546 research outputs found

    The GATA1-HS2 Enhancer Allows Persistent and Position-Independent Expression of a β-globin Transgene

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    Gene therapy of genetic diseases requires persistent and position-independent expression of a therapeutic transgene. Transcriptional enhancers binding chromatin-remodeling and modifying complexes may play a role in shielding transgenes from repressive chromatin effects. We tested the activity of the HS2 enhancer of the GATA1 gene in protecting the expression of a β-globin minigene delivered by a lentiviral vector in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. Gene expression from proviruses carrying GATA1-HS2 in both LTRs was persistent and resistant to silencing at most integration sites in the in vivo progeny of human hematopoietic progenitors and murine long-term repopulating stem cells. The GATA1-HS2-modified vector allowed correction of murine β-thalassemia at low copy number without inducing clonal selection of erythroblastic progenitors. Chromatin immunoprecipitation studies showed that GATA1 and the CBP acetyltransferase bind to GATA1-HS2, significantly increasing CBP-specific histone acetylations at the LTRs and β-globin promoter. Recruitment of CBP by the LTRs thus establishes an open chromatin domain encompassing the entire provirus, and increases the therapeutic efficacy of β-globin gene transfer by reducing expression variegation and epigenetic silencing

    Building integrated solar thermal design: assessment of performances of a low cost solar wall in a typical Italian building

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    Present work deals with the topic of building integration of solar thermal collector (BIST) as a refurbishment measure. Such equipment, more than its main function as heating generator, plays a specific role as a building component (envelope finishes, thermal insulation layer, roof cover etc). Consequently, from a heat transfer point of view, an integrated component affects twice the global building balance: supporting the thermal plant (i.e. providing heat for final uses) and modifying the wall heat-transfer pattern (i.e. reducing thermal losses). In turn, the collector performance itself is influenced by the wall structure (back losses reduction). Present work proposes a method for evaluating the yearly performance of a low cost BIST by means of a Trnsys model on a reference building. This model arises from previous studies based on experimental validation of a FEM model that was implemented in order to describe the collector-wall system efficiency

    The Organizational Culture and Local Culture in the Internationalization Process: An Analysis Through Fuzzy Logic

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    The internationalization process of production has marked the world scenarios since the last decades and has influenced the complex interrelationships between the local culture and organizational culture. The culture shock was a recurring phenomenon and made the internationalization started to absorb elements of local culture as determining factors in expansion strategies. The aim of this paper is to analyze the favorable conditions of the organizational culture to manage the local culture. This is a preliminary study that aimed to integrate qualitative and quantitative factors with a fuzzy logic system. To achieve this goal, three elements were analyzed and interrelated: values, organizational structure, and management practices of human resources. A fuzzy mathematical model that considers the different weights to the elements analyzed leading to the identification of the favorability of the organizational culture in managing the local culture was developed. Petrobras, a transnational corporation with unity in Bolivia, whose major shareholder is the Brazilian government, was studied to empirically identify how the elements interact and are incorporated into internationalization strategies


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    Desde a década de 1990 a expansão de empresas brasileiras através da internacionalização têm se tornado evidente, mas foi principalmente na última década que os fluxos de saída de investimento direto ganharam maior importância. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi analisar a internacionalização das dez empresas brasileiras mais internacionalizadas em mercados da Europa e América do Norte. De modo específico buscou-se correlacionar os anos de entrada das empresas no exterior e nas regiões em estudo; o tempo de existência das mesmas quando entraram no mercado externo e as regiões de entrada ou a estratégia utilizada, em uma abordagem quantitativa; além disso, buscou-se verificar as estratégias utilizadas e as áreas de atuações das organizações nas regiões em estudo, através de abordagem qualitativa. Os resultados das empresas estudadas foram analisados por meio de medidas descritivas, concluindo-se que a internacionalização de um modo gradual não tem se aplicado aos processos de todas as organizações estudadas

    Insights about the Choice of Pig Manure Processing System in Three Italian Regions: Piemonte, Friuli Venezia Giulia, and Veneto

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    The adoption of best available technologies (BATs) by the livestock sector has a fundamental role in developing a sustainable agricultural system. Italy is the EU member with the highest percentage of manure treated, but processing facilities are regionally scattered and the adoption of BATs is far from being scaled-up. The adoption is a matter of multicriteria decision-making and full knowledge on how to foster the transition is still lacking. The present research aims to deepen the available knowledge by analysing the perception of 40 pig farm managers about decision criteria behind the adopted manure management system across three different Italian regions. We assessed farms in Piemonte, Friuli Venezia Giulia, and Veneto. All farms have adequate storage facilities, but 82.5% adopt no processing technique. The two most important decision criteria are economic, i.e., the minimization of treatment and spreading costs. The emerging picture allows us to conclude that BAT adoption is still adopted as a mere consequence of legal obligation. Economic constraints prevail as there is a lack of information and uncertainty. Clear perspectives and recognition of virtuous behavior prevent farmers from making decisions based on environmental or social criteria. Therefore, effective policies oriented to fill these gaps are needed to accelerate the transition towards sustainability

    "Dynamic Mediterranean”: an educational path through Earth science and geophysical research at Genova Science Festival 2010

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    Science Festivals are events world wide organized, and they have became more and more one of the most effective playground where science meet people. Genova Science Festival, held since 2003, is the Italian most interesting event of that type. The Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), one of the largest European scientific institution deal- ing with Earth Sciences research and real-time surveillance, early warning, and forecast activities in geophysics and volcanology, participates every year developing a specific educational path, concerning some of its research areas. For the 2010 Genova Science Festival, the INGV has produced an educational exhibition called “Mediterraneo Dinamico” (Dynamic Mediterranean). This is a journey in the geodynamical history of the Mediterranean region from 200 million years ago till present. This long process took place also through some instantaneous dramatic events as eruptions, tsunami, earthquakes, whose studies have revealed their strong impact on cultural Mediterranean evolution as well as on environmental aspects as climate. The exhibition path aim is to illustrate and explain to general public, and especially to teachers and students, the results from researches conducted by INGV also in collaboration with other Italian and International partners, as well as from the real time Mediterranean sea water monitoring. The chosen exhibition instruments are wide colourful illustrated posters, greatly illustrated, together with smart interactive exhibits. In particular the path starts with a “Time Machine”, that allows visitors to retrace the main steps of the Mediterranean geological evolution, supported by posters. The following section concerning the “Mediterranean catastrophic event” welcome visitors with a glass pyramid projecting a virtual eruption almost as an “ologramma”, and side panels with two short videos explaining two great explosive eruptions and a tsunami event. The section on Mediterranean Tsunami are equipped with an interactive large map of the location of Mediteranean where occurred tsunami events, illustrated posters and also a microscope with a camera where visitors can analyse a core with a tsunami deposits. Also an interactive model of a GEOSTAR - Geophisical and Oceanographic Station of Abyssal Research provide visitors an entertaining approach on how a submarine observatory works with all his sensors, while a computer station permits visitors to read real time measures of some marine environmental indicators. The exhibition journey trough the Mediterranean geo-history and Earth Science and Geophysical research shows how the continuous knowledge and monitoring of to this Region dynamics are fundamental to design a future bearable development for the 30 million people living along the Mediterranean shores

    Serratia marcescens in a neonatal intensive care unit: two long-term multiclone outbreaks in a 10-year observational study

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    We investigated two consecutive Serratia marcescens (S. marcescens) outbreaks which occurred in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of a tertiary level hospital in North Italy in a period of 10 years (January 2003-December 2012). Risk factors associated with S. marcescens acquisition were evaluated by a retrospective case-control study. A total of 21,011 clinical samples was examined: S. marcescens occurred in 127 neonates: 43 developed infection and 3 died. Seven clusters were recorded due to 12 unrelated clones which persisted for years in the ward, although no environmental source was found. The main epidemic clone A sustaining the first cluster in 2003 reappeared in 2010 as an extended spectrum ?-lactamase (ESBL)-producing strain and supporting the second epidemic. Birth weight, gestational age, use of invasive devices and length of stay in the ward were significantly related to S. marcescens acquisition. The opening of a new ward for non-intensive care-requiring neonates, strict adherence to alcoholic hand disinfection, the timely identification and isolation of infected and colonized neonates assisted in containing the epidemics. Genotyping was effective in tracing the evolution and dynamics of the clones demonstrating their long-term persistence in the ward

    Caracterización del estilo de gestión en base a un modelo bidimensional en tres tipos de establos lecheros de la provincia de Lima, Perú

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    The aim of this research was to characterize the management style in three types of dairy farms in the province of Lima, Peru. A cross-sectional observational study was carried out in 18 dairy farms classified as family, informal and corporate farms. Surveys were applied to the managers and workers of each farm to evaluate the management style in two dimensions: "People" and "Tasks", based on the two-dimensional analysis model with six variables per dimension. Significant differences were found between management styles. In the "People" dimension, corporate farms had higher scores in the environment and relationships variables compared to informal farms (p<0.05), while family farms had a higher score in the relationship variable compared to informal farms (p<0.05). In the "Tasks" dimension, corporate farms had a higher score in the control, performance and objectives variables compared to the other two types of farms (p<0.05). Family farms exhibited a "social club" management style with a high focus on people and low on tasks (4.0 and 2.7, respectively), while the informal farms showed an "indifferent" style with low concern for both people and tasks (3.4 and 2.6 respectively). In contrast, corporate farms showed a “synergistic” style with a balance between people concerns and tasks (4.3 and 3.6 respectively). In conclusion, the research showed that the management style in the dairy farms of Lima varies depending on the type of livestock business. Corporate farms adopted a more synergistic and efficient style, while informal and family farms showed less structured styles and faced challenges in implementing management practices.La investigación tuvo como objetivo caracterizar el estilo de gestión en tres tipos de establos lecheros en la provincia de Lima, Perú. Se realizó un estudio observacional transversal en 18 establos lecheros clasificados como establos familiares, informales y empresariales. Se aplicaron encuestas a los responsables y trabajadores de cada establo para evaluar el estilo de gestión en dos dimensiones: "Personas" y "Tareas", basado en el modelo de análisis bidimensional con seis variables por dimensión. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los estilos de gestión. En la dimensión "Personas", los establos empresariales tuvieron puntuaciones más altas en las variables ambiente y relaciones en comparación con los establos informales (p<0.05), mientras que los establos familiares tuvieron una mayor puntuación en la variable relaciones en comparación con los establos informales (p<0.05). En la dimensión "Tareas", los establos empresariales tuvieron una mayor puntuación en las variables control, desempeño y normas en comparación con los otros dos tipos de establos (p<0.05). Los establos familiares presentaron un estilo de gestión "de club social" con un enfoque alto en las personas y bajo en las tareas (4.0 y 2.7, respectivamente), mientras que los establos informales mostraron un estilo "indiferente" con baja preocupación tanto por las personas como por las tareas (3.4 y 2.6 respectivamente). En contraste, los establos empresariales mostraron un estilo "sinérgico" con un equilibrio entre las preocupaciones por las personas y las tareas (4.3 y 3.6 respectivamente). En conclusión, la investigación demostró que el estilo de gestión en los establos lecheros de Lima varía según el tipo de empresa ganadera. Los establos empresariales adoptaron un estilo más sinérgico y eficiente, mientras que los establos informales y familiares mostraron estilos menos estructurados y con desafíos en la implementación de prácticas de gestión

    Efecto del nivel de tecnificación de los establos lecheros de la provincia de Lima sobre la calidad composicional, higiénica y sanitaria de la leche

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    The aim of this study was to establish the relationship between the level of technology and the quality of milk in dairy farms in the province of Lima, Peru. The study was carried out in 18 farms. Data was collected through surveys, as well as analysis of milk samples collected during three consecutive days. Variables related to the level of technology of the farms, as well as the physical, compositional, hygienic and sanitary quality of the milk were evaluated. The results revealed average technical scores of 7.1/10 in management, 4.3/10 in facilities and resources, 4.2/6 in milking, and 15.6/26 in the global technification. Regarding the quality of the milk, average temperatures of 18.38 °C, pH of 6.60, average density of 1.030 g/mL, total solids of 12.11%, and fat of 3.46% were recorded. The mean count of mesophilic bacteria was 210x106, coliforms 6x107, and somatic cells 300x105 cells/mL. Significant negative correlations were found between the level of technology with the storage temperature, the sedimentation score, and the count of mesophilic and coliform bacteria in the milk. In addition, it was evident that farms with better level of technology presented significantly better milk quality parameters compared to those with less technology.El objetivo del estudio fue establecer la relación entre el nivel de tecnificación y la calidad de la leche en establos lecheros de la provincia de Lima, Perú. El estudio se llevó a cabo en 18 establos. Se recolectaron datos a través de encuestas, así como análisis de muestras de leche colectada durante tres días consecutivos. Se evaluaron variables relacionadas con el nivel de tecnificación de los establos, así como la calidad física, composicional, higiénica y sanitaria de la leche. Los resultados revelaron puntuaciones promedio de tecnificación de 7.1/10 en manejo, 4.3/10 en instalaciones y recursos, 4.2/6 en el ordeño, y 15.6/26 en tecnificación global. En cuanto a la calidad de la leche, se registraron temperaturas promedio de 18.38 °C, pH de 6.60, densidad media de 1.030 g/mL, sólidos totales de 12.11%, y grasa de 3.46%. El conteo promedio de bacterias mesófilas fue de 210x106, coliformes de 6x107, y células somáticas de 300x105 cél/mL. Se encontraron correlaciones negativas significativas entre el nivel de tecnificación con la temperatura de almacenamiento, el puntaje de sedimentación, y el conteo de bacterias mesófilas y coliformes en la leche. Además, quedó evidente que los establos con mayor nivel de tecnificación presentaron parámetros de calidad de la leche significativamente mejores en comparación con aquellos con menor tecnificación