7 research outputs found

    Pengalaman Kehamilan Perempuan Primigravida dengan Riwayat Menikah Usia Dini di Desa Baletbaru Kecamatan Sukowono Kabupaten (The Experience of Primigravida Pregnancy with Child Marriage in Baletbaru Village of Sukowono District)

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    A Woman health which need to be understood and undertaken in line with health care services. One of health problems that a Woman often experiences is child marriage. Child marriage is one of the phenomena of Woman health problem in Jember Regency. This research purposes to obtain the experience of primigravida pregnancy with child marriage in the Baletbaru Village. The research used qualitative method, with descriptive phenomenological study design. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with the number of participants as many as 4 people. The study is identifying 8 themes: the desire, assessment of early marriage, a representation of early marriage, normal complaints, pathological complaints, general feeling, special feeling, and the health care what use for. The research results indicated that unreadiness primigravida in physically and psychologically to face child marriage and pregnancy. This research are expected to be the bases for developing policy of marriage and Woman healthcare service. Keywords : Primigravida, Child marriage, Pregnancy experienc


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    Pertanian mempunyai arti yang penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Pertanian ini meliputi pangan dan holtikutura. Padi merupakan hasil dari pertanian pangan yang mana setiap tahun kebutuhannya akan selalu meningkat yang disebabkan populasi manusia terus bertambah. Banyak kerugian yang diakibatkan adanya hama penyakit tanaman yang terlambat didiagnosa dan menyebabkan terjadinya gagal panen karena kurangnya tenaga seorang pengamat hama penyakit dan pakar/ahli pertanian. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dibangun suatu sistem pakar untuk mendiagnosa hama penyakit pada tanaman padi berbasis web yang mempunyai kemampuan sama seperti seorang pakar pertanian. Implementasi sistem pakar ini dibuat dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP menggunakan metode Bayesian dan untuk penyimpanan datanya menggunakan MySQL. Pengguna cukup memilih gejala-gejala yang terjadi atau terlihat di lapangan pada tanaman padi kemudian sistem pakar padi (SPP) ini akan menampilkan jenis hama atau penyakit dan nilai keyakinan serta penanganan terhadap hama atau penyakit tersebut. Diharapkan dengan menggunakan sistem ini kehidupan para petani akan lebih baik karena tidak akan terjadi lagi gagal panen dan tanaman padi yang dihasilkan memiliki mutu kualitas yang tinggi

    Role of Denver II and Development Quotients in the management of several pediatric developmental and behavioral disorders

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    Background Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are nowadays becoming more and more frequently found. Parents are worried of the possibility that their children suffer from them. Growth and development clinics (GDC) should be able to deliver professional services. Thus a practica~ applicable, objective, valid, reliable, and able to measure development quotient (DQ) values instrument is needed. Objective To find out whether the Denver II instrument and DQ values can be used in the management of children with ASD andADHD. Methods A study was carried out on cases of children with ASD, multisystem development disorder (MSDD), pervasive development disorder - n ot otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), consisting of history taking, physical examination, establishing diagnosis, therapy, evaluation, and follow-up. The Denver II instrument was used and DQ values in all development streams established. The study was done at the GDC of Hermina Depok Hospital in July 2008 - June 2009. Results It revealed that results of the Denver II as seen on the filled Denver II form showed "typical" features related to kind of disorder as far as category ofDQ value, dissociation, global delayed development (GDD) as well as abnormality of the test behavior were concerned. It also revealed that establishing the diagnoses by the use of the Denver II and DQ values gave exactly the same diagnoses as when using the conventional way by the expert. Conclusion The Denver II instrument with DQ values can be used in the management of ASD and ADHD cases. [Paediatr lndones. 2012;52:51-6]

    Buku ajar psikiatri

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    Buku ini ditujukan bagi para mahasiswa fakultas kedokteran, namun dapat pula dimanfaatkan oleh dokter umum, perawat, atau profesional lain yang bekerja dalam lingkupkesehatan dan kesehatan jiwa.x, 525 hlm.: ilu.; 25 c

    Buku ajar psikiatri/ Edit.: Sylvia D. Elvira

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    x, 525 hal.; 25 cm