347 research outputs found

    The study of proteotomic profile of mutton with consideration to the influence of feed combinatorics

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    The present article is devoted to the search for markers that attest the changes in the protein profile when fattening the lambs with enriched diets, taking into account tissue specificity. The purpose of scientific research was to expand scientific knowledge about the influence of essential trace elements of organic origin in the diet of lambs on the marker-proteins of skeletal muscle tissue, of myocardium and renal cortical substance. The objects of research were the tissues of the m.L.dorsi skeletal muscle, myocardium and cortical substance of the kidneys in lambs of the Edilbaev breed. These lambs received a diet with organic trace elements (iodine, selenium, silicon). To study the effect of microelements in the diets of lambs on change in marker-proteins, we ran the studies of the skeletal muscle, myocardium and cortical substance of the kidneys of lambs, using the method of two-dimensional electrophoresis. When searching for proteins which mark the action of organic additives in the fattening diet of lambs within the tissue of the myocardium and the cortical substance of the kidneys, a number of differences were noted; no pronounced effects were observed in the skeletal muscle. Enrichment of the diet of lambs with selenium derivatives led to a change in the protein composition in the kidneys cortical substance for some isoforms of selenium-containing proteins and related enzymes of the glutathione cycle. Reaction in this process of thermal shock proteins, utilization of aflatoxins and changes in proteins of energy metabolism within mitochondria of kidney cells was also revealed. The determination of functional activity, or immunofermental analysis of glutathione peroxidase 3 count in the blood, can be a promising biomarker for controlling the level of selenium digestion and the count of selenium in blood as a more rapid and cheap method in comparison with the proteomic technologies. And for assessing the rate of digestion and fixation of iodine, it seems promising to determine it via the activity of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase [Mn]. In the myocardium, the effect of digested feed additives mainly affected the mitochondrial apparatus, which changed its functional orientation, with the activation of several other metabolic cycles. These results are prerequisites for obtaining more fundamental data on the effect of diets enriched with essential micronutrients on the molecular mechanisms that take place within the myocardial and kidney tissue of lambs. New data have been obtained on the effect of diets enriched with essential microelements on the molecular mechanisms occurring in the myocardial tissue and cortical substance of the kidneys of goats and sheep. The research results obtained by proteomics methods will be used for modeling and targeted adjustment of diets in order to obtain raw materials with the necessary technological characteristics

    The mysterious eruption of V838 Mon

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    V838 Mon is marking one of the most mysterious stellar outbursts on record. The spectral energy distribution of the progenitor resembles an under-luminous F main sequence star (at V=15.6 mag), that erupted into a cool supergiant following a complex and multi-maxima lightcurve (peaking at V=6.7 mag). The outburst spectrum show BaII, LiI and lines of several s-elements, with wide P-Cyg profiles and a moderate and retracing emission in the Balmer lines. A light-echo discovered expanding around the object helped to constrain the distance (d=790+/-30 pc), providing M_V=+4.45 in quiescence and M_V=-4.35 at optical maximum (somewhat dependent on the still uncertain E(B-V)=0.5 reddening). The general outburst trend is toward lower temperatures and larger luminosities, and continuing so at the time of writing. The object properties conflict with a classification within already existing categories: the progenitor was not on a post-AGB track and thus the similarities with the born-again AGB stars FG Sge, V605 Aql and Sakurai's object are limited to the cool giant spectrum at maximum; the cool spectrum, the moderate wind velocity (500 km/sec and progressively reducing) and the monotonic decreasing of the low ionization condition argues against a classical nova scenario. The closest similarity is with a star that erupted into an M-type supergiant discovered in M31 by Rich et al. (1989), that became however much brighter by peaking at M_V=-9.95, and with V4332 Sgr that too erupted into an M-type giant (Martini et al. 1999) and that attained a lower luminosity, closer to that of V838 Mon. M31-RedVar, V4332 Sgr and V838 Mon could be manifestations of the same and new class of astronomical objects.Comment: A&A, in pres

    Geopolymers based on the valorization of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration residues

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    he proper management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) has become one of the main environmental commitments for developed countries due to the uncontrolled growth of waste caused by the consumption patterns of modern societies. Nowadays, municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) is one of the most feasible solutions and it is estimated to increase in Europe where the accessibility of landfill is restricted. Bottom ash (BA) is the most significant by-product from MSWI as it accounts for 85-95 % of the solid product resulting from combustion, which is classified as a non-hazardous residue that can be revalorized as a secondary aggregate in road sub-base, bulk lightweight filler in construction. In this way, revalorization of weathered BA (WBA) for the production of geopolymers may be a good alternative to common reuse as secondary aggregate material; however, the chemical process to obtain these materials involves several challenges that could disturb the stability of the material, mainly from the environmental point of view. Accordingly, it is necessary that geopolymers are able to stabilize heavy metals contained in the WBA in order to be classified as non-hazardous materials. In this regard, the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio plays an important role for the encapsulation of heavy metals and other toxic elements. The aim of this research is to formulate geopolymers starting from the 0-2 mm particle size fraction of WBA, as a unique raw material used as aluminumsilicate precursor. Likewise, leaching tests of the geopolymers formulated were performed to assess their environmental impact. The findings show that it is possible to formulate geopolymers using 100 % WBA as precursor, although more investigations are needed to sustain that geopolymer obtained can be considered as non-hazardous materials

    The gravitational mass of Proxima Centauri measured with SPHERE from a microlensing event

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    Proxima Centauri, our closest stellar neighbour, is a low-mass M5 dwarf orbiting in a triple system. An Earth-mass planet with an 11 day period has been discovered around this star. The star's mass has been estimated only indirectly using a mass-luminosity relation, meaning that large uncertainties affect our knowledge of its properties. To refine the mass estimate, an independent method has been proposed: gravitational microlensing. By taking advantage of the close passage of Proxima Cen in front of two background stars, it is possible to measure the astrometric shift caused by the microlensing effect due to these close encounters and estimate the gravitational mass of the lens (Proxima Cen). Microlensing events occurred in 2014 and 2016 with impact parameters, the closest approach of Proxima Cen to the background star, of 1\farcs6 ±\pm 0\farcs1 and 0\farcs5 ±\pm 0\farcs1, respectively. Accurate measurements of the positions of the background stars during the last two years have been obtained with HST/WFC3, and with VLT/SPHERE from the ground. The SPHERE campaign started on March 2015, and continued for more than two years, covering 9 epochs. The parameters of Proxima Centauri's motion on the sky, along with the pixel scale, true North, and centering of the instrument detector were readjusted for each epoch using the background stars visible in the IRDIS field of view. The experiment has been successful and the astrometric shift caused by the microlensing effect has been measured for the second event in 2016. We used this measurement to derive a mass of 0.1500.051+0.062^{\textrm{+}0.062}_{-0.051} (an error of \sim 40\%) \MSun for Proxima Centauri acting as a lens. This is the first and the only currently possible measurement of the gravitational mass of Proxima Centauri.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted by MNRA