472 research outputs found

    The role of charge and proton transfer in fragmentation of hydrogen-bonded nanosystems: the breakup of ammonia clusters upon single photon multi-ionization

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    The charge and proton dynamics in hydrogen-bonded networks are investigated using ammonia as a model system. The fragmentation dynamics of medium-sized clusters (1-2 nm) upon single photon multi-ionization is studied, by analyzing the momenta of small ionic fragments. The observed fragmentation pattern of the doubly- and triply- charged clusters reveals a spatial anisotropy of emission between fragments (back-to-back). Protonated fragments exhibit a distinct kinematic correlation, indicating a delay between ionization and fragmentation (fission). The different kinematics observed for channels containing protonated and unprotonated species provides possible insights into the prime mechanisms of charge and proton transfer, as well as proton hopping, in such a nanoscale system.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Routes to multiphoton double ionization in combined extreme ultraviolet and infrared laser pulses

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    Xenon multiphoton double ionization pathways are studied in a reaction microscope using a pump-probe arrangement of extreme ultraviolet high harmonic and infrared laser radiation. The momentum of photoelectrons is recorded in coincidence with singly or doubly charged ions. Among all possible routes to multiphoton double ionization, sequential processes using ionic excited states as intermediate steps are clearly identified

    Probing single-photon ionization on the attosecond time scale

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    We study photoionization of argon atoms excited by attosecond pulses using an interferometric measurement technique. We measure the difference in time delays between electrons emitted from the 3s23s^2 and from the 3p63p^6 shell, at different excitation energies ranging from 32 to 42 eV. The determination of single photoemission time delays requires to take into account the measurement process, involving the interaction with a probing infrared field. This contribution can be estimated using an universal formula and is found to account for a substantial fraction of the measured delay.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, under consideratio

    Site-dependent nuclear dynamics in core-excited butadiene

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    Symmetry breaking and competition between electronic decay and nuclear dynamics are major factors determining whether the memory of the initial core-hole localisation in a molecule is retained long enough to affect fragmentation. We investigate the fate of core holes localised at different sites in the free 1,3 trans butadiene molecule by using synchrotron radiation to selectively excite core electrons from different C 1s sites to π* orbitals. Fragmentation involving bonds localised at the site of the core hole provides clear evidence for preferential bond breaking for a core hole located at the terminal carbon site, while the signature of localisation is weak for a vacancy on the central carbon site. The origin of this difference is attributed to out-of-plane vibrations, and statistical evaporation of protons for vacancies located at the central carbon sites

    Attosecond timing of electron emission from a molecular shape resonance

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    Shape resonances in physics and chemistry arise from the spatial confinement of a particle by a potential barrier. In molecular photoionization, these barriers prevent the electron from escaping instantaneously, so that nuclei may move and modify the potential, thereby affecting the ionization process. By using an attosecond two-color interferometric approach in combination with high spectral resolution, we have captured the changes induced by the nuclear motion on the centrifugal barrier that sustains the well-known shape resonance in valence-ionized N2_2. We show that despite the nuclear motion altering the bond length by only 2%2\%, which leads to tiny changes in the potential barrier, the corresponding change in the ionization time can be as large as 200200 attoseconds. This result poses limits to the concept of instantaneous electronic transitions in molecules, which is at the basis of the Franck-Condon principle of molecular spectroscopy.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Photoemission time-delay measurements and calculations close to the 3s ionization minimum in Ar

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    We present experimental measurements and theoretical calculations of photoionization time delays from the 3s3s and 3p3p shells in Ar in the photon energy range of 32-42 eV. The experimental measurements are performed by interferometry using attosecond pulse trains and the infrared laser used for their generation. The theoretical approach includes intershell correlation effects between the 3s and 3p shells within the framework of the random phase approximation with exchange (RPAE). The connection between single-photon ionization and the two-color two-photon ionization process used in the measurement is established using the recently developed asymptotic approximation for the complex transition amplitudes of laser-assisted photoionization. We compare and discuss the theoretical and experimental results especially in the region where strong intershell correlations in the 3s to kp channel lead to an induced "Cooper" minimum in the 3s ionization cross-section.Comment: submitted to PR