6,175 research outputs found

    High density limit of the two-dimensional electron liquid with Rashba spin-orbit coupling

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    We discuss by analytic means the theory of the high-density limit of the unpolarized two-dimensional electron liquid in the presence of Rashba or Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling. A generalization of the ring-diagram expansion is performed. We find that in this regime the spin-orbit coupling leads to small changes of the exchange and correlation energy contributions, while modifying also, via repopulation of the momentum states, the noninteracting energy. As a result, the leading corrections to the chirality and total energy of the system stem from the Hartree-Fock contributions. The final results are found to be vanishing to lowest order in the spin-orbit coupling, in agreement with a general property valid to every order in the electron-electron interaction. We also show that recent quantum Monte Carlo data in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling are well understood by neglecting corrections to the exchange-correlation energy, even at low density values.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Exchange energy and generalized polarization in the presence of spin-orbit coupling in two dimensions

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    We discuss a general form of the exchange energy for a homogeneous system of interacting electrons in two spatial dimensions which is particularly suited in the presence of a generic spin-orbit interaction. The theory is best formulated in terms of a generalized fractional electronic polarization. Remarkably we find that a net generalized polarization does not necessarily translate into an increase in the magnitude of the exchange energy, a fact that in turn favors unpolarized states. Our results account qualitatively for the findings of recent experimental investigations

    Non perturbative Adler-Bardeen Theorem

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    The Adler-Bardeen theorem has been proved only as a statement valid at all orders in perturbation theory, without any control on the convergence of the series. In this paper we prove a nonperturbative version of the Adler-Bardeen theorem in d=2d=2 by using recently developed technical tools in the theory of Grassmann integration.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figure

    Froth-like minimizers of a non local free energy functional with competing interactions

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    We investigate the ground and low energy states of a one dimensional non local free energy functional describing at a mean field level a spin system with both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions. In particular, the antiferromagnetic interaction is assumed to have a range much larger than the ferromagnetic one. The competition between these two effects is expected to lead to the spontaneous emergence of a regular alternation of long intervals on which the spin profile is magnetized either up or down, with an oscillation scale intermediate between the range of the ferromagnetic and that of the antiferromagnetic interaction. In this sense, the optimal or quasi-optimal profiles are "froth-like": if seen on the scale of the antiferromagnetic potential they look neutral, but if seen at the microscope they actually consist of big bubbles of two different phases alternating among each other. In this paper we prove the validity of this picture, we compute the oscillation scale of the quasi-optimal profiles and we quantify their distance in norm from a reference periodic profile. The proof consists of two main steps: we first coarse grain the system on a scale intermediate between the range of the ferromagnetic potential and the expected optimal oscillation scale; in this way we reduce the original functional to an effective "sharp interface" one. Next, we study the latter by reflection positivity methods, which require as a key ingredient the exact locality of the short range term. Our proof has the conceptual interest of combining coarse graining with reflection positivity methods, an idea that is presumably useful in much more general contexts than the one studied here.Comment: 38 pages, 2 figure

    Striped periodic minimizers of a two-dimensional model for martensitic phase transitions

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    In this paper we consider a simplified two-dimensional scalar model for the formation of mesoscopic domain patterns in martensitic shape-memory alloys at the interface between a region occupied by the parent (austenite) phase and a region occupied by the product (martensite) phase, which can occur in two variants (twins). The model, first proposed by Kohn and Mueller, is defined by the following functional: E(u)=βu(0,)H1/2([0,h])2+0Ldx0hdy(ux2+ϵuyy){\cal E}(u)=\beta||u(0,\cdot)||^2_{H^{1/2}([0,h])}+ \int_{0}^{L} dx \int_0^h dy \big(|u_x|^2 + \epsilon |u_{yy}| \big) where u:[0,L]×[0,h]Ru:[0,L]\times[0,h]\to R is periodic in yy and uy=±1u_y=\pm 1 almost everywhere. Conti proved that if βϵL/h2\beta\gtrsim\epsilon L/h^2 then the minimal specific energy scales like min{(ϵβ/L)1/2,(ϵ/L)2/3}\sim \min\{(\epsilon\beta/L)^{1/2}, (\epsilon/L)^{2/3}\}, as (ϵ/L)0(\epsilon/L)\to 0. In the regime (ϵβ/L)1/2(ϵ/L)2/3(\epsilon\beta/L)^{1/2}\ll (\epsilon/L)^{2/3}, we improve Conti's results, by computing exactly the minimal energy and by proving that minimizers are periodic one-dimensional sawtooth functions.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figure

    The Hartree-Fock ground state of the three-dimensional electron gas

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    In 1962, Overhauser showed that within Hartree-Fock (HF) the electron gas is unstable to a spin density wave (SDW) instability. Determining the true HF ground state has remained a challenge. Using numerical calculations for finite systems and analytic techniques, we study the HF ground state of the 3D electron gas. At high density, we find broken spin symmetry states with a nearly constant charge density. Unlike previously discussed spin wave states, the observed wave vector of the SDW is smaller than 2kF2 k_F. The broken-symmetry state originates from pairing instabilities at the Fermi surface, a model for which is proposed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Model-independent Limits from Spin-dependent WIMP Dark Matter Experiments

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    Spin-dependent WIMP searches have traditionally presented results within an odd group approximation and by suppressing one of the spin-dependent interaction cross sections. We here elaborate on a model-independent analysis in which spin-dependent interactions with both protons and neutrons are simultaneously considered. Within this approach, equivalent current limits on the WIMP-nucleon interaction at WIMP mass of 50 GeV/c2^{2} are either σp0.7\sigma_{p}\leq0.7 pb, σn0.2\sigma_{n}\leq0.2 pb or ap0.4|a_{p}|\leq0.4, an0.7|a_{n}|\leq0.7 depending on the choice of cross section or coupling strength representation. These limits become less restrictive for either larger or smaller masses; they are less restrictive than those from the traditional odd group approximation regardless of WIMP mass. Combination of experimental results are seen to produce significantly more restrictive limits than those obtained from any single experiment. Experiments traditionally considered spin-independent are moreover found to severely limit the spin-dependent phase space. The extension of this analysis to the case of positive signal experiments is explored.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    To what extent can dynamical models describe statistical features of turbulent flows?

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    Statistical features of "bursty" behaviour in charged and neutral fluid turbulence, are compared to statistics of intermittent events in a GOY shell model, and avalanches in different models of Self Organized Criticality (SOC). It is found that inter-burst times show a power law distribution for turbulent samples and for the shell model, a property which is shared only in a particular case of the running sandpile model. The breakdown of self-similarity generated by isolated events observed in the turbulent samples, is well reproduced by the shell model, while it is absent in all SOC models considered. On this base, we conclude that SOC models are not adequate to mimic fluid turbulence, while the GOY shell model constitutes a better candidate to describe the gross features of turbulence.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, in press on Europhys. Lett. (may 2002