1,614 research outputs found

    Effetti della 3-iodotironamina (T1AM) sul tessuto nervoso

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    Oggetto di studio di questa tesi è la 3-iodotironamina (T1AM), un ormone di natura endogena che è stato ipotizzato derivare dalla decarbossilazione e deiodinazione dell’ormone tiroideo tiroxina (T4). Vari studi in vivo ed in vitro hanno dimostrato che T1AM è in grado di indurre importanti effetti funzionali, quali : ipotermia, inotropismo negativo , bradicardia, e riduzione del quoziente respiratorio (rapporto tra CO2 prodotta e O2 consumato), indice questo di uno shift del metabolismo energetico da un catabolismo prevalentemente glucidico, ad un catabolismo prevalentemente lipidico. Recenti studi sul sistema nervoso centrale in modelli animali indicano effetti migliorativi della memoria e dell’apprendimento dopo somministrazione di T1AM. I meccanismi d’azione coinvolti però non sono ancora noti. Con questa tesi, quindi, sono stati approfonditi gli effetti della T1AM sul tessuto nervoso. Come modello sperimentale in vitro di tessuto nervoso è stata utilizzata una linea cellulare tumorale mista di neuroblastoma di topo e glioma di ratto (NG108-15) e a queste cellule sono state applicate le varie tecniche di coltura cellulare, proteomica e biologia molecolare. In particolare sono state studiate le vie di trasduzione del segnale associate al sistema glutammatergico, il principale sistema coinvolto nel meccanismo del potenziamento a lungo termine (LTP), andando a valutare l’espressione di recettori e pattern di segnalazione e le loro modifiche in seguito alla somministrazione di dosi differenti di T1AM. L’espressione proteica è stata studiata mediante la tecnica Western blot, mettendo in evidenza proteine come la chinasi attivata dalla calcio calmodulina (CaMKII), la chinasi regolata da segnali extracellulari (ERK), la proteina chinasi C, il recettore TAAR1, il recettore NMDA ed altre proteine come CREB (cAMP response binding protein) e la sirtuina 1, tutte maggiormente coinvolte nella plasticità sinaptica e nella formazione della memoria. Visti i dati di esperimenti svolti in questo laboratorio su linee cellulari di tessuto epatico, che evidenziano una variazione del metabolismo dovuta alla somministrazione di T1AM, anche su questo modello neurale è stato messo a confronto il consumo di glucosio e di corpi chetonici. Infine, analizzando dati preliminari di studi sulla malattia di Alzheimer, secondo i quali T1AM sembrerebbe revertire l’effetto negativo del peptide β-amiloide sull’LTP, anche a questo modello cellulare sono stati somministrati T1AM e β-amiloide per verificare l’effetto combinato

    Assessment of Alexithymia : Pychometric Properties of the Psychological Treatment Inventory-Alexithymia Scale (PTI-AS)

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the psychometric properties of a new measure of alexithymia, the Psychological Treatment Inventory-Alexithymia Scale (PTI-AS)

    Not only a problem of fatigue and sleepiness: Changes in psychomotor performance in Italian nurses across 8-h rapidly rotating shifts

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    Although many studies have detailed the consequences of shift work in nurses concerning health, fatigue, sleepiness, or medical errors, no study has been carried out trying to disentangle the contribution of sleepiness and fatigue associated to shift work from the attentional performance. The aim of this pilot study is (A) to investigate the effects of an 8-h rapidly rotating shift on fatigue and sleepiness among staff nurses and (B) how these factors affect their psychomotor performance. Fourteen nurses were selected for a within-subject cross-sectional study according to this sequence of shifts: morning–afternoon–night, which were compared as function of tiredness, sleepiness, and performance at the Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT). Subsequently, a within-subject Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) evaluated if the observed differences between shifts persist when the contribution of sleepiness is controlled. Our results clearly indicate that night shifts are associated with significant greater sleepiness and tiredness, and worsened performance at the PVT. As hypothesized, ANCOVA showed that these differences disappear when the contribution of sleepiness is controlled. Results point to a lower psychomotor performance in night compared to day shifts that depends on sleepiness. Hence, interventions to minimize the consequences of the night shift should consider a reduction of sleepiness

    Virtual biopsy in abdominal pathology: where do we stand?

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    In recent years, researchers have explored new ways to obtain information from pathological tissues, also exploring non-invasive techniques, such as virtual biopsy (VB). VB can be defined as a test that provides promising outcomes compared to traditional biopsy by extracting quantitative information from radiological images not accessible through traditional visual inspection. Data are processed in such a way that they can be correlated with the patient’s phenotypic expression, or with molecular patterns and mutations, creating a bridge between traditional radiology, pathology, genomics, and artificial intelligence (AI). Radiomics is the backbone of VB, since it allows the extraction and selection of features from radiological images, feeding them into AI models in order to derive lesions' pathological characteristics and molecular status. Presently, the output of VB provides only a gross approximation of the findings of tissue biopsy. However, in the future, with the improvement of imaging resolution and processing techniques, VB could partially substitute the classical surgical or percutaneous biopsy, with the advantage of being non-invasive, comprehensive, accounting for lesion heterogeneity, and low cost. In this review, we investigate the concept of VB in abdominal pathology, focusing on its pipeline development and potential benefits

    The detail is more pleasant than the whole: global and local prime affect esthetic appreciation of artworks showing whole-part ambiguity

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    Esthetic experience is the result of the coordination of different cognitive processes. It has been widely reported that top-down processes of orienting of attention interact with bottom-up perceptual facilitation occurring during esthetic experience of artworks. Here we use whole-part ambiguity as a tool to test the effect of global and local prime on esthetic appreciation of complex visual artworks. To this aim 139 healthy young individuals completed an esthetic judgment of Arcimboldo’s ambiguous artworks, which were preceded by a local or global prime. Their perceptual style was also assessed using a Navon task. We found that local prime significantly enhanced esthetic appreciation of ambiguous portraits. Also, we found that prime level interacted with individual’s perceptual style: participants showing local perceptual style liked less ambiguous portraits when they were preceded by global prime. Overall, the present findings shed some light on the processes involved in esthetic experience, pointing towards a pivotal role of re-direction of attention towards perceptual features of the artworks and its interaction with individual factors, such as perceptual style

    Effectiveness of enzymatic hydrolysis for reducing the allergenic potential of legume by-products

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    The interest in agri-food residues and their valorization has grown considerably, and many of them are today considered to be valuable, under-exploited sources of different compounds and notably proteins. Despite the beneficial properties of legumes by-products, there are also some emerging risks to consider, including their potential allergenicity. In this work the immunoreactivity of chickpea, pea, and white bean by-products was assessed, and whether the production of enzymatic hydrolysates can be an effective strategy to reduce this allergenic potential. The results presented clearly indicate that the efficiency of this strategy is strongly related to the enzyme used and the food matrix. All legume by-products showed immunoreactivity towards serum of legume-allergic patients. Hydrolysates from alcalase did not show residual immunoreactivity for chickpea and green pea, whereas hydrolysates from papain still presented some immunoreactivity. However, for white beans, the presence of antinutritional factors prevented a complete hydrolysis, yielding a residual immunoreactivity even after enzymatic hydrolysis with alcalase

    Embodying functionally relevant action sounds in patients with spinal cord injury

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    Growing evidence indicates that perceptual-motor codes may be associated with and influenced by actual bodily states. Following a spinal cord injury (SCI), for example, individuals exhibit reduced visual sensitivity to biological motion. However, a dearth of direct evidence exists about whether profound alterations in sensorimotor traffic between the body and brain influence audio-motor representations. We tested 20 wheelchair-bound individuals with lower skeletal-level SCI who were unable to feel and move their lower limbs, but have retained upper limb function. In a two-choice, matching-to-sample auditory discrimination task, the participants were asked to determine which of two action sounds matched a sample action sound presented previously. We tested aural discrimination ability using sounds that arose from wheelchair, upper limb, lower limb, and animal actions. Our results indicate that an inability to move the lower limbs did not lead to impairment in the discrimination of lower limb-related action sounds in SCI patients. Importantly, patients with SCI discriminated wheelchair sounds more quickly than individuals with comparable auditory experience (i.e. physical therapists) and inexperienced, able-bodied subjects. Audio-motor associations appear to be modified and enhanced to incorporate external salient tools that now represent extensions of their body schemas

    Decision-Making and Abuse, What Relationship in Victims of Violence?

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    Gender-Based violence is a worldwide persisting phenomenon: during their lifetime, 30% of women have experienced sexual and/or physical violence. The literature has investigated for several years the association between abuse and possible psychiatric and psychological consequences which may occur even after many years. The most common consequences involve mood and stress disorders (e.g., depression and PTSD). These disorders seem to have secondary long-term effects, such as decision-making and cognitive function impairments. Therefore, the present literature synthesis aimed to investigate whether and how the decision-making capacities of individuals experiencing violence can change because of abuse. We conducted a thematic synthesis using PRISMA guidelines: through a double-blind procedure, 4599 studies were screened; a total of 46 studies were selected for full-text reading, which was reduced to 13 by excluding papers with a wrong focus. To better understand the results of the thematic synthesis, two main focuses have been identified: "leave or stay decision making" and "multifactorial dimensions of decision making". Results showed that decision-making is an important process in avoiding secondary victimization

    Contraception with estradiol valerate and dienogest: adherence to the method

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    Purpose: The aim of the study was to examine the discontinuation rate of hormonal contraception with estradiol valerate (E2V) and dienogest (DNG). Patients and methods: We collected data at the Family Planning Clinics of the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Pisa and Cagliari. We included in the analysis 354 consecutive women using oral contraceptive pills containing E2V and DNG. We analyzed the rate and the reason for discontinuation, classifying the reasons in 5 categories: 1) minor side effects, 2) adverse events, 3) other events not directly caused by the drug or conditions for which the pill could represent a risk factor, 4) no compliance with the method and 5) no further need. Results: Of the 354 women examined, 50.8% had discontinued E2V/DNG pill. Excluding women who stopped the pill because of no further need (10.5%), 27.4% discontinued because of minor side effects, 1.7% discontinued for adverse events, 9.9% because of other events not directly caused by the drug or conditions for which the pill could represent a risk factor and 1.4% because of difficulties with compliance. Irregular bleedings were the main reasons reported for discontinuation. The time to discontinuation for irregular bleedings was significantly (p<0.02) longer in adults than in adolescents and slightly but not significantly longer in women who received information about this possible effect. Conclusion: Unacceptable cycle control was the principal cause of discontinuation of pill with E2V and DNG. An appropriate information about this possible effect may improve adherence to this combined oral contraceptive

    The treatment of sleep disorders in Parkinson's disease: From research to clinical practice

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    Sleep disorders (SDs) are one of the most frequent non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD), usually increasing in frequency over the course of the disease and disability progression. SDs include nocturnal and diurnal manifestations such as insomnia, REM sleep behavior disorder, and excessive daytime sleepiness. The causes of SDs in PD are numerous, including the neurodegeneration process itself, which can disrupt the networks regulating the sleep-wake cycle and deplete a large number of cerebral amines possibly playing a role in the initiation and maintenance of sleep. Despite the significant prevalence of SDs in PD patients, few clinical trials on SDs treatment have been conducted. Our aim is to critically review the principal therapeutic options for the most common SDs in PD. The appropriate diagnosis and treatment of SDs in PD can lead to the consolidation of nocturnal sleep, the enhancement of daytime alertness, and the amelioration of the quality of life of the patients
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