174 research outputs found

    Letter to the Editor by M.C. DeRuiter and A.C. Gittenberger-de Groot relating to: Technical Improvements in Corrosion Casting of Small Specimens: A Study on Mesonephric Tubules and Vessels of Chicken Embryos. [by A. Carretero, H. Ditrich, M. Navarro, H. Splechtna, J. Ruberte, Scanning Microscopy Vol. 7(4), p. 1333-1338 (1993)].

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    Dear Editor, The topic of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) investigation of casting of vessels in the embryo still holds our interest. We are particularly focused on the possibilities of early injection as a method to support angiogenesis and vasculogenesis research in the embryo. It is questionable whether our technique leads to unreliable results because of severe trauma to the embryo as suggested by the above mentioned authors. The lower success yield might very well be the result of the higher friability of the embryo in general in this young stage

    The Development of the Vascular System in Quail Embryos: A Combination of Microvascular Corrosion Casts and Immunohistochemical Identification

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    Although vascular casts, obtained by injection with methacrylates, are frequently used to investigate the adult vascular system, little data are available for embryonic stages. In this paper we use MercoxR in quail embryos in the period of 2 to 7 days after incubation. The microvascular corrosion casts were evaluated in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) with special attention to the development and remodelling of the large arteries and veins. Our results show that the remodelling of the large arteries and veins together with their developing tributary vessels can be visualized from very early embryonic stages onwards. However, complete replication of a developing vascular system depends on diameter and regularity of the lumen. In the stages investigated, the vascular lumen, even of the largest vessels, is still very irregular. Detailed cellular characteristics like nuclear impressions of endothelial cells, as often seen in adult material, were seldom found in the embryos. To examine whether blind-ending sprouts are completely or incompletely replicated in a developing vascular system, additional series of quail embryos were stained immunohistochemically with a monoclonal antibody (MB1) specific for endothelial and hemopoietic cells. It seems that a plexus consisting of endothelial precursors (endothelial cells lacking a lumen) is present in the developing organ before the formation of a lumen and assembly into vessels, which are connected to an adjacent artery or vein. Expansion of the vascular system may in part be due to incorporation of these endothelial precursors in the wall of existing vessels

    Echocardiographic Assessment of Embryonic and Fetal Mouse Heart Development: A Focus on Haemodynamics and Morphology

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    Background. Heart development is a complex process, and abnormal development may result in congenital heart disease (CHD). Currently, studies on animal models mainly focus on cardiac morphology and the availability of hemodynamic data, especially of the right heart half, is limited. Here we aimed to assess the morphological and hemodynamic parameters of normal developing mouse embryos/fetuses by using a high-frequency ultrasound system. Methods. A timed breeding program was initiated with a WT mouse line (Swiss/129Sv background). All recordings were performed transabdominally, in isoflurane sedated pregnant mice, in hearts of sequential developmental stages: 12.5, 14.5, and 17.5 days after conception (n=105). Results. Along development the heart rate increased significantly from 125 ± 9.5 to 219 ± 8.3 beats per minute. Reliable flow measurements could be performed across the developing mitral and tricuspid valves and outflow tract. M-mode measurements could be obtained of all cardiac compartments. An overall increase of cardiac systolic and diastolic function with embryonic/fetal development was observed. Conclusion. High-frequency echocardiography is a promising and useful imaging modality for structural and hemodynamic analysis of embryonic/fetal mouse hearts

    Cardiovascular development: towards biomedical applicability: Epicardium-derived cells in cardiogenesis and cardiac regeneration

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    During cardiogenesis, the epicardium grows from the proepicardial organ to form the outermost layer of the early heart. Part of the epicardium undergoes epithelial-mesenchymal transformation, and migrates into the myocardium. These epicardium- derived cells differentiate into interstitial fibroblasts, coronary smooth muscle cells, and perivascular fibroblasts. Moreover, epicardium-derived cells are important regulators of formation of the compact myocardium, the coronary vasculature, and the Purkinje fiber network, thus being essential for proper cardiac development. The fibrous structures of the heart such as the fibrous heart skeleton and the semilunar and atrioventricular valves also depend on a contribution of these cells during development. We hypothesise that the essential properties of epicardium-derived cells can be recapitulated in adult diseased myocardium. These cells can therefore be considered as a novel source of adult stem cells useful in clinical cardiac regeneration therapy

    In vitro epithelial-to-mesenchymal transformation in human adult epicardial cells is regulated by TGFβ-signaling and WT1

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    Adult epicardial cells are required for endogenous cardiac repair. After myocardial injury, they are reactivated, undergo epithelial-to-mesenchymal transformation (EMT) and migrate into the injured myocardium where they generate various cell types, including coronary smooth muscle cells and cardiac interstitial fibroblasts, which contribute to cardiac repair. To understand what drives epicardial EMT, we used an in vitro model for human adult epicardial cells. These cells have an epithelium-like morphology and markedly express the cell surface marker vascular cell adhesion marker (VCAM-1). In culture, epicardial cells spontaneously undergo EMT after which the spindle-shaped cells now express endoglin. Both epicardial cells before and after EMT express the epicardial marker, Wilms tumor 1 (WT1). Adding transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) induces loss of epithelial character and initiates the onset of mesenchymal differentiation in human adult epicardial cells. In this study, we show that TGFβ-induced EMT is dependent on type-1 TGFβ receptor activity and can be inhibited by soluble VCAM-1. We also show that epicardial-specific knockdown of Wilms tumor-1 (WT1) induces the process of EMT in human adult epicardial cells, through transcriptional regulation of platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (Pdgfrα), Snai1 and VCAM-1. These data provide new insights into the process of EMT in human adult epicardial cells, which might provide opportunities to develop new strategies for endogenous cell-based cardiac repair

    Propylthiouracil Is Teratogenic in Murine Embryos

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    Background: Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy is treated with the antithyroid drugs (ATD) propylthiouracil (PTU) and methimazole (MMI). PTU currently is recommended as the drug of choice during early pregnancy. Yet, despite widespread ATD use in pregnancy, formal studies of ATD teratogenic effects have not been performed. Methods: We examined the teratogenic effects of PTU and MMI during embryogenesis in mice. To span different periods of embryogenesis, dams were treated with compounds or vehicle daily from embryonic day (E) 7.5 to 9.5 or from E3.5 to E7.5. Embryos were examined for gross malformations at E10.5 or E18.5 followed by histological and micro-CT analysis. Influences of PTU on gene expression levels were examined by RNA microarray analysis. Results: When dams were treated from E7.5 to E9.5 with PTU, neural tube and cardiac abnormalities were observed at E10.5. Cranial neural tube defects were significantly more common among the PTU-exposed embryos than those exposed to MMI or vehicle. Blood in the pericardial sac, which is a feature indicative of abnormal cardiac function and/or abnormal vasculature, was observed more frequently in PTU-treated than MMI-treated or vehicle-treated embryos. Following PTU treatment, a total of 134 differentially expressed genes were identified. Disrupted genetic pathways were those associated with cytoskeleton remodeling and keratin filaments. At E 18.5, no gross malformations were evident in either ATD group, but the number of viable PTU embryos per dam at E18.5 was significantly lower from those at E10.5, indicating loss o

    Coding of coronary arterial origin and branching in congenital heart disease: The modified Leiden Convention

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    Objectives: Variations in coronary anatomy are common and may relate to the position of the coronary ostium relative to the aortic sinus, the angle of coronary take-off, or the course of the coronary arterial branches. Several classification systems have been proposed. However, they all lack a simple rationale that is applicable irrespective of the relative position of the great arteries, as well as in bicuspid aortic valves. We present a modification of a relatively simple system introduced in the early 1980s, designated the “Leiden Convention.” Methods: The first step of the Leiden Convention is that the clinician takes position in the nonfacing sinus of the aorta looking toward the pulmonary orifice. The right-hand facing sinus is sinus 1, and the left-hand facing sinus is sinus 2. The coronary branches arising from sinus 1 are annotated proceeding in a counterclockwise fashion toward sinus 2. “Usual” (normal) coronary anatomy would be 1R-2LCx. Given their clinical relevance, single sinus coronary arteries are discussed separately. Results: This system was originally designed and highly applicable in hearts with an altered great artery relationship, such as in the var

    Cardiac Explant-Derived Cells Are Regulated by Notch-Modulated Mesenchymal Transition

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    Progenitor cell therapy is emerging as a novel treatment for heart failure. However the molecular mechanisms regulating the generation of cardiac progenitor cells is not fully understood. We hypothesized that cardiac progenitor cells are generated from cardiac explant via a process similar to epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT).Explant-derived cells were generated from partially digested atrial tissue. After 21 days in culture, c-Kit+ cells were isolated from cell outgrowth. The majority of explant-originated c-Kit+ cells expressed the epicardial marker Wt1. Cardiac cell outgrowth exhibits a temporal up-regulation of EMT-markers. Notch stimulation augmented, while Notch inhibition suppressed, mesenchymal transition in both c-Kit+ and c-Kit- cells. In c-Kit+ cells, Notch stimulation reduced, while Notch inhibition up-regulated pluripotency marker expressions such as Nanog and Sox2. Notch induction was associated with degradation of β-catenin in c-Kit- cells. In contrast, Notch inhibition resulted in β-catenin accumulation, acquisition of epitheloid morphology, and up-regulation of Wnt target genes in c-Kit- cells.Our study suggests that Notch-mediated reversible EMT process is a mechanism that regulates explant-derived c-Kit+ and c-Kit- cells