64 research outputs found

    Data Modelling in Architecture: Digital Architectural Representations

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    Digital Architectural Representations represent the most fruitful field of research of the last decade. Digital technologies and the use of internet in architectural representation shows how 3D visualization combined with storytelling can help to spread scientific knowledge over the web. These new technologies also affect the way of thinking 3D models, how to design them and how to build their related knowledge with the purpose of future reuse of information and data. The paper is focused on the analysis of current methodologies and workflows for data modelling in Architecture to better understand the potential of using standards in the 3D modelling sector with a focus on cultural and architectural heritage

    Making Palladio Digitally Explicit: Geometrical Parameters in Door’s Ornaments

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    The Book I of Andrea Palladio's "The Four Books on Architecture", in which, after a brief discourse on the five orders and on those rules which are essential to building, private houses, streets, bridges, squares, xysti, and temples are discussed, contains the rules of Palladio's design. Over the years, many scholars have investigated how to make explicit the reasoning on the theory of architectural proportions in Palladio. A multitude of studies were done concerning five orders proportions and about the compositive rules of Villas. This ongoing research aims to make the treatise of Andrea Palladio explicit visually and mathematically by starting from his text and images. The study, at this stage, concentrates on proportional and graphical analysis for door’s ornaments. The study made it possible to identify the molding elements’ philological construction and the relationship between their geometric construction made up of alignments, recurring intervals, equal subdivisions, and successive partitions

    Workflow for an evidence-based virtual reconstruction: the marbles of the ciborium of the early medieval Monte Sorbo church

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    1noThe paper presents a practical approach to define a hypothetical virtual reconstruction of the ciborium and pergola of Monte Sorbo's Church. The high accuracy of archaeological fragments, digitally acquired, allowed to hypothesize the entire sequences of decorations of architectural elements and to define their geometrical rules. Starting from the acquisition to the 3d modelling phase, the proposed virtual reconstruction combines original fragments with their lost parts modelled in a digital environment. Digital technologies offer nowadays the great possibility to visualize and understand cultural heritage in a new and attractive way. Digital models and virtual reconstructions have a key role in encouraging and promoting the development of good practices for recording, documenting, and making accessible scientific processes beyond visual appearance. The term virtual reconstruction, within the project, is used to describe a procedure that consists of making a 3D model that reproduces a digital copy of the original, assembling digitally acquired fragments with elements philologically reconstructed following the evidence-based geometrical rules. This study aims to contribute to this growing area of research by exploring possibilities on digital integration of different 3d models to re-define a visual appearance of lost architectural elements.openopenGiovannini, Elisabetta CaterinaGiovannini, Elisabetta Caterin

    Digital ecosystems for the virtual fruition of Porta Aurea in Ravenna

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    The presented study is focused on communicating and visualizing architectural representations through computational and digital methods in the context of transversality and trans- disciplinary knowledge. In particular, the study enlightens the role of digital ecosystems in the communication processes of built cultural heritage, which is intended as a medium for the visualization of the n-dimensional levels of knowledge that can be collected in virtual reconstruction processes according to different kinds of resources. The study involved different applications and tools for creating digital ecosystems that manage diverse information: digital galleries, 3D models, drawing annotation systems, and a Social Virtual Environment (SVE) platform. The study focused on the dissemination and virtual musealization of a monument that is no longer extant and has always aroused the interest of many scholars and archaeologists: Porta Aurea in Ravenna. The Roman Gate was built in 43 A.D. at the behest of Roman Emperor Tiberius Claudius. The existence of large and not heterogeneous documentation allows the possibility to investigate the theme of digital ecosystems for museum collections. In particular, digitization processes' role in creating digital environments for different types of fruition: research and dissemination for a large public. Immersive digital environments can shift the focus from the management of the museum space, the container of the collection, to the exhibition itself. The SVE platform used in the study is a novel solution for developing a digital environment accessible by any web browser. A room dedicated to the Porta Aurea fragments at the National Museum of Ravenna also offers new perspectives on using virtual environments for disseminating museum collections replicating the environment to which they belong. The solution differs from the website, the two-dimensional ancestor of virtual environments, making a novel way of fruition that is no longer passive but active, interactive, and participatory

    An Algorithmic Approach to Palladio’s Design of Stairs

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    Book I of Andrea Palladio's I quattro libri dell’architettura, contains the rules of Palladio's design. Over the years, many scholars have investigated how to make explicit the reasoning behind the theory of architectural proportions in Palladio. The study addresses the parametric analysis for Stairs described in Chapter XXVIII

    Porta Palatina historic survey drawings: digital replicas and comparison with updated digital acquisition

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    The proposed research aims at a comparison of the main historical surveys conducted on the Porta Palatina by different authors, with the data of a current digital survey. Through a work of redrawing and superimposition of information deducted from historical drawings, the analysis will highlight the consistency, discrepancies and inconsistencies of these drawings compared to the current state of the artefact. Therefore, the instrumental survey, necessary for the subsequent stages of graphical analysis, was carried out using photogrammetric techniques and Metashape software. The drawings taken into consideration for this work are those by Sangallo (1494–1497 ca.), by Palladio (1566 ca.), by Promis (1869) and by D'Andrade (1883): they constitute a very interesting documentary heritage, although heterogeneous, in which qualitative drawings (Sangallo), scaled drawings (D'Andrade), measured drawings (in vicentine’s feet for Palladio, in meters for Promis) alternate

    Chapter Dentro il museo: creare esperienze culturali in realtĂ  aumentata

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Digitalizing Data: from the historical research to data modelling for a (digital) collection documentation

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    European cultural institutions hold an extraordinary tangible and intangible heritage not always accessible by the public for several reasons e.g. spaces, conservation, exhibition, choices. Digitisation gives the opportunity to make heritage permanently available by scientists and by a wider public, placing replicas of artefacts of museums’ collections in a virtual context. This chapter is part of the B.A.C.K. TO. T.H.E. F.U.T.U.RE. project, coordinated by Massimiliano Lo Turco and presented in the preface of this volume. The research focuses on fifteen wooden architectural models of the early 19th century, part of the collection of the Museo Egizio of Turin. The maquettes are here denominated ‘expedition models of Egyptian architectures’, by referring to their original production. These artefacts suffered several moving outside and inside the museum. The aim of the research is to connect virtual replicas of the models to narratives and the historical documents gathered during the historical research. The chapter presents the collection as a whole, pointing out its historical and cultural value. With the aim to provide an exhaustive documentation and to create connections between artefacts and their documentation, the structure of the build database is here described. Starting from data and metadata available through the Museo Egizio database, a complex system has been created, following the CIDOCCRM standars for the information modelling. A specific attention has been paid to the strategy developed for the 3D web-publishing, considering the presence of a centred information management system as fundamental
