33 research outputs found

    Pet distribution modelling : Untangling the invasive potential of Trachemys dorbigni (Emydidae) in the Americas

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    Human activities have been changing the global biogeographic patterns by the introductions of invasive species. For reptiles, the invasion rate increase of non-native species is remarkably related to the pet trade, especially for freshwater turtles. Here we estimated the invasive potential of the South American turtle Trachemys dorbigni in the Americas using a combination of climatic and human activity variables. We built species distribution models based on data from the native and invasive ranges, using the ensemble model from five different algorithms (GAM, MAXENT, BRT, RF and GBM). We compared the two models’ performance and predictions, one calibrated with only climatic variables (climate-driven), and the second also included a descriptive variable of human activity (climate plus humandriven). Suitable areas for T. dorbigni covered occurrence areas of its congeners and highly diversified ecoregions, such as the eastern USA, the islands of Central America, and the south eastern and eastern Brazilian coast. Our results indicate that human activities allow T. dorbigni to establish populations outside of its original climatic niche. Including human activity variables proved fundamental to refining the results to identify more susceptible areas to invasion and to allow the efficient targeting of prevention measures. Finally, we suggested a set of actions to prevent T. dorbigni becoming a highly impacting species in the areas identified as more prone to its invasion

    A Fauna de Morcegos Fósseis como Ferramenta na Caracterização de Paleoambientes Quaternários.

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    This study proposes to reconstruct the paleoenvironment from Quaternary sites of the caves in the sertão baiano and Lagoa Santa region during the Pleistocene. The paleofauna of bats from these sites were compared to the extant fauna of 25 localities, representing most important Neotropical biome. This study was possible because all bat fossil species from both sites were elements of the extant Neotropical fauna, excepting Desmodus draculae. Because bats are considered goodenvironmental definers, the association of extant and fossil fauna permits the recognition of similar environments. The similarity between faunas was analyzed by Jaccard index with a posterior grouping analysis by UPGMA. The paleofauna of Lagoa Santa matched to Caatinga fauna, suggesting a dry and open environment adjacent to the Lagoa Santa cavesduring the Pleistocene. The paleofauna of sertão baiano caves matched to neither of the analyzed faunas. Most authorssuggest that fossil record of the sertão baiano caves represents a faunal mixture. The dissimilarity between the paleofaunaof bats from the sertão baiano caves and the other analyzed faunas resulted of this study is in agreement to the argumentof a faunal mixture represented by the former

    Distribution extension of the Yellow Anaconda Eunectes notaeus Cope, 1862 (Squamata: Boidae) in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    The yellow anaconda, Eunectes notaeus, was until recently considered as a species with accidental occurrence on southern Brazil, due to river floods from the Pantanal region on central Brazil. Here we provide monitoring records of a well-established population in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and also discuss its distribution in the area

    Potential distribution of the endangered endemic lizard Liolaemus lutzae Mertens, 1938 (Liolaemidae): are there other suitable areas for a geographically restricted species?

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    In this study we attempted to access further information on the geographical distribution of the endangered lizard Liolaemus lutzae, estimating its potential distribution through the maximum entropy algorithm. For this purpose, we related its points of occurrence with matrices of environmental variables. After examining the correlation between environmental matrices, we selected 10 for model construction. The main variables influencing the current geographic distribution of L. lutzae were the diurnal temperature range and altitude. The species endemism seemed to be a consequence of a reduction of the original distribution area. Alternatively, the resulting model may reflect the geographic distribution of an ancestral lineage, since the model selected areas of occurrence of the two other species of Liolaemus from Brazil (L. arambarensis and L. occipitalis), all living in sand dune habitats and having psamophilic habits. Due to the high loss rate of habitat occupied by the species, the conservation and recovery of the remaining areas affected by human actions is essential