3 research outputs found

    Cellulose acetate-Al2O3 hybrid material coated with n-propyl-1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2] octane chloride : preparation, characterization and study of some metal halides adsorption from ethanol solution

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    The preparation, characterization as well as the adsorption properties of MCl n (M= Fe(III), Co(II) and Cu(II)) from ethanol solutions by the new hybrid material cellulose acetate /Al2O3 coated with N-propyl-1,4 diazabicyclo [2.2.2] octane chloride group are described. The diamine is bonded to the cellulose acetate /Al2O3 surface by Al-O-Si covalent bonds and thus, the material obtained is chemically very stable and shows high adsorption capacity in adsorbing MCl n from ethanol solutions. When the material (designated as sigma-L+Cl-) comes into contact with the metal halide solutions, the salts diffuse into the substrate-solution interface as neutral species and are fixed in the form of the anionic complexes. The latter are held near the surface due to the electrostatic interactions with the positively charged centers ~L+. The adsorption capacities of the material (t, in mmol g-1) and its affinities to the metal halides were determined by analyzing the adsorption isotherms with the help of the model of fixed polydentate centers. The constants of the adsorption equilibria (beta, in L mol-1) were used as the quantitative characteristics of affinity. For the FeCl3 adsorption equilibrium <IMG SRC="/img/revistas/jbchs/v16n2/en_a04img01.gif">the specific concentration of the sorption centers <IMG SRC="/img/revistas/jbchs/v16n2/en_a04img02.gif">is equal to 1.42 and log beta11 = 3.14. The adsorption of CoCl2 and CuCl2 (MCl2) is described in a more complicated way: <IMG SRC="/img/revistas/jbchs/v16n2/en_a04img03.gif"> The following values of parameters were obtained: <IMG SRC="/img/revistas/jbchs/v16n2/en_a04img04.gif" > or = 0.20 and 0.115; log beta21 = 4.08 and 3.3 for CoCl2 and CuCl2 respectively

    Cellulose acetate-Al2O3 hybrid material coated with N-Propyl-1,4-diazabicyclo [2.2.2] octane chloride: preparation, characterization and study of some metal halides adsorption from ethanol solution

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    The preparation, characterization as well as the adsorption properties of MCl n (M= Fe(III), Co(II) and Cu(II)) from ethanol solutions by the new hybrid material cellulose acetate /Al2O3 coated with N-propyl-1,4 diazabicyclo [2.2.2] octane chloride group are described. The diamine is bonded to the cellulose acetate /Al2O3 surface by Al-O-Si covalent bonds and thus, the material obtained is chemically very stable and shows high adsorption capacity in adsorbing MCl n from ethanol solutions. When the material (designated as sigma-L+Cl-) comes into contact with the metal halide solutions, the salts diffuse into the substrate-solution interface as neutral species and are fixed in the form of the anionic complexes. The latter are held near the surface due to the electrostatic interactions with the positively charged centers ~L+. The adsorption capacities of the material (t, in mmol g-1) and its affinities to the metal halides were determined by analyzing the adsorption isotherms with the help of the model of fixed polydentate centers. The constants of the adsorption equilibria (beta, in L mol-1) were used as the quantitative characteristics of affinity. For the FeCl3 adsorption equilibrium the specific concentration of the sorption centers is equal to 1.42 and log beta11 = 3.14. The adsorption of CoCl2 and CuCl2 (MCl2) is described in a more complicated way: The following values of parameters were obtained: or =0.20 and 0.115; log beta21 = 4.08 and 3.3 for CoCl2 and CuCl2 respectively.A preparação, bem como as propriedades de adsorção de MCl n (M=Fe(III), Co(II) e Cu(II)) de soluções etanólicas são descritas para um novo material híbrido acetato de celulose /Al2O3 recoberto com cloreto de N-propil-1,4 diazabiciclo [2.2.2] octano. A diamina está ligada à superfície do acetato de celulose/Al2O3 pela ligação covalente Al-O-Si e então, o material obtido é quimicamente muito estável e apresenta elevada capacidade de adsorção de MCl n de solução etanólica. Quando o material (designado como sigma-L+Cl-) entra em contacto com soluções do haleto metálico, os sais difundem na interface substrato-solução como espécies neutras e são fixadas na forma de complexos aniônicos. Estes são presos à superfície devido às interações eletrostáticas com a carga positiva dos centros ~L+. As capacidades de adsorção do material (t, em mmol g-1) e as duas afinidades pelo haletos metálicos foram determinadas analisando-se as isotermas de adsorção com o auxílio de um modelo de centros polidentados fixos. As constantes de equilíbrio da adsorção (beta, em mmol L-1) foram usadas como características de afinidade. Para o FeCl3, ao equilíbrio de adsorção a concentração específica dos centros de adsorção é igual a 1,42 e 0,115; log beta11= 3,14. A adsorção de CoCl2 e CuCl2 (MCl2) é descrita de uma forma mais complexa: Os seguintes valores dos parâmetros foram obtidos: ou =0,20 e 0,115; log beta21= 4,08 e 3,3, respectivamente para CoCl2 e CuCl2.147152Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq