14 research outputs found

    Reliability of the spanish version of Questionnaire of Physical Activity PAQ-C

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    Objetivo. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido valorar en niños españoles la fiabilidad del cuestionario de actividad física en niños mayores (PAQ-C). Método. Se utilizó como referencia la validación de la versión traducida al castellano del cuestionario de actividad física para adolescentes PAQ-A. En una muestra de 72 niños entre 8 y 14 años, se evaluó la fiabilidad test-retest del cuestionario PAQ-C en 3 mediciones, antes de la clase de educación física (M1), 2 horas después (M2) y al cabo de una semana (M3). La fiabilidad se calculó mediante el coeficiente de correlación intraclase (ICC) y la consistencia interna mediante el Coeficiente α de Cronbach. Resultados: Los valores obtenidos en la puntuación total del cuestionario reflejan un ICC superior a 0.73 en todas las comparaciones, con un intervalo de confianza al 95% que sigue indicando una fiabilidad buena o excelente. La consistencia interna mostró un coeficiente de α = 0,83Background: The aim of this study was to assess the reliability of the PAQ-C questionnaire in spanish older children (PAQ-C). Methods: A proof translation in Spanish of the physical activity questionnaire for teenager PAQ-A, was used as reference. Reliability of the test-retest questionnaire PAQ-C, was evaluated on 72 children aged between 8 and 14 years. Measurements were taken at three different stages: before the physical education class (M1), 2 hours after the lecture (M2) and one week later (M3). Reliability was calculated using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) while the inner consistency by Cronbach's αcoefficient. Results: The results obtained in the overall score of the questionnaire reflect an intraclass coefficient (ICC) higher than 0,73 in every possible comparison giving a confidence interval of 95% which still indicates a good or very good reliability. The inner consistency showed a coefficient of α = 0,8

    Barriers against incorporating evidence-based practice in physical therapy in Colombia: Current state and factors associated

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    Background: Evidence-based practice (EBP) has been widely implemented in differing areas of physiotherapy. Nevertheless, few studies have investigated EBP-related barriers amongst Latin-American physical therapists working in primary care. The primary objective of this study was to describe the current state concerning perceived barriers engagement in EBP among physical therapy in Colombia. A secondary objective was to identify factors associated with barriers to implementation EBP. Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted. The study involved physical therapists working in public and private hospital who were contacted through professional networks (Email, Facebook®, ResearchGate® and Linked-In®) and invited to participate. Multiple logistic regression (MLR) and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) were used for examining factors associated with perceived barriers to including EBP in their work. Results: The final sample size was 1064 (77.2 % female). Forty-one percent of the respondents indicated that a 'lack of research skills' was the most important barrier to evidence being used in practice. MLR analysis suggested that several variables were associated with perceived barriers to including EBP: i.e. hours of work per week, current main role in therapy center and undergraduate degree. The MCA model established two groups of similarities regarding the different barriers; the 'lack of understanding of statistical analysis', 'insufficient time' and 'understanding of the English in which articles are written' barriers were weighted more heavily regarding in the first group (the second factor on MCA) and the rest barriers on the second group (first factor on the MCA). Conclusions: Although most physiotherapists had a positive opinion regarding EBP, they considered that they needed to improve their knowledge, skills and attitudes towards EBP. Initiatives to advance EBP in Colombia with no academic or research tradition should primarily target practitioner-level factors. © 2015 Ramírez-Vélez et al

    Validity and reliability of the satel 40 HZ stabilometric force platform for measuring quiet stance and dynamic standing balance in healthy subjects

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    Background: A force platform must have validity and reliability for optimal use. The objective of this study was to analyze the validity and the reliability of the Satel 40 Hz stabilometric force platform. Methods: A study of instrumental validity and reliability, involving a cross-sectional correlational and comparative analysis was performed. To determine the validity, four certified weights located on three axes were used and the ability of the stabilometric force platform to detect changes in the position of the different axes was observed. A test–retest was performed to analyze the reliability. Forty-two symptom-free volunteers participated in the study. Assessments were taken in a standing static position and in a dynamic position, with the eyes open and closed. Three measurements were taken and the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was calculated. Results: The validity increased as the weight increased for all the variables measured in the stabilometric parameters (p < 0.05). The reliability was shown to be good to excellent for the two visual conditions. The positional variables obtained a higher ICC. The variable with the best ICC was the Y mean in OE (ICC 0.874 and a p < 0.001). All the values showed an increase in a dynamic situation. Conclusion: The findings support the reliability and validity of the Satel 40 Hz stabilometric force platform. The platform could be recommended to evaluate static and dynamic standing balance in healthy adult individuals. Guidelines for treatment and the level of quality of stabilometry could be obtained from its use

    Barriers against incorporating evidence-based practice in physical therapy in Colombia: Current state and factors associated

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    Background: Evidence-based practice (EBP) has been widely implemented in differing areas of physiotherapy. Nevertheless, few studies have investigated EBP-related barriers amongst Latin-American physical therapists working in primary care. The primary objective of this study was to describe the current state concerning perceived barriers engagement in EBP among physical therapy in Colombia. A secondary objective was to identify factors associated with barriers to implementation EBP. Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted. The study involved physical therapists working in public and private hospital who were contacted through professional networks (Email, Facebook®, ResearchGate® and Linked-In®) and invited to participate. Multiple logistic regression (MLR) and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) were used for examining factors associated with perceived barriers to including EBP in their work. Results: The final sample size was 1064 (77.2 % female). Forty-one percent of the respondents indicated that a 'lack of research skills' was the most important barrier to evidence being used in practice. MLR analysis suggested that several variables were associated with perceived barriers to including EBP: i.e. hours of work per week, current main role in therapy center and undergraduate degree. The MCA model established two groups of similarities regarding the different barriers; the 'lack of understanding of statistical analysis', 'insufficient time' and 'understanding of the English in which articles are written' barriers were weighted more heavily regarding in the first group (the second factor on MCA) and the rest barriers on the second group (first factor on the MCA). Conclusions: Although most physiotherapists had a positive opinion regarding EBP, they considered that they needed to improve their knowledge, skills and attitudes towards EBP. Initiatives to advance EBP in Colombia with no academic or research tradition should primarily target practitioner-level factors. © 2015 Ramírez-Vélez et al

    Development and validation of a short version of the Female Sexual Function Index in the Spanish population

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    Background: The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) is a commonly used scale for the assessment of female sexual function. Our aim was to develop and validate a Spanish short version of the FSFI. Methods: A parallel exploratory, sequential mixed-methods approach was used, involving 2 sites. The process consisted of 2 steps: (1) cognitive and content validation of the previously translated FSFI in the Spanish population, both through a focus group; and item selection based on the difficulty and discrimination parameters using item response theory (IRT), thereby obtaining a short version of the scale (sFSFI-sv); (2) assessment of test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC) of the sFSFI-sv. The presence or absence of a sexual disorder variable based on clinical interview was used on the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) to establish the cut off point whose Area Under the Curve (AUC) based on sensibility and specificity was maximum. Results: Specific modifications of the FSFI were made according to the focus group results. 114 women were included for IRT analysis. The initial IRT model pointed to the exclusion of items 1, 2, 5, 11, 18, and 19 (S-χ p < 0.001). Items 3, 9, 11, and 14 showed the best discrimination and difficulty parameters. On the basis of the IRT and focus group results, items 1, 3, 9, 12, 16, and 17 were included in the final sFSFI-sv. sFSFI-sv showed good reliability (ICC 0.91) in a group of 93 women. A total score ≤ 18 could indicate a higher risk of sexual disorder (sensitivity: 81.0%, specificity: 73.3%). Conclusion: A focus group and the IRT analysis allowed the development of a 6-item Spanish version of the FSFI, which showed good reliability in a group of Spanish women

    Barreras para la implementación de la práctica basada en la evidencia (EBP): una encuesta de fisioterapeutas colombianos y españoles

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    In countries such as Australia, Spain, United States, Colombia, and United Kingdom, the use, teaching and evaluation of ‘evidence-based physical therapy’ (EBPT) in clinical practice has been recently included in educational curriculum. As consequence, PT have support the EBPT, proposing a series of initiatives designed to generate, evaluate and disseminate research, and to implement these results in practice. Despite most research has focused on the use of evidence, including a critical review of studies and scientific literature in clinical practice, if it is desiderate that the use of EBP becomes a reality, it is important to examine the numerous perceived barriers to using research in clinical settings, despite the paucity of studies in this topic. This is especially true for professions such as physiotherapy that has a small research base and few resources compared with other professions. Typically, barriers are context-dependent; therefore, the implementation of strategies should be tailored according to the context and the specific barriers identified. The most commonly reported barrier among PT is the limited time, which constrains the identification and interpretation of research evidence, as well as the ability to apply research findings in clinical practice

    Práctica basada en la evidencia : creencias, actitudes, conocimientos y habilidades entre fisioterapeutas colombianos

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    Objetivo: Describir en un grupo colombiano de fisioterapeutas las i) creencias y actitudes hacia la practica basada en la evidencia (PBE), ii) la educación, el conocimiento y las habilidades para implementar la PBE; iii) el uso de la literatura relevante en la práctica clínica; iv) el acceso y la disponibilidad de información científica; y v) la percepción de las barreras para la inclusión de la PBE. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal en 1,064 fisioterapeutas colombianos. El estudio usó el cuestionario que consta de 50-ítems para estimar las actitudes, creencias, conocimientos y habilidades hacia la PBE. Dicho instrumento fue adaptado y validado en Colombia por Flórez-López et al. Resultados: La mayoría de la población participante fueron mujeres (77.2%) en edades comprendidas entre 22 y 29 años (79.4%). El 87.7% de los encuestados eran titulados en fisioterapia. Los fisioterapeutas manifestaron tener actitudes y creencias positivas hacia la PBE. Una mayoría respondió que estaba de acuerdo o muy de acuerdo en que es necesaria la PBE (71.6%), en que la literatura es útil para la práctica clínica (61.3%), que la PBE mejora la calidad de la atención a los pacientes (64.1%), y en que la evidencia ayuda en la toma de decisiones clínicas (44.5%). El 41.0% de los encuestados indicaron que la falta de habilidades de investigación era la barrera más importante para el uso de la evidencia científica en la práctica clínica. Conclusiones: Los fisioterapeutas manifestaron una actitud positiva acerca la PBE y estaban interesados en aprender o mejorar las habilidades necesarias para adoptar la PBE en la práctica clínica.Objective: The main purpose of this study was to describe a group of Colombian physical therapists’ beliefs and attitudes towards Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), their education, knowledge and skills for implementing EBP, the use of relevant literature in clinical practice, access to and availability of scientific information and perceived barriers to including EBP in practice. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study which involved 1,064 Colombian physical therapists. The study used a 50-item screening questionnaire EBP developed to estimate attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and skills regarding. This instrument has been adapted and was validated previously in Colombia by Flórez-López et al. Results: The population mostly consisted of young females (77.2%) aged 22 to 29 years old (79.4%). Most respondents had an undergraduate degree (87.7%). The physical therapists stated that they had positive attitudes and beliefs regarding EBP, most of them answering that they agreed or strongly agreed that EBP is necessary (71.6%), the relevant literature is useful for practice (61.3%), EBP improves the quality of patient care (64.1%) and evidence helps in decision-making (44.5%). Forty-one percent of the respondents indicated that a lack of research skills was the most important barrier to the use of evidence in practice. Conclusion: The physical therapists reported that they had a positive attitude to EBP and were interested in learning about or improving the skills necessary to adopt EBP in their clinical practice

    Práctica basada en la evidencia : creencias, actitudes, conocimientos y habilidades entre fisioterapeutas colombianos

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    Objetivo: Describir en un grupo colombiano de fisioterapeutas las i) creencias y actitudes hacia la practica basada en la evidencia (PBE), ii) la educación, el conocimiento y las habilidades para implementar la PBE; iii) el uso de la literatura relevante en la práctica clínica; iv) el acceso y la disponibilidad de información científica; y v) la percepción de las barreras para la inclusión de la PBE. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal en 1,064 fisioterapeutas colombianos. El estudio usó el cuestionario que consta de 50-ítems para estimar las actitudes, creencias, conocimientos y habilidades hacia la PBE. Dicho instrumento fue adaptado y validado en Colombia por Flórez-López et al. Resultados: La mayoría de la población participante fueron mujeres (77.2%) en edades comprendidas entre 22 y 29 años (79.4%). El 87.7% de los encuestados eran titulados en fisioterapia. Los fisioterapeutas manifestaron tener actitudes y creencias positivas hacia la PBE. Una mayoría respondió que estaba de acuerdo o muy de acuerdo en que es necesaria la PBE (71.6%), en que la literatura es útil para la práctica clínica (61.3%), que la PBE mejora la calidad de la atención a los pacientes (64.1%), y en que la evidencia ayuda en la toma de decisiones clínicas (44.5%). El 41.0% de los encuestados indicaron que la falta de habilidades de investigación era la barrera más importante para el uso de la evidencia científica en la práctica clínica. Conclusiones: Los fisioterapeutas manifestaron una actitud positiva acerca la PBE y estaban interesados en aprender o mejorar las habilidades necesarias para adoptar la PBE en la práctica clínica.Objective: The main purpose of this study was to describe a group of Colombian physical therapists’ beliefs and attitudes towards Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), their education, knowledge and skills for implementing EBP, the use of relevant literature in clinical practice, access to and availability of scientific information and perceived barriers to including EBP in practice. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study which involved 1,064 Colombian physical therapists. The study used a 50-item screening questionnaire EBP developed to estimate attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and skills regarding. This instrument has been adapted and was validated previously in Colombia by Flórez-López et al. Results: The population mostly consisted of young females (77.2%) aged 22 to 29 years old (79.4%). Most respondents had an undergraduate degree (87.7%). The physical therapists stated that they had positive attitudes and beliefs regarding EBP, most of them answering that they agreed or strongly agreed that EBP is necessary (71.6%), the relevant literature is useful for practice (61.3%), EBP improves the quality of patient care (64.1%) and evidence helps in decision-making (44.5%). Forty-one percent of the respondents indicated that a lack of research skills was the most important barrier to the use of evidence in practice. Conclusion: The physical therapists reported that they had a positive attitude to EBP and were interested in learning about or improving the skills necessary to adopt EBP in their clinical practice