22 research outputs found


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    The aims of this research are to analyze the financial feasibility and the sensitivity of cassava solid waste processing agroindustry. The research was conducted in March 2018 in Terusan Nunyai District, Lampung Tengah Regency by purposeive selected. The sampels of the research were 2 cassava solid waste processing agroindustry. Research data were analyzed by using financial feasibility and sensitivity analysis method. The results showed that cassava solid waste processing agroindustries were financially profitable and feasible to be developed. The value of NPV in two agroindustries were bigger than 0. The Value of Net B/C and Gross B/C in two agroindustries were bigger than 1. The value of IRR on two agroindustries more than commercial interest rate, and payback period of investmens could be covered less than the ages of agroindustries. The sensitivity value showed that processing cassava solid waste processing agroindustries was sensitive if there was an increase in costs of 3.25 percent. Most of criteria in all agroindustries was sensitive if there was a decrease in production volume of 5 percent. All agroindustries was sensitive if there was a decrease in price of 3.25 percent.Key words: cassava solid waste, feasible, sensitivit

    Persepsi Petani terhadap Program Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi (AUTP) di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan: Perception Of Farmers Toward Rice Farm Insurance Program (AUTP) in South Lampung Regency

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    Program Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi (AUTP) merupakan program asuransi untuk melindungi petani jika terjadi gagal panen sebagai akibat dari risiko banjir, kekeringan, dan serangan organisme pengganggu tanaman. Program ini berlaku sejak tahun 2015, namun sejumlah besar petani padi belum memanfaatkan perlindungan ini.  Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi petani pada pelaksanaan dan manfaat program AUTP dan mengkaji faktor-faktor yang berhubungan persepsi petani pada program AUTP di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan.  Pengambilan sampel dipilih secara random sampling sebanyak 64 orang.  Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial dengan metode analisis Rank Spearman.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi petani terhadap Program AUTP di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, masuk dalam klasifikasi rendah yaitu hanya sebesar 68,75 persen, sedangkan tingkat pendidikan nonformal, tingkat interaksi sosial, tingkat pemenuhan kebutuhan, dan tingkat pengetahuan tentang Program AUTP semuanya hubungan yang signifikan dengan persepsi petani.  Berbeda dengan tingkat pendidikan formal dan tingkat pengaruh lingkungan sosial tidak berhubungan signifikan dengan persepsi petani pada Program AUTP


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    The objectives of the research were to analyze the roles of agricultural extension workers to develop farmer groups in Rulung Raya village, Natar sub district, South Lampung Regency.  The research was conducted in December 2018 until February 2019.  The research method used is a survey method.  The respondents were 50 farmers randomly chosen from 615 farmers the members of Sinar Tani farmer group in Rulung Raya Vilaage. Data were analyzed using Rank Spearman correlation test.  The results showed that the roles of agricultural extension agents in terms of companion role, technical role, and communicator role have significant relationship with the development of farmer groups.  The role as organisator does not have relationship with the development of farmer groups. It is recommended for the agricultural extension workers to increase his roles in helping farmer groups development and for farmer groups to continue developing their group to reach their goals. Key words: agricultural extension workers, farmer groups


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    This study aimed to determine forming income, the income of farmer households, and the sustainability of repong damar at Pahmungan Village, Central Pesisir Subdistrict, West Pesisir District. The method used in this research was the survey method. Primary and secondary data were collected in this study. The Sampling used census sampling. The number of respondents consisted of 58 farmers of repong damar. This study took approximately two months, starting from March to April 2018. The results of this study indicate that repong damar farming provides benefits and was feasible to run based on the results of the R/C has a value of>1. The household income of repong damar farmers was IDR 48,657,130.03 per year, the largest contribution comes from on-farm income with a percentage of 85.10 percent. Repong damar farming at Pahmungan Village, Central Pesisir Subdistrict, West Pesisir District was considered sustainable from social, ecological, and economic aspects.Key words: household income, income, repong damar, sustainability

    Persepsi Petani Terhadap Kinerja Penyuluh Di Bp3k Sebagai Model Coe (Center of Excellence) Kecamatan Metro Barat Kota Metro

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    This research aims to identify the extension worker's performance level and the farmer's perceptionto the extension worker's performance of West MetroBP3K as BP3K CoE Model in West Metro District,Metro City. This research was done in four Sub-Districts namely Mulyojati, Mulyosari, Ganjar Agung,and Ganjar Asri as development area BP3K West Metro. The research was conducted on July to August 2013. The number of samples were 7 extension workers and 95 farmers that was taken usingproportional random sampling. The analysis method is used in this research is descriptive, qualitativemethod and Rank Spearman analysis. The result of research show that: (1) The level of extensionworkers performance in BP3K West Metro district was categorized into medium class (2) The level offarmers' perception to the extension worker's performances of West Metro BP3K were categorizedinto medium class (3) The factors relating to the farmers perception in extension worker's performanceof West Metro BP3K were level of farmer's education, farmer's social interaction, and the level offarmer's income. The farmer's age, the length of farmer's experience, and the number of farmer families member were not really related

    Respon Anggota Kelompok Tani terhadap Program Pengembangan USAha Agribisnis Perdesaan (Puap) di Kecamatan Kebun Tebu Kabupaten Lampung Barat

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    This research aimed to assess the response of farmers group member towards PUAP program in Kebun Tebu District; investigate the factors related to farmer\u27s response towards the implementation of the PUAP Program in Kebun Tebu District; know the suitability between the planning and implementation of PUAP Program. The research was conducted in Pekon Cipta Mulya, Kebun Tebu District, West Lampung Regency. The population of this research were all farmers who take part in RADP in Kebun Tebu District. The sample of this research were 100 farmers who became member of Gapoktan Mulya Mandiri in Pekon Cipta Mulya which choosen using cluster sampling method. The research data collection was conducted from August until September 2015. The research data wascolleceted by questionnaire and anylized by descriptive analysis method. The results of this research showed thatt the response of farmers group member categorized as quite good. factors related to farmer\u27s response towards the implementation of PUAP Program were the level of formal education of farmers, farmers\u27 knowledge, motivation of farmers joint in PUAP Program and farmers\u27 farming experience. There have been a suitability between the planning and implementation of the PUAP Program in Pekon Cipta Mulya but practically PUAP program still needed to be developed in order to touch the whole subsystem agribusiness.Key words: PUAP/RADP, response, subsystem agribusiness This research aimed to assess the response of farmers group member towards PUAP program in Kebun Tebu District; investigate the factors related to farmer\u27s response towards the implementation of the PUAP Program in Kebun Tebu District; know the suitability between the planning and implementation of PUAP Program. The research was conducted in Pekon Cipta Mulya, Kebun Tebu District, West Lampung Regency. The population of this research were all farmers who take part in RADP in Kebun Tebu District. The sample of this research were 100 farmers who became member of Gapoktan Mulya Mandiri in Pekon Cipta Mulya which choosen using cluster sampling method. The research data collection was conducted from August until September 2015. The research data wascolleceted by questionnaire and anylized by descriptive analysis method. The results of this research showed thatt the response of farmers group member categorized as quite good. factors related to farmer\u27s response towards the implementation of PUAP Program were the level of formal education of farmers, farmers\u27 knowledge, motivation of farmers joint in PUAP Program and farmers\u27 farming experience. There have been a suitability between the planning and implementation of the PUAP Program in Pekon Cipta Mulya but practically PUAP program still needed to be developed in order to touch the whole subsystem agribusiness

    Kebutuhan dan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (Pkbl) PTPN VII Unit USAha Rejosari Kecamatan Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan

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    This study analyzes the community needs for PKBL in order to formulate the strategy of PKBL accordance with the community needs and their environment, the level of community participation in PKBL, and the correlating factors to community participation in PKBL. This research was conducted in Rejosari Village, Natar Sub-district, South Lampung Regency. The samples in this study were 84 households that was chosen randomly. The data was analyzed by descriptive qualitative analysis, tabulation, and Rank Spearman correlation. The results showed that the community needs for PKBL included a) economy aspect: the assets loan without interest for the community in three subvillages, training of biogas production in Banjar subvillage, cattle farmer's group trainer in Northern and Southern Titirante subvillages, skill trainings, the market provisionand product promotion; b) social aspect: the development of institutional activities, the complement of educational facilities in three subvillages, and the construction of high school buildings in Rejosari Village; c) environmental aspect: asphalting roads and bridge repairment. In addition to d) health aspect: public health improvement programs through free medical check up service or health infrastructure improvement. The level of community participation in PKBL was low. The factors correlated to community participation in PKBL of PTPN VII were education level, the number of family members, and the length of staying


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    The aim of this research is to know the application level of organic vegetables cultivation technology in Karangrejo Village North Metro sub district, Metro City.  This research was conducted May until June 2014 in Karangrejo Village North Metro sub district, Metro City.  The research method used case study to got samples with Arikunto’s formula, by working 48 respondents. The data analysis was done descriptively.  The results showed that: The application level of organic vegetables from cultivation technology in Karangrejo Village in the middle category with an average level applicability of 75 percents.  The application level of technology have been applied well, there are activities on planting, watering, and post harvesting. The level of implementation needs to be improved were seeds/seedlings and harvesting. Key words: application, technology, organic vegetable