291 research outputs found

    Substance use in the club scene of Rome : a pilot study

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    Date of Acceptance: 28/08/2014 Copyright © 2014 Alessandro Emiliano Vento et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly citedOver the last few years, a wide number of unregulated substances have been marketed on the Web and in smart and head shops; they are usually advertised as legal alternatives to commonly known drugs and are defined as “smart drugs,” “legal highs,” and “novel psychoactive substances” (NPS). Aim of our work is to describe use habits and distribution of NPS in a population of young adults in Rome club scene. Methods. A self-administered questionnaire was proposed to subjects over 18 years of age at the entrance of 5 nightclubs in Rome. Socioeconomic characteristics and substance use were investigated. Results. Preliminary results give evidence that 78% of respondents have a lifetime history of NPS use. In addition, 56% of the sample has consumed illicit drugs in the past and 39% has used psychoactive substances in the 12 hours preceding the questionnaire administration. Conclusions. A significant proportion of subjects report use of novel psychoactive substances; traditional illicit drugs consumption, particularly cocaine, appears to be very high as well in the club scene. These data highlight a serious public health challenge, since pharmacological, toxicological, and psychopathological effects linked to interactions among all these substances may be unpredictable and sometimes fatal in vulnerable individualsPeer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Parthenolide induces caspase-independent and AIF-mediated cell death in human osteosarcoma and melanoma cells.

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    The mechanism of the cytotoxic effect exerted by parthenolide on tumor cells is not clearly defined today. This article shows that parthenolide stimulates in human osteosarcoma MG63 and melanoma SK-MEL-28 cells a mechanism of cell death, which is not prevented by z-VAD-fmk and other caspase inhibitors. In particular treatment with parthenolide rapidly stimulated (1-2 h) reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation by inducing activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK 1/2) and NADPH oxidase. This event caused depletion of thiol groups and glutathione, NF-ÎșB inhibition, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activation, cell detachment from the matrix, and cellular shrinkage. The increase of ROS generation together with the mitochondrial accumulation of Ca(2+) also favored dissipation of Δψm, which seemed primarily determined by permeability transition pore opening, since Δψm loss was partially prevented by the inhibitor cyclosporin A. Staining with Hoechst 33342 revealed in most cells, at 3-5 h of treatment, chromatin condensation, and fragmentation, while only few cells were propidium iodide (PI)-positive. In addition, at this stage apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) translocated to the nucleus and co-localized with areas of condensed chromatin. Prolonging the treatment (5-15 h) ATP content declined while PI-positive cells strongly augmented, denouncing the increase of necrotic effects. All these effects were prevented by N-acetylcysteine, while caspase inhibitors were ineffective. We suggest that AIF exerts a crucial role in parthenolide action. In accordance, down-regulation of AIF markedly inhibited parthenolide effect on the production of cells with apoptotic or necrotic signs. Taken together our results demonstrate that parthenolide causes in the two cell lines a caspase-independent cell death, which is mediated by AIF

    Parthenolide induces superoxide anion production by stimulating EGF receptor in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.

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    The sesquiterpene lactone parthenolide (PN) has recently attracted considerable attention because of its anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects. However, the mechanism of its cytotoxic action on tumor cells remains scarcely defined. We recently provided evidence that the effect exerted by PN in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells was mediated by the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The present study shows that PN promoted the phosphorylation of EGF receptor (phospho-EGFR) at Tyr1173, an event which was observed already at 1  h of incubation with 25  ”M PN and reached a peak at 8-16  h. This effect seemed to be a consequence of ROS production, because N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a powerful ROS scavenger, prevented the increment of phospho-EGFR levels. In addition fluorescence analyses performed using dihydroethidium demonstrated that PN stimulated the production of superoxide anion already at 2-3  h of incubation and the effect further increased prolonging the time of treatment, reaching a peak at 8-16  h. Superoxide anion production was markedly hampered by apocynin, a well known NADPH oxidase (NOX) inhibitor, suggesting that the effect was dependent on NOX activity. The finding that AG1478, an EGFR kinase inhibitor, substantially blocked both EGFR phosphorylation and superoxide anion production strongly suggested that phosphorylation of EGFR can be responsible for the activation of NOX with the consequent production of superoxide anion. Therefore, EGFR phosphorylation can exert a key role in the production of superoxide anion and ROS induced by PN in MDA-MB-231 cells

    Umbilical Venous Catheter Update: A Narrative Review Including Ultrasound and Training

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    The umbilical venous catheter (UVC) is one of the most commonly used central lines in neonates. It can be easily inserted soon after birth providing stable intravenous access in infants requiring advanced resuscitation in the delivery room or needing medications, fluids, and parenteral nutrition during the 1st days of life. Resident training is crucial for UVC placement. The use of simulators allows trainees to gain practical experience and confidence in performing the procedure without risks for patients. UVCs are easy to insert, however when the procedure is performed without the use of ultrasound, there is a quite high risk, up to 40%, of non-central position. Ultrasound-guided UVC tip location is a simple and learnable technique and therefore should be widespread among all physicians. The feasibility of targeted training on the use of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) for UVC placement in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) among neonatal medical staff has been demonstrated. Conversely, UVC-related complications are very common and can sometimes be life-threatening. Despite UVCs being used by neonatologists for over 60 years, there are still no standard guidelines for assessment or monitoring of tip location, securement, management, or dwell time. This review article is an overview of the current knowledge and evidence available in the literature about UVCs. Our aim is to provide precise and updated recommendations on the use of this central line

    Parthenolide prevents resistance of MDA-MB231 cells to doxorubicin and mitoxantrone: the role of Nrf2

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    Triple-negative breast cancer is a group of aggressive cancers with poor prognosis owing to chemoresistance, recurrence and metastasis. New strategies are required that could reduce chemoresistance and increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy. The results presented in this paper, showing that parthenolide (PN) prevents drug resistance in MDA-MB231 cells, represent a contribution to one of these possible strategies. MDA-MB231 cells, the most studied line of TNBC cells, were submitted to selection treatment with mitoxantrone (Mitox) and doxorubicin (DOX). The presence of resistant cells was confirmed through the measurement of the resistance index. Cells submitted to this treatment exhibited a remarkable increment of NF-E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) level, which was accompanied by upregulation of catalase, MnSOD, HSP70, Bcl-2 and P-glycoprotein. Moreover, as a consequence of overexpression of Nrf2 and correlated proteins, drug-treated cells exhibited a much lower ability than parental cells to generate ROS in response to a suitable stimulation. The addition of PN (2.0 ΌM) to Mitox and DOX, over the total selection time, prevented both the induction of resistance and the overexpression of Nrf2 and correlated proteins, whereas the cells showed a good ability to generate ROS in response to adequate stimulation. To demonstrate that Nrf2 exerted a crucial role in the induction of resistance, the cells were transiently transfected with a specific small interfering RNA for Nrf2. Similarly to the effects induced by PN, downregulation of Nrf2 was accompanied by reductions in the levels of catalase, MnSOD, HSP70 and Bcl-2, prevention of chemoresistance and increased ability to generate ROS under stimulation. In conclusion, our results show that PN inhibited the development of the resistance toward Mitox and DOX, and suggest that these effects were correlated with the prevention of the overexpression of Nrf2 and its target proteins, which occurred in the cells submitted to drug treatment

    Ventilation Prior to Umbilical Cord Clamping Improves Cardiovascular Stability and Oxygenation in Preterm Lambs After Exposure to Intrauterine Inflammation

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    Background: Delaying umbilical cord clamping until after aeration of the lung (physiological-based cord clamping; PBCC) maintains cardiac output and oxygenation in preterm lambs at birth, however, its efficacy after intrauterine inflammation is not known. Given the high incidence of chorioamnionitis in preterm infants, we investigated whether PBCC conferred any benefits compared to immediate cord clamping (ICC) in preterm lambs exposed antenatally to 7 days of intrauterine inflammation.Methods: Ultrasound guided intraamniotic injection of 20 mg Lipopolysaccharide (from E. coli:055:B5) was administered to pregnant ewes at 0.8 gestation. Seven days later, ewes were anesthetized, preterm fetuses exteriorised via cesarean section, and instrumented for continuous measurement of pulmonary, systemic and cerebral pressures and flows, and systemic, and cerebral oxygenation. Lambs were then randomized to either PBCC, whereupon ventilation was initiated and maintained for 3 min prior to umbilical cord clamping, or ICC where the umbilical cord was cut and ventilation initiated 30 s later. Ventilation was maintained for 30 min.Results: ICC caused a rapid fall in systemic (by 25%) and cerebral (by 11%) oxygen saturation in ICC lambs, concurrent with a rapid increase in carotid arterial pressure and heart rate. The overshoot in carotid arterial pressure was sustained in ICC lambs for the first 20 min of the study. PBCC maintained cardiac output and prevented the fall in cerebral oxygen delivery at birth. PBCC lambs had lower respiratory compliance and higher respiratory requirements throughout the study.Conclusion: PBCC mitigated the adverse effects of ICC on oxygenation and cardiac output, and therefore could be more beneficial in preterm babies exposed to antenatal inflammation as it maintains cardiac output and oxygen delivery. The increased respiratory requirements require further investigation in this sub-group of preterm infants

    Synergistic effect of the HDAC inhibitor SAHA and the sesquiterpene lactone parthenolide in triple negative breast cancer cells.

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    Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a subtype o f breast cancer, insensitive to endocrine therapy. Chemotherapy is the main form of treatment, but is accompanied by a high rate of recidivism. The sesquiterpene lactone Parthenolide (PN) exerts a cy totoxic effect on MDA-MB231 cells, a TNBC cell line (1), but was ineffective at low doses (2-5ΌM). This repr esents an obstacle for a therapeutic utilization of PN. We supposed, in line with other authors (2), that PN c auses a protective response, which at low doses pre vails on the cytotoxic effect. With the aim of inhibiting this protective effect we have shown that pre-trea tment of MDA-MB231 cells with SAHA (2-5ΌM), an histone deace tylates inhibitor, synergistically sensitizes the c ells to the cytotoxic effect of PN, also at low doses of th is compound. SAHA/PN combination induced hyperacetylation of his tones H3 and H4 and hypomethylation of DNA. These changes cause epigenetic effects, which can be resp onsible for the increased expression of tumour suppressors p21 and p27 and decreased levels of Bcl 2 and p65, a component of NFkB. Moreover SAHA alone induced ROS generation as well as autophagy, which favours cell survival, and apoptosis. The addition of PN (8 Ό M) to SAHA reduced production of ROS and autophagy, while increased the apoptotic process. Interestingly PN activates Akt, mTOR, phospho-p70S6 kinase and ULK1/2, a factor that inhibits autophagy . In addition PN caused nuclear accumulation of Nrf2 wit h stimulates antioxidant genes. SAHA prevented thes e effects. In conclusion SAHA/PN stimulated cytotoxicity throu gh many mechanisms: (i) induces epigenetic events w ith changes in gene expression, (ii) PN prevents SAHA e ffect on autophagy and (iii) SAHA suppresses the protective response exerted by PN through inactivat ion of m-TOR. Taken together our results suggest th at combination SAHA/PN can be a candidate for TNBC the rapy

    Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination in infants born at term : Predicting outcomes other than cerebral palsy

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    Aim We explored the ability of the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE) to identify cognitive performance delay at 2 years in a large cohort of infants born at term. Method We conducted a retrospective study of infants born at term at risk of neurodevelopmental impairments assessed using the HINE between 3 and 12 months post-term age and compared them with a cohort of typically developing infants born at term. All infants performed a neurodevelopmental assessment at 2 years of age using the Mental Development Index (MDI) of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, Second Edition; the presence of cerebral palsy (CP) was also reported. The infants were classified as being cognitively normal/mildly delayed or significantly delayed (MDI < 70). The predictive validity of HINE scores for significantly delayed cognitive performance, in infants with and without CP, was calculated using specific cut-off scores according to age at assessment. Results A total of 446 at-risk and 235 typically developing infants (345 males, 336 females; mean [SD] gestational age 38.7 weeks [1.4], range 25-36 weeks) were included. Of the at-risk infants, 408 did not have CP at 2 years; 243 had a normal/mild delayed MDI and 165 had an MDI less than 70. Of the at-risk infants, 38 developed CP. HINE scores showed a good sensitivity and specificity, mainly after 3 months, for identifying significantly delayed cognitive performance in infants without CP. In those with CP, the score was associated with their cognitive performance. The comparison group had the highest HINE scores. Interpretation The HINE provides evidence about the risk of delayed cognitive performance at age 2 years in infants born at term with and without CP.Peer reviewe

    Parthenolide generates reactive oxygen species and autophagy in MDA-MB231 cells. A soluble parthenolide analogue inhibits tumour growth and metastasis in a xenograft model of breast cancer.

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    Triple-negative breast cancers (TNBCs) are clinically aggressive forms associated with a poor prognosis. We evaluated the cytotoxic effect exerted on triple-negative MDA-MB231 breast cancer cells both by parthenolide and its soluble analogue dimethylamino parthenolide (DMAPT) and explored the underlying molecular mechanism. The drugs induced a dose- and timedependent decrement in cell viability, which was not prevented by the caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk. In particular in the first hours of treatment (1–3 h), parthenolide and DMAPT strongly stimulated reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. The drugs induced production of superoxide anion by activating NADPH oxidase. ROS generation caused depletion of thiol groups and glutathione, activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and downregulation of nuclear factor kB (NF-kB). During this first phase, parthenolide and DMAPT also stimulated autophagic process, as suggested by the enhanced expression of beclin-1, the conversion of microtubule-associated protein light chain 3-I (LC3-I) to LC3-II and the increase in the number of cells positive to monodansylcadaverine. Finally, the drugs increased RIP-1 expression. This effect was accompanied by a decrement of pro-caspase 8, while its cleaved form was not detected and the expression of c-FLIPS markedly increased. Prolonging the treatment (5–20 h) ROS generation favoured dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential and the appearance of necrotic events, as suggested by the increased number of cells positive to propidium iodide staining. The administration of DMAPT in nude mice bearing xenografts of MDA-MB231 cells resulted in a significant inhibition of tumour growth, an increment of animal survival and a marked reduction of the lung area invaded by metastasis. Immunohistochemistry data revealed that treatment with DMAPT reduced the levels of NF-kB, metalloproteinase-2 and -9 and vascular endothelial growth factor, while induced upregulation of phosphorylated JNK. Taken together, our data suggest a possible use of parthenolide for the treatment of TNBCs
