42 research outputs found

    Conflict as a macrodeterminant of non-communicable diseases: the experience of Libya.

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    From Europe PMC via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: ppub 2022-10-01Publication status: PublishedFunder: World Bank Grou

    Ultranationalism, democracy and the law: insights from Côte d'Ivoire

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    Although much has been written about the ideology of Laurent Gbagbo's Front Populaire Ivoirien in Côte d'Ivoire and its impact on the Ivorian politico-military crisis, little attention has been paid to the ubiquitous role of the law in the discourse and political strategy of the pro-Gbagbo elite. The Ivorian case may provide important insights about the connection between ultranationalist ideology and a legalist, formalist conception of democracy and national sovereignty. The article analyses the circumstances of the emergence of ‘legalist nationalism’ in Côte d'Ivoire by looking at key episodes of the Ivorian transition between 2002 and 2012. The article discusses the relevance of Pierre Englebert's concept of ‘legal command’ and the turbulences of democratic transitions in accounting for the prominence of legalism in Ivorian politics. It explores the implications of the Ivorian case for understanding the connection between law and politics in Africa

    Avaliação de diferentes formulações de compostos elastoméricos SBR/NR visando minimizar a pré-vulcanização

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver e avaliar novas formulações para o sistema de vulcanização emcompostos elastoméricos a base de borracha estireno-butadieno (SBR) e borracha natural (NR), visandoreduzir a formação de compostos pré-vulcanizados pelo aumento no tempo de armazenamento antes doprocessamento. Foram desenvolvidas formulações alternativas em relação a uma formulação padrãoempregada por uma empresa do setor, variando-se os componentes do sistema de vulcanização (ativadores,agentes e aceleradores). As formulações foram avaliadas por ensaios de reologia, ensaios de resistência àtração e alongamento na ruptura, dureza, deformação permanente por compressão (DPC), envelhecimentoacelerado em estufa e densidade absoluta. Foram observadas variações significativas nas propriedades doscompostos com as modificações realizadas nos sistemas de vulcanização (S1, S2, S3, P1 e P2), quandocomparados com o sistema de vulcanização padrão (S0), principalmente, quando foram utilizados peróxidosorgânicos, como agente de vulcanização. De todas as formulações avaliadas, a que utilizou doador de enxofree uma maior razão acelerador/enxofre, em relação ao sistema de vulcanização padrão apresentou todas aspropriedades de acordo com a especificação técnica exigida para o composto padrão (S0) e redução no tempode armazenamento e minimização da pré-vulcanização.Palavras-chave: doadores de enxofre, peróxidos orgânicos, razão acelerador/enxofre, tempo de scorc

    Conflict as a macrodeterminant of non-communicable diseases: the experience of Libya.

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    It has been argued that peace and its reciprocal—conflict—are macrodeterminants of health. Nowhere has experienced greater conflict than the Middle East in recent decades. The experience of Libya offers potent lessons on the bidirectional relationship between peace and health that extend beyond the immediate violence-related health impacts of civil war

    Experience of the NPC Brazil network with a comprehensive program for the screening and diagnosis of Niemann-Pick disease type C

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    Niemann-Pick disease type C (NPC) is a lysosomal disorder caused by impaired cholesterol metabolism. Levels of lysosphingomyelin 509 (LysoSM509) have been shown elevated in dried blood spots (DBS) of NPC and acid sphingomyelinase deficiency patients. In this study, we report our experience using a two-tier approach (1st tier is the quantification of lysoSM509 by ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry followed by the 2nd tier with next-generation sequencing of the NPC1 and NPC2 genes). DBS samples from 450 suspected patients were received by the NPC Brazil network. Of these, 33 samples had elevated levels of lysoSM509, and in 25 of them, variants classified as pathogenic, likely pathogenic, or of unknown significance were identified in the NPC1 or NPC2 genes by next-generation sequencing. The quantification of lysoSM509 in DBS as a first-tier test for the diagnosis of NPC followed by molecular analysis of the NPC1 and NPC2 genes almost doubled the detection rate when compared to the performance of chitotriosidase activity as a first-tier biomarker, and it could likely be increased with the addition of a third tier with MLPA of the two genes involved. This strategy seems suitable for the neonatal screening (NBS) of NPC if this disease is eventually adopted by NBS programs

    Non-communicable disease policy implementation in Libya: A mixed methods assessment

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    From PLOS via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: collection 2022, received 2022-02-03, accepted 2022-10-09, epub 2022-11-10Acknowledgements: Disclaimer: The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Libyan Ministry of Health or the World Bank, their Boards of Directors, or the governments they represent.Publication status: PublishedFunder: World BankGiulia Loffreda - ORCID: 0000-0003-4895-1051 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4895-1051The Libyan Ministry of Health is keen to understand how it can introduce policies to protect its population from non-communicable diseases (NCDs). We aimed to perform an implementation research assessment of the current situation, including challenges and opportunities. We used an explanatory sequential mixed methods design. We started with a quantitative assessment of NCD policy performance based on review of the WHO NCD Progress Monitor Reports. Once we had identified Libya’s NCD policy gaps we performed a systematic review to identify international lessons around barriers and successful strategies for the policies Libya has not yet implemented. Finally, we performed a series of key stakeholder interviews with senior policymakers to explore their perspectives around promising policy actions. We used a realist paradigm, methods triangulation, and a joint display to synthesise the interpretation of our findings and develop recommendations. Libya has not fully implemented any of the recommended policies for diet, physical activity, primary care guidelines & therapeutics, or data collection, targets & surveillance. It does not have robust tobacco policies in place. Evidence from the international literature and policymaker interviews emphasised the centrality of according strong political leadership, governance structures, multisectoral engagement, and adequate financing to policy development activities. Libya’s complex political and security situation are major barriers for policy implementation. Whilst some policies will be very challenging to develop and deploy, there are a number of simple policy actions that could be implemented with minimum effort; from inviting WHO to conduct a second STEPS survey, to signing the international code on breast-milk substitutes. Like many other fragile and conflict-affected states, Libya has not accorded NCDs the policy attention they demand. Whilst strong high-level leadership is the ultimate key to providing adequate protections, there are a range of simple measures that can be implemented with relative ease.pubpu

    Fine-Tuning Cardiac Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Receptor Signaling to Promote Health and Longevity

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    Background: The insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) pathway is a key regulator of cellular metabolism and aging. Although its inhibition promotes longevity across species, the effect of attenuated IGF1 signaling on cardiac aging remains controversial. Methods: We performed a lifelong study to assess cardiac health and lifespan in 2 cardiomyocyte-specific transgenic mouse models with enhanced versus reduced IGF1 receptor (IGF1R) signaling. Male mice with human IGF1R overexpression or dominant negative phosphoinositide 3-kinase mutation were examined at different life stages by echocardiography, invasive hemodynamics, and treadmill coupled to indirect calorimetry. In vitro assays included cardiac histology, mitochondrial respiration, ATP synthesis, autophagic flux, and targeted metabolome profiling, and immunoblots of key IGF1R downstream targets in mouse and human explanted failing and nonfailing hearts, as well. Results: Young mice with increased IGF1R signaling exhibited superior cardiac function that progressively declined with aging in an accelerated fashion compared with wild-type animals, resulting in heart failure and a reduced lifespan. In contrast, mice with low cardiac IGF1R signaling exhibited inferior cardiac function early in life, but superior cardiac performance during aging, and increased maximum lifespan, as well. Mechanistically, the late-life detrimental effects of IGF1R activation correlated with suppressed autophagic flux and impaired oxidative phosphorylation in the heart. Low IGF1R activity consistently improved myocardial bioenergetics and function of the aging heart in an autophagy-dependent manner. In humans, failing hearts, but not those with compensated hypertrophy, displayed exaggerated IGF1R expression and signaling activity. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that the relationship between IGF1R signaling and cardiac health is not linear, but rather biphasic. Hence, pharmacological inhibitors of the IGF1 pathway, albeit unsuitable for young individuals, might be worth considering in older adults

    An Efficient Strategy to Induce and Maintain In Vitro Human T Cells Specific for Autologous Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: The efficient expansion in vitro of cytolytic CD8+ T cells (CTLs) specific for autologous tumors is crucial both for basic and translational aspects of tumor immunology. We investigated strategies to generate CTLs specific for autologous Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (NSCLC), the most frequent tumor in mankind, using circulating lymphocytes. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Classic Mixed Lymphocyte Tumor Cultures with NSCLC cells consistently failed to induce tumor-specific CTLs. Cross-presentation in vitro of irradiated NSCLC cells by autologous dendritic cells, by contrast, induced specific CTL lines from which we obtained a high number of tumor-specific T cell clones (TCCs). The TCCs displayed a limited TCR diversity, suggesting an origin from few tumor-specific T cell precursors, while their TCR molecular fingerprints were detected in the patient's tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, implying a role in the spontaneous anti-tumor response. Grafting NSCLC-specific TCR into primary allogeneic T cells by lentiviral vectors expressing human V-mouse C chimeric TCRalpha/beta chains overcame the growth limits of these TCCs. The resulting, rapidly expanding CD4+ and CD8+ T cell lines stably expressed the grafted chimeric TCR and specifically recognized the original NSCLC. CONCLUSIONS: This study defines a strategy to efficiently induce and propagate in vitro T cells specific for NSCLC starting from autologous peripheral blood lymphocytes