantages and has become increasingly popular as a method for investigating spatiallyselective cells. Recent experiments using 1D VR linear tracks have shown that some mEC cells have multiple fields in virtual space, analogous to grid cells on real linear tracks. We recorded from the mEC as mice traversed virtual tracks featuring regularly spaced repetitive cues and identified a population of cells with multiple firing fields, resembling the regular firing of grid cells. However, further analyses indicated that many of these were not, in fact, grid cells because: (1) when recorded in the open field they did not display discrete firing fields with six-fold symmetry; and (2) in different VR environments their firing fields were found to match the spatial frequency of repetitive environmental cues. In contrast, cells identified as grid cells based on their open field firing patterns did not exhibit cue locking. In light of these results we highlight the importance of controlling the periodicity of the visual cues in VR and the necessity of identifying grid cells from real open field environments in order to correctly characterize spatially modulated neurons in VR experiments

    Cardiac resynchronization therapy-defibrillator improves long-term survival compared with cardiac resynchronization therapy-pacemaker in patients with a class IA indication for cardiac resynchronization therapy: Data from the Contak Italian Registry

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    Aims In candidates for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), the choice between pacemaker (CRT-P) and defibrillator (CRT-D) implantation is still debated. We compared the long-term prognosis of patients who received CRT-D or CRT-P according to class IA recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and who were enrolled in a multicentre prospective registry. Methods and results A total of 620 heart failure patients underwent successful implantation of a CRT device and were enrolled in the Contak Italian Registry. This analysis included 266 patients who received a CRT-D and 108 who received a CRT-P according to class IA ESC indications. Their survival status was verified after a median follow-up of 55 months. During follow-up, 73 CRT-D and 44 CRT-P patients died (rate 6.6 vs. 10.4%/year; log-rank test, P = 0.020). Patients receiving CRT-P were predominantly older, female, had no history of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias, and more frequently presented non-ischaemic aetiology of heart failure, longer QRS durations, and worse renal function. However, the only independent predictor of death from any cause was the use of CRT-P (hazard ratio, 1.97; 95% confidence interval, 1.21–3.16; P = 0.007). Conclusion The implantation of CRT-D, rather than CRT-P, may be preferable in patients presenting with current class IA ESC indications for CRT. Indeed, CRT-D resulted in greater long-term survival and was independently associated with a better prognosis

    Prognostic role of clusterin in resected adenocarcinomas of the lung

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    Rationale Clusterin expression may change in various human malignancies, including lung cancer. Patients with resectable non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), including adenocarcinoma, have a poor prognosis, with a relapse rate of 30\u201350% within 5 years. Nuclear factor kB (Nf-kB) is an intracellular protein involved in the initiation and progression of several human cancers, including the lung. Objectives We investigate the role of clusterin and Nf-kB expression in predicting the prognosis of patients with early-stage surgically resected adenocarcinoma of the lung. Findings The level of clusterin gradually decreased from well-differentiated to poorly differentiated adenocarcinomas. Clusterin expression was significantly higher in patients with low-grade adenocarcinoma, in early-stage disease and in women. Clusterin expression was inversely related to relapse and survival in both univariate and multivariate analyses. Finally, we observed an inverse correlation between Nf-kB and clusterin. Conclusions Clusterin expression represents an independent prognostic factor in surgically resected lung adenocarcinoma and was proven to be a useful biomarker for fewer relapses and longer survival in patients in the early stage of disease. The inverse correlation between Nf-kB and clusterin expression confirm the previously reported role of clusterin as potent down regulator of Nf-kB
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